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Robert Morrow

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  1. Speaking of Marina Oswald's big fat lie that Lee Harvey Oswald came home one night in April, 1963 and said he tried to murder Gen. Edwin Walker (which never happened): Jim Garrison (October, 1967 Playboy interview) knew how this fantasy got put into the mouth of a terrified and intimidated Marina Oswald: QUOTE PLAYBOY: If Oswald wasn't a leftist, what motivation would he have had for shooting at another right-winger, Major General Edwin Walker, eight months before the assassination GARRISON: If he did it, his motive -- which is to say the motive of those behind him -- was a simple one: to ensure that after the assassination, people would ask this very question and assume that because Oswald had shot at General Walker, he must have been a left-winger. It was just another part of Oswald's cover; if you defect to Russia, pass out pro-Castro leaflets on street corners and take a pot shot at General Walker, who on earth would doubt you're a Communist? Of course, if you really look deeply into this incident, there is no real proof that Oswald was the man who did it; the whole charge rests on the unsupported testimony of Marina Oswald, after she had been threatened with deportation if she didn't "cooperate." It makes little difference, though, whether this incident was prepared in advance to create a cover for Oswald or fabricated after the assassination to strengthen his public image as a Marxist. UNQUOTE Playboy Magazine Interview with Jim Garrison, October 1967 Part 1 http://www.maebrussell.com/Garrison/Garrison%20Playboy%20Intvw%201.html Part 2 http://www.maebrussell.com/Garrison/Garrison%20Playboy%20Intvw%202.html
  2. My take on Judy Baker is this. She had an affair with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 and is emotionally attached to him. She desperately wants everyone to think Oswald was innocent of everything and was pure patsy (I agree.) But my guess that in the attempt to purify Oswald, Judyth Baker has told lie after lie after lie after lie. So many lies that it is hard to tell the truth of what her actual relationship was with Oswald. Remember Judy took a class on CREATIVE WRITING and I wonder how much CREATIVE WRITING she put into her book Me and Lee. Judyth Vary Baker is damaged woman. I do not think she is evil. I do think she cannot be trusted on MANY things she says and what those many things are, I do not have a firm idea. Debra Conway, David Lifton and Jim DiEugenio all are dismissive of her story. I am not as harsh as they are because I actually believe she and Oswald were lovers (I would not bet my life on it). Certainly they knew each other. I have personally met Judyth Vary Baker multiple times and I do think the U.S. Government was harassing her, spying on her and listening to her phone conversations, and even taping them.
  3. Where is Gen. Edward Lansdale on this list? Two of his close co-workers identified him at Dealey Plaza: Col. Fletcher Prouty and Gen. Victor Krulak. Fletcher Prouty gives his insights: http://www.prouty.org/letter.html Here is a 3/14/85 letter by Gen. Victor H. Krulak also identifying Edward Lansdale at the TSBD on 11/22/63: http://www.ratical.com/ratville/JFK/USO/appD.html Edward Lansdale, the CIA’s assassinations expert, - his presence in Dallas indicts the CIA and Air Force . Here is a web archive of Krulak’s identification of Lansdale: https://web.archive.org/web/20101128210811/http://www.ratical.com/ratville/JFK/USO/appD.html
  4. What year did Judyth Vary Baker first come public about her relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald. Marina Oswald made her 180 degree turn around on Oswald (proclaiming his innocence) on in 1988, the 25th anniversary of the JFK assassination.
