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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. Then Trump must actually be smarter than most. He doesn't believe anything that the intelligence community tells him. (Except, of course, that Oswald did it.)
  2. Actually another misquotation. Werner Herzog didn't say that. Just more evidence, as if more were needed, that you shouldn't believe anything you read on Facebook, Twitter, or other antisocial media. You might as well believe something that comes out of the mouth of Donald Trump. https://www.politifact.com/facebook-fact-checks/statements/2019/jul/26/viral-image/no-werner-herzog-didnt-say-about-america-and-germa/
  3. The question is, does the American public care? I think the wisest words ever spoken politically in America may be "It's the economy, stupid." James Carville said those immortal words, and they need to be inscribed on a monument somewhere in DC. Carville's still alive, though, so the monument may have to wait.
  4. “ 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.' Attributed to Edmund Burke, including by John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961. Burke didn’t say it, and its earliest form was by John Stuart Mill, who said in 1867: 'Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.' ” https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/the-top-10-misattributed-quotations-a7910361.html In any case the quotation/misquotation by JFK ironically applies to his own assassination and the cover-up. (It also applies among other things to what’s happening morally in America’s Republican Party today.) There are certainly “good men” in the JFK research community, of course, but if researchers have learned one thing it’s that you can’t beat city hall. (And I don’t know who first said that.)
  5. Of the QT movies I've seen, there's exactly one scene that I love, and it really has nothing to do with QT's artistry or lack thereof. It's the twist contest in Pulp Fiction. Uma Thurman can dance, and I love Chuck Berry's music.
  6. Judging by the Barbour graphic, it looks like the whole cast of this movie is white. I assume that severely limits the script in using Tarantino's favorite word in his movies (it starts with an N), aside from the F word, of course.
  7. Once again Tarantino rewrites history about the murders just like he did with Hitler (killed in a movie theater like they tried to get Oswald). What's the point? Life is really happy endings? Tragedy is illusion?
  8. I recall reading that Charles Manson found a reference to the Beatles in the New Testament book of Revelation. Something that symbolized the wires on their electric guitars. If one looks hard enough, I'm sure that one could find references in Revelation to the CIA. The Woman on the Scarlet Beast, for example, could be the current CIA director.
  9. If it was on topic, I would post what is perhaps my all-time favorite: "Mona LIsa" by Nat King Cole. Now there's a nice song.
  10. I wouldn't know punk rock if I heard it, but it has to be better than rap.
  11. Haven't gotten into the article yet, just want to point out a typo in the opening synopsis. (A comma after Kennedy.)
  12. Trump also pirouettes from JFK conspiracy theory (Ted Cruz's dad in league with Oswald) to withholding documents. And I wonder, with his expressed disdain for the intelligence community, why he follows its orders on JFK.
  13. What kind of day was it when Donald Trump was born?
  14. I'm not sure about that. The only thing I remember from the Meador album after all these years is someone asking Jackie to point out the pictures in the White House. So Jackie says, "Of course. There's this one here, and there's that one over there...."
  15. I can see how Trump might be confused due to the national anthem. He probably thinks that "bombs bursting in air" had to come from airplanes, and airplanes have to have airports.
  16. Trump doesn''t really belong on this forum. Come to think of it, he doesn't belong anywhere on this planet.
  17. Now Trump in Japan is actually joking with his buddy Putin about Russia meddling in U.S. elections. Does anyone remember if JFK joked with Khrushchev about Russian missiles in Cuba?
  18. Since Trump and Putin are such good buddies, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Trump says he doubts that this happened. Pictures and video? So what?
  19. Yeah, those damn "rogue agents." Was it rogue agents who planned the operation to begin with? And who's responsible for rogues working for the CIA? Where does the buck stop at Langley? Or the White House? You know what Truman used to say.
  20. I don't know what the answer is to Iran. Eisenhower and the good old CIA created this problem and the chickens have come home to roost.
  21. The rational objection is that the Iran nuke deal did not prevent Iran from having nukes, it only kicked the can down the road. Which is something the U.S. is so good at doing, whether it's immigration reform, Social Security reform, our crumbling infrastructure, or name any can to kick that you want. That said, Trump pulled out of the Iran deal with nothing else in mind. But then I don't think Trump's mind is capable of having anything in it, unless you're talking about filing bankruptcies, stiffing contractors, giving people insulting nicknames, and groping women. (He's put himself in a position as POTUS where he has to restrain himself on the latter.) .
  22. Thanks. I was wondering why the shooting down of one of them doesn't really mean much. (Other than $130 million down the drain. To taxpayers, what else is new?)
  23. Trump can never be the heir to Hitler till he gives the American people a nice little affordable car. He could call it the People's Car. (I think that translates to Volkswagen in German.) Better yet, forget affordable, give a free one to each American family. A lot less expensive to taxpayers than the Democrats giving everyone free college educations.
  24. Well that's the trouble with XXXXX. You can't believe a single word they tell you whether it's the truth or not. Edit: The XXXXX means people who don't tell the truth. Who apparently aren't supposed to exist here.
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