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John Cotter

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    My interests include psychology, history - particularly that of the Cold War and the JFK assassination - animal rights and the environment.

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  1. And as evidenced in this parish, the psychosis in question seems to involve a considerable lack of a sense of irony and self-awareness.
  2. Many thanks, Roger, for that most informative reply.
  3. Dogmatic statements one way or the other about this matter should be avoided - unless of course you have inside information. If you have, please share it.
  4. Shades of the JFK assassination, complete with “lone nuts” and official complicity and cover ups, about all of this, being played out repeatedly in real time, with the added twist of nearly half the US population and most of the mass media openly complicit and cheering it on. Symptoms of a terminally sick murderous empire.
  5. It's safe to conclude that William Niederhut is unable to identify any flaws in the reasoning of Megyn Kelly or her guests. I await Kirk Galloway's response.
  6. The concept of relevance seems to be beyond the ken of William and Kirk. Neither of them have identified a flaw in the reasoning of Megyn Kelly or her guests. (And just to set the record straight, Kirk is the one who raised the issue of Megyn Kelly's Irish American West Coast dishiness, not me.)
  7. Please desist from your usual name-calling and specify where exactly Megyn Kelly or either of her guests were wrong.
  8. This senator appears to contradict himself. He rightly criticises the Department of Homeland Security for withholding relevant information, yet he rejects out of hand all “conspiracy theories” relating to the Trump assassination attempt. How is it possible for him to know whether any of the conspiracy theories are true or not when he doesn’t have all the relevant information? This seems to be a “limited hangout” by him. But then, how many politicians anywhere ever tell the whole truth?
  9. In the first few minutes of this video Megyn Kelly explains how biased against Trump the ABC moderators were in the recent Harris v Trump debate. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-vs-harris-and-moderators-in-biased-abc-debate-special-with-jashinsky-lowry-halperin-more/vi-AA1qpxtN
  10. No, David. What Sandy, Andrej, Roger and others have said about this matter is essentially correct. (By the way, the phrase “windows of mirrors” in my post should have been “wilderness of mirrors”. Jungian slip.)
  11. Yes, this too is very different from the version(s) I saw previously. Likewise, there was none of this business of the door opening and shutting and another head or reflection of a head behind Frazer. These apparent changes point to “windows of mirrors” skullduggery designed to hide or at least obfuscate the fact that PM was LH Oswald, which ironically would prove that that’s who PM was.
  12. You need to add “fascistic" to that list of adjectives so, William – fascistic in the sense that if you criticise the existing regime, you should go and live elsewhere.
  13. I too seem to remember seeing more detailed versions of that footage.
  14. Many thanks for that, Roger. I’ve always believed PM was LH Oswald, but to my (not the sharpest) eyes, in that (copy of the?) Darnell film PM looks more like a woman than Oswald. Was the much-maligned Brian Doyle right after all?
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