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Dan Doyle

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Everything posted by Dan Doyle

  1. thanks for posting . Great addition to this unique piece of history. expands and differs from John Lee Anderson's book on Che in a major way.
  2. If there's one person still alive who could really move the JFK assassination forward it is Marina Oswald Porter. She is still very much alive, in mid 70's and easily located. ( btw Ruth Paine is still alive, living in Santa Rosa, Ca. last I heard, but getting up there in years and not cooperative). I continue to wonder why in a thread like this, contributors continue to parse Marina's 50+ year old testimony when she is still physically able to comment/testify. It would seem that some intrepid JFK investigator/researcher could find a way to get her to talk (or maybe she would voluntarily?); worst case scenario..... initiate a lawsuit( a la Jim Garrison) and subpoena her. Whatever the case, Marina is still around and knows way more about LHO than any of us. The eyeopener for me about Tex-Italia Films giving Marina a $132,000 contract in Feb 1964 is that this is precisely when( the same month) Marina is testifying before the WC for the first time......and after 6 weeks in "protective(read coaching) custody" ......quite a coincidence I would say.....no to mention the fact that Tex-Italia then disappears, better yet, vanishes into the untraceable ether. And none of the esteemed Warren Commissioners, nor any other official, seems to raise an eyebrow about such happenings. then there's the connection to Collins Radio by way of the Tippit murder which is where Marina's current husband, Kenneth Porter, was employed at the time of the assassination. And what about John Armstrong's hypothesis on the existence of a Harvey and a Lee. This could be tested by a DNA sample from Robert Oswald matched against a sample from June or Rachel, Marina's daughters with LHO. for what it's worth, my $.02
  3. Update 2/10/17 Wikipedia has just banned The Daily News because of too many fake news articles. Recall that this same "news" paper was the source, i.e., they broke the news, of the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal which led to FBI's Comey writing a letter to Congress that he was re-opening the Hillary email investigation..... 2 weeks before the election. Down the rabbit hole once again.
  4. Jim, Don't be naive here. The vast majority of the "liquidated" were the brutal henchmen of Bastista's. They tortured. raped, and killed many as Batista's state security force. It was state terrorism. These guys were sub-human. Castro did what the French did with the Nazi collaborators after The Liberation of France in 1944. Revolutions are not white glove affairs. Eggs get broken. Reprisals take place. Can you imagine the blood bath if a Cuban counter-revolution had been successful...... Look at what the CIA did to Salvador Allende and he was democratically elected. Shoot, the Cuban Revolution was a sanitary affair compared to what happened in Algeria. As for Cuba's alliance with the Soviets, Castro though it necessary to deter another US invasion attempt. The US set the precedent with first strike missiles in Turkey. The Soviets were pissed. Nikita was playing catch up. It's the time of MAD, mutual assured destruction. Castro was just a pawn in a much larger game. Remember, Castro felt burnt by Nikita because he was left out of the loop during the negotiations that resolved the Crisis. The bigger puzzle is how a rag-tag band of 300 irregulars defeated the much, much larger Batista force. Talk about asymmetrical warfare. This was off the chart. This was the Latin American Thermopylae.
  5. Jim, Thanks for the thanks. I'm seeing lots of parallels between the "Castro did it" disinformation campaign right after 11/22/63 and this Fake News phenomena on FB........which begs the question of a professional (Russian?) Intelligence operation/operator(s). "But now fake news from Macedonia? Geez. " couldn't agree more.
