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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Some new background. They padlocked the basement room with the boxes of documents. Former President Trump met with investigators months before the FBI search on Monday, sources told CNN. Investigators asked where Trump stored his documents and attorneys showed them a basement room. After the meeting, Trump's attorneys received a letter asking to secure the room, sources told CNN. 48 years to the day from Nixon's resignation! Some may call me a..........paranoiac, but paranoia for peace isn't that bad! Richard Nixon
  2. News Flash! : FBI raids Mar a Lago! https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3593418-fbi-raids-trumps-mar-a-lago/ https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/08/politics/mar-a-lago-search-warrant-fbi-donald-trump/index.html
  3. To fuel public passion about a stolen election when elections are controlled by the states and ended up with the Democrats barely gaining the slimmest majority in the Senate, (really only because of Trump's interference in Georgia)and actually losing seats in the House, while the margin between Biden and Trump is 7 million votes is just the grossest plea to the gullibility of Trump's followers.The closeness of the 2020 elections doesn't even rate in the top 5, and Trump won one of those elections while losing the popular vote in 2016. in fairness, Michael seems to feel some gravity in something concerning the 1/6 riots, but his kowtowing to the election lie rhetoric in his heavily Republican district presents a very poor example of inflating the expectations of this windfall of discontented voters who the Republicans have no real intention of lending a helping hand to, but their only real promise is to continue to use this lie, among other lies, to inflame their culture war rhetoric aspirations in the future. History will someday write about the stubborn refusal of some Trump supporters to see the general resistance to Trump as anything other than "politics as usual." and to see the reaction at the insurrection of the Capitol as anything other than "faux outrage" used for partisan political advantage. While Michael doesn't fall in this category. He certainly doesn't end up doing much to diffuse it.
  4. Of course the biggest coup involving Alex Jones was the confiscating of his phone records and subpoena by the 1/6 committee and soon the DOJ. Great headline that now Alex Jones has to pay 45 million in punitive damages. But unfortunately there is a $750,000 cap on all such awards in Texas. What kind of fascist law is that?. Obviously it reflects a history in Texas of the rich writing their own laws. I'm not sure why they would even try such a case in Texas, when the victims are in Connecticut?. Thank God, I understand they can sue for more damages though. https://www.lamag.com/article/alex-jones-hit-with-45-2-mil-punitive-judgement-but-texas-cap-is-750k/
  5. There's no mocking, Just facts. I'm using Ben's words, to demonstrate the hypocrisy. At first he arrogantly advocates daredeviling China, and saying Pelosi would cave before the globalists, and never have the guts to go to Taiwan. (probably because she's a woman). Then Ben does a little research and caves himself, and accuses Pelosi of now going to Taiwan, purely for the cause of womanhood??? Heh heh! Yes I confess, i did make one joke, about the sort of pretzel turnaround Ben attempts with that. But jokes are permitted. Good to have a sense of humor. Yes, they can be overused, and I've been guilty of that.
  6. Chris: I am not even sure which you are referring to?. So you didn't bother to read the whole post and you were simply responding to seeing your name? Chris:I don’t see those words as an attack, you may even taken them as a compliment. As a compliment?? I'd normally be happy you didn't see that as a breach of civility. But to be clear. This isn't about you! Again, I'm asking you was my response to Ben a breach of civility?
  7. Now that you're here. The point is, Chris. I don't see my post, which is simply pointing out huge inconsistencies and errors is a breach of civility. Do you?