  5. Joe, Hugh Aynesworth was an absolute snake and Marina Oswald in the months after the JFK assassination was "hot to trot." She was an attractive gal, in a very vulnerable position and spied on by the Government, back in those days and men would make advances on her and a fair amount of the time she was receptive. She also told Hugh Aynesworth that she was going to kill him - AND THE SOURCE ON THAT IS HUGH AYNESWORTH in a letter to Life Magazine as he was pitching a story on the JFK assassination. No doubt Aynesworth committed some sort of deep betrayal to Marina. Robert Morrow 3/2/2013 post on Hugh Aynesworth at Education Forum Hugh G. Aynesworth and the Assassination of JFK - Page 6 - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum (ipbhost.com) QUOTE About a year or two ago I got Hugh Aynesworth on the phone and I asked him (after other questions) "Did you ever sleep with Marina Oswald?" (Another JFK researcher told me it was a possibility.) His answer: no, but it was available if I wanted it and I think she was sleeping with her body guards. Then I asked him, what did you think when you first saw the Zapruder Film? Doesn't that prove there was a shooter from the front (because of the back head snap) and doesn't it prove their was a conspiracy? His answer I can't not precise recall but it was quite lame - something about he had already gone down the lone nutter path and it was too late change (I am paraphrasing here). I also asked Aynesworth - about that story of Oswald wanting to assassinate Richard Nixon, did you get that from Marina Oswald first or did you get it from somewhere else. Aynesworth's answer - he heard about that story from somewhere else first. My opinion is Oswald/Nixon story was a fabrication by the government and they used Aynesworth to feed it to Marina Oswald and then act like it came from her. It was all about the posthumous frame up or pin-it-all on Oswald. UNQUOTE Hugh Aynesworth offered to show Texas-based JFK assassination researcher Rachel Rendish a blackmail sex tape of Marina Oswald. Rachel’s 12/27/23 email to me on this topic Rachel Rendish is a longtime JFK assassination researcher based in Texas. She lives reasonably close to Dallas in the north Texas area. Rachel used to be very good friends with Marina Oswald who was quite repulsed when Rachel mentioned that she had been one of Ilya Mamantov's students at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Ilya Mamantov's was one of the interpreters who was recruited to speak for Marina Oswald and Marina felt that Mamantov would often twist her words to portray Oswald in the most negative light. Rachel Rendish had dealings with Hugh Aynesworth as she came across him in the Dallas area in her JFK assassination research. Below Rachel Rendish tells the time that Hugh Aynesworth offered to show Rachel a blackmail sex tape of Marina Oswald. Below is the text of the email that Rachel Rendish sent me on 12/27/2023 at 11AM CST: Rachel Rendish: QUOTE So Robert this what I want to say. Over the years I have been told some crazy dooky about Aynesworth. If half of it is true we are looking at a very bad person. Hugh may be dead but sometimes the bad things a person did need to be known and live on in minds of others for a little bit of justice for their victims. During one of my Daryl Howard Marina Porter visits I had been delicately told the details of Marinas personal life after the assassination. She was lonely and terrified and covering by partying spending money and men often felt the needed to take a shot at her. After all a trophy story. Hugh was one of those. Scoring points for his agency checks living as an Intel asset he could appear to be a great journalists. It's not hard to do when your being guided by the agency. One night a rebel JFK historian called me to run up to Prego Pasta House. Aynesworth was in the bar. A perfect time to visit in person. I jumped at the chance. I walked in and was introduced and I wanted to ask him a question about Ted Bundy. My friend also mentioned I was interested in the women of the Jfk case. Hugh was asked to debrief Bundy while incarcerated. Also write a book on him. I asked Hugh if Bundy mentioned Pullman Wa? One night our family was finishing dinner when Cheryl Friar crashed thru the front door. Pale and gagging straining to say a man tried to put her in his VW. My dad jumped up and walked with her down the road but no one was there. He took her home. Later we realized her description fit Bundy. Cheryl had lovely long red hair and she fit his target. Hugh said he faintly remembered Bundy saying something about WSU but he would have to check his tapes. Then he moved the conversation to The assassination. Who have I interviewed? I always kept that vague and he asked about Marina. I told him yes I had a few chances to talk with her. What do you think of her? I told him.my mother always felt bad for her and actually Marina and I had a miraculous and disastrous first meeting. All in all I think she is the most important witness standing. I liked her. Tapping the bar he turned and whispered he had something he would like to show me. He had a film that might change my opinion of her. I surprised him. Oh yes I know all about that film and how you boys set her up. She said that was the item you always used for blackmail. I have absolutely No Interest in seeing it. He was stunned. Paula his wife came in and gushed awhile about her wonderful husband. That was the end of it. I had another occasion to put him on the spot at a PI meeting. I asked about the chain of evidence being broken when and how he gained access to sell Oswald’s diary to Life Magazine. I think it should be mentioned that he was key in blackmailing and controlling Marina Oswald Porter for decades. Hugh got us all where we are today. He should be recognized. UNQUOTE
  6. Karl, what is your source that Sec. of State Dean Rusk was the one to persuade JFK to name Henry Lodge the U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam? I want that in my files. Thank you.