  6. Jim: I don't get the above ......I have reached out to a professional Pol that I know about this Bradley Effect stuff so let's see what he says....but any event let's move on. One thing that is currently peaking my interest in reading the post-mortems about the election, is the previously unacknowledged ubiquity of "Fake News" sites on social media and how they could have influenced the election......which may do more to explain the election results than anything else......the Wiener/ HRC's email/Comey Episode is starting to look a lot like a page right out of a DAP/CIA disinformation playbook...........with Huma Adbedin as HRC's Trojan Horse just like, to get back on topic, LBJ (or ?) may have been JFK's Trojan Horse. analysis of the role of fake news/disinformation in this election: http://nymag.com/selectall/2016/11/donald-trump-won-because-of-facebook.html
  7. Jim, I'm a 2nd generation native Californian who grew up in LA( La Canada Flintridge) who now lives on the East Coast. I had high profile Black clients in California back in 2008 and they were so sure that Obama wasn't going to win no matter what the polls indicated because of latent racism and the Bradley Effect. Obama won. So much for the validity of Bradley Effect. David Axelrod said in an interview a few days ago, that HRC lost because , in so many words, she isn't a gifted politician and didn't connect with voters. I agree. More to the point, HRC didn't democratically win the primary. The fix was in; she had 500 Superdelegates before the primary season even began. So now this country is paying the price for the Clintons' sense of entitlement(again!) If I never hear of the Clintons again, it will be too soon. Of more interest to me presently is Douglas Caddy's post today concerning the FBI knowing about Weiner's laptop and the HRC emails on it back in April. Has this been documented by him(or anyone else for that matter)? I can't find anything on it.
  8. Jim, I have to say something when the The Bradley Effect is invoked. The Bradley Effect is just a theory without a proof, empirical or otherwise. How do you read someone's thoughts? It's conjecture much like your criticism of PSD...not that I'm a defender of his. Political scientists and professional pollsters came up with this theory to cover their asses and avoid taking the heat for their bad polling methodology. Speaking of which, from what I've read, the real problem in the polling for this election was that pollsters were limited to using landlines and online sampling, which skews the sample. Most folks who have landlines also have caller ID( also true for cell phones) and may avoid the sampling call because they don't recognize the number(telemarketing!). Online polling is also problematic because the potential sample-ee may not be interested in taking the time to fill out the questionaire. Bad or outdated polling methodology is the culprit here not some wu-wu theory like the Bradley Effect.
  9. Jim, Don't get me wrong here, I totally respect your work. Destiny Betrayed(2nd ed) is one of my all time favorite reads on the JFK case. I was somewhat disappointed with Reclaiming Parkland because, in my mind, Bugliosi's volume doesn't deserve the attention that someone like you gave it. I am not a professional researcher or academic and could never write a book. Hanging out all day in the archives( virtual or not) is not my cup of tea. I think of myself more of an amateur analyst who tries to see patterns in the data not discover and document the primary data. As a retired design professional, all this stuff is interesting food for thought for me; a hobby if you will. As for the legitimacy of my original post in this tread, just because I have no "pedigree" as a researcher, that in itself does not necessarily invalidate my supposition. I was actually hoping that someone within this community with serious research skills might have their interest peaked enough to run it to ground......... especially before the Electoral College votes because some much is at stake.
  10. Jim, So let me understand the logic your position, you write books with the thesis that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy involving the highest level of the government that has been covered up for the last 50+ years but somehow a national election is beyond being subverted by a dirty trick(s). Are you familiar with the elections of 1968 and 1980? In 1968, then Republican candidate Richard Nixon secretly( via Kissinger) sent the North Vietnamese delegation, who were actively involved in peace negotiations in Paris at the time, a message that if they waited until after the U.S. election that he would give them a better deal. Remember Nixon's campaign promise in that election that he had a "secret plan to end the war"? If the North Vietnamese would have made peace before the election, Nixon most likely would have lost the election. In the election season of 1980, Jimmy Carter was on the verge of getting the American hostages released from Iran before the coming election. Somehow the Iranians decided not to release hostages and Reagan got elected and, weirdly enough, the Iranians released the hostages on the day of Reagan's inauguration. Quite a coincidence wouldn't you say ? This episode was originally dismissed as a "October Surprise Theory" until the Iran-Contra scandal broke in Reagan's second term and then it seemed a lot less like a conspiracy theory and lot more like a reality. This what Ted Cruz said about Roger Stone in the primaries, "He is pulling the strings on Donald Trump. He planned the Trump campaign, and he is Trump's henchman and dirty trickster." Trump hired Stone for Stone's field of expertise, dirty tricks. To think that Comey's letter to congress on 10/28, 11 days before the election, has no stench of a dirty trick operation is rather naive much like the LNers position in the JFK assassination. Hopefully, the truth will surface but I wouldn't hold my breath because after 50+ years of looking for the smoking gun in the JFK case, there isn't one and all we are left with is only inference and supposition. Here is the link that I based my previous post ........about Weiner's latest picadillo . http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/09/anthony-weiner-investigation-15-year-old-girl/501416/ more to the point: "The teenage girl and her father spoke with the Daily Mail, and she said she had reached out to Weiner through Twitter in January".
