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Paul Jolliffe

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Everything posted by Paul Jolliffe

  1. Michael, It's been awhile since I looked at Kilgallen, but my hazy memory is that her meeting with Ruby was only a few minutes long. So, what could he have said - that he murdered "Oswald" on (????)'s orders, I suppose. But whoever gave Ruby the order to shoot "Oswald" was surely a cut-out, several layers removed from the ultimate sponsors of the JFK assassination. I find it hard to believe that Ruby knew exactly on whose behalf he was acting that Sunday morning in Dallas. This is not to suggest that Kilgallen was not murdered - I think there is a good chance she was. Merely that whatever tidbits Ruby may dangled in front of her, it surely could not have been the whole story. There was no way that Jack Ruby knew the whole story of the assassination.
  2. I know. I thought I made that clear. But the only person who might reasonably be referred to as "a literary agent" is Thomas Thompson, thus my post differentiating the two men.
  3. Thomas Thompson was granted extraordinary access to Marina the night of the assassination, right in Ruth Paine's home - even before Marina went into the "protective custody" of the Secret Service! He interviewed her at length then and again ten years later for People Magazine. Only someone connected and approved by the Deep State could have been spoken with Marina BEFORE her husband was even charged with JFK's murder! Yet he was, and he admitted it! His purpose could have none other than to shape the official "narrative", still emerging on that hectic, harrowing night. He was still at it, ten years later. Here is a link to that 1974 People Magazine story: https://people.com/archive/marina-oswald-a-casualty-of-history-recovers-vol-1-no-1/ This guy - Thomas Thompson, the writer who knew Marina - appears to be a different person than Harold Keith Thompson, Jr. HKT jr. was subject to a FBI investigation because (among other things) of his 6/23/52 letter to Time Magazine in which he defended several former high-ranking German military officials. HKT, Jr called himself the: "Executive Secretary, Committee for International Justice Committee for the Freedom of Major General Remer Chatham, N.J." This Thompson, HKT, Jr., had been court-martialed and convicted in 1949: T-3 further advised that. HAROLD KEITH THOMPSON, Jr. was tried by a general Court-Martial on 2/14/49 on the di arges of Scandalous Conduct Tending to the Destruction of Gc od Morals and Mai— treatment of a. Person Subject to his orders. On 5, 25/ 49 the findings of the general C ourt Martial were approved by the I .S. Marine Corps, Quantico, Va., and on 6 / 22/50 the findings were approved by the Secretary of the Navy and the sentence of dismissal was approved* According to T-3 THOMPSON g-fcrsmiouslv the General Court martial and was represented by attorney So yes, this Thompson, HKT, Jr., had a history of appearing to be a Nazi-sympathizer. But I can't find any connection to Marina or Marguerite, at the moment. Your source probably confused HKT, Jr. with Thomas Thompson, who certainly could be loosely identified as a literary agent for Marina. https://archive.org/stream/H.KeithThompsonJr./Thompson Jr.%2C H. Keith-WFO-1_djvu.txt
  4. Jim, As to the matter of those mysterious multiple calls to the DPD from the Texas Theater from at least one anonymous source, there is highly significant corroboration on tape from the afternoon of 11/22/63! Listen to the audio portion of Ron Reiland's short film here as he states live on the air that the DPD officers, filmed at the Tippit scene, race to their squad cars in response to the call that a suspicious man, armed with a shotgun, was seen entering the Texas Theater. ("Everybody broke and ran!") I need not remind anyone here that the initial suspect description in the Kennedy shooting was of a man, about 30, armed with a rifle, maybe a .30/30 or a Winchester. That some anonymous caller - NOT JULIA POSTAL - told the DPD about the suspect walking into the Texas Theater with a shotgun (!!!!!!) is not a coincidence. The DPD rushed to the Texas Theater NOT IN RESPONSE TO MOUSY JULIA POSTAL'S CALL TO THEM (only at the repeated urging of the phony Johnny Brewer), but as the result of the repeated calls from someone else inside the theater! As we know, no one, NO ONE, walked into the Texas Theater with a shotgun or a rifle before the arrival of the DPD. That anonymous caller was a conspirator, setting up the patsy. No wonder the dispatch tapes of the calls to the DPD from the Texas Theater had to disappear - they contained an audio record of a conspirator's voice! The entire four minute Ron Reiland footage is well worth watching, but the most relevant part begins at the 1:10 mark - be sure to turn on your speakers!
