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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Dave, I went to buy a Les Paul about 12 years ago, at the Guitar Center.. I tried a number of guitars at the suggestion of a friend of mine who worked there. The Les Paul was very heavy and sort of hard to play. I found a Paul Reed Smith, PRS, which played really well and seemed as light as a ukelele. I couldn't believe they could get that great a sound, with that kind of actiont out of such a light instrument. But it was $450 more than the Les Paul. I decided I didn't want a Les Paul anymore. I put a bid in on the PRS, to buy it at the price I was going to pay for the Les Paul. About 3 months later, I was phoned by my friend, they decided to clear it before the end of the fiscal quarter, and told me I could have it at my price! I've never regretted it!
  2. Sydney Powell, that woman looks absolutely bizarre! A plot involving Hugo Chavez? Very conspiracy cool! Was she another Wheeler idol? ****** Guitar Center files for Chapter 11. My God! "The company's primary owner, Ares Management Corporation, as well as new equity investor Brigade Capital Management and a fund managed by The Carlyle Group will help finance Guitar Center through bankruptcy." The Carlyle group, the dreaded pro defense group we've heard dirt about since the 70's is funding, Sex, Drugs and R&R?? Ok, maybe it's only R&R now. I remember doing a little research on them a couple of years ago and they are hardly a behemoth stock. They largely suffered during the Obama years and started shooting up in the Trump years.
  3. A word to my Georgia Trump supporter friends here. Please forward this to your friends! If you cherish your liberties , the smartest thing you can do is stay out of that Senate election runoff in January. If they oust our President, what difference would it make anyway? But there's more to it than that. There is a real danger! Don't be sucked into that "have your voice be heard". That's total democrat BS! All they want is your identity so some day they can chip you! Don't be fooled! If you don't vote, Liberals will cry! Believe me! Whatever short term gain you could get would not be worth losing your identity! Keep the long term view in your head! Remember, Liberals will cry!
  4. The Corona virus has again penetrated President Trump's family and friends, now infecting Donald Trump Jr.and Rudy Giuliani's son. This following last week, Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows , Trump strong man Cory Lewandowsky then the 87 year old Senator, Charles Grassley. and the Trump Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carlson, and 5 people on VP Pence's staff! And what do all those people have in common? Everyone of these people is a Republican! I mean, it's pretty obvious, what's going down right? The Faucci, Gates ,Soros axis powers obviously infected them. It is they who allowed the virus to wreak havoc on the world. They will stop at nothing!, short of total biotechnical control of the world! This from the inside: RFK Jr. watch your back!
  5. Thank You Robert B. for sharing with us this Rush Limbaugh segment where Rush is trying to comfort a decimated Trump follower, and bringing this problem to our attention. It appears the caller has progressed a little further than some of the people on this forum ad is now in the "grieving" phase. Perhaps Mitch Mc Connell would reconsider a stimulus if we could establish 4200 "Grieving Centers" for Trump supporters throughout the nation. It would be a kind gesture that might take the edge off the transfer of power. Unfortunately it doesn't appear the President himself is handling this well at all! But throughout the nation,there are hundreds of such incidents, All the victims handle it psychologically in different ways.
  6. Cliff said: I think all you right-wingers need to stop voting. It’s all rigged anyway, right? Cliff's right, To stop voting does sound like a pretty good idea, for all the good voting could do you. Next time, Try to stop voting and just stir a bunch of sh-t after the election..... Eh,.... maybe that's not such a good idea, our Deep State would then splatter you as snail beneath the giant foot of Paul Bunyan. Come to think of it. Either way you look at it, you're f-------d! But at least we could claim a bigger margin.🙂
  7. I know there's some controversy about this, but I'm one of these people who excelled in team sports when I was young and thought it was a good benefit. I found there were a lot of lessons to have learned. Some times you were a only as good as your weakest player. If you were getting your ass kicked by another team, it didn't mean you were playing bad 100% of the time, but if you faced reality it generally did. The pro Trump forces have predictably screamed bloody murder at the result of the election and just can't believe they could have lost by so many millions of votes, that they've created an elaborate denial that would say the Democrats stole the election and yet allowed so many down ballot victories that they weren't able to capture the Senate and even lost votes in the house. They have been getting their asses kicked every day since the election with continually poor showings every day, and yet the denial and the refusal to face reality by Trump supporters have them off in their own little world. How far could they go? Could they actually push it to a point to give up what the rest of the world envy's as their "cush lifestyle"? Unfortunately this can be extended to the Trump Presidency and American fight against the corona virus. The U.S, has been very kind to itself, and has set the dirt low bar of performance for itself. As if we're too "exceptional" to compete with anyone else and we'll just wait out a vaccine after what, a half million people are killed? "Oh but it is what it is", said the President, and we throw up our hands and said we can't possibly beat this and now we should just pretty much carry on with a disgusting level of performance and wait for a vaccine to save us. But the naked truth is countries like S. Korea, Taiwan, China have totally kicked our ass. The Trump response to the corona virus pandemic has been the worst crisis management in American history. But the response of the American people has been a stupid "dummying down" and unwillingness to accept things the way they are. The U.S. corona virus death rate is 786 deaths per million, and China has 3 deaths per million. However accurate you may think China's death rate is, can it really be off by a factor of 100's? Particularly in light of what we know of the efforts they've made. This is a watershed event in history, depicting ones country's ascendance and another's fall. Let's just hope the fall is gradual enough that it might take a generation to be economically realized.