  8. Heh heh This is priceless! Only when the day before, Ben "cavalierly" predicts Pelosi will :kowtow" and cave to XI, Biden and the "globalists." Indicating his opinion is the U.S. just isn't "tough enough" in the their policy against China. But now he's fearful. We don't have to hear you think out loud, Ben. The debate you just had with yourself, You don't think we can get that banter here from 2 opposing talking heads just watching TV in the states? But 2 days ago! Ben: But we might have seen a Biden-Xi handshake! ----Ben indicating Biden subservience to China. BEN: Coming: A Pelosi fist-bump with Xi?!!!! Again scoffing at more subservience to China and the globalists. BEN:Thoughts? Stay tuned!!! What is spooky about this present situation is how deeply into bed with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are the American ruling elites! "Spooky" deep state conspiracy!, didn't materialize. Quite the opposite! Ben:Apple, Disney, the NBA, GM, BlackRock, NBC-Universal, Tesla, Walmart...you name it. The globalists love China! No the globalists lost. Looks like Nancy Pelosi will kow-tow to Xi, and not visit Taiwan! Again, Benm laments "kow towing", with his usual, "get tough on China" mindset. Also as far as Ben's prediction, that Pelosi would kowtow, he was completely wrong, which was no surprise to me, as I can't remember one prediction where Ben has been right, though I'm sure it must have happened.. Ben: But now:Hopefully, Pelosi's volitional visit to Taiwan won't trigger a military confrontation, but if it did, it would be worth it, as she was promoting women's leadership. So Pelosi does what Ben dared her to do, but now scoffs that she was doing it for womanhood. Ben's certainly harder to please then a lot of women I know. heh heh heh heh heh! oh!..... heh heh heh heh! I'm glad Ben is at last exhibiting some reticence. These are grown up issues, not to be settled by huff and puffery on online websites, and then a prompt retreat like Ben did. Hey, I don't like China either, but I don't know what the repercussions of Pelosi's trip will be. Sometimes it's better to control yourself and realize that you don't know everything, and that discretion is the better part of valor. Perhaps listen to a number of sources.And gain more preparation and not think out loud and then end up reversing oneself. Have some respect that governing the world's foremost global superpower is not an easy job in the least, even if you don't like the person or the party in power. But on a greater issue, is what I've just posted some breach of civility? In an earlier post I get the impression Chris thinks it is, and then launches into complete petty personal attacks on me about it. Which is fine but somewhat hypocritical. There's nothing wrong with coming out with an opinion , and even being 180 degrees wrong later. But it's always reassuring to dialogs in the future, when the person is capable of admitting he's made mistakes either with quick judgment characterizations or predictions of the future. JMO
  9. Good news. DOJ subpoenas Pat Cipillone before a Grand Jury! Kansas votes 62-38 to keep state's abortion rights.
  10. This is a good thread! It's interesting hearing the thoughts of some who knew her. There are elements of both the left and right who want open government and want to hold government accountable. To both, their is a concern about corruption. To the Right, it's through just a general skepticism about government. To the Left, it's about making government work better.
  11. Hell have no fury than the rage of the "conspiracy woke!" This is just in Ben's last 4 or 5 posts! Ben: Biden tests positive for COVID again, will return to isolation--CBS Ben : Biden was of course,the chair or ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee for 12 years. In shorthand, Biden is a Deep State apparatchik, and acted accordingly during the Obama Administration. Mother Jones used to write stories like this: "How Joe Biden helped build a financial system that’s great for Delaware banks and terrible for the rest of us." OK, so Biden is Wall Street's guy, and a globalist. Well, so says Mother Jones. ; https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/11/biden-bankruptcy-president/ You see, it says it right here. I just looked it up and Mother Jones is really really left, like you guys! So you can't deny it! It's...It's... the Donks!.....and the Deep State Shadow Government... Don't you even see? (dramatization) Kirk: I just checked a more recent Mother Jones, not in 2019, before Biden was elected but last year. You know what the headline was. "Banks really don't like Biden's push to make it easier to move your money". Ben was fishing for something older. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/07/banks-really-dont-like-bidens-push-to-make-it-easier-to-move-your-money/ Ben: Are you aware that Mother Jones defined Biden as a lackey for commercial banks? I provided a link. OK, so Biden is Wall Street's guy, and a globalist. Well, so says Mother Jones. Ben:We should not ponder if a special prosecutor is required on the Hunter Biden case? The fact that 'Phant coverage of Biden is abysmal and a mirror of Donk coverage of Trump...means the Biden family is absolved in advance of any investigation? ***** Citing Ben's source, Mother Jones. They've recently published 2 articles about the Hunter Biden laptop and Steve Banon openly admitting on tape that they've deliberately spread scandalous false claims about it's contents. "In leaked messages previously uncovered by Mother Jones, Guo directed subordinates in detail on how to post and distribute material from Biden’s laptop. He further instructed them to spread false claims about the material: First, he told them to say the files included images of Hunter Biden with underage Chinese girls. There is no evidence at all supporting this allegation. Second, Guo told subordinates to claim that the Chinese government had obtained the material and used it to blackmail Hunter and his father, Joe Biden." Enters Mark, attempting to calm Ben down. Perhaps trying to convince Ben all his rage might be a bit misdirected at us? Mark: You seem to think that those who oppose Trump think Biden is the best thing since sliced bread. I can only speak for myself, but that's a LONG way from how I view the current POTUS. I simply think he's better than Trump. That's not a tall hurdle to leap. But Then! Ben: Biden was pondering a trip to Beijing, though I think Biden's C19 situation has put the kibosh on that. Evidently, Biden has relapsed even after Paxlovid treatment. I hope Biden recovers soon, and I wish illness on no one. But we might have seen a Biden-Xi handshake! Coming: A Pelosi fist-bump with Xi?!!!! Thoughts? Stay tuned!!! What is spooky about this present situation is how deeply into bed with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are the American ruling elites! Apple, Disney, the NBA, GM, BlackRock, NBC-Universal, Tesla, Walmart...you name it. The globalists love China! Looks like Nancy Pelosi will kow-tow to Xi, and not visit Taiwan! Are you absolutely sure you're ok, Ben? "
