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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Although it doesn't fully explain things, Kantor states that "Crafard landed a job at $5 a day as caretaker for an event at the State Fair of Texas called "How Hollywood Makes Movies", which was another of Ruby's get rich schemes. Ruby was a financial partner in the crude show but it quickly went broke and closed several days before the two week state fair itself concluded in October. Even the $5 daily pay hadn't fully materialised. Some days Crafard was paid off in meals and cigarettes, and then Ruby offered Crafard a similar arrangement at the Carousel.'
  2. Maybe Paul, but I used to drink neat Pernod in a pint glass & I've hit 70!
  3. Saturday 1st 9:45-10:00 Opening Remarks – Neale Safaty 10:00 -11:00 The Anatomy Papers Update – Bart Kamp (remote) 11:00 -11:20 Tea/Coffee Break 11:20 – 12:20 The Paines – Paul Brown 12:20 -13:55 Lunch at the Two Sawyers 14:00 – 15:00 The network of men & institutions involved in the JFKA – Casey Quinlan (remote) 15:00 -16:00 Tactical Ambush in Dealey Plaza – Brian Edwards (remote) 16:00-16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 17:15 The Throat Shot (revisiting the case with new technology) – David Knight (remote) 17:15 – 18:15 Buell Wesley Frazier Update – Nancy Weiford (remote) Sunday 2nd 09:30-10:15 DPUK Auction – Mike Dworetsky 10:15 – 11:15 William Duff – Scott Reid (remote) 11:15- 12:00 Researching the physical evidence or Tippit – Johnny Cairns 12:00-13:00 Lunch Buffet 13:00 – 14:00 The Medical Evidence – Russell Kent 14:00 – 14:45 A 1970s Journalist’s Perspective Q&A – Dave O Brien (remote) interviewed by Neale Safaty 14:45 – 15:00 Comfort Break 15:00 – 16:00 Oswald in New Orleans – Larry Hancock & David Boylan (remote) Attendance is £50 for the two days held at: The Old Sessions House, Canterbury University, Canterbury, Kent. For full contact details see the Dealey Plaza U.K. website. http://dealeyplazauk.com/uncategorized/canterbury-2022-conference/ The location is in the historic city of Canterbury, on the site of the ruins of St.Augustine's 6th Century Abbey. D.P.U.K. attendees gather on Friday 30th September for evening meal & again on Saturday 1st October. For any European interest Canterbury is a short distance from Dover sea crossings.
  4. No doubt Bobby Kennedy became de facto head of the family in '63, so his word and direction would dictate any public comments on the assassination and the W.C. Didn't Bobby say to McCone on the afternoon of the 22nd, "One of your guys did it." Was RFK pointing a finger at rogue agency agents and angry Cubanos and maybe even organised crime figures, that he had been driving to eliminate Castro. Bobby's own political future would have ended if details of those operations were exposed. 'Murder Incorporated' was kept under wraps for years after JFK's demise. RFK knew that the W.C. was 'a shoddy piece of work' but was his silence because he was stuck between a rock and a hard place?
  5. The old folks clearly didn't have much idea of Dallas' topography! As for using the pay phone....someone is bound to propose Lee was speaking with Judyth Vary Baker.
  6. Andrej, maybe you could add a No13 to your list. Didn't Marina state that she thought PM was Lee?
  7. In the U.K. an old friend of mine, Andy Roberts published 'Albion Dreaming' covering the introduction and consumption of LSD in the U.K. A book I notice is now over £100 to purchase. I did contribute to the text. But the CIA and the medical establishment wanted to keep LSD out of the hands of “undesirables.” The “undesirables” included those in the new youth counterculture who challenged the official line on LSD and explored its potential for creativity and spirituality. The above made me smile. Once Operation Chaos was underway CIA were the suppliers of LSD to the Rolling Stones in the person of David Schneidermann who Jagger stated had many passports and a suitcase full of every herb and chemical. When the police arrived the Stones were busted, but Mr. Schneidermann was quietly escorted away.
  8. Spiral bound new publication of SWHT was on sale at Lancer's 2003 conference in Dallas. I bought one, signed by Larry.
  9. Well the obvious one that comes to mind is Robert Maheu. In 1947 Maheu established his own investigative company. Maheu also worked for the CIA. He was later to admit "The CIA was my first steady client, giving me `cut-out' assignments (those jobs in which the agency could not officially be involved)." This work brought him into contact with Howard Hughes and in the late 1950s worked for him on a freelance basis. This included intimidating would be blackmailers and obtaining information on business rivals.