  5. Steve, Those signatures do look suspiciously similar. If (IF!) Marina ordered a rifle, and if (IF!) it was delivered somewhere, and if (IF!) what was ordered was, in fact, the infamous 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano (CE 139), then where in the world was it between the time it was ordered (whenever that was) and November 22, 1963? Why would Marina order a rifle - who told her to do so? If the assumption is that her husband commanded her, well, why would he do that? If he had been told to order it as part of something run by his handler/contact, why wouldn't "Oswald" just order it himself? Why get his wife mixed up in whatever it was of which he was a part? Nobody has suggested that Marina was part of a husband/wife team secretly being jointly run/handled by American Intelligence operatives, have they? Steve, as you know from having read Joachim Joesten's "Marina Oswald", Joesten speculated about Marina's complicity in setting up her husband. While unlikely, it is not impossible, and therefore, it is not inconceivable that she was a conscious part of the assassination plot. Unlikely, but not impossible. If those really are Marina's signatures on the examples you attached above, then I'd say Joachim Joesten made a pretty shrewd guess more than 50 years ago.
  6. Steve, First of all, thanks for the link to the Joachim Joesten book about Marina Oswald. I just finished reading it in its entirety. Joesten's condemnation of the view of Marina as a "poor, innocent victim" is shattered in his telling. She lied to and about "Oswald", both before and after the assassination. (She was subject to deportation for lying on her State Dept. application for entry to the U.S. in 1962 - she claimed she had never been a member of the Komsomol in the USSR, when, in fact, she indeed had been a member as she herself later admitted!) Harold Weisberg compared Marina to Scheherazade, the legendary Persian storyteller who so beguiled a king with her fantastic tales for 1,001 nights that he not only spared her life, but fell in love with her and married her. As Weisberg dryly noted more than 50 years ago, all, ALL of what Marina/Scheherazade had to say about "Oswald" was only possible because the Dallas Police allowed "Oswald" to be murdered in their custody. If not for that murder, everything that Marina (wife) might have had to say about a living"Oswald" (husband) would have been privileged communication and thus exempt from examination in court. The prosecution could not have called her to say one syllable about "Oswald." Second, I have even further doubts about whether the "Oswald" family as we know them really lived at 214 W. Neely in the spring of 1963. The FBI interviewed two witnesses, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Friddle who stated: "a young man, his wife and their two small children resided at the upstairs apartment at 214 West Neeley (sic) fro a very short time around April and May of 1963. The only reason they would know this was because they would see him, his wife and children around this house and on the upstairs balcony." As others have pointed out in years past on this forum, Baby Rachel was not born until October of 1963, so whomever the Friddles spotted occasionally at 214 W. Neely, it could not have been the classic, intact "Oswald" family as we know it. Marguerite may have been right: Marina and June may have been living there with a man and another child briefly in the spring of 1963. All of which lends credence to "Oswald's" vehement denials that HE ever lived there! Mr. BALL. What about the rifle? Mr. FRITZ. I asked him about the Neely Street address and he denied that address. He denied having a picture made over there and he even denied living there. I told him he had people who visited him over there and he said they were just wrong about visiting.
  7. Steve, I just read "Marina Oswald" by Joachim Joesten in its entirety. Fascinating - Joesten's emphasis on Marina's lies and duplicitous behavior, before and after the assassination, is very well done. Harold Weisberg referred to Marina as "Scheherezade" , the legendary Persian storyteller who spared her own life by telling tales so fantastic for 1,001 nights that the beguiled king fell in love with her and married her. Anyway, thanks for the link. Now I am reading Joesten's "Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy?" which is also available for free here: https://www.krusch.com/books/kennedy/Oswald_Assassin_Or_Fall_Guy.pdf
  8. Thanks, Jim. I'll heed your advice next time. Personally, I don't really care what motivates guys like DVP. The government does indeed pay shills to xxxxx sites like this - as to whether DVP is a paid shill, well I have absolutely no evidence for that. I suspect that some people just enjoy being contrarians, and perhaps that fits David. Or perhaps, David genuinely believes that his writing here corrects errors. I don't know. I suppose I could ask, so here goes: David, what in the world motivates you to write what you write?
