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Micah Mileto

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Posts posted by Micah Mileto

  1. 26 minutes ago, Steve Roe said:

    I have not read Lisa Pease's book, and frankly why should I?

    I have seen her interviews on the book "A Lie too Big to Fail".

    Ms. Pease has made some incredible assumptions, one of which is "Sirhan was firing blanks with his revolver". 

    I'm sorry that is bogus nonsense.

    As with JFK, there are any number of ways one could mix or match different multiple shooter scenarios. Blanks are just mentioned as one of many possibilities. There are a couple of witnesses who say they remember seeing bits of what looked like paper come out of the barrel of the gun as it was firing. Also, a flame coming out of the barrel which would be too long to match the length of the short flame that comes out when firing an ordinary 22 round.

  2. 2 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

    Angelos Leiloglou is claiming that he can scientifically disprove the single bullet theory once and for all. If this is true, why isn't there more hype? The demo shown at the 2017 mock trial looked promising, with the Zapruder film fading over the 3D model.

    I think people may be expecting this to be a dud, just like all of the other false positives, e.g. Acoustics, Malcolm Wallace fingerprint, etc.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    You might find this interesting.  I found a few interesting things that are scattered through it, as well as points by many others


    Unfortunately for RFK, there was no film of his shooting, only witnesses. With JFK, there's a chance that with the Zapruder film there may actually come an era where "Illuminati confirmed" is literal in the physical scientific sense. Angelos Leiloglou's computer model of Dealey Plaza may or may not be the breaking point for the official story, as far as physical science is concerned about the lone gunman theory.

  4. 1 hour ago, Mark Stevens said:

    Thanks Micah,

    So if I'm understanding, based on the wounds he did actually see he thinks the other wounds are probable and could have a correlation to the wounds he did see?

    For instance, due to the large wound on the back of the head (rear right) that he did see, he believes it's probable there was a entry wound in the front right hairline area?

    McClelland said several times that there could've been a small wound in one of the temples that was covered by hair and blood.

  5. 6 hours ago, Mark Stevens said:


    I don't think I've seen these before. I'm curious though, 2 of these are annotated "did not see this." How is he making the reference/drawing then? What was the purpose of this drawing? Why does he draw wounds he didn't see?

    McClelland is saying that, although he does personally believe in a gunman situated on the right-front of Kennedy, he did not personally see an entry wound on the right-front of Kennedy's head, but such a wound could have existed if it was hidden by the hair and blood. Here are some links I made with McClelland's other drawings (I know i'm missing at least one): 10/5/2015 drawing 1 [link]; 10/5/2015 drawing 2 [link] [link 2]; 11/12/2015 interview at Allen Public Library; 12/22/2016 drawing [link]; 2016 speech at Berkner High School; 2/28/2017 drawing [link]; 4/6/2017 drawing 1 [link] [link 2]; 4/6/2017 drawing 2 [link]; 4/10/2017 drawing 1 [link]; 4/10/2017 drawing 2 [link]; 6/14/2017 drawing 1 [link]; 6/14/2017 drawing 2 [link]; 7/17/2017 drawing [link] [link 2] [link 3]; 2/16/2018 drawing [link]; Undated drawing 1; Undated drawing 2 [link] [link 2] [link 3] [link 4] [link 5] [link 6]; Undated drawing 3 [link] [link 2] [link 3]; Undated drawing 4 [link]; Undated drawing 5 [link]; Undated audio at studentsforrenew.org)



  6. On 4/19/2019 at 11:02 PM, Micah Mileto said:

    Joe O'Donnel claimed to see a photograph of a small wound in the right forehead, but he may not a very credible witness.

    Another witness - Quentin Schwinn - told Doug Horne in 2010 that, like Dennis David, he was shown a photograph by William Bruce Pitzer which depicted JFK, lying dead with a small wound in his right forehead. A sketch reproduction of what he claimed to see is on page 43 here: https://midnightwriternews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Washington-Conference-Sep-26-2014.pdf


    Doug's discussion of Quentin Schwinn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svDEw3Jgkw8&t=106m22s


    Correction: Schwinn said that he was shown the JFK photo around 1981 by his late professor and a stranger. I am wondering if he could have seen a work of art or one of those bad Robert Groden photo-mock-ups. Did very many people have access to the Fox or Groden autopsy photos in 1981?

