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David Boylan

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Everything posted by David Boylan

  1. The thing is Veciana did tell some truths. He and some of his compatriots were recruited by "Bishop" and did try to assassinate Castro. It just wasn't Maurice Bishop and it wasn't David Phillips. I suspect that he had quite a bit of extra funds that he raised as part of his Alpha-66 activities and needed an explanation as to how he got(kept) these funds of $263,000 and claimed that Maurice Bishop gave him that sum. Was he really that valuable? Heck the CIA only paid Gustavo Villoldo $30,000 and he helped capture Che as a "technical advisor" to the Bolivian Government. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=191363#relPageId=4&tab=page
  2. Steve, Duque and Diaz-Garcia were reportedly seen together in 1973 long after Diaz-Garcia was killed during the 1966 infiltration into Cuba. So were Duque and Diaz-Garcia associating in 1963? This is from William Turner. Turner had some things wrong here. Commandos Mambises was the brainchild of David Morales, Ted Shackley, Tom Clines, Stephen Mangello (alias) and Bob Moore.
  3. The navigator/captain of the Violin III was Remigio Arce. Arce would later join AMWORLD and in 1964 would work with Rip Robertson in the Congo. Arce was a friend of Herminio Diaz-Garcia and Frank Sturgis. I'm sure Greg Wagner has some good pics of all these guys.
  4. http://www.historynet.com/cold-war-bay-of-pigs-invasion.htm ‘Colonel Frank,’ (Col Frank Egan) the American commander in Guatemala, confided: ‘We’ll protect the invasion with an umbrella,’ he said. ‘The air will belong to us. No car can travel without being bombed. We don’t need more men.’ Rene Garcia holding the umbrella. Garcia was Deputy Chief Air Operations Bay of Pigs. He also flew a B-26 during the BOP and was considered one of the more reliable pilots. Rip Robertson fourth from left.
  5. I thought this was the high point of the evening. Leave the guns. Take the calamari. 😀 https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2020/08/19/rhode-island-calamari-dnc-video
  6. Matt, That is a great find. So, if I'm reading this right. Diaz-Gracia was a Major in the Army Reserve in 1965?
  7. There was early interest by the FBI concerning Diaz-Garcia. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=193177#relPageId=2&tab=page
  8. Here's a selection of photos of Diaz-Garcia. https://tangodown63.com/diaz-garcia-herminio/
  9. So, if de Torres was Leopoldo, who would he be Angel/Angelo? Who was de Torres hanging around with in 1963? It wouldn't be Murgado. More than a few researchers believe it was Herminio Diaz-Garcia.
  10. Matt, I've been called Steve and worse in my life. No worries. 🙂 Some years ago, Tommy Graves described a picture of a guy in the film that had a scar above his left eyebrow. I do not believe that the guy was Morales. Morales was too busy to go to New Orleans to work with Oswald. He had guys to do that for him.
  11. Hi Matt, I assume it's the Pizzo film. Thanks!
  12. I suspect that the Valkyrie discussion was related to a section of the Unconventional Warfare Program Alpha/Alfa Study written by Col Jack Hawkins. Hawkins was the Chief of Military Ops for the Cuban Invasion. I can't seem to find the complete study but only the comments and discussion about the original study. And if you are bored and have sometime to read, here are some of my notes. 8/26/63 Hawkins Program Alpha https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10310&search=%22Col_Hawkins%22#relPageId=1&tab=page Alpha being looked at again. 10/8/63 from 9/11/63 submission. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10338&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=2&tab=page Program Alpha still on the shelf. 10/15/63 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10326&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page Cuba Project by Lansdale https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=78852&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=2&tab=page Lansdale is gone. Single point of contact Carroll or Krulak. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10240&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=4&tab=page Shelling an oil refinery 1/64 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10260&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=4&tab=page Dez Fitz and navigational points 9/20/63 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10265&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=4&tab=page Fitzgerald briefs the JCS 9/25/63 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=78835&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page Prouty as briefing officer 7/23/63 JCS and Fitzgerald https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10297&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page Lemay talking for the JCS about DOD support of CIA Cuban ops. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=78840&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page Military Support of CIA ops 12/23/63. Lemay acting as Chairman JCS. Suggestion that Eglin AB be used by Special Forces and Cubans to pilot B-26s. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10242&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page Talking paper. Fitzgerald getting shot down by 5412 committee. Finally submits a comprehensive plan. Same as JCS SACSA plan. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10355&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page 11/8/63 Military protection of CIA ops. Capt Kurtz? By Krulak OPLAN 401-63 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10285&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page Ops given the green light from JCS. Economic sabotage missions. 8/63-12/63. All by Cubans via boat. Krulak https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=78831&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page 8/5/63 Fitzgeradl again meeting with JCS and SACSA (Special Asst for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities) https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10300&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page 12/5/63 SABOP scheduled to blowup Matanzas transformers https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10225&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=4&tab=page 10/10/63 OPLAN. Use of Guantanamo for support. 2 F8's for support of CIA ops. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10286&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=11&tab=page Another Prouty doc 9/2/63 outlining an Op and what went and could go wrong https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10304&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page Prouty and Higgins meeting with Califano. 9/20/63. DOD support for CIA ops. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10299&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=3&tab=page 1/29/64 Krulak https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=78838&search=%22agency_JCS%22#relPageId=2&tab=page
  13. Hey Ron, I thought it was mentioned somewhere in this very large post on Morales. I just can't seem to find the picture that Morales was being compared to.
