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Micah Mileto

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Posts posted by Micah Mileto

  1. 46 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    We should all have been there storming the gates to the grassy knoll with him eh?

    Downtown Dallas isn't exactly Area 51, and even Area 51 had one guy willing to try running through the gates, culminating with nothing but a laugh with the guards and minimal charges. At least Alex Jones had a bullhorn.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    How far was JFK's head turned to the right at the time of the head shot from the grassy knoll is the basic question of this thread after all.  Were Huber, and McClelland mistaken about the left temple?  Or were Jenkins and the mortician right.  Jenkins was pretty emphatic about Burkley calling off Humes of their examination of it on the right side.  I don't see JFK turned far enough to the right in Zapruder at the point of impact to cause back and to the left from that angle.  The fragment trail from the x-ray's, if we can believe them lends credence to the right temple.  Doesn't it?

    The HSCA determined that the photographic evidence showed Kennedy's head turned towards his left. So a high-powered shot entering above his right ear probably would've resulted in an exit to the left side of the head.

  3. On 10/17/2019 at 6:22 AM, James DiEugenio said:

    Joe is describing  the most frustrating and futile day of my whole long career in the field.

    To see Alex Jones, of all people, screaming into his bull horn at the Dallas Police who were blocking all entry ways into the Plaza as the media cameras trained on this PT Barnum of the JFK case, while people like me and Joe tried to decide what to do with ourselves, that made you realize just how effed up everything was with this case.

    And the whole opportunity that Fetzer and Jones present to the MSM, to group their ideas on things like Sandy Hook--with their crisis actors and faked deaths-- to ours on JFK, well, it almost makes one understand what Lance Payette was all about.

    Maybe the news crew should've gone to the ed forum to consult the people who really cared. Honestly, I respect Alex Jones' approach more.

    "When a Man is sad over his miserable condition, he does nothing to change it. Sadness doesn't change anything. It's only when he gets mad that he changes it. It takes madness to change it" -Malcolm X

  4. 6 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

    Micah it is a civil case not criminal so there are no charges.  Under the tort of defamation, this case does not infringe on free speech anymore then someone copying anothers work and facing a suit for copyright violation.  There are limits to speech.   

    I'll be thinking for myself today, thank you very much. And I'm not once to argue about semantics on the internet - the bottom line is, somebody was legally dealt a punishment for their speech over no good reason at all. IMO free speech laws should be stronger.

  5. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    It was a defamation lawsuit Micah.

    Fetzer said something pretty ugly about the father that he could not demonstrate to be accurate.

    Namely that the father was cooperating in a murder hoax about his son.

    I warned about this when I wrote my long article about Fetzer a long time ago. He is the kind of guy who the MSM can use that smear rubric Conspiracy Theorist about, and be justified in doing so. 

    A. Freedom is more important than feelings.

    B. "Inciting harassment" is a BS charge, there is no way free speech can exist while that is a serious charge. Fetzer never tried to repeatedly contact anybody after being asked not to, so there was no harassment and he is only a scapegoat. Especially here where the father CONSENTED to becoming a public figure/celebrity by granting media interviews.

    C. Because the father has chose to use his feelings as a weapon against freedom of speech, I believe he is an evil danger to society, and I frankly don't have any sympathy for him.

  6. 16 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    A quarter of an inch.  Like an entrance wound.  No questioning about why the thought about a bone or metal exit.... noting in the "x-ray's"?

    It would seem to me that no matter how the open-cranium photographs are situated, they show two small oval holes in the right temporal scalp.

  7. On 9/26/2019 at 2:19 AM, Micah Mileto said:

    Must not be publicly available yet.