  8. News Flash! Both Donald Trump's son Rudy Giuliani 's son have contracted covid.
  9. Agreed Pat, California is the 5th biggest economy in the world , bigger than the U.K, but without an empire. The blue states are the economic engine of the U.S., and pay greater taxes to support the problems of the red states, with the exception of Texas, and maybe Florida. The Central Valley of California is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world. In the 60s California became the first state overtaking New York. It may have been the greatest place in the world to grow up, but it has largely gone the way of New York and is now so super taxed, and so expensive as result of world real estate speculation, it's a wonder how so many people can make it here. The electoral college dooms California , it so much in the bag as a blue state, the Dems take it for granted. The Republics know they'll never win and because the system is winner take all. The main reason any politicians come here is for fund raising, and the courting of wealthy donors.
  10. Wheeler: As the idea of a Biden Presidency slowly slips out of your hands, you might want to blame your own laziness for not only four more years of Trump, but also the next few decades of Democrats wandering in the desert. **** No need for concern of Wheeler. Titanic aspirations followed by a crushing fall, is a life pattern. He predicted Trump would win by 356-82! He did an extensive canvassing and walked around the bowels of his neighborhood and actually came to the brilliant conclusion that Trump would win his home state New Jersey, even though, the last time New Jersey even voted Republican for President was back in the 80's! I know you're upset, but what am I? The inane conversation going on throughout America and now, particularly on this forum!
  11. Jim said: Jim said: Ray McGovern told this story to a friend of mine: After Obama got re elected, and it became apparent that it was going to be more of the same. An assistant asked him, "What happened to the Hope and Change?" Without batting an eyelash, Obama replied with, "You saw what happened to Dr. King didn't you?" ******* Assistant---Ray Mc Govern----Friend of Jim's---Jim------Us! It could have happened. It doesn't sound like something Obama would have said to me But sure. We're lead to believe that Obama backed off because he feared for his life? That's just the kind of fifth hand story, that has very little credence for me. If I got that story, I wouldn't presume to tell it, and have a bunch of other pass it on, but that's me. To me it's just hearsay. We're lead to trust too many people.
  12. Deep Thoughts: If Trump is so concerned about how may dead people voted for Biden, maybe he shouldn't have made so many dead people. *****U** The Latest in Rudy's adventures-- Rudy's being paid $22,000 a day from his Trump Election Defense fund to make Trump's case for election fraud. Which I'm sure all the contributors think is money well spent. Update from U.S. district court in Williamsport P.A., one of the Trump campaigns last stands. Giuliani: I'm not sure what opacity means. It probably means you can see. Judge Brann: it means you can't see. Commentary: President Donald Trump handed the case to Rudy Giuliani on Tuesday. But rather than salvage it, the former New York mayor found himself grilled for hours by a skeptical federal judge over his unsupported claims of a conspiracy to steal the election. During a five-hour hearing in Williamsport, U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann appeared mystified as Giuliani asserted without evidence that a “Mafia-like” cabal of Democratic leaders in cities nationwide used mail ballots to rig the election in Joe Biden’s favor. Rudy sure earned his money yesterday! Icon Republican pollster and Wheeler Idol Frank Luntz comented.
  13. Really W. bring in the ref and stop this!, If the Emperor Trump ever saw such a masochistic devotional display as Wheeler has made for him in the last month, he'd undoubtedly call him a "sucker and a loser" and spit on him!!! ******* Should Lindsey Graham be prosecuted for phoning up state "Secretary of States" and trying to give them legal cover to throw out votes?! This guy thinks so. For the chairman of the Senate committee charged with oversight of our legal system to have reportedly suggested that an election official toss out large numbers of legal ballots from American voters is appalling,” says Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington Executive Director Noah Bookbinder. “Not only is it wrong for Sen. Graham to apparently contemplate illegal behavior, but his suggestion undermines the integrity of our elections and the faith of the American people in our democracy.” He alleges, “Under the guise of rooting out election fraud, it looks like Graham is suggesting committing it. That is unacceptable, and Sen. Graham should step down from his chairmanship immediately.” Hey Republicans, I found the real voter fraud right here.