  14. Does anyone have the photo/still of the guy that was seen with the scar when LHO was passing out leaflets?
  15. I believe Rolando Otero was one of the main leads. Fonzi had interviewed him and Otero gave more than a few names including de Torres. Otero was a member of the Golden Falcons parachute team along with Tony Izquierdo who according to Hemming was a the spotter for the DalTex shooter. De Torres was a CI - Cooperating Individual for more than a few alphabet agencies including the BNDD, later the DEA, FBI and BATF/ATF. He claimed he worked for Pentagon Intelligence.
  16. Greg, I cannot confirm that that was the photo shown to Odio. Fonzi said that he had shown her quite a few though.
  17. I believe that this was the photo that was shown to Odio. It appears to be an older photo. Pre-1963 I would guess. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=73167
  18. Bill has updated Chapter 4 - https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Essay_-_Oswald_Legend_4.html
  19. Hi Paul, I do remember this. I'll look into this a bit more. Skorzeny was an interesting character for sure!
  20. I'm on the fence (awaiting more info) as to whether Phillips and Veciana knew each other. Veciana did have a CIA crypt of AMSHALE-1 Some notes I had: Veciana joined forces with Eloy Guiterrez Menoyo's Second National Front Escambray (SNFE) in Sept 1962. Guiterrez was an Army Intel asset. Veciana had been working for the CIA as a PM asset prior to joining with Guiterrez. Cal Hicks was his case officer. Hicks was working for Harvery's Task Force W in 1962. He later worked for JMWAVE as a paramilitary officer. He most likely was the "Cal" that Bradley Ayers met at JMWAVE. John Newman pointed out that Veciana's primary ASCI contact was a US Army Captain using the pseudonym of Patrick Harris. Harris' real name was Milford Hubbard. Hubbard worked for ACSI OSD, aka Detachment A. Detachment A was a very small and secret office of the ACSI headed by Col. J.E. Boyt. Hubbard mentioned that Veciana would have been under control of the Miami Station (Army) headed by Major Junius "Duke" Watlington. Laureno Batista was also an asset of the ACSI Attachment A. Hubbard, when shown the sketch of "Maurice Bishop" stated that the sketch resembled Owen Darnell. Darnell was a source/spotter/assessor in Puerto Rico for Hubbard. Darnell was Hubbard's entree for SFNE and Alpha-66. He was close to Veciana and Veciana would occasionally stay at Darnell's place in San Juan. Darnell had previously lived in Cuba, spoke Spanish fluently and had a Cuban wife. Hubbard admitted to going to Mexico City on a tip from Darnell's wife. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/180-10104-10394.pdf Two members of USAOSD (using assumed names) met w/Veciana on 1/22/63. · Purpose of meeting was primarily to gather details on a boat, used by org., which had been confiscated by U.S. Customs. V. was also queried on the capabilities and mission of the group, his role, and what assist. might be provided org. Veciana said purpose.org.'was to cause war in Cuba by conducting raiding ops., est. guerrilla groups in Cuba- to harass and destroy troops and strategic facilities as to make populace aware that overthrow poss. Envisions internal Cuban uprising thru external Cuban refugee action:. ' Does not desire direct u.s. participation, has no political aims, other than to overthrow Castro. This is reason v. did not cooperate. with other refugee groups, and why they did not desire to work w/CIA, because aims would be subiterted to political ones. Claims several military bases in Caribbean. Bases manned by small groups w/mil. experience. Also had assets in Cuba. Maintain Hq. in PR, Miami, and NY and plan to establish offices in Washington, Chicago and LA. Veciana contacted initially to contact two frogmen involved in attack on Russian target. Meeting arranged. · Capt. Hubbard and Col. King in meeting. Discovered V. working w/SFNE, thought given to consideration of utilization of v. for intelligence purposes as Menoya has ISR from 1961 and known to have contacts in Cuba. Picked up ISR from CIA 11/2/62. V. gave Army two rifles,. ammo. taken from Russians. Operation discussed but stymied by lack of clear policy on actions against. Matter brought to higher levels; i.e., General Landsdale. Some discussion of possibly passing info to CIA for their recommendation. This suggestion turned down by Landsdale, who felt CIA, when informed, then took over op. Also in no better position to determine national policy. Persons involved in discussions - Col. Boyt, Col. Rolfe, Cols. Albro and Boucher, Col. DePuy of Special Warfare and Generals Lansdale and Leonard. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/NARA-Nov9-2017/104-10103-10158.pdf JMCOBRA 0490 (IN 63607) 2 Aug 68: VECIANA told Cuban Affairs officer Miami 1 Aug 68 that Orestes Guillermo RUIZ Perez (DGI) married to VECIANA's cousin, was dissatisfied with Castro . regime and· receptive to recruitment. VECIANA reported same·info. to Cuban Affairs officer in 64. In 68 VECIANA served with AID in La Paz. Guillermo Ruiz was expected to help Alpha-66 as far back as 1962. Veciana described Ruiz as a cold blooded killer. (bottom of page and next page) Barney Hildalgo claiming that he knew a Maurice Bishop and was good friends with David Phillips but they were not the same person. Was he blowing smoke to cover for Phillips?