  12. Interesting, Steve, So what Nance means is once they got word that Trump had arrived and they saw an escalation. They just would have laid waste to everyone in the Capitol who probably didn't take an order to get down on the floor? I agree with Sandy. It is true that you devalue the discussion when you start making fun of Trump's appearance. Not that we haven't all at least indirectly done that.We'd hope that other people of different views don't just dismiss this thread as being a bunch of liberals forever bashing Trump, in any way they can, without using reason. It's not worth censoring of course, but even using a reference that Trump people all go to Walmart could be seen by others as being "liberal elitism". In the 2016 campaign, When Hilary Clinton characterized Trump voters as "deplorables" I thought it was very polarizing and a big campaign mistake. Obviously Trump creates a lot of tension and there is cause for letting out steam. But so often on the Trump side, the criticism of the Democrats has nothing to do with issues but are just scoffing, derogatory comments designed to "own the libs." It might be nice to keep in mind that we shouldn't be the same. JMO
  13. I asked this on the other thread. What would have Trump done had he gone to the Capitol? It seems to me, that would have been political suicide. So I've tended to think it was just a ploy so he could say to his followers that he tried to go to the Capitol but the "Deep State" stopped him. But on the other hand, I suppose nothing would surprise me, but I don't know. Any thoughts about that?
  14. Here's a question that I've been stumped about. What would have Trump done had he gone to the Capitol? It seems to me, that would have been political suicide. So I've tended to think it was just a ploy so he could say to his followers that he tried to go to the Capitol but the "Deep State" stopped him. But on the other hand, I suppose nothing would surprise me, but I don't know. Any thoughts about that? Ben, here in the states we've know about Biden for over 24 hours now. I did try to have a dialog with you. Try to keep an open mind!
  15. Remembered I cautioned you on this. Keep an open mind! Kirk: Ben, You're always looking for "the conspiracy behind the conspiracy", " the deep state behind the "deep state". Sometimes deep states lurk where you least expect them. In this case , a rogue element of Trump's Secret Service destroying their texts. You better be careful what you look for Ben. You might just find it! And that's exactly what's happened.. Ben:Perhaps Trump and a network of a few accomplices (relative to the platoons of the real Deep State) planned and successfully and radically limited defenses at the Capitol on 1/6, so that Trump forces (Proud Boys) could halt counting of the EC ballots--and even had limited success, This is the first time I've ever heard you've ever acknowledged this, Ben. I think you always needed to have more of an open mind about this. At first , you were insisting that the rioters were not acting because of Trump but may have been manipulated by the Deep State. But now we have direct evidence that the rioters were directly following the orders of Trump and dispersed when he told them to, and he waited 3 hours to do that. You buy into this huge monolith, that these 17 agencies are in perfect lockstep.But they're not.On many levels the agencies are competing with each other and withholding information from each other. Even within the agencies there can be rogue elements , just as the CIA as a whole were in hardly favor of the Kennedy assassination. For example, do you know the New York FBI hated Hilary Clinton? Ok, but apart from that. I don't buy that at all. 1. Could the CIA convince 1/3 of the population and effectively the majority of Republicans in Congress that the 2020 election was stolen? 2..Could the Deep State convince 50 million people that Hilary Clinton was a pedophile operating out of a pizzeria? 3.Could they ever have created a situation , that people were waiting for JFK and his son to show up in Dealey Plaza? No way!, not a chance! Trump is 1000 times the manipulator to his people, than anything the deep state can manipulate.. Who does the deep state really manipulate? and through what, the papers?, Alan Dulles said "people don't read in 1964": and many fewer read now. Very few people read anymore. Who reads now the most , a bunch of ineffectual academics. What do you think the chances are that they are that they are going to take to the streets and do anything? Was it the the "Deep State" that convinced you that the U.S. should at the beginning establish a No Fly Zone in Ukraine after Putin invaded? I don't think so. They couldn't stop Joe Biden from getting out of Afghanistan, and they tried. Name me one incident say, since Obama where the"Deep State" influenced public opinion to make a choice they wouldn't have made? Now if your point is that the "deep state" has much more money and resources than Trump. Of course you're right. Ben:How on earth could Trump & Co. plan anything without the real Deep State knowing every step well in advance? It appears that Deep State had at least three plants in the Proud Boys active in 1/6 planning in the days leading up to 1/6: It appears? What are your sources? Are we just supposed to accept that because you found it on the internet? But ok, it's not unlikely. But you're assuming every Proud Boy has foreknowledge of a specific plan. But if you assume they use unlimited access to cell phones, phone calls, texts and infiltrated the Proud Boys, why not the Oath Keepers? If that was so,, how come the arms stash in a pick ups across the Potomac wasn't nipped in the bud? It obviously was part of a pre planning that a number of them took part in. And the Deep State would have have been very embarrassed if it was revealed they knew and didn't do anything about it.
