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Benjamin Cole

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Everything posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. Pat Speer has a formidable website devoted to the JFKA, recommended for all. Chapter 4f is devoted to paraffin casts. There is this curious paragraph: "He (Guinn, running tests on paraffin casts) advised that there appears that triple firing of this rifle will leave unambiguous positive tests every time on the paraffin casts. It further appears that washing the casts with diphenylbenzidine does remove one of the characteristic elements (barium) but such washings do not remove all of the other characteristic element in powder residues (antimony). Further be advised that the tests to date indicate that powder residues are deposited on both cheeks of the shooter after the rifle is fired either one time or three times. It appears, he added, that these results can be obtained even if the paraffin casts are made 2 1/2 hours after shooting the rifle providing that the skin of the shooter has not been washed in the meantime. ---30--- That sure is a strange amount of time to mention, 2.5 hours. That's 150 minutes. Does this mean that even the neutron activation analysis (NAA) tests become non-dispositive after 150 minutes? Guinn sure seems to suggest as much. The phrase "even if" suggests nearing a time limit. LHO had a paraffin cast made more than eight (8) hours after having possibly fired a rifle. And, yes, again the mention that a simple washing the face would eliminate even traces of antimony, evidently the most resilient of GSRs. LHO might have washed his face either in the rooming house he lived and visited, or the Texas Theater. It is said LHO did not take a bathroom break in custody before the paraffin test. But he was in custody for more than six hours before the tests were conducted. A very strong bladder perhaps. Would records be kept of bathroom breaks? And, of course, LHO, if a CIA asset, may have been trained in spycraft, possibly to assassinate Castro or others, and may have used a prophylactic while shooting, such as paper taped to his face (plenty of that in the TSBD). IMHO, the negative LHO paraffin cheek test is not dispositive.
  2. KE- Keep on truckin.' I think dissent from legacy-establishment media narrative is valuable, especially as we see so much mushing together of legacy media and the two major parties, and the intel state. Remember: COVID-19 did not come from a lab, and Hunter Biden's laptop is a Russian disinformation story. The JFKA was carried out by LHO alone.
  3. Matt- This is interesting. I am keeping an open mind on this topic. I am glad I am an unimportant person. It seems almost anyone could be targeted.
  4. Nothing is certain except death, taxes, and that the legacy-establishment media, or other CIA plants, will savage anyone who thinks elements of the US security state were involved in the JFKA, whether they be candidates, or media figures. And illegally suppressing the JFK Records is never a news story.
  5. KE-- Keep on truckin'. The Capitol Police acted so oddly on Jan. 6...it reminds one of the Watergate burglars...could anyone truly be so heroically incompetent? This makes Keystone Kops look deft and valiant. If awards were handed for bungling, rather than valor...or was this an intentional flop on the part of the Capitol Police? ---- "Despite employing 1,879 sworn officers as of September 2020, a congressional inquiry forced USCP to admit that on January 6th, only 195 officers were deployed to interior or exterior posts at the U.S. Capitol and 276 more were assigned to the Department’s seven civil disturbance unit platoons." "USCP documents show that at 2pm on that day, only 1,214 officers were “on site” across the Capitol complex of buildings [there are other large buildings, such as Russell or Longworth, in addition to the Capitol]. Congressional investigators concluded, however, that USCP could only account for 417 officers and could not account for the whereabouts of the remaining 797 officers." The head of Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU, aka riot squads) was at home making meatloaf during the Jan. 6 scrum, according to the WaPo. https://www.rules.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Jan 6 HSGAC Rules Report.pdf And that is how Mr. Buffalo Horns breached the Capitol, entered the Senate chambers, and then was sentenced to prison for 41 months. From WaPo: "About 1:30 p.m., Capt. Carneysha Mendoza, a 19-year veteran of the Capitol Police, was at home in suburban Maryland. She had just pulled meatloaf from the oven and sat down with her 10-year-old son, Christian, before he was to spend the rest of the day with babysitters. The commander for a Capitol Police civil disturbance unit, Mendoza was about to head into work for her shift in the Capitol starting at 3 p.m. But sitting at the table, Mendoza’s phone rang. It was a fellow captain. Things were bad. A few minutes later, another call: “You better come in.” Mendoza left in her workout clothes and started driving up Pennsylvania Avenue." ---30--- https://archive.is/xlwyj#selection-4283.0-4313.226 The Commander of the Capitol Police civil disturbance unit (CDU) was at home making meatloaf when the Jan. 6 scrum broke out? The one time in decades when the commander of the CDU absolutely had to be on duty? Nevertheless, the WaPo lionized Commander Mendoza for "battling" rioters that day. So it goes.