  9. David, No one was able to place the 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano (WC Exhibit 139) in "Oswald's" possession before the assassination. No one. Whatever the thing MAY have been in the closet on Neely Street in April of 1963, no one can identify it as CE 139. For that matter, no one on Friday afternoon, 11/22/63, could say that the rifle recovered by the DPD in the TSBD was, in fact, CE139. Certainly not the DPD, nor the Dallas Sheriff's Dept., nor the media. It was not until late Friday night/early Saturday morning that the rifle was identified as a 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano - not until it was in the hands of the FBI, secure in Washington, D.C., far away from anyone who could look at it. Was CE139 the same rifle recovered in the TSBD? Not according to the man who found it, Deputy Eugene Boone (watch from 11:35 to 12:35)
  10. You are right David. Duke Lane covered it pretty thoroughly in his article "The Cowtown Connection". I don't believe there is any connection between the two arrested men (Donald Wayne House and Kenneth Wilson) and the JFK assassination. Duke explained it all in his article long ago. They were picked up, interrogated, and released within 90 minutes in Fort Worth. They didn't have anything to do with anything, and Robert Morrow's assertion that the pictured man was David Atlee Phillips was nonsense. Here is the link to Dixie Dea's 2005 thread on this forum:
  11. Joe, Here is the Occam's Razor answer: Marina lied her eyes out about the rifle. "Oswald" neither owned nor possessed any rifle. He never ordered one, he never bought one, he never paid for one, he never handled one after the Marine Corps and he never had one of his own. He was framed.
  12. Jim, I agree completely with the above. Reed's photos were to document the "official" story. So why were some of them buried? Because they revealed a foreknowledge that just could not be explained away easily to a curious public. Too many people might notice just how "coincidental" it all seemed. So, most of them never saw the light of day.
  13. Jim D. Yes, I agree with you that the LHO-like figure seen by Craig and Robinson was almost certainly a look-a-like for our "Oswald." Yes, I agree (and wrote) that Mary Bledsoe's identification of "Oswald" on the 1213 McWatters bus was worthless. I agree (and wrote) that William Whaley was a very compliant witness, willing to say whatever the authorities wanted him to say. But all of that does not mean that no one was on the McWatters bus, nor that no one rode (somewhere) to Oak Cliff in Whaley's cab. No, a man (vaguely) fitting "Oswald's" description really did board the McWatters bus in the manner described by both McWatters and Roy Milton Jones, and that man really did leave the bus as they described. Further, a man (vaguely) fitting "Oswald's" description really did ride with Whaley to Oak Cliff (although the exact drop-off point remains murky.) To me, the "Two Oswald's" theory is the simplest, most logical explanation for this. If our "Oswald" was never on the McWatters bus, then the bus search (with weapons drawn!) by the unnamed Dallas cops makes no sense. Remember, Jones detailed the DPD search of the bus and told us that it occurred within moments of "Oswald's" departure. Since that DPD search went completely unreported in the "official" narrative, it is safe to conclude that the DPD did not want that search to become public knowledge. Why not? Because that DPD search of McWatters bus around 12:45-50 (just like the Stuart Reed photos) smacked of foreknowledge and conspiracy. And that was a path down which the authorities would do everything to avoid (unless it led directly to Fidel Castro, which it did not.)