  16. I applaud your sentiments Joe. i think if it was in the reverse and Trump was indicted, there'd be a stronger reaction among his followers, but ultimately it would be manageable. But I've been amazed at the restraint of Trump opposition. Particularly before the Hutchinson testimony. There's been a huffing and puffing, but now we got a lot of good hard results. But the Trump opposition is so frightened of Trump up to now, they'd give up almost anything to just have Trump out of the picture. I'm also against that. Honestly I think he's already out of the picture. But it seems like our side never doubles down with a winning hand but plays it conciliatory between the 40 yard lines and always hopes to make America one happy family again. I think that's unrealistic and a real stand must be taken, and not just a hope the causes will just go away on their own. But ok, let's hope we can close the deal for once. .
  17. It's absolutely amazing that people could be sleepwalking through this time period,and can't see the historic significance of this. This is the greatest crime any President could commit. His cabinet officials such as Mnuchin and no less than Mike Popmpeo, Nick Mulvaney and now John Ratcliffe are now talking or negotiating talking to the DOJ, and we know now a number of them were considering invoking the 25th amendment. All the smarter people urged Trump against it, and he defied them and all Trumpie flunkies, Eastman, Giuliani, Meadows, Flynn,Banon,Sydney Powell, Jordan, Gozar, Brooks, Biggs ,Gohmert and others enthusiastically embraced it. If Trump were to stay free after this, it would be a bitter pill for the opposition to swallow, but it would be digestible. But for Trump to run again would incite a divisive incendiary reaction. Just to address the silly blase notion that none of this could be of any consequence because both parties have corporate donorship. Ben should be pleased to know, though probably not, his alleged CCP aligned West Coast Nancy Pelosi is considering going to Taiwan to express solidarity against the CCP. My God, how could that possibly be so?! Now elements of the msm are attacking her and saying her trip is dangerous.(below) But let's call this attack below what it is, this not the opinion of the NYT. This is a guest essay. This isn't an NYT endorsement. This is affording free speech rights. We can lament about the parameters that have been established by the msm about what is "legitimate discourse." But that's another matter. That's the grown up way to look at it. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/28/opinion/china-us-taiwan-pelosi.html?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20220728&instance_id=67816&nl=the-morning®i_id=61798350&segment_id=99761&te=1&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55 P.S. Fox news decided to carry Mike Pence's speech yesterday but didn't carry Trump's speech! That should tell you something..
  18. Whew!That was very eloquent, Bob! Bob: I's imperative for them to lower the understanding of their base by attacking those institutions, disqualifying them as viable sources of information and directing the sheep to contoured, tailored and limited information. But to extend it further. There is an end goal to attacking these institutions. It's really a veiled attack by the wealthy to little by little over time, defund the government and it's institutions, and to dismantle the safety net, and restore the size of government to only deal with what they think are the most vital functions, which is primarily the national defense, They've effectively carried this out very successfully over the last overt 50 years by marginalizing the middle class. The end point is to have a government roughly the comparative size it was in the 1950's or to some of the more draconian, the 1930's. They are hoping to keep their gradual diminishing of expectation for the general population , but anticipate that there will be a strong displacement at some point and favor a strong law and order plank. Their long term hope is that the stronger survive and the more dependent depart over time, and a new era of self reliance typical of the 1920's or 1950's results, and of course, they hold on to their wealth and are not burdened with excessive government taxation. And it's not even a conspiracy, they just think alike.
  19. Then Banon's most definitive statement here as to bs'ing completely about the contents of HB's laptop was Banon snickering about "lude's editorial creativity over the pictures" as the people around him laugh out loud. He gleefully attributes that to to raising Biden's negatives in polling and stopping Biden from running away with the election. So they say they had some pictures, but have never released them, so how damaging could the pictures really be?
