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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. I assume that the Roselli autopsy report is divided into parts. Maybe one main text and then two long footnotes.
  2. I'm not familiar with this theory. What exactly is Trump doing "to take down the cabal"? Is falling in love with Kim Jong Un, kowtowing to Vladimir Putin, and holding his Trumpberg Rallies part of this?
  3. The fallacy in your statement is to call the Senate "an august body." It may have been that at some past point in history. Today try an "aw-disgusting" body (like virtually the entire federal government) and all this crap is more understandable.
  4. It makes sense to me that the couple would leave the bench and stand where BDM is to see the President. I'm not familiar with the photographs of the couple you refer to "at the top of the stairs." Do you mean where BDM is? Further back, or where the three men were standing? Edit: If you're referring to the photos with the black couple posted by David above, that was well after the shooting. BDM is not well after the shooting. David asks why don't we see this couple before the shooting. If they're BDM, we see them.
  5. Well, Black Dog Man is somebody, right? So who was right there in the area?
  6. Maybe they got up from the bench and they're Black Dog Man.
  7. As I recall some last-minute rearrangements were made at Love Field. I don't remember if a particular SS agent was named who did the rearranging.
  8. You're probably right. We know who one getaway car driver was. His name was Greer.
  9. Why is Souetre the mystery? The mysteries to me are Francois Chiappe and Jean-Paul Angeletti. Wasn't Angeletti a race car driver? If so, I would think he'd drive the getaway car.
  10. That reminds me of that guy David Corn who once stated how he knew that the CIA didn't assassinate JFK. He said that a former CIA agent told him that the CIA does not kill people inside the United States. If that was good enough for David then it's good enough for me!
  11. It was also Greer who had JFK's clothes stashed away, to be unavailable at the autopsy. The only defense I can think of is that even Secret Service agents way back in 1963 didn't know the importance of clothes as evidence in a homicide. Anyone buy that?
  12. That's Mary Moorman and the newsman (I think his name was Featherstone) who approached her about the picture she took.
  13. If it's Hunt, you have to wonder where he's coming from. He is apparently walking from the in-field. But from where? The bushes?
  14. FWIW it has also been speculated that the tall guy standing by the white structure in the background is Hemming, and that Rip Robertson is the guy in the middle walking with two other men on the in-field on the right.
  15. It was Ragano who claimed in his book that Trafficante told him on his deathbed, "Carlos (Marcello) f--ked up. We should not have killed Giovanni (John). We should have killed Bobby."
  16. I can't keep all the scenarios straight anymore. Just when I think I remember the most likely explanation (some kind of dissolving bullets, bullets removed, bullet fell out, etc.), I forget it.
  17. Kirk, why don't you contact Emory since you know him, and ask him about Carter wanting to reopen the JFK case? Specifically how did Emory know that, if indeed Emory made such a statement?
  18. Paz, see the first few posts of the "Warning to Jimmy Carter" thread that you recently bumped (and in which I posted back in 2005 about Donald Etra whose name I had since forgotten). Apparently the source of the idea that Carter wanted to reopen the JFK case was conspiracy radio talk show host Dave Emory. No one seems to know what Emory's source was. So unless and until someone finds out from Emory himself, I think the idea has no basis in known fact.
  19. Donald Etra, the close Bush friend who dismissed charges against Lee Harvey and Osvaldo, died in January of 2017. http://jewishjournal.com/culture/lifestyle/obituaries/214080/donald-etra-criminal-lawyer-dies-69/
  20. Paz, I'm afraid I've forgotten it. (Nothing unusual anymore.) I researched this several years ago, and exchanged emails with the guy, but have lost the files. He basically said there wasn't enough evidence for charges, he didn't know where they might be now, and that it was a really weird case. On his Bush connection (which he didn't mention), I think he may have even been a best man at a Bush wedding, or maybe he just attended one, I don't trust my memory on the details. After all, I also remember watching the Dallas casket arrive at Bethesda on live TV, which never happened.
  21. The LA DA who declined to charge Lee Harvey and Osvaldo with anything was a good friend of the Bush family.
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