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Gerry Down

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Everything posted by Gerry Down

  1. RIP Cyril Wecht. A significant portion of the history of JFKA research has left us.
  2. Oliver Stone himself has now distanced himself from the Mr. X scene in that it's central focus being on Lansdale is incorrect.
  3. I thought humes only found out after the autopsy, after he had phoned perry, that there had been any wound on the throat prior to the tracheostomy?
  4. Do we know who Pompeos lawyer is? Is he referring to his own personal lawyer or does he still retain the CIA's legal offices head lawyer?
  5. Or perhaps testimony from other CIA officials, hsca testimony for example, which accidentally linked Angleton to the assassination without those CIA officials realising what they were saying while testifying?
  6. If Angleton was involved, how come he didn't destroy any files linking him to the JFK assassination? Could these be NSA files etc which Angleton did not have access to to destroy?
  7. Do we know what is the first CIA document which states/realizes that Oswald had been to cuban consulate and CIA hq realize "Oh crap, Oswald was at the cuban consulate too in Mexico City"? The above document i linked to above gives no appearance of surprise that Oswald had been to the cuban consulate too, and that he had actually made a phonecall from there to the soviet embassy on the Saturday. On the Friday, after Oswald had come back from the soviet embassy to the cuban embassy, Silvia Duran phoned the soviet embassy to discuss the guy she had just sent over to them. This would appear to set up quiet a history of this guy Oswald going back and forth from the cuban to the soviet embassy for the telephone surveillance crew.
  8. I still haven't seen a single image you've posted. You should consider using this free image hosting website. I've been using it for years with no problem: https://imgbb.com/
  9. The below Nov 23rd 1963 document says the person doing the transcribing knew that the person who phoned the soviet embassy on Oct 1st speaking broken russian was the same person who had phoned the soviet embassy on Sept 28th from the cuban embassy speaking broken russian. Therefore the transcriptionist knew Oswald had been to the cuban embassy. Now, when the transcriptionist knew this is not clear. Did they know this at the time they made the transcription or is this something they figured out on Nov 23rd when listening back to the audio tape (an audio tape that was supposed to have been destroyed)? LINK: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=44666#relPageId=4
  10. Not sure I understand this. As far as I know, CIA hq did inform the Mexico City station that LHO had defected to the USSR and it had a maturing effect on him. How would the CIA know it had a maturing effect on him unless they knew he had returned from there.
  11. That's the page which reveals who shot JFK. You have to pay money to see that page.
  12. Thanks. Looking forward to watching this.
  13. Great info Bill as usual. Oswald gave false info while in custody such as saying he had got married in Texas. Not sure if it was to Martello or Quigley (or both) he told that lie to. But even if LHO had lied to Quigley, Anderson might not have spotted any such lies when considering to take the flash off LHO. I presume FPCC members didn't automatically have a flash on them. So if LHO was deemed to be a member of the FPCC, the flash might have been taken off LHO for this reason. FPCC members did not pose enough of a risk to have a flash on them.
  14. Truly perplexing. I wonder if DeBrueys was keeping it quite that he had tried to recruit LHO as an informant and as a result, alot of LHOs shenanigans in New Orleans went under the radar from HQs perspective and so HQ deemed LHO to be of little threat. It seems the Mexico City incident must have had something to do with having LHOs flash disappearing. But what exactly I can't figure out.
  15. Perhaps they were "listening" to nothing on the walkie talkie and were just pretending to to wind Ralph up. Pretending they were keeping him out of the loop on something.
  16. Is that the same place the WCR says he got out?
  17. No, I don't support the WCRs conclusion, nor that or Posner's or Bugliosi's books.
  18. Well, "concluded" would have been a better word.
  19. Dale Myers, Bill Brown and Michael Brownlow have all spent more time at 10th and Patton than any other researcher. You should give them some credit. They have all confirmed Oswald shot Tippit.
  20. JFKA researcher Michael Brownlow investigated the Tippit shooting for many years and interviewed many of the witnesses. He confirmed Oswald shot Tippit.
  21. Look at the Tippit scene, lots of witnesses hanging around that scene with no interest in going to see the motorcade.
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