  20. You asked for our thoughts, I gave mine and it's fair to say now all of us thought your suggestion was draconian. I've never reported you to the mods. On rare occasion I would comment on your thread that your arguments were not supported by facts, and you got upset because you seemed to think this was a place where anybody could say anything alleging conspiracies and not be challenged, but you were mistaken.
  21. Boy this is staggering! There's so many interlocuters involved in our election process, it's almost like a rigorous chain of custody, which might have been necessary 250 years ago, but in this age where millions of dollars are being transferred over phones, and verified people could vote from their armchairs, to subject our process to the possibility that a bunch of thugs could turn the process topsy turvy at any one of a few choke points is very alarming!. We just need a major overhaul to bring this up to the 21st century!
  22. My thoughts Chris? I believe in free speech and I'm not about to take away all of our free speech rights on this thread because of one butt angry lunatic like Wheeler. That is certainly an abrupt draconian turnaround for you, particularly as someone who didn't even think someone calling Biden a murderer was a big deal in the first place. What changed in those hours? If you find this thread is bringing you problems to the point you want to give it up, simply don't participate,or take a rest and listen to the real deal, the Americans share their views about what's going on in their country. But don't try to take away our rights. Ben being an ardent fee speech advocate, I think would agree with me.Though he may not say so. ***** Then than that 10X rant against W.! , where you actually start out boasting about your complete mastery over your emotions. You've obviously been boning up on "5 Habits that will make you powerful beyond belief" by Jordan Peterson" that I saw in an ad. I know you're a big fan. Then you go into a diatribe about W. concerning the covid pandemic, and you predicted monkeypox?. Then I remembered back how alarmed your tone was when you said that the covid vaccines were making young athletes "drop dead like flies!!", and you floated the Q'ish notion that the powers that be, (I assume what powers could that be that didn't include Bill Gates?), were devising another strain to cull the population down to a manageable number. I've heard from other such sources that they aim to reduce the population by 80%! Are you predicting this one is the one?! Maybe it's already happened, and I'm so oblivious, I just didn't notice it. I apologize. Then your dynamic quote at the finish! Gustave Le Bon Whew! That was a real cold shot to the masses and W.! I love the way you nailed the lowly masses to the cross! That was so inspiring! I don't think they'll ever recover! Your degree of mastery over your emotions will leave them sprawling in the dust! It might be a jolly good time to take a victory lap holiday to the colonies! heh heh heh I'm sorry, but one cool thing about Trump is that I can feel freer about taking little digs at foreigners now.
  23. Wow, that shows a whole other level of deliberation to the crime! And believe me Mark, i do care! But I always wonder. Would there really be such a strict adherence to the Constitution if a bunch of thug insurrectionists broke in and absconded with the physical box of records? The very act itself is illegal, and the people could be tried for it. Obviously a huge revolt would break out. The majority would not put up with a stolen election to Trump and the Republicans. Ultimately I see the military as being pro the peaceful succession of power. But physically stealing the records by force and and throwing it into other bodies of government would be utter chaos.Of course I don't know what would happen. Could the Secretaries of State meet again with the electors in an emergency session and recertify and send the results to Washington?? I don't know. Jim:I mean what would have happened if Trump had arrived at the scene? I honestly think we'd be much better off right now, Trump would have been undeniably physically part of the insurrection and I think the chances of him being in jail right now would be much greater than I believe the prospect is right now that he will go to jail. I think that would have been a massive tactical blunder that perhaps only Trump would be capable of, and I think we'd probably be mopping up little insurrections here and there right now. I honestly think Trump's a coward and in his stupid judgment , he might think it was better to keep the loyalty of his followers for propagating such a story. Make it look good by trying to grab the wheel, but ultimately give in to make it look like the government "deep state shadow government" held him back. The irony is a year and a half later , that's part of the narrative that cooks him, or at least ensures he'll never be President again. I have a speculation about this I haven't heard. I really don't think he had a good idea at all of what he would do if he got to the Capitol., and as I say, I think ultimately he's a coward and knows the deaths that could ensue would be on his hands. Of course I can understand people can say he's desperate and crazy enough to try it and I wouldn't necessarily put anything beyond him. But I think ultimately, all this obfuscation and Trump's consideration for running for President again is to escape going to jail. But his storming the Capitol is just jail bait material. Despite lots of Democrats and the press talking about how close we came to losing our Democracy. i don't think there's any chance Trump could have stormed the Capitol with the rioters and have any chance of still being President right now. I don't think it would have worked.
  24. Ok, I'm sorry about the "e" Cory. I know of a couple of Corey's, and I'm all for getting rid of all unnecessary e's.
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