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Fred Litwin

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    Debunking JFK assassination conspiracy nonsense.

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  1. Why on earth would Clay Shaw use an alias to plan the JFK assassination, and then keep on using the same alias three years later?
  2. The HSCA investigation of Clinton was extremely poor. https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/post/the-hsca-and-the-clinton-jackson-witnesses-part-one https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/post/the-hsca-and-the-clinton-jackson-witnesses-part-two fred
  3. I don't know how he got involved, but i did find this file. fred
  4. And if you want the real Nagell story, please read my new book, A Heritage of Nonsense: Jim Garrison's Tales of Mystery and Imagination. I also debunk the Rose Cherami story and I also have the complete Farewell America story. fred
  5. Richard Case Nagell suffered organic brain damage in the 1954 plane crash. He was never the same. He visited VA hospitals many times complaining of headaches, vision problems, memory issues, and suicidal tendencies. In his own lawsuit to get full disability, the trial judge ruled that his stories about Lee Harvey Oswald were made up. It's time for the conspiracy community to jettison this story. Read this court document. https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/_files/ugd/325b1c_5ab11974df5b4faabb1bd8bef42a16d8.pdf
  6. There is no proof that a hand grenade was thrown at Nagell.
  7. Who did Martin escort? Let's see the primary documents on that. fred
  8. Because Nagell was upset that Martin had talked to the warden in the prison about his condition. He was greatly upset by that. But that passed and he was back to talking with Martin. fred
  9. https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/post/the-first-garrison-memo-on-richard-case-nagell
  10. Martin told Nagell about his CIA connection. It wasn't a secret. In the Stasi files, Nagell told the East Germans that Martin was his CIA contact. fred
  11. No one can repair Garrison's reputation. He was actually a pretty bad investigator: https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/post/why-didn-t-jim-garrison-go-to-montreal https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/post/jim-garrison-the-uninquisitive-district-attorney fred
  12. de Torres worked briefly for Garrison in early 1967 in Miami trying to identify some people in photographs. He then had a meeting with Garrison in his office (I have the tape). That is all we know.
  13. I see no evidence that de Torres was sent in to subvert the Garrison investigation. He was only involved for a very short period. fred
  14. Lots of Boxley here. https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/post/fact-checking-james-dieugenio-part-two fred
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