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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. This thread raises the question, is the Pope rich?
  2. Someone should ask him about Marita Lorenz and the movie that wasn't made. (He bought the film rights to her book.)
  3. I remember reading that Oliver Stone bought the rights to Marita's book. But there was no movie.
  4. Yes, I watched the live coverage at Andrews and LBJ asking for God's help. I don't know why there could be live coverage of the ambulance departure at Andrews but supposedly there couldn't be live coverage of its arrival at Bethesda. I remember Gary Mack saying something about the TV cameras were too big in those days. They weren't too big for Andrews or other places that day.
  5. "Sirhan shot Kennedy." That's what we need to remember.
  6. Richard, that's exactly it! I have a clear memory of the arrival of the Dallas casket in front of Bethesda on live TV. I remember Jackie and Bobby going toward the entrance just as you say. I remember the newscaster's comments, as the Dallas casket sat there unattended for several minutes. Apparently no video of that now exists, and I was told by Gary Mack that there was no live coverage. Well, there was, and I can only assume that any video was later destroyed, to avoid questions about why the (empty) casket sat there like that, the answer being there were shenanigans going on with the body inside Bethesda. Thanks for your recollection. I refuse to believe that either or us has a false memory of watching that live coverage.
  7. Doug, I saw it when it happened too. Did you watch TV coverage on the night of the 22nd? I'm interested in a particular live event.
  8. Joe, Did you watch the live TV coverage of events on the night of the 22nd?
  9. Well I think there may be a difference between knowing where you were and what you were doing when JFK was assassinated and when RFK was assassinated. Biden was referring to the latter. I certainly remember when I heard about the JFK assassination (I was walking down a stairway in the library at the University of Florida when someone said "The President has been shot!").But I can't honestly say what I was doing (other than the fact that I was probably watching TV where I lived at the time) when I heard that RFK was assassinated. Maybe I was already inoculated to the shock of such a thing. But based on my own experience, I firmly believe that anyone who doesn't remember what he was doing when JFK was assassinated (such as George H.W. Bush saying he thinks he was "somewhere in Texas") is lying.
  10. It seems to me that the Democrats are trying to lose again. That's really a hard thing to do when running against someone like Trump. But I think there's a good chance that circumstances, such as Trump completely losing it mentally, could hand them the election, as much as they won't deserve it.
  11. Well, I don't what the procedures are in an autopsy to verify that the body is whose it's supposed to be. And of course we all know that pathologists can make autopsies as shoddy and as incompetent as they want to.
  12. Would that NYC pathologist risk her career and freedom (aiding and abetting a prison escape) by doing an autopsy and issuing a report on someone else's body? Of course if she was paid a few million dollars, then I can see it.
  13. The timing of the will and his death makes it pretty clear IMO that he was allowed to kill himself. IOW jail staff was paid off to sleep or whatever was necessary while he did away with his sorry self. There is still the question of broken bones in his neck. As Wecht has observed, that would require velocity. IOW he would have to have jumped from the upper bunk. But I have seen no info as to whether he did that. It would depend on how he was found, and I've seen no info on that. And of course the withholding of info is always suspicious.
  14. In this day of photoshopping, fake social media accounts, etc. etc., there's no way to know if Maxwell was actually photographed sitting at an In and Out in California or anywhere else.
  15. Another death by coincidence. Just like all those FBI officials who died in 1977 before the HSCA might question them.
  16. An hypothesis: Epstein was strangled by the same persons who removed his cellmate for transfer. (Such persons had an official reason to be in the cell.) How to falsify the hypothesis: It can be documented that Epstein was alive after the cellmate had been removed and transferred. Depends on the timeline.
  17. I remember seeing his daughter now and then on TV. I believe she was news commentator. But I haven't seen her on TV in years. Which I guess is good.
  18. And FoxNews' legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, discussing the Epstein autopsy, calls him "the great Dr. Michael Baden." Why do I keep tuning in to that news channel at all? I confess there's only one reason. Some good-looking babes. (Though they are getting fewer. I was really disenchanted when they ran off Andrea Tantaros.)
  19. In discussing the case on Fox & Friends this morning, Judge Napolitano said that he wants to hear from "the great Dr. Michael Baden."
  20. If a jail is "short-staffed," isn't it common sense to prioritize which inmates you closely supervise, in particular one like Epstein? The article says that "the Trump administration has curtailed the hiring of correctional officers." I seem to remember that there was recent bipartisan praise for prison reform under Trump. Does this "reform" include not hiring needed staff? That is certainly praiseworthy!
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