  6. Lori Spencer-- Thanks for posting. We spend a lot of time on the JFKA, and the RFKA, just as compelling in its own way, deserves more attention.
  7. More from Pat Speer's excellent website: And internal FBI memo regarding paraffin casts... "He (Guinn, running tests on paraffin casts) advised that there appears that triple firing of this rifle will leave unambiguous positive tests every time on the paraffin casts. It further appears that washing the casts with diphenylbenzidine does remove one of the characteristic elements (barium) but such washings do not remove all of the other characteristic element in powder residues (antimony). Further be advised that the tests to date indicate that powder residues are deposited on both cheeks of the shooter after the rifle is fired either one time or three times. It appears, he added, that these results can be obtained even if the paraffin casts are made 2 1/2 hours after shooting the rifle providing that the skin of the shooter has not been washed in the meantime. Really. This is not adding up for "LHO is proved innocent." 1. The paraffin cast was placed on LHO's cheek more than eight hours after the JFKA, not 2 1/2 hours. This memo seems to suggest some sort of time limit at two to three hours. 2. "providing that the skin of the shooter has not been washed." LHO may have washed his face at his rooming house, or the Texas Theater. He also may have perspired, which is also known to remove GSRs. 3. LHO may have fired only once on 11/22, not three times. I suspect this, as most earwitnesses descrive the first shot as different in pitch and volume from the succeeding shot.
  8. https://sashastone.substack.com/p/how-i-knew-the-democrats-and-the Interesting take on Jan. 6. Written one year ago. Sasha Stone predicted they would take down Carlson...and they did. She did not mention JFKA, though. My guess is Carlson's JFKA-CIA coverage was a part of what did him in. I don't really know much about Sasha Stone, but she got 350 comments on this story. I guess she is in that group of people considered "social media influencers."
  9. Keven H.-- I have really enjoyed Matt Taibbi's reporting for the last many years. He really avoids the bandwagons, having cleansed himself of party affiliations, and then also ideological/clique affiliations, in recent years. He has also avoided the creepy tendency of certain alt-left elements to valorize terrorists, or present Putin as the good guy. Nor does Taibbi demonize Christians, or any particular racial group. For me, Taibbi is just about the last man standing in DC. I may not agree with him on everything, but I think he remains earnest, unaffiliated, and avoids intellectual fads. IMHO, Taibbi's takes on Russiagate and Jan. 6 are about as good as one is going to get.
  10. KE- Keep on truckin'. Yes, Trump could have been playing dirty too---that's the point. You can have side-by-side "covert operations" going on. There are possibly Trump's somewhat feeble, clumsy and far-fetched plans, which were unconnected to the Jan. 6 scrum (I will let the courts decide what Trump did). But there are also literally dozens, and perhaps more than 100-200 federal assets embedded in the crowd on Jan. 6, and then the mysterious decision of the Capitol Police to stand down. The use of provocateurs is hardly unknown, and such provocateurs in the Whitmer case...raise serious questions. The strange behavior of Ray Epps of the Oath Keepers, his role in triggering the first entrance to the Capitol, his non-prosecution, and then his lionization by the NYT is very odd. The odd and non-viable pipe bombs placed outside DNC and RNC HQ, which resulted in the Capitol being largely evacuated before the Jan. 6 scrum. The whole inexplicable Jacob Chansley episode. And the dearth of legacy media reporting on all of the above---akin to the JFKA post-WC scenario. I agree with you on Dinesh D'Souza being a right-wing wheeze-bag, although I am keeping an open mind on his report on the use of "mules" and ballot harvesting to tilt elections. The same thing one major party did in Ohio in 2004, btw, swinging that state and national election back then to the President known as "W." Just for fun, see this https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/26/magazine/election-security-crisis-midterms.html In 2018 the NYT screamed that there was a "crisis" in election security, that voting machines can be hacked, rigged, etc. Nothing really changed since then, but the NYT declared the 2020 election solid as a rock. So it goes. When the Sunnis massacre the Shiites and vice-versa, you can try to rationalize and put white hats on one side. When the two major parties tussle in the US......
  11. That's interesting. Still, a bit loosey-goosey for my comfort. But...the chain of evidence problem too...the time delay to test on cheek...LHO's knowledge of spycraft and possible methods to foil tests... Hey, I am a CT'er. Maybe LHO did not fire a weapon that day, or maybe only a handgun. Maybe neither. My take is that if there was a CIA-linked JFKA that day...and we had CIA-asset LHO in the TSBD, from which shots were fired...but LHO was totally uninvolved? And, almost immediately, LHO figures out he is the patsy, and takes a taxi home, arms himself.... I can't prove my version of the JFKA...but certainly is plausible LHO was involved in some way in the JFKA, perhaps unwittingly. So it goes....
