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Michael Walton

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Everything posted by Michael Walton

  1. Sounds good we work in the same field, Chris. Have a good holiday.
  2. Yes I did Chris. It got so bad that I was temporarily banned from this forum. And I've worked in the multimedia business for 30 years now. But more than that, Zavada actually touched and handled the film, studied it carefully, and concluded his report. The film is THE BEST evidence for conspiracy, Chris. Think about that for a minute - if the film was altered by the Bad Guys why in the world did they STILL LEAVE the evidence of conspiracy in it? It doesn't make sense and it's why, on 11/25/63, government lackey Dan Rather got on the air and in front of a national TV audience, began the long, sordid story of lies about what was in it. If an innocent government was truly trying to be transparent and inform the country of what really happened, they would have told the TV networks to pool their sources and show the film for all to see. Instead, Rather gets on, says as an objective reporter, that he sees the president's head and body violently FORWARD from the head shot. And, thus, began the long and many lies trying to cover up the evidence of conspiracy.
  3. Oh, you forgot some others... G(g)od Country Mom Apple Pie Chevrolet **** Hillary... Hillary? Ha, oh, that's a good one, Glenn. She's a babe in the woods. Perhaps this is a great lesson of not knowing - or caring - about history or the real history of what's gone down in the good ole US of A. But that's OK, Glenn. You keep being that proud and patriotic American
  4. This exact same answer came up months ago on another thread regarding the Z film. Missing frames = painted in blobs = altered = faked. We all mean the same thing here, Chris. Although not a complete report online, the Zavada report proved the Z film was not altered = faked. http://www.jfk-info.com/zreport.htm The original is in NARA: https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/faqs.html#film
  5. These are great clips. Yes, Greer moves very quickly but keep in mind that if the film had been shot with a higher FPS his extremely fast movement would have been shown in more frames. Chris, oh, no, please...please don't start the Z film is faked once again I know you have a right to post, but not that. We should all be very grateful that Zapruder was there that day to capture it and prove to the world that there was more than one shooter. Imagine if he had not been - then this entire case would have been totally opposed by the word of mouth of the witnesses. And look how well the Bad Guys were able to take care of that. That's exactly why it was kept away for so many years.
  6. Thank you for this info, Vince. Just my two cents worth - and I know this is not really related to the post - but I've never believed that the SS were in on the planning of JFK's murder. I think the real planners would have found it way too risky to try to involve the agents guarding Kennedy that day, as it would have only taken one to grow a conscious and spill the beans, revealing the plot. Do I think they could have been more diligent on 11/22? Yes, but I also like to keep in mind the way things were done back then. I think there was an innocence back then that nobody would mow down the president in such a public way in broad daylight. I think the real cover up, though, by the SS started the minute he was pronounced dead and I think this cover up was more of a COA type cover up.
  7. Putting this here. If these don't convince you that the silly "jet effect/neuromuscular spasm" theories are bunk, I don't know what will. Viewer discretion is advised for link #2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7Hr9Lrku-CxNm9MNTY3UHVrR1k https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7Hr9Lrku-CxU0V1ck1GZFN6TWM
  8. GLENN: Surely you don't disagree that the US is unique in many ways...? Sorry Glenn but we're not unique, nor are we E-xceptional, as in Exceptionalism. We're no better nor worst than any of the other 6 billion humans who live on Earth. All of us are just skin, bones, organs, and hair and we just so happen to live on land where a government was founded over 200 years ago. And it's still going. That's all. I mean really, do you think Vietnamese people who live in little hamlets right at this very moment are going around thinking that they're exceptional? Or the people that live in the mountains of Peru? Why are we any better than them - because we live in McMansions, drive BMW's, and take cruises twice a year down to third-world islands to lay on the beach and sip pina coladas? It's that kind of "exceptional" thinking that can get a whole lot of people - and even countries - into a world of trouble for others who share the world. Hitler and other dictators who caused the deaths of millions come quickly to mind. And this is the essence of Kennedy's American University speech - one of the keys to that speech was instead of looking inward, we need to look outward, but not in an hubristic way. An example of that would be for a lawyer who represents a billion-dollar company, sees riches in a third-world country, has the ability to manufacture dissent in that country, overthrows that country's leaders, puts a friendly puppet leader in the deposed one's place, makes billions for his client, and then goes home to Georgetown that night, puts his slippers on and reads the paper while sipping on a martini. Without batting an eye for the lives he destroyed while doing it. Do you know who I speak of, Glenn? If you do - and can put one and one together - then you'll really truly understand why John Kennedy was murdered 53 years ago yesterday. But if you continue to think that our country is unique and exceptional, then you won't get it. Sorry to burst that bubble for you today.
