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Micah Mileto

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Posts posted by Micah Mileto

  1. On 6/12/2020 at 3:58 PM, James DiEugenio said:


    If this is indeed an accurate from Garrison as quoted by Lifton, then it is one of the best quotes ever. Let me copy a previous comment of mine which is relevant:


    The best way to combat censorship is to have people taught HOW to think instead of WHAT to think. Take this to the literal extreme - "HOW to think" is NOT a pretentious dressed up way of saying "WHAT to think". I think it is wrong to blame the promoters of misinformation for the prevalence of misinformation. Do not blame the anti-vaxxer for the popularity of anti-vaxx information. When you see an argument in a forum thread, and one of the users links to a secondary source that is obviously biased - do not make fun of them for "believing" fake news. People need to understand the "two-step" process for fat-checking. First of all, it is literally impossible for a single person to know an objective fact. Their knowledge is only as good as their source. It takes more information to prove ONE fact than there is room in the human mind to recall information. Even if we posit something obvious, like "the sky is blue", we can never prove that to be 100% reality because someone could just argue "how do you know you aren't a brain in a jar being fooled into thinking the sky is blue?". It's like the speed of light - if the speed of light were the objective truth of reality, it would only be possible for a single person to get to 99.9999etc. percent. The blind spots in a person's knowledge could just be a confidence trick. There's a story is a person being hypnotized into thinking a $100 piece of monopoly money is a $25,000 check. A person holds the monopoly money up to their eyes and says "don't you see where it says $100?" and the subject insists "No! It's a $25,000 check!".

    When somebody is seeking information about a controversial subject matter in history, I think the easiest way to research would be to start with an obviously-biased source. Then, they should try their best to fact check that biased source. BEWARE of sources that claim to be unbiased, like "encyclopedia" websites or "historical journals". THAT is the confidence trick. NOBODY can do the fact-checking for you, any one single source should only be considered 99.999% convincing MAXIMUM.


    I have no reason to think this is too much to ask of people. People should have a healthy sense of what they know, what they don't know, and what nobody knows.

  2. Lipsey wasn't listed as an autopsy witness in the Sibert and O'Neill report, but the HSCA seemed to find him credible enough to list him as a witness in their 1979 report. Lipsey's statements were notable for a few reasons. He said there was a small wound in the LOWER back of the head, He said that the pathologists were aware of the defect in the throat as a bullet wound, He said that he heard the pathologists discussing the possibility of the throat wound being created as a result of a bullet entering the back of the head, and also he heard the pathologists discuss a THREE-bullet-scenario: one entering the upper back, another entering the lower back of the head and exiting the throat, and a third coming from behind and tangentially striking the right side of the head.

  3. IMO this is this is the best way to combat censorship - teaching the fact that people need to be taught HOW to think instead of WHAT to think. Take this to the literal extreme - "HOW to think" is NOT a pretentious dressed up way of saying "WHAT to think". I think it is wrong to blame the promoters of misinformation for the prevalence of misinformation. Do not blame the anti-vaxxer for the popularity of anti-vaxx information. When you see an argument in a forum thread, and one of the users links to a secondary source that is obviously biased - do not make fun of them for "believing" fake news. People need to understand the "two-step" process for fat-checking. First of all, it is literally impossible for a single person to know an objective fact. Their knowledge is only as good as their source. It takes more information to prove ONE fact than there is room in th ehuman mind to recall information. Even if we posit something obvious, like "the sky is blue", we can never prove that to be 100% reality because someone could just argue "how do you know you aren't a brain in a jar being fooled into thinking the sky is blue?". It's like the speed of light - if the speed of light were the objective truth of reality, it would only be possible for a single person to get to 99.9999etc. percent. The blind spots in a person's knowledge could just be a confidence trick. There's a story is a person being hypnotized into thinking a $100 piece of monopoly money is a $25,000 check. A person holds the monopoly money up to their eyes and says "don't you see where it says $100?" and the subject insists "No! It's a $25,000 check!".

    When somebody is seeking information about a controversial subject matter in history, I think the easiest way to research would be to start with an obviously-biased source. Then, they should try their best to fact check that biased source. BEWARE of sources that claim to be unbiased, like "encyclopedia" websites or "historical journals". THAT is the confidence trick. NOBODY can do the fact-checking for you, any one single source should only be considered 99.999% convincing MAXIMUM.