  7. Actually I think that for the first week after the JFK assassination, Marina Oswald was strongly defending her dead husband, saying that he was a good man and that he like JFK. I wish someone would collar together ALL of Marina's public statements from 11/22/1963 to the end of November, 1963. Then she was put under the control of SECRET SERVICE AGENT MIKE HOWARD who told me a few years ago "I had an assignment and I carried it out." That assignment, I speculate was to shut up and then control Marina Oswald. Hugh Aynesworth said that Marina was having sex with her bodyguards. Mike Howard, who is probably still alive as of 9/10/24 - later become one of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson's most loyal Secret Service agents for decades. Former Secret Service agent Mike Howard in summer, 2023 to me Robert Morrow regarding Marina Oswald: “I was given an assignment and I carried it out.” (Mike Howard-Morrow phone conversation, June 2023) At this time Mike Howard was living North of Dallas, TX in Texas. Robert Morrow analysis: Lyndon Johnson was using Mike Howard to control Marina Oswald, especially in regards to what might come out of her mouth and later Lyndon Johnson was using Mike Howard to SPY on Jackie Kennedy under the guise of "protecting" her.
  8. I know people who believe lots of crazy things that are absolutely correct on many matters. Not every Lone Nutter in the MSM and academia are completely wrong on every topic they address. Marina Oswald's words SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. I happen to think that Marina Oswald was being coerced by the U.S. government, run by LBJ, to make up lies about Oswald saying that he tried to shoot Gen. Edwin Walker. This video, from 2010, is very important.
  9. Clyde Tolson, #2 at FBI, says in spring 1968 what he really thinks of Robert Kennedy: “I hope someone shoots and kills the son of a bitch.” William Sullivan, the #4 man at the FBI, describes a high level FBI meeting in spring, 1968. "Hoover was not present, and Clyde Tolson [FBI #2 and Hoover's boyfriend] was presiding in his absence. I was one of eight men who heard Tolson respond to the mention of [RFK's] name by saying, 'I hope someone shoots and kills the son of a bitch.' This was five or six weeks before the California primary." [William Sullivan, The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover’s FBI, p. ?]
  10. Ed Clark also knew Katharine Graham of the Washington Post ... in addition to the photo you saw of Ed Clark and David Rockefeller, who I do NOT believe was involved in the JFK assassination.
  11. Let's be specific here. What exactly did David Rockefeller brag about in an interview? I seriously doubt it was anything having to do with the JFK assassination. It is rumored that David Rockefeller said this in 1991 Baden Baden Germany Bilderberg conference: https://www.amazon.com/review/R3RK5QBX58AC73 Book reviewer E. Larsen: QUOTE "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." Whether or not he actually said this publicly, it does seem to capture the thinking of someone who makes the kind of decisions Rockefeller does. In his memoir on page 405, he actually does say this, "Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.". In this section he also criticizes "populists" and "isolationists" for not appreciating that the "active role" the international bankers have played in world affairs has contributed to economic growth and the defeat of Communism. UNQUOTE
  12. I think that the reason Hale Boggs went so berserk against Hoover, even calling for Hoover's resignation on the House floor, was because he had been shown sex photos of JFK assassination researchers and he knew Hoover was using the same blackmail tactics on House and Senate members. I can't footnote this, maybe the son of Hale Boggs said this (if he had a son). I think I read this somewhere as to why Boggs was so enraged at Hoover when he gave his speech. The late Jerry Policoff (JFK researcher) once told me that Mark Lane had a really unusual/spicy/compromised sex life and that Hoover's FBI was spying on Mark Lane. I don't know the details but something like S&M or bondage or homosexuality or something that Lane would like to keep secret. Sorry for the vague rumors but Policoff told me it was something spicy and something that most people would not like publicly known.
