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Ken Martinson

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  1. See the section 'Debunking the "Harvey and Lee" theory' http://22november1963.org.uk/john-armstrong-harvey-and-lee-theory Plus, LHO's mother lived for 18 years after 1963, and NOT ONE of her relatives thought that she was a different person?
  2. Since LHO did not have a son, it does make DNA testing less accurate. Thanks for the update.
  3. I suggest someone find the descendants of Robert Oswald and Marina Oswald. Get someone to befriend them, take them out for coffee, and then recover the coffee cup with their DNA. Send it to a lab, and see if they are related by DNA. This will provide the answer that we are looking for.
  4. I assume that Biden goes by car to his home in Delaware. And uses a helicopter and Air Force 1. Would foreign actors ever try to attack them? Not likely. There would be swift payback.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Valenti All four of his grandparents had immigrated to the United States from Sicily in the 1890s. In 1962, at age 41, Valenti married Mary Margaret Wiley who served on the staff of President Lyndon Johnson. Worked at MPAA until age 82. And was succeeded by a former U.S. Congressman. Does he have any connection with organized crime?
  6. I think all of this evidence should be fed into AI, and then we should see what it concludes on the matter. I'm not sure what state-of-the-art is in AI, but I think it is getting close to a thorough analysis of the facts on JFK.
  7. Well said. Dying at age 74 from or with a viral infection is not that surprising. There are 3 factors at play: 1. Health in general and a healthy immune system. 2. Early treatments. 3. vaccines. In a society, we should focus on all 3. There are benefits and risks to any treatment. Granted, there are benefits of the covid jab (maybe a 10X reduction in near-term deaths), and short term risks (see below) and unknown long term risks. The new data out of New Zealand that shows that 1 in 5700 people who get the covid jab die with a few days, that is interesting and must be put in context (maybe it was only older people). https://hatchardreport.com/relationship-between-covid-19-vaccination-and-all-cause-mortality/
  8. On the Joe Rogan podcast, at 1:13:30 Oliver Stone says: If there was an assassination team on the 6th floor, I don't know how they escaped. Would an answer be that the elevator went from the 1st floor to the 4th floor. (or did it goto the basement?). On top of the 4th floor would have been a cage to hold the cables etc for the elevator, and this would have taken up all of the 5th floor above the elevator shaft. On the 6th floor, one could lift the floorboards and access the top of the elevator shaft. The elevator didn't work for several minutes during when the bullets were fired. The Team could have ridden down on top of the elevator, or could have entered the elevator if it had a ceiling hatch. Does anyone know more about the elevator at the TSBD ?
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kypq5Fs_5PE&ab_channel=SixthFloorMuseum If LHO was a patsy, how did he get to be employed at the TSBD ? If this piece of the puzzle doesn't fit well, then the whole "pre-planned JFKA" starts to fall apart. In this video Ruth Paine, 56 years later, doesn't seem at all that she was in the intelligence community at the time, or now. In the video, at 16:00 Lindi Mae Randall, Wesley Fraser's sister, told Ruth Paine in the morning that her brother was working at the TSBD and that there was a lot of work. Ruth spoke with Marina at lunchtime. Ruth called Roy Truly in the afternoon and was told that LHO could drop by. LHO called Marina in the evening and was told about the job opportunity. LHO went there in person the next day and was hired on the spot. Ruth Paine says "It just happened that way." And that no one arranged LHO to work at the TSBD. The other alternative is that Ruth Paine is lying (and over the years has convinced herself that she is actually telling the truth), OR that Ms. Randall is part of the conspiracy or purposefully fed information to Ruth Paine. Both of these options seem unlikely. The proposed conspiracy-leaders had to get Oswald to Dallas, and maybe get Marina there first (and moved in with Ruth Paine), AND then get Oswald a job at the right place. This means that Ruth Paine, Roy Truly and the job lead for Oswald all had to work out correctly. I don't see any evidence to show any co-ordination on these series of events. Prove me wrong. The fact that no one cares to reply after a day shows an inability to deal with the hard questions. Other Observation: 35:30 Eyewitness said there was a "cloud of pink" come up from the president's head. This is the same as Dino Brugioni says in his interview with Doug Horne. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_QIuu6hsAc&ab_channel=e2films (but he mentions a white mist, not pink) And not what is shown in the Z film.
  10. 100-B could have been Peter Worthington. The only Canadian reporter there. There is a photo of him up against a wall right after the shooting. What do you mean by : Note that several officers were moved from critical areas Do you mean that their shifts ended at 11:00am or 10:15am, and that they are still recorded? Or that they were told to move before their shift ended? Kenneth Croy (#21) is at least 10 ft from Oswald, I would say.
  11. I would agree with those who say the communication was purely visual between Ruby and Jim Leavelle and maybe some DPD officer looking out the window. Ruby paused in front of the Western Union until he saw Jim L and his white suit in the windows. Ruby started to walk, an officer in the window saw Ruby moving, then Jim L. and maybe another officer started the process of transferring Oswald. Was Croy waiting at the entrance of the DPD? It could be. How many in the DPD would need to be involved? Certainly more than 2 (Croy and Jim L.) and less than 50. Would 5 - 10 be a reasonable number? I think the DPD and Masons are both strongly inclined to keeping secrets in general, and especially those which resonate with their core beliefs. The weakness in the Croy - Oswald narrative is the assumption that Lee Oswald (the American) shot Tippit 4 times. Here is a guy who grew up in New Orleans, served in the Military, got into intelligence operations. And is then ordered to shoot and kill a DPD officer on the street. If he had killed before on American streets, then I can see it. If he had never killed anyone before, I don't see it likely. Since, Oswald (Lee or Harvey) was identified by by Jeanette Davis later that day in a 4-man lineup. I would lean towards Lee Oswald having some sort of dark past after his military career ended in 1960 (?). Maybe even with the mafia.
  12. Ethel was his mother's name. Kenneth was age 26 in the summer of 1963, and said he was separated at the time. So, he may have been living with his mother. In his memorial statement it mentions "the mother of his 4 children", and no mention of his wife.
  13. That's a 121 page article. It takes a long time to read and understand.
  14. I see that Croy had on an official Police Hat, and that many other DPD had on cowboy hats. Looking out the doors of the PD, it may have been fairly easy to see Sgt. Croy with his PD hat on. I've heard that Ruby was well known at the DPD and seemed to wander around with no problems. If Ruby had been pushed to do the shooting on Saturday, then there was limited opportunity for him. It seems he was in the DPD on Saturday maybe looking for an opportunity to shoot Oswald (There is a picture of him at the back of one of Oswald's impromptu news interviews).
  15. Exxon and Mobile merged in 1999. So, cut the estimate of 20 service stations to 10.
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