  14. Steve asked "Did the apartment house at 214. Neely have mailboxes?" As of June of 2014, it sure did. Also, it appears that these mailboxes (vertical and black to the left of the doors to 212 and 214 W. Neely) in 2014 are identical to the mailboxes in this picture from (1963?) https://srhistorical.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/neely-house-oswald-20141.jpg https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KVIzzXiMlo4/U5n5MTYf5tI/AAAAAAABGys/upz32GeQ9fw/s1600/Screen+Shot+2014-06-12+at+9.01.25+PM.png
  15. Jim Hargrove and Jim DiEugenio, Reed's photos are even more conspiratorial than those above - check this out: Reed took a photo of the front of Hardy's Shoes, site of the infamous (nonexistent) Johnny Brewer/"Oswald" encounter! This was BEFORE Brewer had emerged in the public eye! Reed took one of the sidewalk from Hardy's Shoes to the Texas Theater. (The route "Oswald" would have walked.) Reed took one looking east to the TSBD while riding past the Triple Underpass - it shows the route the limo took to Parkland, but notice, Reed centered the TSBD. Reed took this while riding out to Oak Cliff. This was waaaaaay before anyone knew anything! No wonder the FBI had a cow when they saw these! These were proof positive of prior knowledge of the "official" version of the assassination. Robert Groden told me that Stuart Reed told him that Reed was on a cruise ship in the Gulf of Mexico within two days of the assassination, but the FBI chartered a helicopter to fly directly to the cruise ship to get the above affidavit. The FBI then buried those photos. This link takes you to the entire Stuart Reed photo montage (I know it is from the Prayer Man site, and I am not going down that road right now, but just look at the photos!) http://www.prayer-man.com/stuart-reed/#lightbox[group]/8/
  16. You know, Jim, if it were not for the Stuart Reed photos of the bus on Elm, east of the TSBD, plus all of Reed's photo montage, I'd wonder much more about the bus ride story myself as a way to discredit Roger Craig. But the Reed photos do exist, they were taken on the afternoon of the 22nd, and they were a perfect photo montage of the "escape route" that "Oswald" took. Had those photos not been so conspiratorial (they could only have been taken by someone tipped off in advance to photograph particular locations, including the front of Hardy's Shoes! The FBI went ballistic when they saw them, according to Robert Groden!) then undoubtedly they would have been used for their intended purpose: to show the American public the route of the "assassin." (But because the whole sequence was so over the top, they never saw the light of day for decades!) Also, while Mary Bledsoe may well be full of it (she was prompted/urged/commanded by the Secret Service to solidify the presence of "Oswald" on McWatters' bus because no one else could identify him with certainty) there is no doubt some man did board McWatters bus in a fashion described by both Cecil McWatters and Roy Milton Jones, did (vaguely) fit "Oswald's" description, and did exit in a manner described by those men. In addition, "Oswald" (apparently) really did have a bus transfer on him when he was searched later. Whalley's passenger was not conjured out of thin air: Whalley did drive someone whom he believed to be "Oswald" to some location in Oak Cliff. Was Whalley later willing to go along with whatever was most convenient for the FBI? Of course. But that doesn't necessarily mean that he didn't drive anyone ("Oswald") in a manner roughly consistent with what he wrote in his first day affidavit.
  17. Steve Thomas Steve, That bit from Mrs. Marguerite Oswald is fascinating and corroborates what I have long suspected: Marina lived there with someone else! Marina was seen with someone at the Irving Furniture Mart in the first week of November (on a weekday, while our LHO was at work.) There are a number of "Oswald", Marina and baby sightings in the two months before the assassination that don't fit because our "Oswald" could not have been there. But Marina . . . BTW, from which Joachim Joesten book was that excerpt from? Also, the essay "The Georges of Neely Street" was written by Gayle Nix Jackson, granddaughter of Orville. https://gaylenixjackson.com/jfk-assassination/3107/
  18. I agree, Don. The headline "John F. Kennedy Jr. didn't understand why people were fascinated with his father's death, says pal" implies that JFK jr. had no interest. The article does not explicitly state that, but most people won't get beyond the headline. IF JFK jr. truly did not discuss his father's assassination with guys like Steven M. Gillon, it's probably because he wasn't that close to Gillon. On the other hand, guys like Gillon don't get to be the "Resident Historian for the History Channel" (specializing in Modern U.S. History) by writing that the Warren Commission and the entire mainstream media has been dead wrong about 11/22/63. No, Gillon got to be where he is today by toeing the "official" line on everything, especially the Kennedy Assassination. https://web.archive.org/web/20130324052538/http://www.ou.edu/cas/history/fac-staff-gillon.html