    Just found this 11/12/2015 video where McCleland may have contradicted what he said in the Parkland documentary, or maybe he just didn't remember it right then. Might be worth mentioning, idk. When asked by an audience member "When were you approached by someone in the FBI or CIA to keep your opinion to yourself?", McClelland replied "Oh, that was some time after the assassination had occurred and the Warren Commission, you know, was set up. I wasn't confronted immediately with anybody like that". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySO0pLcN5ww&t=35m53s


  8. 6 minutes ago, Ray Mitcham said:

    In addition,


    "Father Huber

    Father Oscar L Huber was one of the priests that gave the last rites to the already dead JFK . Part of the ceremony included tracing a cross on the President's forehead using holy oil. Obviously, Father Huber would have been in an excellent position to look at JFK's head wounds. Father Huber was quoted in the press the weekend that the President died saying that he had seen a terrible wound over the President's left eye . 


    This could be a reference to the large head wound. Huber didn't describe the "terrible wound" as being small.

  9. Witnesses who made statements indicating a small wound in the right temple: 1. George Burkley (early statements summarized by Malcolm Kilduff and Tony Krome), 2. Tom Robinson, 3. Dennis David, 4. James Curtis Jenkins, 5. Joe O'Donnel, 6. Quentin Schwinn


    Left temple: 1. Dr. Robert McClelland (in his hospital report and his WC testimony in which he reaffirms the accuracy of his report, later recanted and blamed the confusion on Dr. Marion Jenkins), 2. Father Oscar Huber, 3. Richard Dudman of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (without naming his source), 4. Dr. Marion Jenkins, 5. Dr. W. David Stewart (relays information told to him in private conversations with other Parkland colleagues), 6. Dr. Ronald Jones, Dr. Lito Porto (as relayed from Dr. Jones), 7. Hugh Huggins.

  10. From Livingstone's High Treason 2, p. 229:


    I also asked him if he had seen any damage in the left temple area. In Dallas, the death certificate said that the President had died "from a gunshot wound to the left temple." Jenkins said that neither he nor anyone else at the autopsy to the best of his knowledge had seen any such wound.


    "I might have gone along with right temple," he said. I agree with that because just above the right ear there was some discoloration of the skull cavity with the bone area being gray and there was some speculation that it might be lead.


    "There might have been an entry wound there?"


    "Yes. And the opening and the way the bone was damaged behind the head would definitely been a type of exit wound. The reason I have said this is I saw this before in other wounds and it was very striking


    [.... p.246]


    "In the temporal area, right in front of the ear, as I told you before, there was a flap of skin there that was hanging on and there was a discussion about some markings on the bone in that area."


    "For a possible bullet going in or out?"




    "This would be the flap that we see in the photo?"




    “We’re talking about the Back-of-the-Head picture with the flap sticking straight out of the side of the head by the ear?”


    “Yes. The flap was right above and forward of the ear.”


    From Livingstone's Killing The Truth:


    Jenkins also stated that there was some gray discoloration of the skull and skin in the right temple area that possibly could have been caused by lead. (a: May 24, 1991)

  11. 21 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Perhaps his greatest contribution to the truth was a revelation he made in the film The Parkland Doctors.

    He said that right after Perry walked away from the podium, a man in a suit approached him and said, "Don't ever say what you said today again, about a shot from the front."

    This is about 90 or so minutes after Kennedy is dead. Someone knew that early and was molding the story that fast.

    Where can this be seen?

  12. 13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    This is a private forum.  It is not a public venue.  You have to join, be cleared, supply a photo and obey rules.

    When I slightly objected to what was done to Alex Jones, that is what I was confronted with.

    According to those rules, we own what we contribute.  DVP never asked permission to reprint. Probably because he knew what the reply would be. 

    And now he has chosen to leave.  Doesn't that tell you something about why he was here in the first place.


    It's a matter of moral principal.

  13. Whatever happened to "If it's on the internet, it stays there"? Conspiracy theorists are facing the worst crisis in information loss ever. Important information and videos are being deleted or becoming more and more hard to find, at least with a simple search engine result. Like I said, free speech is more important than taking on DVP. There is a crisis in free speech where people view the free speech amendment more as a handicap than a code of ethics. Most people would rather the keys to the world be handed over to Kyle's Mom from South Park. 

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