  13. Robert Kennedy, Sr. speech (8/27/64) at 1964 Democratic convention in Atlantic City. American Rhetoric: Robert F. Kennedy - 1964 Democratic National Convention Address Jackie Kennedy helped Robert Kennedy with this speech - and YES they were referring to LBJ as the "garish sun." And Johnson easily figured this out. Mr. Chairman, I wish to speak just for a few moments. I first want to thank all of you, the delegates to the Democratic National Convention and the supporters of the Democratic Party, for all that you did for President John F. Kennedy. I want to -- I want to -- I want to express my appreciation to you for the effort that you made on his behalf at the convention four years ago, the efforts that you made on his behalf for his election in November of 1960, and perhaps most importantly, the encouragement and the strength that you gave him after he was elected President of the United States. I know that it was a source of the greatest strength to him to know that there were thousands of people all over the United States who were together with him, dedicated to certain principles and to certain ideals. No matter what talent an individual possesses, no matter what energy he might have, no matter what -- how much integrity and honesty he might have, if he is by himself, and particularly a political figure, he can accomplish very little. But if he's sustained, as President Kennedy was, by the Democratic Party all over the United States, dedicated to the same things that he was attempting to accomplish, you can accomplish a great deal. No one knew that really more than President John F. Kennedy. He used to take great pride in telling the trip that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison made up the Hudson River in 1800 on a botanical expedition searching for butterflies; that they ended up down in New York City and that they formed the Democratic Party. He took great pride in the fact that the Democratic Party was the oldest political Party in the world, and he knew that this linkage of Madison and Jefferson with the leaders in New York combined the North and South, and combined the industrial areas of the country with the rural farms -- that this combination was always dedicated to progress. All of our Presidents have been dedicated to progress: with Thomas Jefferson in the Louisiana Purchase, and when Thomas Jefferson also realized that the United States could not remain on the Eastern Seaboard and sent Lewis and Clark to the West Coast; of Andrew Jackson; of Woodrow Wilson; for Franklin Roosevelt who saved our citizens who were in great despair because of the financial crisis; of Harry Truman who not only spoke but acted for freedom. So that when he [John F. Kennedy] became President he not only had his own principles or his own ideals but he had the strength of the Democratic Party. So that when he President he wanted to do something for the mentally ill and the mentally retarded; for those who were not covered by Social Security; for those who were not receiving an adequate minimum wage; for those who did not have adequate housing; for our elderly people who had difficulty paying their medical bills; for our fellow citizens who are not white who had difficulty living in this society. To all this he dedicated himself. But he realized also that in order for us to make progress here at home, that we had to be strong overseas, that our military strength had to be strong. He said one time, "Only when our arms are sufficient, without doubt, can we be certain" of doubt -- "without doubt, that they will never have to be employed."1 And so when we had the crisis with the Soviet Union and the Communist Bloc in October of 1962, the Soviet Union withdrew their missiles and the bombers from Cuba. But even beyond that, his idea really was that this country should -- and this world, really, should be a better place when we turned it over to the next generation than when we inherited it from the last generation. And that's why -- And that's why with all of the other efforts that he made -- with the Test Ban Treaty, which was done with Averell Harriman, was so important to him. And that's why he made such an effort -- And that's why he made such an effort and so was committed to the young people not only of the United States but the young people of the world. And in all of these efforts you were there -- all of you. And when there were difficulties, you sustained him. When there were periods of crisis, you stood beside him. When there were periods of happiness, you laughed with him. And when there [were] periods of sorrow, you comforted him. I realize that as an individual that we can't just look back, that we must look forward. When I think of President Kennedy, I think of what Shakespeare said in Romeo and Juliet: And I realize as an individual and really -- I realize that as an individual even more importantly, for our political Party and for the country, that we can't just look to the past, but we must look to the future. And so I join with you in realizing that what has been started four years ago -- what everyone here started four years ago -- that that's to be sustained; that that's to be continued. The same effort and the same energy and the same dedication that was given to President John F. Kennedy must be given to President Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey. If we make that commitment, it will not only be for the benefit of the Democratic Party, but far more importantly, it will be for the benefit of this whole country. When we look at this film we might think that President Kennedy once said that: If we do our duty, if we meet our responsibilities and our obligations, not just as Democrats, but as American citizens in our local cities and towns and farms and our states and in the country as a whole, then this country is going to be the best generation in the history of mankind. And I think that if we dedicate ourselves, as he frequently did to all of you when he spoke, when he quoted from Robert Frost -- and said it applied to himself--but that we could really apply to the Democratic Party and to all of us as individuals -- that: Mrs. Kennedy has asked that this film be dedicated to all of you and to all the others throughout the country who helped make John F. Kennedy President of the United States. I thank you.
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