  11. Jim, If one starts to look into Antony Weiner's most recent sexting case, the one that Comey says forced the FBI to search Weiner's laptop computer which resulted in the discovery of more Hillary emails (even though Huma Abedin has no recollection of using her husband's computer) it smells to high heaven of a dirty trick a la Roger Stone.....the proverbial "October Surprise". The conservative British tabloid Daily News broke of the story, not an American paper. You got to ask yourself how would a British tabloid have the sources in North Carolina to break this news? The unnamed 15 year old girl ( if she actually exists because the Daily News won't disclose her identity because she's a minor) initiated the sexting with Weiner, not the other way around! Is this starting to look like a sting operation, given Weiner's proclivities for sexting? Oh, and once Weiner takes the bait and replies, the perpetrators have access to his computer which gives them the ability to "plant" Hillary email on it and we know the rest of the story. FBI Director Comey was probably manipulated into feeling he had to publicly announce that there were more Hillary emails to cover his right flank, just in case there was actually something new in them. Turns out there wasn't, but the damage had been done. Interestingly enough, I read somewhere that all the Directors of the FBI have been Republicans, some even appointed by Democratic presidents. What's that all about? http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/09/anthony-weiner-investigation-15-year-old-girl/501416/ "The teenage girl and her father spoke with the Daily Mail, and she said she had reached out to Weiner through Twitter in January".
  12. 'The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.' MLK
  13. The American people weren't so much scammed as propagandized with this false equivalency B.S. much like the JFK Coverup. Unbelievable that a sitting U.S. president could be assassinated in broad daylight and his foreign policy reversed in a matter of days and the media didn't raise an eyebrow. Unbelievable that a man with no record of public service, including military service, who pays no taxes and who denigrates all who oppose him is the equivalent of a former Secretary of State and Senator. R.I. P. USA.
  14. Paul, You can't explain away the mid -1970's deaths of George de and Roselli, or Santos Trafficante for that matter, quite so easily. What you're missing is the common thread of the CIA/Cuba/JFK in all their lives and that they all died right before they were to testify before congressional committees investigating the CIA/JFK nexus. What are the odds of that happening? I'm not a statistician but I imagine it's fairly remote. My point is that Gen. Walker was out of control by the mid 1970's. By getting arrested twice for cruising public restrooms, in Dallas no less, Gen Walker would have been a huge liability to his co-conspirators if in fact he had a role in or knowledge of the conspiracy and he would have been silenced permanently.....just like Roselli, George de. and Trafficante were during the same time frame, the mid-1970's. Since Walker survived into the 1990's, it can be easily inferred that Gen Walker was not material to the conspiracy. I don't know how else to put this. It seems like a no-brainier to me. hasta la luego, Pablo
  15. No, the Truth wasn't withheld to protect the Radical Right -- but to prevent riots in the streets during the Cold War. National Security. J. Edgar Hoover figured out who the JFK KIllers were by 3pm on 11/22/1963 -- when Dallas served up Lee Harvey Oswald and labeled him a Communist and an officer of the FPCC. Hoover had a fat file on LHO, and knew right away that: (1) LHO was never a Communist; and (2) LHO was never an officer of the FPCC. But Hoover did know that LHO was in New Orleans that summer, and that the FPCC that LHO was involved with in New Orleans was FAKE. We know this because Hoover himself told the WC in his testimony. That means that Hoover knew who was behind the JFK assassination -- the same people who were framing LHO as a Communist. That was why Hoover came up with the "Lone Nut" fiction about LHO by 3pm on 11/22/1963 (according to Professor David Wrone). He knew damn well that General Walker and the Radical Right were the culprits. Hoover chose to deny the JFK Killers their ultimate goal -- to blame the Communists for the JFK