    I have no reason to think this is too much to ask of people. People should have a healthy sense of what they know, what they don't know, and what nobody knows.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

    Jim, something STRANGE happened on GOOGLE around 2016 or so. From 1998-2016, any time you put in "JFK Secret Service" or some variation of the same, much of my work came up. In fact, one could argue I was the "king" of anything related to President Kennedy and the Secret Service on the internet.

    Then, sometime in 2016, NONE of my work comes up on the first or second page EXCEPT my brief mention in a Vanity Fair article!! Nada. I went from dominating Google to disappearing.

    Interestingly, I used to also dominate the terms "Clint Hill". "Gerald Blaine" and "The Kennedy Detail." No longer--Hill, Blaine and his book have major websites that blot out anything else.

    Just as 2013 saw the media close the case, ever since then, Google and company have done all they can to shut dissenting views out. I suspect HTML/java script codes have been encoded--along with algorithms---to wipe us out (example: if I write Secret Service JFK, perhaps there is a code that cancels me out now).

    Interesting item about Lisa McCubbin, Clint Hill's girlfriend and co-author of all his books + Blaine:

    In July of 2001, Lisa gave up her broadcasting career to move with her family to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where her husband was being transferred by his company. Who would have guessed that just two months later, on September 11, nineteen Arab terrorists would change the world.

    A graduate of Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts, Ms. McCubbin has been a television news anchor and reporter, hosted her own radio talk show, and spent six years in the Middle East as a freelance journalist in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Doha, Qatar.Later, as the Saudi government came under increasing Western media scrutiny, the Saudi Minister of Foreign Investment hired Lisa McCubbin as a media consultant to train leading business people and members of the Saudi government to deal with the Western press---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It's not strange. Google has their own personal guild of butthurt gremlins being paid a penny a year to add trigger words to their list.

  5. I have always wanted to see a full copy of Humes' final HSCA testimony, which was filmed and broadcast on national television. David Lifton who was in the audience and saw Humes before and after, said that Humes' hands were literally shaking in anger - which I can only guess had something to do with the way they treated him for his description of a small wound in the LOWER back of Kennedy's head, rather than the UPPER location theorized by the HSCA staff.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Maybe the second most important point beyond the impossibility of his firing from inches behind the ear from several feet in front or RFK in the big picture of how.  But not what Sirhan needs now.  

    He's been a model prisoner.  He's served his time beyond what others accused of similar crimes have.  He's an old man who will harm no one.  He has earned the right to die free.  I won't mention being used by His government in my letter.

    It is true but sad when basic evidence that blows the case wide open is "not what Sirhan needs now". **** our Vice President-elect. Western exceptionalism is a mental illness.

  7. On 10/24/2020 at 9:32 PM, David Lifton said:

    See also prior discussion. (There may be some repetition. Will try to further revise later). DSL

    Did Dr. David Stewart tell you anything about the information about a wound in the left temple? He always said it was discussed among the Parkland staff but he quotes I have now don't specifically name any witnesses. Will any new information bout that be in Final Charade?


    I made this long discussion on information suggesting small wound(s) on the front of the head:

    This is as complete as I could manage to get it.

  8. On 11/12/2020 at 2:23 PM, James DiEugenio said:

    I am pretty sure that Dave Mantik will be on Black Op Radio this Thursday to talk about this critique of Litwin.

    Tune it, it should be fun.

    I am supposed to debate Litwin later.  Will keep you informed if Fred does not back out. 


    Dr. Mantik said that he thinks this dark path is a bone fracture (Medical Research Archives, Vol. 7, Issue 9, September, 2019, The Robertson Hypothesis: A Joyless Review [link 1] [link 2]).

  9. On 11/27/2020 at 2:34 AM, Richard Booth said:

    Not an opinion you hear that often, that is for sure.

    However, anything is possible. I never like to be too stringent in my beliefs because I have found in the past that I was wrong about one thing or another as new evidence came in, and think it's intellectually proper to be open to differing positions.

    What specifically makes you think that Nagell faked the ID, and what published book do you think it was from? 