  7. 1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    Not sure where you are finding the alignment of the bodies. The 3D animation video project that John Orr and I have financed is the only accurate recreation of Dealey Plaza as it existed on 11/22/63 (Dale Myers model was a cartoon that distorted the size and spacial relationships of the bodies to support the SBT). We used laser-scan and photogrammetry and match-moving technology. We scanned the extant photos, exact replica of the presidential limo, the street and buildings comprising Dealey Plaza -- even taking into account that Elm Street was paved several times since 1963 so it is several centimeters higher.  

    we tested the bullet trajectories from the TSBD sixth floor using both the correct and incorrect back wound locations alleged by the WC and HSCA.  The 3D model establishes that if the bullet had passed through JFK and JBC, Connally would have been circumsized by the bullet. there is no such record of such an injury.

    While the model can be used to test any shooting trajectory in Dealey Plaza, we only analyzed the SBT trajectory due to financing constraints.

    Anyone interested in viewing the 3D model can contact John Orr or me for a demonstration.  

    That sounds like Nobel-prize-level stuff. When will all the data be released to the public?

  8. On 5/21/2019 at 1:10 AM, David Von Pein said:

    Not surprisingly, I see that David Lifton is still desperately clinging to really bad information with respect to the "surgery of the head area" remark that appears on Page 3 of the 11/22/63 Sibert & O'Neill Report.

    Mr. Lifton, however, knows full well that the co-author of that 1963 report—James W. Sibert—also made the following statement to the HSCA in 1978:

    "When the body was first observed on the autopsy table, it was thought by the doctors that surgery had possibly been performed in the head area and such was reflected in my notes at the time. However, this was determined not to be correct following a detailed inspection." -- James Sibert; October 24, 1978

    So, Mr. Lifton, what about that 1978 statement by Jim Sibert? Was he lying when he made those comments to the House Select Committee? I guess you must think he was.

    I'll also add this excerpt from Vincent Bugliosi's book:

    "In a 1999 telephone conversation from his retirement home in Fort Myers, Florida, Sibert told me that when the casket was opened in the autopsy room, "The president was wrapped in two sheets, one around his body, another sheet around his head." He said the sheet around the head was "soaked in blood," and when it was removed, Dr. Humes "almost immediately upon seeing the president's head—this was before the autopsy—remarked that the president had a tracheotomy and surgery of the head area." When I asked Sibert what Humes was referring to when he used the word surgery, he said, "He was referring to the large portion of the president's skull that was missing." When I asked him why he was so sure of this, he replied, "Well, if you were there, it couldn't have been more clear that that's what he was talking about. He said this as soon as he saw the president's head. He hadn't looked close-up for any evidence of surgery to the head when he said this. I'm positive that's what he was referring to."" -- Page 1060 of "Reclaiming History"

    These quotes cannot be used to debunk the "surgery of the head" statement from the Sibert & O'Neill report.


    From Sibert’s notes on a 8/8/1990 phone call from David Lifton:


    4. Discussed "surgery in head area" told him was Humes statement and that large piece of skull later came in which accounted for Humes original remark


    Looking back maybe we should have asked him after piece of skull arrived


    Does this piece of skull rule out your remark about surgery in head area?


    (ARRB MD 216)


    If Sibert said that “Looking back maybe we should have asked” if the late-arriving skull fragment ruled out pre-autopsy surgery, then this may discredit the 10/24/1978 affidavit where Sibert said that the surgery statement “was determined not to be correct following detailed inspection and when the piece of bone found in the limousine was brought to the autopsy room”. That could have been pure speculation of Sibert’s part, not something that was indicated to him by the pathologists.

    And, from Bugliosi's own quote, Sibert did not actually say the pathologists indicated they were referring to the missing portion of skull. Sibert only said "Well, if you were there, it couldn't have been more clear that that's what he was talking about. He said this as soon as he saw the president's head. He hadn't looked close-up for any evidence of surgery to the head when he said this. I'm positive that's what he was referring to".


  9. 1 hour ago, Mathias Baumann said:

    A sharp, high-quality image of Oswald would've exonerated him even if he were dead. The plotters certainly expected a great number of photographers to be in Dealey Plaza that day. I just don't think they would've taken this risk.

    A prayer-man-with-oswald-taking-orders theory might have Oswald intentionally standing outside with the intention of being seen by others, because he at least suspected something was up.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Pete Mellor said:

    Micah,  I met with Dennis David at the Lancer conference in 2003.  I do recall he was quite emotional.  At the time I hadn't read 'Best Evidence'.  I sat with David by the hotel swimming pool as he was interviewed on camera with a sound recording guy, going through the same recollections.

    If nobody has files on the interviews the 1998 & 2003 presentations at Lancer can be put together on request on Lancer's website.

    I think cd-roms of the 1993 and 2003 presentations are on sale at a steep price.

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