assassination. Yet even today -- a half-century later -- the dupes of the JFK Killers are still trying to link LHO and Marina with the KGB. By the way, General Walker and the Birchers also wanted to link LHO with the CIA -- which for them was the same as the KGB. This was said word-for-word in the WC testimony of Revilo P. Oliver. Regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, I can agree with you that Gen. Walker is a person of interest in the larger texture of the JFK event, but to think that Walker had a primary roll, or any roll for that matter, is quite a stretch. Do you really think that if Walker was a player in the assassination conspiracy that, after he was arrested twice in the mid-1970's for cruising public restrooms looking for homosexual sex, he would be continued to be tolerated by the other conspirators. Look what happen to John Roselli and George de Mohrenschildt during the HSCA hearings (also) in the mid 1970's. With all that has been written about the untimely deaths of many of the key witnesses not to mention the death of Dorothy Kilgallen and the murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer, if Gen Walker was who you want to make him out to be, he surely would have been liquidated in the Cover-up as a security risk. That did not happen. He lived to a ripe old age of 84 and died in 1993. So either Gen. Walker had some major juju going to mitigate the security risk he posed to the other conspirators or he was inconsequential. I choose to believe the latter.
  16. Couple of things here. Why would Roy Truly hire an inexperienced, temporary employee(Oswald) to do a "full-time" job as an order filler when he had taken "full-time" order fillers and others to make up a crew to do the temporary job of laying plywood over the existing floor(s)? As a former employer, this makes no sense to me. If I was faced with the same situation, I would hire a temporary employee to be on the temporary crew laying the plywood floor. Oswald had to be trained to do the "full-time" order-filler job after which he was on his own with no immediate supervision which I learned, as a former employer, is a recipe for disaster. If Oswald was on the flooring crew he would have had immediate supervision(the others in the flooring crew plus Shelley) which would minimize the chance for screw-ups. Plus Truly is of much interest as he was the person who named Oswald, complete which physical description, as missing from the TSBD 20 minutes after the assassination, even though there were other TSBD employees absent after the assassination. Plus Truly refused to let the FBI fingerprint all the TSBD employees and Hoover didn't object. As for Marina and the Tex-Italia contact, I find it interesting that Marina first testified before the Warren Commission on Feb 3, 1964 and the Tex-Italia contract was done around a week later. Quid Pro Quo maybe?
  17. Glenn, Wow, this is incredible. So this person, Shelley, who is leading the floor laying crew in the TSBD in the days and weeks prior to 11/22/63 just happens to have history with the CIA. Much food for thought here. Thanks
  18. from https://jfkennedy1963.com/2014/01/31/who-had-keys-to-the-texas-school-book-depository/ "The report which was in the file of Roy Truly ( TSBD Supervisor), showed in one of the paragraphs about a cleaning company that would come in each and every night and work inside of The Texas School Book Depository. The cleaning company which is named in the file as Acme Building & Maintenance would have 2 employees come into the building after hours and work inside of the building alone until about 12:00 in the morning. The most alarming part about the paragraph was that the Acme Building & Maintenance Company had two employees who had a key to the Texas School Book Depository."
  19. I've also wondered about the who/what/why of this construction crew and the timing of the work and can find little if anything on the subject. And what about the commercial cleaning company, named something like "American Maintenance" who cleaned the TSBD on Thursday nights and therefore had a key to the building? Then there's the mother of all suspicious parties, what about Tex-Italia Films who contracts with Marina for $132,000 in Feb of 1964 and then disappears without a trace. Of course, we could just revisit the bullet wounds or the money order for the zillionth time and hope to find something there.