    What makes me think that Nagell knows something, and isn't just some nut, are the unusual occurrences in his life. The people showing up at his house after he dies looking for things. The fact his son's apartment was broken into around the same time (Robert Nagell's apartment). The fact that the family said their storage locker was broken into and items were missing. That kind of thing is really strange to me and it strikes me as things the family wouldn't/didn't fabricate, and if these are real then it lends to the notion there were people willing to break the law just to find something Nagell might have had.

    As with all things, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Some of the events described in TMWKTM didn't exactly happen in the way it was put forward. I've listened to some podcasts that were critical of Nagell and in one Carmine Savastano presented a compelling case that the bank robbery didn't go down as depicted in Dick Russell's book. 

    I remain, as always, curious, open, critical-minded, and interested in new details. 

    See here


  10. 10 hours ago, David Lifton said:

    1045 AM PST)

    Thank you. Here's what I find in Best Evidence, page 109 of the 1992 signet edition:


    I turned to the wound in the throat. O’Connor described it as “a great big hole in his larynx. . . . They said they tried to do a tracheotomy—it was already blown open. I don’t know how they could have done anything with it . . . there was nothing. The esophagus was laid open. . . .

  11. 9 hours ago, David Andrews said:

    I don't mean to belabor, but isn't there a competing report, by a doctor, describing the esophagus as pushed to the left and bruised on the right side?  I'm sorry that I can't cite the witness.  It seems that this was at Parkland, and was used to describe the need for a wide trach incision and the difficulty of inserting the trach tube.

    The trachea was deviated to one side, not the esophagus. The esophagus is behind the trachea, so if it is true that the esophagus could be seen beneath the defect in the throat at Bethesda, there was definitely some alteration to the throat done.

  12. 11 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    Great work!

    Dr. Jones is still working but he has declined to make any further statements. he said the last piece he wrote in 2014 in American College of Surgeons publication is his final statement on the matter. he consistently declined to participate in any further conferenes or respond to any more questions.

    We have been trying to contact Dr.Porto who has moved back to his native country. I had an extensive interview with Dr. Curtis who said his supervisor Dr. Walker saw a temple wound. He also said the Dr. Kemp lifted up the JFK's head to show the senior doctors who had come into the room (but not treating JFK) why he had determined JFK's wound was not survivable.

    Specter interviewed the doctors before deciding whose testimony to take. This was no doubt to screen out those whose testimony would not be helpful. This is probably why r. Porto was not deposed.

    Specter used a number of tactics to intimidate the doctors. when those did not work, he would go off the record or would simply ignore an inconvenient response and pursue his line of quesiton. this is how one "manufactures" a record.     

    That's crazy. Is there any more info about the Dr. Curtis interview you're ok with sharing at this time?

  13. 8 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    If you're gonna be thorough on the Parkland witnesses to make reference to a left head wound than you might want to include Father Oscar Huber. 

    Huber has his own chapter, seen above. I feel sure that Huber wasn't talking about the right side of the head. The left side of the head was of course covered in blood and hair, which might have made it difficult to see any wounds that might exist, but Huber was quoted as saying there was a "blotch of blood" or a "blood clot" on the "left forehead". So, an area on the left front of the head where there was a small coagulation of blood that resembled a wound.

  14. 6 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    Thanks, Micah. This should prove interesting. 

    Thanks. While your website perfectly illustrates that the Dealey Plaza witnesses were describing the large head wound and not any small head wounds, there is a lot it doesn't include about the Parkland witnesses. Drs. Robert Shaw and David Stewart both claimed to have heard the other staff members discussing a wound in the left temple. Dr. Jenkins, at the very least, said there was blood on the left temple, that he placed his finger there, and that he suspected a wound there. Dr. McClelland said that he heard Jenkins say "there's a wound in the left temple" (in another version of the story, he said he just heard Jenkins say "there's a wound here" while seeing the finger on the temple, and thought he was pointing to a small wound). Dr. Ronald Jones inexplicably told the ARRB that him and Dr. Lito Porto having some knowledge of a wound in the left temple, a story which he never told before or after since (Jones is still alive from what I understand, but I couldn't find a working phone number to contact him). Gene Akin, even if you want to call him a xxxx, did claim to see an "entry wound" in the "forehead", and also claimed a temple wound was seen by Dr. Kemp Clark. A couple of early newspaper articles printed unsourced claims that a wound in the left temple/forehead was seen.

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