  14. Hi Paul, I think you're selling yourself short. It's ironic you'd quote Wheeler, because your proposed topic is infinitely more interesting and not near as repetitive as Wheeler's last 100 posts over the last 2 weeks. So I'm seeing you're a self proclaimed Brit "connoisseur" of American Politics and election process (I'm sure you'll impress) who here relies mostly on a piece written by, I assume a Russian about American foreign policy.. ok So You and Ivan are part of the "Fair play for Russia" clan here. Paul, just watch the progression of Russia after the fall of the iron curtain, and then watch the incredible progression of China in that very same period, and note the respect and fear, we pay China. You have to have something to expect something. Unfortunately Russia's small potatoes and they're not even edible, by our standards. The economic threat of China is 1000 times Russia. Russia's economy isn't as big as Italy. They are only a military power and largely mistrusted, including by their old satellites. Besides Putin put all his eggs in the fossil fuel basket. If the Russian people could get beyond there inbred serfdom sh-t horizons, maybe they'd get rid of Putin. Doesn't any truly progressing civilization evolve after 20 years? Unfortunately it's only the wealthy powerful countries that have the choice to say," if you make life difficult for us, we just won't trade with you". But of course, Russia didn't do anything wrong, right? So what would be the reason for the mistreatment? Just because the United States needs a "whipping boy"? Yeah right, so say the dependent losers! Again what's the right wing and Russian obsession with Hillary? She can write all she wants, she's finished! Yes Trump has made the Democrats wax more faithful to their working class roots, and that's a good thing, because they are the only ones who would try. How much they can deliver in a pandemic economic shutdown remains to be seen. Which is a problem of prognostication that hard core ideologues never seem to take in account. Similarly, anyone who thinks with all these horrible domestic problems the U.S. is going to go on a huge military run is deluding themselves. Since 90% of your presentation was a Russian talking about U.S. Russia relations. It's too bad we couldn't have taken Russia more under our wing. With a little more effort, we'd be much better partners right now. But they were ultimately profitless for us, and we decided they weren't worth the effort because unfortunately, that's who we are. ****** Listening to Right wingers bitch about fair elections is music to my ears, after decades of witnessing U.S. election fraud and voter suppression on the right. If in the future you actually want to make it better, I'm sure the Democrats would spend more money on it, but it's the Republicans who'd shaft it, because it would only benefit the Democrats. Being a connoisseur of American politics, Paul. I know I don't have to tell you that. **
  15. No Robert, I didn't create it, but I wish I did. It's just going around and I'm sure you can use it. That was an Axios interview with Jonathan Swan and the papers that Trump was pulling out in that interview were bogus evidence that they were "turning the corner against the virus", which prompted the disbelieving look in Swan. The best frame is the final one as that is the look Trump gives when he's really trying to pull a con. I appreciated you and Mark's posts that I would call "Living in Trump Country". I don't and it's good information for us in blue states or metro areas to be aware of. You might like this too. https://apis.mail.yahoo.com/ws/v3/mailboxes/@.id==VjN--Wpo0I_Q6rPAZ1jsTfHS24kxWbs1uKROjqKtcWphnyUS0eKm4Q5gji-Tixyir1JppXSQPIt7834jXjyRXCwNNg/messages/@.id==ADEkE9YyBtn3X7D1gAZNSPJqHqE/content/parts/@.id==2/thumbnail?appId=YMailNorrin
  16. Have you seen Trump? So Trump dyed his hair and is going for the"statesman" look now? Too late!
  17. Interesting Dave, thanks! Nice snapshot of what was politically going on for JFK at the time. I thought it particularly interesting when JFK talks about the influence of past Presidents in the present government and mentions Eisenhower's influence, then Truman and then Hoover, who had been out of office for 30 years, essentially in office last when JFK was a teenager. And he completely omits the obvious government expanding gorilla in the room in FDR. Jackie 's memoirs also talks about JFK family dislike of FDR. The family just had a blackout about FDR and acted like he never existed after FDR recalled Joseph Kennedy from his diplomatic post in part for his reluctance to take on Hitler..
  18. I agree with Paul, it does get repetitive. As much as I don't agree with Jeff . I do think Jeff's response was much more real than Wheeler's music. Particularly since the Minuteman asking "What are we doing in Central America" and Wheeler voted for Bush interventionists policies in Central America for the next 20 years of his life. Obviously, just as a passing fad, he was just playing out youthful angst against himself. Cliff, Now it' time to put on your big boys pants and seek forgivance from Di Eugenio. Ha ha ha!
  19. Paul Hornung, Definitely an athlete of his time. He was in his heyday in my youth. He also won games by kicking field goals, right? Him and Bart Star just kicked ass in my early years. He had that scandal betting on games. He wasn't particularly fast, but he could wriggle his way through. He was a hard runner to get a hold of.
  20. If Trump really thought he won the election , why would he be hiding in his basement for the last week? ******** And sure enough, Don't tell Trump U. Grad Wheeler but Trump's Election Defense Fund is another grift, bilking innocent people to pay off his election debts. 60% of the donations supposedly going to fight the election results are really going to pay off his exorbitant campaign debts. https://www.businessinsider.com/donations-trump-legal-fund-spent-on-paying-off-campaign-debt-2020-11 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-campaign-legal-defense-donations-debt/
  21. Thanks Steve, Check out "The Trial of the Chicago 7" on Netflix. *******
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