  20. I'm of the same thinking that one "sanctioned" covert operation was in play on 11/22/63 in Dallas and the purpose of the operation was to create a pretext for military action against Cuba. This sanctioned operation was then "hijacked" by rogue operatives into the assassination of the sitting president. What exactly was the sanctioned operation that day? I don't know, but LHO was involved. LHO's pro-FPCC activities in N.O. and his supposed visits to the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City were designed to implicate Castro in whatever was planned to go down in Dallas. Jeff Caufield in his book, Gen Walker and the Murder of the President proposes that the sanctioned operation was to be a "shoot and miss" at JFK with the Walker "shoot and miss" incident of the previous April as a precedent. Of course, I don't buy into Caufield's larger thesis that Walker and the John Birchers along with assorted anti-Integrationists of the time, especially in the South, were the plotters of both the sanctioned and rogue operations. As I wrote in another post, Walker et al didn't have the national political capital to avoid prosecution or to manage a Cover-Up that is now well into its fifth decade. In my mind, the most likely party behind this ingenious scheme was James Angleton of the CIA. As head of Counter-Intelligence for the CIA, Angleton was well versed in this "wilderness of mirrors" reality; where things aren't what the seem to be. Now the bigger question is who were Angleton's master's and that leads to what group directed the policy of the national security state? And that's where 'big picture" authors like James Douglas, Jim DiEugenio and David Talbot come in. One final thought. I think that Operation Northwoods is key to understanding the mindset at the time of the national security state. This operation, which was the last operation proposed to JFK in his attempts to deal with the Cuba question, was way beyond the pale of legitimate statecraft as we citizens understand it. It was proposed by Gen Lemnitzer & the JCS along with Landsdale in March of '62; JFK did not sign-off on it. Op Northwoods was a laundry list of false flag operations to be used to create a pretext for the invasion of Cuba. Some of these false flag proposals even suggested killing US citizens and making it look like Castro did it. So if the military/security brain trust of the late 1950's and early 1960's were willing to kill ordinary citizens in order to achieve certain foreign policy goals how much of a stretch is it for them to consider assassinating a sitting president for the same reason? One final final thought and only somebody like Angleton could have come up with this. The beauty of the rogue operation within the sanctioned, covert operation scheme is that the participants of the sanctioned operation would immediately begin a cover-up least they be held accountable for the actions of the rogue operation.
  21. Paul, sorry to say that I’m not buying into Caufield’s book. Caufield’s thesis would have us believe that the prime motivation for Oswald and others in his orbit was racism, more exactly anti-integrationism, the segregation-forever sentiment. Anti-Communism, anti-Castro-ism, and the Cold War are deemed secondary. This is an unbelievable stretch. Like was said of the Watergate investigation, follow the money. These segregation-forever types, like General Walker, had no source of a big money equivalent to the CIA’s anti-Castro, anti Communist budget. Was there some crossover between the segregation warriors, right wing warriors and the Cold War warriors, sure, but Caufield fails to recognize that people are not one dimensional; rather that they are complex with multiple motivations. And Caufield is a M.D.; go figure that one. I agree with Caufield’s point that LHO was a product of his times and environment. Any poor white kid of the the Jim Crow South during the 1940’s and ‘50s of would likely default to a segregationist and right wing point of view. But does this explain Oswald’s international pro-commie persona? The author doesn’t delve into it, seemingly to avoid the possibility of an intelligence connection. The link the author makes between General Walker and Oswald is rather tenuous. Walker employed a man named Duff in December 1962. A restaurant owner and his wife in Dallas claimed that they saw Duff and Oswald eating in their restaurant in early 1963, months before the shooting at Walker’s house. The link between Oswald and Banister comes about because Walker and Banister are big-time into the John Birch Society. And get this, the