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Tony Krome

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Everything posted by Tony Krome

  1. That does not mean that Alyea did not film that footage. Alyea recounts that he saw the casings close together. Mooney also suggests they were closer together; Mr. Ball. You mean the "B" cartridge should be closer to the "C"? Mr. Mooney. Closer to the "C"; yes, sir. Was this common knowledge too, that Alyea later picked up on? Or was he actually there?
  2. If Alyea wasn't there, how did he know Fritz picked them up? Mr. BALL They were turned over to Captain Fritz? Mr. MOONEY. Yes, sir; he was the first officer that picked them up, as far as I know, because I stood there and watched him go over and pick them up and look at them. Alyea; Fritz then walked to the casings, picked them up and held them in his hand over the top of the boxes for me to get a close-up shot of the evidence. I filmed about eight seconds of a close-up shot of the shell casings in Captain Fritz's hand.
  3. Tom Alyea was on the 6th floor when he heard someone call out to Fritz. Alyea and Fritz moved to the SN and were standing together. Alyea asked Fritz if he could enter the SN for photos. Fritz told him its best he stay outside. Alyea looked over and described the three shells were so close together that they could be covered with a bushel basket. Alyea later stated that alone he took photos of the boxes in their original position before they were re-arranged. I assume, since the shells were later photographed, so spread out that they would in no way fit together under a bushel basket, that they too were re-arranged. You described a 10 minute difference in your post.
  4. One thing that stands out as a fact in the Campbell article, is the word "storage room". The reporter could not have known about the storage room unless he got that from Campbell. However, the reporter could have embellished with "raced into", so not sure of the timing here. Here is something else that stands out. If the WC really were interested in how and when Oswald exited the front door, they would have called Campbell.
  5. Sleeping with Wesley now? The rumour list grows. So far we have Marina and Ruth, and Marina and Robert; In the period just after the assassination, Marina had a brief affair with Lee’s brother, Robert Oswald. Who's next? Hosty?
  6. "they turned a portion of the bottom of a street light pole into the head of JFK" I bet every reader who snatched up that newspaper believed what they saw too.
  7. Inventive Journalism that weekend
  8. Oswald is referring to working in the building. Oswald used the word "naturally" sarcastically, when asked if he was in the building at the the time he was working.
  9. Michael Paine bought an Oldsmobile while the Oswalds were there. Paid $200 for it, handed over two checks for $100 to the seller. That's what oddballs do. Anyway, the word is that he bought it for parts, then another different excuse. Last time I checked, Oldsmobile parts were not ideal for Citroens or Chevys, but I suppose, with his engineering know how, he could make them fit.
  10. Officially, the CARCANO was not in the possession of Sorells. Got it, thanks.
  11. This nurse apparently saw the same SS placed bullet that Shanklin refers to; Video starts at correct time.
  12. That's my understanding, a round powerful enough to reach the intended target, albeit, a few inches lower, would penetrate as intended.
  13. If a shooter was aiming at the head at that range, and due to an undercharged round, the result was an impact a little lower, would not the difference be minimal as far as penetration? In other words, if there was an undercharged round, that caused a slight drop in elevation, would it point to that round being undercharged by only a very small degree, but not enough to make a drastic difference to penetration?
  14. It appears there's two Isaac C Todds. Isaac Carroll Todd Jr was born in 1931, wife was Betty, and he worked at the Sheriffs Dept in Dallas. Isaac Carroll Todd was born in 1903, and appears to be the father of the above. So it appears it was Isaac Carroll Todd Jr, a man of about 32 years old in 1963, who heard the hollering about finding three hulls before returning to the Sheriffs Dept. As soon as we work out who the person was that's escorting Edwards, I'll update the info in the thread.
  15. If you have a confirmed name of the Sheriff Dept person escorting Edwards, I'll update the photos and info. Or if you can show its not Todd, I'll update and call him an unknown guy from the Sheriff's Dept. Thanks.
  16. Yes she did. Don't be fooled by Craford, the WC quizzed the hell out of that guy.
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