  9. Jim D can explain this far better than I can, but I think it's equally important to remember that as president, Kennedy was reaching out to the Soviets to have better relations, as well as with Cuba. He even ordered a NSM for NASA to consider going to the moon or having space travel with Russia. I do have one question though - does anyone have any thoughts as to why, during that time, his administration was to continue to carry out Operation Mongoose? I can't get my head around why he'd be making these type of overtures to America's so-called enemies while causing disruption in Cuba. The only thing I can think of is perhaps he was trying to appease the right-wing anti-Castro clique of the government.
  10. We're the only country that does many things, Kirk.This is what most consider a good thing. We became the United States for this very reason. To compare us to other countries is to not even get why we're Americans. What exactly do you mean by this, Glenn? I'm hoping it's not what I think it means. As in the word that starts with an "e." Oh no, I hope not.
  11. I owned a 1973 VW Beetle for many years, fully restored. This is 12 years after this Lincoln was built. Granted this limo was top of the line for back then, while the VW was a cheap made in the millions people car. But car manufacturing was very different in 1973 and even more so in 1961. That VW had some interesting ways of being put together. Today cars are precision engineered, designed on computers and where everything is close to symmetrical as you can get, then built by robots. Not so back then. So maybe one of the indented screws is slightly higher than the other. Maybe there was a reason for doing that. Maybe Eisenhardt in Cincinnati, who bullet proofed it, had a reason for screwing one in slightly different than the other. Look at the vents - look how far back the vents are, almost underneath where the screws on both doors are. That tells me that when the doors are closed, those screws most probably don't even show up and are hidden. So my question is - why in the world is this, yet again, even being drawn out in a debate here? It's obvious these are indented screws or rivets holding the panels on. And yet....it continues on like it's some kind of Rosetta Stone in the case. I mean, wow. Just...wow.
  12. Thanks and I will read it. I really truly hope that some day, someone pries that pristine film from the TV station so we can get an analysis of PM, too. I would absolutely love it if PM ends up being LHO.
  13. Very nice speech, Barry. I plan to put this on my FB page on 11/22, even though I know no one will read it :/
  14. Looks like a riveted screw or something holding the door panel onto the door frame to me. And it's on both doors so the odds of two different bullets hitting two precise locations on opposite doors seems impossible to me.
  15. The administrators announced that the Prayer Person thread has been closed due to no real new info being posted there. I'm suggesting that this thread be closed as well. There's really nothing new here except continued griping, whining, snarking, complaining about stolen elections, countering about the middle class voting for Trump, and so on. It's over. Trump is president. The Senate and HR are controlled by Republicans. No amount of whining and keyboard warrioring is going to change that. Let's see what happens because that's the only thing Americans can do at this point. And just remember - 48% of Americans did not vote. If they had, it would have made a huge difference. http://brilliantmaps.com/did-not-vote/ But it's all water under the bridge now.
  16. Looks like a good "popcorn and Coke" kind of movie - well-produced. I think my wife would enjoy watching it too As for the UM, the most we can safely say without veering too much into the paranoia as seen in this movie is, the actions of UM and the black guy were, at most, odd. When everyone else was running around and crying right after the shots were fired, these two just stood around, sat on the curb, got up, and walked away. It's probably one of those one-in-a-million coincidences that the UM chose DP to stand there with his umbrella where he could clearly be seen vs. up further on the motorcade route. And, thus, were crazy conspiracy theories born (mini pistols, darts, nerve gas, pointy laser eyes to freeze JFK in place, etc.). One thing I noticed in the trailer is when LHO is shot, Ruby's gun sparks. I had always thought that he didn't fire the shot until the barrel was jammed into LHO but guess he fired inches away from him. I'm wondering if the film producers added this gun spark or if that's original?