author proposes that Oswald’s pro-Castro, pro FPCC activities run out of Banister’s office building(544 Camp St) were NOT CIA or intelligence related even though Oswald was known to be a returned defector at the time. Instead Caufield claims that Oswald was working for Banister to grow Banister’s already sizable flies on subversives which Banister took with him when he left the FBI. Why did Banister want to grow his files on subversives? So access to them could be leased to certain State and police authorities in Louisiana and other southern states for the purpose of decapitating the civil rights movement using laws like Louisiana’s Communist Control Act of 1962. These kind of laws made it a crime with severe penalties to be active in civil rights causes if it could be established that an activist had associations with Communists or Communist front groups as documented by “authoritative ” sources like Banister’s files. Caufield and I do share the notion that some type of false flag operation was in play that day in Dallas and Oswald was party to it. Caufield proposes that the nominal false flag operation was sold to Oswald as a “shoot and miss” attempt on JFK like the one at at Walker’s house. No bloodshed would be involved. This action would result in his arrest. The charges would be unprovable and a release from jail would follow. This is Caufield’s false flag “shoot-and miss” theory, False flag operations are designed to establish a pretext for some other purpose, usually a military or diplomatic one. Caufield proposes that the intended pretext for this false flag action was to stir-up the citizenry into an anti-communist, anti-lefty frenzy which would result in the increased repression against The Civil Rights Movement, something that all anti-integrationists racists, like Walker, Banister, Ferrie and Oswald would applaud. I disagree with Caufield on this point. I think that whatever the nominal false flag operation that was in play on 11/22/63 , it was to be the pretext to take out Castro militarily, not to repress the Civil Rights Movement. Caufield and I also agree on this; JFK’s assassination was the result of the nominal false flag operation being hijacked by a rogue operation which Oswald had no knowledge of. Caufield thinks that the rogue operators were part of the hard right wing, anti-integration, racist crowd of Walker, Banister, H.L.Hunt, to name a few, and I think that the rogue operators were CIA heavies, like Angleton, Phillips, Howard Hunt, Morales, Cord Meyer, etc., These guys had already successfully produced regime change in places like Guatemala and Iran. And these CIA operators already knew how to do assassinations technically, but more importantly they knew, and this is evidence of their sophistication, that once the rogue operation was successful that those involved in the nominal false flag operation would have no choice but to cover up everything, the both the nominal and rogue operation, least they be ruined and the many of the institutions of this nation be severely tested. The “Castro-did-it” spin in the immediate hours and days after the assassination which Gaeton Fonzi wrote all about in his book The Last Investigation is also evidence of the perpetrator’s sophistication because it works with both cases, the nominal and the rogue. Of course Caufield doesn’t like Fonzi let alone Garrison. The crucial flaw in Caufield’s thesis is the reality of the Cover Up. He actually thinks that lousy police work and political influence on the local and state level was the reason that his purported right wing perpetrators were never brought to justice. These perpetrators of Caufield’s were essentially a bunch of light weights when it came to regime change; let alone designing in an automatic cover up mechanism. And they had virtually zero political capital on the national level to influence a federal investigation unless one buys into the notion that all gays are in some big world-wide fraternity. Even though the FBI’s J.Edgar Hoover was gay and a tried and true racist, he would have thrown a right wing, gay, racist like General Walker under the bus in a heartbeat because Walker and his cohorts had little, if any, political cover on the national stage. Now the CIA of Dulles, Angleton, Phillips, etc is another story. They had the means, experience, personnel, connections and brains to successfully pull off the assassination and design in an auto cover up feature. One would think that after 20 years of research , 50 something interviews and 800+ pages that Caufield could have come up with something a little more palatable.