  12. PS-- This is from your website .You are a solid researcher. "Another memo on this transfer notes further that (the LHO) paraffin casts were normally thrown out by the Dallas Police Department after testing, and that Louie Anderson, who'd analyzed the casts for the DPD, had washed them and taken them home, apparently as a souvenir." https://www.patspeer.com/chapter4fcastsofcontention Egads. So the LHO paraffin casts, in addition to having no verifiable chain of evidence, were "washed" before the NAA testing? It is not possible (likely?) that in addition to the paraffin tests having been conducted too many ours after the shooting event to be dispositive, the paraffin masks were then "washed," which would have further reduced GSR? Eliminated GSR? Of course, it is still possible LH simply shielded his face with paper while firing the M-L one time on 11/22. There was plenty of paper and tape around. Really, it seems a bit dicey to deduce much from this particular bit of evidence.
  13. BTW, from Pat Speer's formidable website: "Another memo on this transfer notes further that (LHO's) paraffin casts were normally thrown out by the Dallas Police Department after testing, and that Louie Anderson, who'd analyzed the casts for the DPD, had washed them and taken them home, apparently as a souvenir." https://www.patspeer.com/chapter4fcastsofcontention
  14. DZ-- Thanks for your comment. I noted, in my review of GSR literature, that gloves and face masks, used to during firing, are known to prevent traces of GSR on the skin. If LHO knew that gloves and masks can foil GDR tests---and as an CIA asset in operations, it is reasonable to assume he did---he might have taken steps to prevent GSR traces falling upon his skin. Some have asked, how then did GSR end up on LHO's hands? 1. He may have fired a revolver during the Tippit episode. He may have only handled his revolver, which had GSR on it from previous firings. 2. He may have false positives on his hands after exposure to police cars and offices, where researchers have found GSR contaminants. 3. He may have had contaminants on the outside of his hands, from his work, and failed to wash the outside of his hands after the JFKA. As I say, for many reasons, IMHO the LHO's cheek and hands GSR tests are too dicey to convict or exonerate LHO. BTW, this is from Pat Speer: "Another memo on this transfer notes further that (the LHO) paraffin casts were normally thrown out by the Dallas Police Department after testing, and that Louie Anderson, who'd analyzed the casts for the DPD, had washed them and taken them home, apparently as a souvenir." Egads! Talk about chain of evidence and tampering with evidence! Do you imagine if Louie Anderson had 'washed" the masks, he might have removed GSR from the masks before the neutron testing?
  15. DZ--- Thanks for your comment. I am unsure of the meaning of your comment.
  16. KE-- Keep on truckin' IMHO, you, as an independent observer, will be subject to partisan detractors, and their commentary. The Jan. 6 committee was indisputably a political body, and conducted a politicized investigation. There was no adversarial process, or minority report---the same format as the Warren Commission, btw. How to explain the Jan. 6 committee censoring and suppressing the video of Jacob Chansley, aka Mr Buffalo Horns, being solicitously ushered around the Capitol, and even to the Senate chambers and gallery, by numerous Capitol Police officers who heavily outnumbered the docile and diminutive Chansley? The numerous uniformed Capitol Police officers did not even remove Chansley's flag pole from him, later described as a "weapon" by federal prosecutors, adding to the charges against Chansley. The Chansley video surfaced only after the other major political party gained control of House properties, and released the video. And only after Chansley was in prison. As I say, never trust a government investigation, and especially one from an overtly political body. Even an adversarial process might not reveal the truth...but might get you closer.
  17. Bill Fite--- Thanks for your comment. You make a good point. Th literature seems to concur the NAA tests are sensitive. Unfortunately, the chain of evidence on the LHO paraffin mask...is non-existent. An ordinary DPD officer took the paraffin mask home for several days or weeks, before the purported mask was sent on to Guinn, who ran the NAA tests. I think I remember something about the DPD officer washing the mask. Ask Pat Speer. In other event, there is no assurance the mask tested by Guinn is, or is not, the true LHO mask. On top of that, LHO may have simply covered his cheek with paper or saran wrap while firing. If we assume LHO was a CIA asset, and very interested in and trained in spycraft...he may have used techniques to foil detection. Which leads to a stray thought....suppose you were to shoot someone with a .38 revolver, and then throw onto the ground .38 "auto" shells before running off? Then if you were arrested later, the "auto" shells would appear to be evidence you were not the shooter. Just wondering if someone shot Tippit with a revolver and tossed "auto" shells on the ground nearby... Endless inquiries...that is the JFKA.... Thanks for your collegial commentary.
  18. In other words, we have no evidence the paraffin cast sent to Guinn is, or is not, the actual paraffin mask used on LHO.