  10. Marjan, You have now posted approaching 60 posts on this thread of yours, which your title proposes is a 'members survey'. So, what are your results of this repetitious survey??? Also note that insults are NOT welcome by the admin. on this Forum. As for Q's1 & 2 above, I did not answer. You have posted your photo analysis and charts to bolster your belief in Hickey killing JFK, but have ignored so many aspects of happenings in Dealey Plaza. What do you propose the men with rifles were doing in upper floor windows of the TSBD, seen by various witnesses? What do you think caused such 'knoll witnesses' to feel shots coming from behind them? Ditto the eyewitnesses on the underpass? What do you think of the ear witnesses, none of whom were drawn to Hickey's AR-15? Or the Kennedy men in the Queen Mary, who sensed nothing right behind their backs, while you propose Hickey was wildly spraying gun shots (the first bloodied Tague) all around the Plaza? Or was O'Donnell and various S.S. men's belief in a shot from right front part of the cover-up? So, finally what are your survey poll results, then you can put this thread to bed?
  11. It's in my genes. A rebel without a pause. I fought the law & the law won when I was just 10yo, so I wasn't allowed to sit the 11 plus. At 15 I dropped out, hippie, anti-war, slept rough on the streets of London, lived in a commune, didn't have a proper job till I was 24. Today, at 70yo, I'm still anti. Too old to continue being a Greenpeace activist, but still a member, also with Amnesty Int. No, not from my folks, they were true blue & my sister is married to a multi-millionaire, I'm the black sheep. But it's not real.
  12. Yeah, that's me Chris....never voted in any local or general election in the U.K. in my life, that's fifty odd years and counting. + on the topic of conspiracies, haven't the U.K. government just lost its Prime Minister as a result of a conspiracy of silence over a Downing St., party held at a time of Covid lockdown. Not on the scale of the many examples on this thread, but one none the less. 'Don't vote, it only encourages them' is the old sixties mantra that I still hold dear.
  13. Just so that once in my life I can correct Larry Hancock over a fact on the JFKA but that's two people morphed into one, Sam Holland and Lee Bowers.
  14. Paul, my thoughts entirely. There is so much ambiguity and undetermined intrigue in this case surrounding the Oswald figure, and you have summed up succinctly why I often state that I sit on the fence on many aspects of this case. (Yet, I am sure that is why many of us continue to be captured in this web.) However, I have never been readily accepting of the lone shooter/three shot/magic bullet verdict of the W.C. and therefore lean towards some kind of conspiracy. I can slightly paraphrase Katzenbach and state that 'unfortunately the supposed facts on the JFK assassination seem about too pat-too obvious'.
  15. After years of Lancer + members of the public gathering in the Plaza for a solemn ceremony, at the 50th the city fathers block off the area for this debacle!
  16. The law firm Wynne, Jaffe, and Tinsley was in the Dal Tex building, This company is often attributed, in error, to Morris D Jaffe.In the mid sixties Jaffe tried to purchase property from Carlos Marcello, but the deal fell through, this however, has linked him to the Mafia. On the imprisonment of Billy Sol Estes, an associate of Lyndon Johnson, Morris Jafffe paid $18million for the bankrupt $150 million empire.
  17. Ron, it rings bells. Groden shows the Altgens photograph on p31 of his 'The Killing of a President' also on pages 184-185, and highlights the window which he states is a 2nd floor broom closet with what he claims is a dark complected man leaning out of the window! (Why can't I make out these figures, or see the Loch Ness beastie or flying saucers?)
  18. On the topic of the press, post the assassination, it appears that the pole-cat Lyndon was getting his in early! LBJ arrived at Love Field shortly before noon on Tuesday, April 23rd 1963, for a busy day of two luncheons, two private conferences at both Dallas newspapers' offices, a large banquet, and an address to a meeting of scientists. During the one hour conference at the Dallas Times Herald, he said that Kennedy may visit Dallas "on a one day visit to Texas in the near future." According to some news accounts, Johnson referred to Kennedy using the analogy of an airplane pilot. He reportedly told the press not to shoot Kennedy down now but wait until his visit to shoot him down.
  19. Yes, within the first year after the assassination, Kenneth Porter quit his job at Collins Radio. Soon thereafter articles began to appear in the Dallas papers about his dating Marina Oswald. J.H. 'Bart' Bartholomew, an employee at Collins' Richardson plant since 1955, reported that after Porter had been working there for a while he quit "all of a sudden." Fellow workers wondered why he quit so suddenly. According to Bartholomew, Porter got along with everyone at the plant. No one knew any reason why he would quit. Then the news media reported that Kenneth and Marina were engaged. He had divorced his wife just prior to the engagement announcement. Porter also had children and had not mentioned any domestic problems. When news of the engagement broke, rumours began at Collins that he was marrying Marina for her money. Bartholomew said the talk around the plant was that the quitting, divorce and engagement all happened very quickly in that order within a year of the assassination. Curiouser and curiouser, more through the looking glass!
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