  22. Interestingly enough, Steve, this Cuba false flag pretext scenario is where I've landed after 40 years of reading JFK assassination literature. My thinking goes this way: some off-the-books false flag event was planned for 11/22/63; most likely an assassination attempt; LHO was then to flee to or towards Cuba thereby justifying direct USA military action against Cuba. This scenario was the "sanctioned" operation in play on 11/22/63. The "sanctioned" operation was hijacked by a rogue operation resulting in the actual assassination of JFK. The national security state couldn't disclose its authoring of the "sanctioned" false flag event so an immediate cover-up was initiated which endures to this day. And who knows, JFK may have been party to the off-the books, sanctioned operation. JFK was up for re-election in 12 months and the failure to rid Cuba of a communist regime by his administration was going to be used against him by the Republican Party in the '64 election. JFK needed to resolve the "Cuba problem" to get re-elected. My attraction to this "hijacked false flag operation" framework is that it accommodates so much of the historical evidence in this case. And remember that Operation Northwoods, which was all about false flag events, was the last operation proposed by the JCS and DOD after the failures of Operation Zapata(Bay of Pigs) and Operation Mongoose. JFK did not sign-off on Northwoods, but maybe it evolved into some "off-the-books","under-the radar" false flag operation with or without his knowledge. I could go on and delineate all the instances of the historical evidence( Oswald's actions, New Orleans, Mexico City, the Cover-Up, etc.) being accommodated by this framework but that's for another post. In fact, if you can point some contrary evidence I'm open to it. Dan, rather than offer any contrary evidence to your current JFK assassination theory, I would offer a new book that completely confirms your theory, namely, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: the Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015) by Dr. Jeff Caufield. Caufield uses lots of new FBI disclosures to argue for his "false flag" theory of the JFK murder. Regards, --Paul Trejo Thanks Paul, just ordered the book. Seems like most people aren't aware of the history of Gen Walker and his roll in the rebellion at U of Mississippi in September of 1962 when James Meredith, black man, went enroll in classes there. JFK/RFK sent in Federal Marshals then sent in federal troops to quell the riot. 2 people were killed. General Walker was in command of the attack on the marshals who had set up a protective perimeter around the Lyceum. RFK called Walker's action treasonous and had him committed to a psychiatric hospital. Walker got a judge to reverse RFK's actions. Recall Walker resigned his commission after JFK chastised him for indoctrinating his troops with right wing propaganda...from the John Birch Society. Read Walker's testimony to the Warren Commission. He calls Ruby "Rubenstein" and says that Oswald and Ruby both opened PO Boxes at the same PO in Dallas in the same week. He then goes on to say that he hired his own investigators to investigate the assassination and knows who was behind it. Remember the "pot shot" directed at Walker which supposedly LHO did in April '63. Maybe there was supposed to be another "pot shot" at JFK on 11/22/63 attributed to LHO? Walker was a closeted homosexal which came out in mid 1970's after he was arrested in a public bathroom. Sound like an acquaintance of David Ferrie or Clay Shaw? Interestingly enough, when Walker resigned from the Army he forfeited his pension. Early in Ronald Reagan's presidency, Reagan restored Walker's Army pension. Go figure that one. This is the best book on the Oxford Rebellion and no I'm not related to the author An American Insurrection: James Meredith and the Battle of Oxford, Mississippi, 1962Jan 7, 2003 by William Doyle
  23. Interestingly enough, Steve, this Cuba false flag pretext scenario is where I've landed after 40 years of reading JFK assassination literature. My thinking goes this way: some off-the-books false flag event was planned for 11/22/63; most likely an assassination attempt; LHO was then to flee to or towards Cuba thereby justifying direct USA military action against Cuba. This scenario was the "sanctioned" operation in play on 11/22/63. The "sanctioned" operation was hijacked by a rogue operation resulting in the actual assassination of JFK. The national security state couldn't disclose its authoring of the "sanctioned" false flag event so an immediate cover-up was initiated which endures to this day. And who knows, JFK may have been party to the off-the books, sanctioned operation. JFK was up for re-election in 12 months and the failure to rid Cuba of a communist regime by his administration was going to be used against him by the Republican Party in the '64 election. JFK needed to resolve the "Cuba problem" to get re-elected. My attraction to this "hijacked false flag operation" framework is that it accommodates so much of the historical evidence in this case. And remember that Operation Northwoods, which was all about false flag events, was the last operation proposed by the JCS and DOD after the failures of Operation Zapata(Bay of Pigs) and Operation Mongoose. JFK did not sign-off on Northwoods, but maybe it evolved into some "off-the-books","under-the radar" false flag operation with or without his knowledge. I could go on and delineate all the instances of the historical evidence( Oswald's actions, New Orleans, Mexico City, the Cover-Up, etc.) being accommodated by this framework but that's for another post. In fact, if you can point to some contrary evidence I'm open to it.
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