  19. Here is Harold Weisberg's testimony to the Grand Jury in New Orleans on April 28, 1967 (as part of the Clay Shaw case.) On page 58 of the attachment (page 56 of the printed pages) Weisberg talks about Walter McChann, a Catholic priest and spiritual adviser to the Cuban community in Dallas, and a friend to Sylvia Odio. Weisberg testified that McChann gave the name of the anti-Castro Cuban who worked as an orderly at Parkland to the FBI, but they buried it. According to Weisberg, this Cuban "of very bad character who is blackmailing other Cubans, extorting money from them, threatening them, and you know the story of this bullet - and couldn't possibly have the history - it was found in the hospital - by an orderly at the hospital - and Liebeler didn't even ask for the man's name. Father McChann was never called as a witness. Nobody ever said give us the payroll list of Parkland Hospital and Father McChann was given this list of names. . . . Mrs. Castorr - said oh yes, I think I remember something about that, I think they had to get rid of him and ship him back to Miami . . ." (Weisberg hints that this unidentified Cuban was probably Sergio Arcacha Smith, and I agree with him.) Denny, Weisberg's testimony was recorded verbatim, so it reads a little incoherently, as does any literal written transcription of a conversation. But if you go through it, you will find some gems. For example, Weisberg highlights the role played by the uninvestigated "Col. Caster", a man who was "keeping the Cuban people stirred up", according to L.C. Connell, a social worker in Dallas who was well - acquainted with Sylvia Odio and Father McChann. (As usual, neither the FBI nor the Secret Service was able to identify, locate and interview this man. After all, they were only investigating the murder of the president - they couldn't be expected to use the phone book, could they? No, instead an ordinary housewife from Oklahoma, Mrs. Shirley Martin, was able to do what neither the FBI nor the Secret Service could accomplish: find the mysterious "Col. Caster.") At the end of his book "Oswald in New Orleans" (another gem well worth slogging through) Weisberg actually interviewed L. Robert Castorr in Washington D.C. Castorr denied having anything to do with the above, and left open the possibility that his name had been used by others. Weisberg did not reach any firm conclusions in print. One of my regrets is that in my phone conversations with him in his final decade, I did not ask Weisberg about Castorr. I am hopeful (but not optimistic) that in his papers at Hood College - now somewhat accessible at the Harold Weisberg Archive - he left behind some written clue. https://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/garr/grandjury/pdf/Weisberg.pdf
  20. David, I agree that the bullet found by Darrell Tomlinson at Parkland was NOT CE 399. As to whether the original bullet was planted, well remember that Tomlinson found it on a stretcher that could not reasonably be associated with either Connally or Kennedy. It was likely on the stretcher of a small boy who was admitted to the ER shortly before the limo arrived. This little boy had suffered a pretty bloody injury from a playground accident, as I recall. In any event, the way Tomlinson described it, the bullet he found was tucked under the mattress and emerged only after he bumped that stretcher with another stretcher. It seems impossible that the Tomlinson bullet could have wound up tucked under the stretcher of either man if it just fell out of their clothes or their bodies. No, I think it is safe to say that bullet, whatever it was, was planted. While we all focus on Jack Ruby's probable presence at Parkland at that moment, Harold Weisberg wrote long ago that an anti-Castro Cuban activist, one of the most vehement anti-JFK Cubans in Dallas, was working as an orderly at Parkland. Predictably, the FBI did nothing to identify this man, let alone question him. Someone planted that bullet, and it was switched later by the FBI for CE 399. (The fact that no one in Dallas identified the TSBD rifle on Friday afternoon as the infamous 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano is relevant. That rifle was not identified as the MC until after it was in the hands of the FBI, late Friday night/early Saturday morning. Was it switched too? Oh, you betcha!)