  19. Yes, as I recall, the purported LHO plaster cast (not truly plaster but a waxy-type material?) fell into the hands of DPD officer for a while (many days or weeks?) before belatedly finding its way to a testing lab run by Guinn (the erstwhile bullet guy, as I recall). I gather the DPD guy thought an LHO cast would be valuable as a souvenir. I wonder if it is the "real" LHO plaster cast. The chain of evidence was broken, as I recall. In addition, though you say there is no evidence LHO washed his face...it is certainly possible he did. Also, see my related post for all the ways in which a false negative can be had in testing for GSR. Franky, I do not know what to make of the FBI test-firing the M-C rifle and finding it left no GSR traces. Well, each to his own. IMHO, I would not exonerate, or convict, LHO on the cheek evidence. Add on: Gloves will prevent GSR deposits, and so will covering the face while shooting.
  20. KE--Keep truckin' I like to see many points of view. That is what a forum is for. I actually stopped supporting Bernie Sanders when he caved into the wokesters, and said millions, even tens of millions of desperate illegal immigrants, did not pose a threat to US wages. He knows better (and said so for decades) but wanted the nomination. I still admire the guy. Jeez, at his age he had a heart attack and kept campaigning. Pardon the pun, his heart is in the right place. I wonder why so many old pols no longer retire.
  21. LHO's landlady said she was glued to the TV (naturally enough) when LHO entered, and as I recall, she was in the living room in the front of house, by the front door. So, would she have noticed LHO taking one minute in the bathroom? Further down the hall. Or, there were bathrooms in the Texas Theater. Anyway see my related post. Even wiping ones face with a cloth can remove GSR. The GSR test strikes me as very iffy. Even perspiration can remove GSR, while shooting with the wind (as opposed into the wind) can limit exposure. Von Pein has links to tests that showed no doses of GSR using the M-L rifle. Yes, take with a grain of salt. "The Warren Commission Report, Pages 561-562.... "In a third experiment, performed after the assassination, an agent of the FBI, using the C2766 rifle, fired three rounds of Western 6.5-millimeter Mannlicher-Carcano ammunition in rapid succession. A paraffin test was then performed on both of his hands and his right cheek. Both of his hands and his cheek tested negative." ---30--- The cheek test was administered by the DPD past the number of hours it is considered conclusive. I would not declare LHO innocent or guilty based on a GSR test administered on LHO when it was, given all the variables.
  22. Here is some more: "It is also important to note that the absence of GSR does not prove that a person did not fire a gun, since the residual chemicals can be removed by wiping, hand-washing, wind, rain, etc. See State v. Lambert, 341 N.C. 36 (1995) (“negative gunshot residue test could be explained by defendant's wringing of her hands and the use of her hands to wipe tears from her face”)." https://ncpro.sog.unc.edu/manual/611-1 ---30--- I think those of us in the CT side (includes me) have to release this contention, that the negative cheek test proves anything. It should also be clear, LHO could have fired a rifle and gun that day in service of an intel agency, or perhaps was a flat-out patsy.
  23. Matt- Do you think what HRC/DNC did to Bernie Sanders was justifiable?
  24. KH-- What HRC did to Bernie Sanders...oooof. Have you ever seen Liz Cheney and HRC in the same room at the same time? No one else has either. Is Liz Cheney really just HRC with glasses and wig? You have added a great deal of balance and color to the EF-JFKA. I may disagree with you at times, but then that is what a forum is for...not to be a feculent darkened echo chamber, but a room open to sunshine and many points of view. "Keep truckin,'" as old guys say.
  25. Of interest to the JFKA community has always been the "negative" GSR test on LHO's cheek, taken late 11/22/63. One problem was that the GSR test was administered on LHO was done past the length of time such tests were considered informative. Then-- GSR tests results are considered reliable, and should be admitted into evidence. Gunshot residue can be removed by actions such as washing hands, wiping clothing, or brushing it off, so the absence of residue does not prove that the person did not recently fire a gun. https://ncpro.sog.unc.edu/manual/611-1#:~:text=GSR tests results are considered,not recently fire a gun. So, if LHO wiped his face with cloth, or rinsed his face off in a bathroom at his rooming house or the Texas Theater.... Then from my neighbors in the Philippines-- "National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) forensic chemist Leonora Vallado testified that excessive perspiration or washing of hands with the use of warm water or vinegar may remove gunpowder nitrates on the skin." https://crimephilippines.wordpress.com/2009/04/19/gunshot-residue-analysis/ LHO was running around.... IMHO, the GSR test on LHO's cheek is not informative. In addition, LHO, if he was a CIA asset, may have known to simply cover his cheek with paper or saran wrap while firing.
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