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Toby Kearns

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  1. Anyone catch this admission from Desantis in an interview from a couple of days ago? Scroll to 23:00 minutes and you'll hear him state it pretty clearly.
  2. Thanks Larry and David, my mistake here I thought I was onto something. Not to worry. I’ll keep digging. Too many redactions in this stuff, kind of makes the release a farce. Though, it was probably to be expected. Cheers.
  3. Hi all, I think the redacted name in this file is Carl E Jenkins. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10225-10007.pdf Page 15 has a letter to Him in regard to his retirement has what look like to me the words "Dear Carl".. Oops.. The dates of service seem to line up, 1952-1973.. Diving into it now, there are'n as many redactions in this file compared to David Morales' file.. Cheers, Toby
  4. Hi Kirk, thanks for the info. I have heard that link and the second part to it also and yes, the admission isn't there. I have heard an interview of Lane stating it happened after the actual debate during a bit of a Q and A session with the audience. Apparently the tape was still rolling and there is audio out there of it. It was on this thread/forum that I stumbled onto the story as well as actually hearing Mark Lane mention it in an interview. http://jfkfacts.org/jfk-most-wanted-dave-phillips-cia-files/ Cheers.
  5. Hi all, I'm a new member and this is my first post. I'm wondering whether anyone on here has ever managed to track down the audio recording of a U.S.C debate that occurred in 1977 involving amongst others, Mark Lane and David Atlee Phillips. The claim from Mark Lane, was that after the debate and during audience questioning, DAP actually stated something along the lines of " you'll probably find Oswald was never in Mexico City". There is supposedly audio of this exchange between the audience and Phillips and so I'm wondering whether anyone has actually heard it? There were some links posted on another forum some time ago but the Youtube link posted (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTmC945CZCA) has been pulled by “Isla Negra” films citing copyright infringement and the library link shows it not being available at any library: http://www.worldcat.org/title/age-of-conspiracy-conference/oclc/18435714 That coupled with the fact the broadcaster had His flat broken into and lost a lot of materials leaves me wondering whether certain agencies don’t want anyone hearing this supposed admission of DAP… I'd love to hear this as would many I suspect. Regards, Toby
  6. My name is Toby Kearns, I live in Melbourne Australia but am originally from Christchurch New Zealand. I've had a serious interest in the events of November 22nd 63 ever since I saw Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" and since then read many books on the subject. I visited Dallas last year on a work trip which was certainly a bucket list item for me. I'm into facts, and there are too many facts that show there was more going on that day, prior and also post, than that of a single lone gunman in a 6th floor window. I'm a fan of the writings of Larry Hancock who I feel has really got his finger on the pulse when it comes to the involvement of certain individuals.
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