  21. Well, writing about it and solving it are two different things: no one has ever come up with a coherent explanation for why Fritz reported that "Oswald' strenuously denied ever living at 214 W. Neely. "Oswald" freely admitted all kinds of things, but said he didn't live there. So where was he (presumably with Marina and June) living in March and April of 1963, if not there? If they really did live there for two months, why in the world did he deny it? Remember, the landlord for 214 W. Neely (M. Waldo George) had only two face-to-face contacts with the family that rented the upper half of the duplex. Nowhere in M. Waldo George's affidavit does he write that the man with whom he dealt was indeed our Lee Harvey Oswald. Instead, he makes a rather strange statement: "Later that day I met the individual who identified himself as Lee H. Oswald." George was not called as a witness by the WC so we do not know whether he believed the man and his wife were, in fact, "Oswald" and Marina. Jim, on a different note, I suspect Jack Tatum's belated appearance into the witness record was to provide an explanation for the head shot to Tippit. Although the witness statements are somewhat fuzzy, it is certainly plausible that Tippit actually shot by two different gunmen. That is what the Winchester-Western and Remington Peters evidence would strongly suggest. Further, the shells bullets mismatch would suggest that at least one of the shots missed Tippit. If, in fact, the second man at the scene rode in the DPD cop car parked in the drive between the two houses, then he may well have been the one who fired the coup de grace into Tippit's skull. Joseph McBride and John Armstrong have written extensively about the second cop car at the the scene. It came from the alley running parallel with 10th Street, which is still there to this day. The alley runs between Patton and Denver. (See the Google Map below the link to the George affidavit.) http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh11/pdf/WH11_George_aff.pdf https://www.google.com/maps/place/Oak+Cliff,+Dallas,+TX/@32.7468009,-96.8177832,141a,35y,330.94h,10.43t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x864e9a42ecce97db:0x99515b6c6f15ddaa!8m2!3d32.7203477!4d-96.8743083 Here is the alley at ground level, looking east from Patton. The Tippit murder scene one half block north and through the trees. If you look down Patton to the left, you can see a yellow crosswalk sign. That is where William Scoggins was parked in his cab. Helen Markham was on the opposite corner. https://www.google.com/maps/@32.7466427,-96.8183358,3a,75y,13.18h,81.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6t0TXsfBKgRwPpOWTjXPjw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  22. Well, "several blocks" is really about three long blocks. "Oswald" was dropped off (according to Whalley) at the intersection of Beckley and Neely. It appears to be about a 7-8 minute fast walk south of 1026 N. Beckley. We don't know exactly what time Whalley dropped "Oswald" off because Whalley only recorded his fares in 15 minute intervals. (He logged his pick-up of "Oswald" as 12:30!) I don't think we can conclude with any certainty that Tippit picked up "Oswald", either at 1026 N. Beckley or anywhere else. (He may have, but Jack Meyers assertion is one of the weaker points of the article.) Of interest to me is that Whalley dropped his fare (presumably "Oswald") off only a three minute walk from that mysterious residence, 214 W. Neely. That place, allegedly, was the site of the infamous backyard photo's. And don't forget, "Oswald" vehemently denied ever living there in his interrogations with Captain Fritz! There was/is something very odd about that address and the conventional narrative (the "Oswald's" lived there as man, wife and child for two months in the early spring of 1963) is highly suspect. I agree that Tatum's belated appearance as an eyewitness is worthless. Ron, if you hold your control key down while you move your mouse on the map below, you can zoom/hover/flyover all of the relevant places here on this Google Map. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Oak+Cliff,+Dallas,+TX/@32.7497732,-96.8226535,123a,35y,358.31h,48.92t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x864e9a42ecce97db:0x99515b6c6f15ddaa!8m2!3d32.7203477!4d-96.8743083
  23. Jim, What kind of leverage did Nelson Rockefeller have on Jerry Ford to compel him to appoint Rockefeller as his VP? Since Ford himself was almost assassinated twice in 1975, should we wonder if these were examples of the Rockefeller/Deep State attempts to control/threaten/dispose of Ford? I recently learned that the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 made the third person in line (after the P and the VP) the Speaker of the House, not the Secretary of State. President Truman did not have a VP until January of 1949. He believed that the VP ought to be elected and since the Secretary of State was appointed by the President, Truman wanted the third in line to be someone who represented as many people as possible - the Speaker of the House, not the Secretary of State. Thus the Act of 1947. Interestingly, Truman fired his Secretary of State, James Byrnes, in 1947. Nelson Rockefeller himself had served as Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs until fired by President Truman in 1945. So, under the old system, NR was only a short step away from being the third in line to the presidency. 30 years later, NR was only a mis-fired Colt 45 away.
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