  17. Andrej, You've always done a good job with your 3D animations.
  18. Comparing Wecht and Vince with Baker is like...well, there's just no comparison. Like Chris said above, Wecht is an esteemed medical person and is basically one of us, knowing based on the his own eyes and his evaluation of the medical evidence that there was a conspiracy. Meanwhile, no writings, no photos, no nothing from Baker about her supposed encounters with LHO. And now Ms. Brown above is saying Ruby told her to be a vanilla girl when Brown asked her why she didn't reveal herself to Garrison. Well, well - how convenient that Baker is mentioning yet another person who's in the grave. I mean, where does the ridiculousness end here?
  19. Yes, I do. It wasn't an "eating dinner at 7" kind of event in one's life that happens thousands and thousands of times. If someone ran into John Lennon when he was on tour in the U.S. you can bet that the person meeting him would wait 34 years to talk about it. I think, too, that based on what I've read on this EF, you do tend to believe just about anything and everything there is that even has a tiny sniff or puff of conspiracy. As the argument went on the ridiculous "67% Solution," not everything and anything you read is true in this case. And you, yourself, are saying that you are suspicious - why not just use a little common sense and plausibility and accept that she's a money-grubbing flake?
  20. Joe Bauer, Nineteen ninety nine. 1999. Really, Joe? One of the major events of American history and we don't hear anything from Judy Baker until 1999, over 30 years after the fact? I mean, come on, have a little sense of perspective here. If you believe Judy Baker then you might as well believe that the moon landing was staged. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKbakerJ.htm
  21. It's very simple. Go here and you'll see how he walked east from the TSBD, got on the bus, and the bus headed back to the TSBD to go to Oak Cliff. Traffic was snarled so he got a cab. Not hard to figure out and nothing sinister.
  22. The party needs fresh blood. Bernie Sanders comes across as an angry old white man to me. I like Warren but she's old too. Tulsi Gabbard looks like a very attractive candidate for 2020. She'll only be 40 years old in 2020. She served in the military and is a Hindu which to me is attractive as well. I think she, far more than HC, would be a better first female president. Cliff you're so, so funny about this "$30 billion jobs program." It's hilarious. How in the world do you think it would have EVER gotten through the "just say no" Republican Congress? Obama could barely pass the ACA and he pretty much watered it down so much and gave away the keys to the cabin too. And many of his other legislative programs were shot down as well. You're delusional if you think HC would have made a difference. It would have just been more of the same as with Obama - he proposes something, the Red Republicans would have called it socialism/irresponsible/whatever like they always do, and it would have died in session. All the while those same Congressmen wear their little flags on their lapels and say they're for god and country while taking money from their corporate sponsors (lobbyists) to not pass ANYTHING that would disrupt their corporate way of life. And don't forget - Corporations [registered trademark] Are People Too, so they have all the rights now and can afford to support those rights with corporate dollars.
  23. Putting this here. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/17/us/politics/democrats-house-senate.html It's really time to move on. Even the Democrats may want to align with Trump to do some much-needed infrastructure updates across the U.S. We don't have to like Trump but his thinking is in the right place to do this. Cliff, it may be hard for you to wrap your head around it, but there was a vast silent majority of blue-collar whites who were tired of the same old, same old. Obama's "hope" slogan from the past 8 years kept those people hoping that change would come, including the government stopping business from shipping their jobs overseas. What none of these people understand is this job segment is disappearing at a very fast clip and no amount of government intervention - from either side of the aisle - is going to stop that. Most of the jobs that were filled recently keeping unemployment low were in the service sector, not the manufacturing sector. But it's hard for these people to understand - all they want is a job to keep the roof over their heads and their bellies full. So they pretty much abandoned their ticket that they'd voted for years on and went with Trump, who did a masterful job of selling "change" to them. There was no way these people were going to vote for Hillary "oh, I didn't know" Clinton, who is an entrenched political creature of DC. The media played a role as well, smugly predicting Trump (in other words, these same people) had no chance of winning, while breezily predicting HC's 85% change of winning victory. The FBI thing made no difference - for these silent blue-collars, it pretty much was the icing on the cake for them but this event didn't radically bring millions of voters from HC to DT. So it's time to move on. If you can't see the forest from the trees on this, then there's nothing more to be said. It's time to stop regressing and start progressing
  24. What a flake and fake. Right up there with crazy Bev "I was a teenager dressed as a frumpy 40-year-old woman" Oliver. And Jimmy "I shot JFK" Files.
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