  21. Jenkins early history. Apr. 16, 2011 The Miami Herald Useppa: island with a Bay of Pigs pedigree: By DON BOHNING Shaded by ancient banyan trees, the old "pink path" links Useppa's Collier Inn with other parts of the 100-acre island. As historians look back 50 years on the Bay of Pigs invasion, one often-ignored sidelight is the small but important role played by a tiny island off Florida’s Gulf Coast. Useppa, a secluded, sun-dappled 100-acre plot of land west of Fort Myers, briefly became a jumping off point for the dreams of Cuban exiles yearning to take back their country. Here is the story of that role as told to the author by Carl Jenkins, a CIA officer who also served in the Marines. Jenkins had been training an infiltration teams in Saipan, in the western Pacific, to help bring about the eventual downfall of Indonesian’s President Sukarno when he was recalled and sent to Miami for a somewhat similar assignment involving a dictatorial leader closer to home. When he arrived, Jenkins said in the 2008 interview at his home in Texas, he joined forces with Manuel Artime, a disaffected one-time Castro revolutionary considered by the CIA to be the key to any effort by exiles to mount an invasion of their homeland. Artime had connections to the Agrupacion Catolica, a student group tied to Havana’s Villanova University. He also knew disaffected Cuban army troops. “We came to an understanding that Artime would provide the students and he would establish contact with ex-Cuban Army people,’’ said Jenkins. “They knew each other, but they weren’t prepared to work together at that point.” Meanwhile, the CIA was arranging cover and setting up a covert training facility on Useppa, located 15 to 20 minutes by boat off Florida’s Gulf Coast. For centuries, the island had seen only occasional use by fisherman and adventurers. In 1894, it was acquired by John M. Roach, a Chicago street-car tycoon. One of Roach’s guests was Baron G. Collier, a New York advertising executive and wealthy Florida land owner who developed much of Southwest Florida (Collier County is named for him) and built the Tamiami Trail between Miami and Tampa. Now, it was to become the first covert CIA base in Florida. Freddie Goudie, a well-to-do Cuban businessman of Scottish descent, along with a half dozen others, provided the cover, leasing the island under Goudie’s name. Jenkins was listed as the company manager. THE WHITE CASTLE “The idea,” said Jenkins, “was that Goudie and his group had contracted with a personnel company that would assess the abilities of all the people that they sent over there and try and assign them to jobs that they fitted…based on language abilities and so forth.” President Eisenhower signed off March 17, 1960, on what was to become the Bay of Pigs. Jenkins and another CIA agent started ferrying recruits from Miami to Useppa a month later. In two rental cars, he and a CIA colleague would pick up the exile recruits in the afternoon at a White Castle parking lot on Brickell Avenue in downtown Miami. They would then drive on the old Tamiami Trail through the Everglades to the departure point by boat for Useppa, returning the same night; a round trip of some 300 miles. A SUBTERFUGE Jenkins estimates it took a couple of months to ferry the 80 exile recruits to Useppa where he decided “we needed to have serial numbers if we were going to have a semi-military operation. We would start with 2,500…if they were picked up and asked for their serial numbers it would indicated there were 2,500, or more than there actually were…the first number went to Goudie, the front man.” The arriving recruits were housed at the island’s Collier Inn, formerly known as the Tarpon Inn. As part of the vetting process, personnel assessments were prepared and lie-detector tests were given. “Before we were finished, we knew more about these people than their parents did,” said Jenkins. It was the beginning of what eventually was to become Brigade 2506, although at the time there was no intention of a brigade or an invasion. “It was August, 1960, before that idea was ever sold…and I opposed it from the start,” said Jenkins. ON TO PANAMA In June, 1960, about 30 of the 80 or so recruits at Useppa were sent to Panama for further training in communications as radio operators, as well as intelligence gathering and propaganda. Most of the others went to a newly opened training base in Guatemala. Jenkins was to become the first commander there as well. As for Useppa, it now is an exclusive home for the well-to-do, with, according to its website: “140 privately owned homesites, two marinas, two food and beverage facilities, a retail store, a wide array of island accommodations, a service department and a utility company.” The island is administered by The Useppa Island Club. You can’t just drop in. To get to the island as a visitor, advance permission is required. The island’s boast: No Bridges, No Cars, No Crowds. But it does have a history. And a Bay of Pigs pedigree that is unique.
  22. Jim, You've probably seen this but it's new to me. Mentions "Harvey". https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=190904#relPageId=2&tab=page
  23. In defense of Bill, he is a meticulous researcher and references everything. Here's one of his earlier works. I'm still sorting through this... 🙂 https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret.html
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