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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. You mean we won't be able to invade Iran (four times the size of Iraq) and track down the Ayatollah hiding in a hole in the ground?
  2. JFK was not an idiot, so I don't see what meaningful parallels can be drawn with Donald Trump. According to Trump himself, he called off a military strike at the last minute because it dawned on him that some people might be killed and he asked how many. We're supposed to believe that any "collateral damage" never even came up in the planning of this strike. And now he talks about "obliteration" of Iran if there's a war. God help this country with this ignorant fool in the White House.
  3. It is well known that the CIA and the Mafia were in cahoots during this period. It would not be surprising if Ruby had some connections with both. But in the case of bumping off Oswald, the CIA didn't have to tell Ruby to do it when the CIA had the Mafia handy to do it for them. The Mafia had a well-established reputation for methods of dealing with people who didn't follow its orders or otherwise crossed it. Meat hooks come readily to mind. And the CIA would have had complete plausible deniability if Ruby had been found hanging from one.
  4. This is solely from memory, because I can't find it right now, but someone will know what I'm talking about. There was a memo, I believe from the FBI, that contained a concluding paragraph about possible Ruby ties to the Mob. When that memo appeared as a WC exhibit, the concluding paragraph about possible ties to the Mob was gone.
  5. So why didn't they tell Sturgis or someone like him to do it? A real shooter instead of a flunky like Ruby. They were lucky that Oswald died. (As I recall, Oswald got some help in dying from some Good Samaritan who gave him "artificial respiration," making sure he would bleed good inside.)
  6. So Jack Ruby went and committed a murder in broad daylight, in the very presence of the cops, because the CIA told him to do it? Well, whatever Langley wants! I think Jim Marrs' explanation makes more sense: "There are no alternatives to Mob directives." Doesn't matter if Ruby was a "made" man in the Mob or not. He was a dead man if he didn't do what the Mob told him to do (on behalf of the CIA or whomever).
  7. My profile picture is from my 1960 high-school yearbook. I know I looked old for my age. You should see me now. Over the years, though, my head has become less wide. Old people do tend to shrink.
  8. I thought that JFK bent over to tie his shoelaces, which accounts for the single bullet trajectory.
  9. It's ironic that a champion of presidential power like Barr would help cover up a presidential assassination. Getting assassinated doesn't leave much power.
  10. IOW the Barr has been lowered about as far as it can go. This country is in good hands.
  11. Barr has proven to be such a stooge for Trump, it's not surprising if he was a stooge at the CIA. He was a stooge for George H.W. Bush during Iran/Contra. It was Barr who recommended that Bush pardon Weinberger and others. I imagine he'll recommend that Trump pardon all his criminal friends and associates, if not Trump himself, before leaving office. In any case Trump has certainly found his man, after suffering so miserably and tragically through the Jeff Sessions days.
  12. This explains it. President Trump is Richard Nixon's revenge.
  13. I think the only reason Nixon left Dallas before the assassination was because he couldn't shoot straight anyway.
  14. Is that William Harvey standing by the tree in the background?
  15. That appears to be a University of Florida umbrella. (Orange and blue.) I have one like it. (BTW I was in Miami that day.)
  16. Jodie should have been impressed. How many guys can shoot the front side of a car and make the bullet ricochet at a perfect right angle, go in between the open back door and door jamb, and hit the intended target. (And to add to this trick shot, Reagan didn't even feel the bullet hit till he was inside the car!)
  17. Don't forget the attempted coup in 1981 when Reagan was shot with another magic bullet but was too dumb to die. (Who happened to be VP?)
  18. I know what you're saying. I'm not homeless and broke, but as an author of books I might as well be.
  19. Why didn't he write a book? I think he had the material.
  20. This is not with regard to the neck wound, but I believe it was former poster Al Carrier who made a good case that a shot from the South Knoll could just clear the top of the windshield and inflict the fatal head wound.
  21. I've been using Chrome. I just tried Internet Explorer or whatever they're calling it now and there's no difference.
  22. James, I've already donated. The only issue here regarding Ray and me is that we see two different forum designs on our computers and we don't know why.
  23. On my computer that is part of the "store" link on the upper left. There are no horizontal bars on the upper right.
  24. I think there may be two Education Forums just like there were two Oswalds.
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