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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. LEN Colby ,big joke man...No Len it is a real issue. How about a more scholarly approach ? Look your jokes are getting a little bit old. THE JEWISH SELF-CONCEPTION OF INTELLECTUAL, MORAL, AND SPIRITUAL SUPERIORITY "Jewish intelligence, integrity and intellect, as a matter of record, predominates in all branches of scientific discoveries,modern advancements and commercial enterprises, in all parts of the world, swaying destinies of various people and conducting the affairs of numerous nations, guiding opinionsand sentiments in the press, pulpit, rostrum, cathedra, reducingor increasing the instrumentality of exchanges, bourses, money markets and financial operations ..." --Nachman Heller, 1928, p. 23 While Orthodox Jews still bluntly claim God's unabashed favoritism, more secular Jews' self-congratulation repeatedly highlights a disproportionate number of Jewish Nobel prize winners, as well as other ambitious and famous scientists, philosophers, writers, and their attendant legion of achievers, not as an expression of a self-promotive ethic, culturally-cultivated ambition, tradition of scholarship, nepotistic networks, or strong communal and personal economic base in support of self-advancement, but of a smug Jewish intellectual "essence." "Nearly a fourth of the Nobel prizes in physiology and medicine," writes Jewish author Miles Storfer, "have been awarded to people of Jewish faith or heritage ... and more than a fifth of the prizes in physics have been awarded to people of Jewish descent." [sTORFER, p. 322] "Pointing to the high proportion of Jewish Nobel Laureates," says Joshua Halberstam, "... is a custom practiced around Jewish tables everywhere." [HALBERSTAM, p. 55] "Now American Jewish culture basically comes down to 'anything produced by a Jew is Jewish,'" complains Leon Wieseltier," This is an insult to the intelligence. It is also not far from the Nazi idea." [bERSHTEL, p. 118] In Russia, in the late 1970s, a Jew from Odessa told the American Jewish Congress that "it was kind of a hobby [among Jews] to collect the names of famous Jews who hide their identity [in the Soviet Union]." [ROTHCHILD, 1985, p. 38] Albert Einstein, for instance (whose virtuous image was sourly damaged with the revelation of some particularly degrading and dictatorial letters to his non-Jewish wife) is always trotted out as the quintessential genius Jew. No doubt such people are talented, among a world of talent. Such parading of Jewish brain scions, however, avoids the behind-the-scenes fact that the formal recognition of Nobel, Pulitzer, and other "prized" individuals as the current "best" in any given field inevitably has at least as much to do with competitive networking, connections, hustling, power, self-promotion, visibility, class, status, and/or academic cliques as they do with talent. The Nobel Prize system -- whatever else it is -- is an elitist enterprise: a network, a self-referential club that favors those with particular socio-economic advantages. It parallels in structure the incestuous traditional self-promotive Jewish model. In a 1977 study of American Nobel Prize winners (laureates) in science, Harriet Zuckerman determined that: * 82% of Nobel winners had fathers who were professionals, managers, or proprietors. [p. 65] * Nobel winners were twice as likely as losers to have come from a "professional" families, and a bit more likely than others to "have fathers in business." [p. 65] * Only 15% of the winners came from "blue-collar or white collar" families. [p. 65] * More than half of the 92 Nobel laureates surveyed "had worked as students, post doctorates, or junior collaborators under older laureates. [p. 116] * There was a "fair amount of intermarriage between laureates and the kin of laureates." [p. 97] * Six laureates shared the prize with their mentors. [p. 116] * Laureates tend to come from elite universities. [p. 116] * "Elite masters [Nobel laureates] can mobilize resources for their apprentices [future laureates]," including fellowships, grants, jobs, and publication possibilities in influential journals. [p. 132] * The prestige of the Nobel Prize has been used to "confer legitimacy" upon "ideological, political, commercial, and military" ventures. [p. 23] Zuckerman even devotes sections of her book to "Self-confidence" and "Upward Mobility in Academe" to help explain Nobel victories. For Albert Einstein's part, notes Robert Schulman (Director of the Einstein Papers Project, some 43,000 letters, notes, papers, and other documents the scientist left behind): "In these pages we can closely observe Einstein and his solitary path to the [theory of] general relativity, and which personal relations are sometimes callously sacrificed in the name of scientific ambition." [OVERBYE, p. 11] Einstein also left Germany during World War I "to dodge military service," had an illegitimate daughter, and "considered breaking off his engagement to his cousin Elisa Einstein and marrying her 20-year old daughter, Ilse, instead." Einstein's executor, Otto Nathan, "protective on Einstein's public image," delayed for years the public release of the papers by filing a lawsuit to control their handling. [OVERBYE, p. 11] An embittered African critic dismisses entirely the Nobel prize system, and its "peace prize," as nothing but a status and political game for the powerful: "One does not win the Nobel; it is bestowed upon one. All we hear is an announcement that some Scandinavian cabal, in its mysterious wisdom, has decided thus and thus. All that the public is admitted to is the ceremony held for the alleged winners in a contest whose rules and venues and officials are shadowy." [bLACK WORLD, p. 8] Edward Epstein's 1996 expose of the fraudulent life of Armand Hammer, in an entire chapter notes the Jewish billionaire's heavy lobbying in the last year of his life to win the top Nobel award, finally getting Israel's prime minister, Menachem Begin, "to be Hammer's sponsor for the peace prize." [EPSTEIN, 1996, p. 332-343] That year's try was unsuccessful, and he died before he could attempt it again. The traditional Jewish fixation upon intellectual activities as the foremost expression of superiority (as distinct from the "earthy" and "physical") is reflected in this description of East European Jewry by Zborowski and Herzog: "Because the head is the container of brains, it is treated with tender care ... The symbolism is pervasive. The head of the table, the head of the bed, the head of the fish which the approving husband presents to his wife, each carries its honorific connotations ... One part of the body that comes close to disgust is the feet, especially the toes. They are furthest from the head, lowest, and nearest to the ground." [ZBOROWSKI, p. 359] Traditional Yiddish folklore often reflects on the Jewish self-conception of marked intelligence: "Jews never have enough of anything except brains." [KUMOVE, S., 1985, p. 140] "God protect us from Jewish chutspeh [pushiness], Jewish mouths, and Jewish brains." [KUMOVE, S., 1985, p. 44] "Better the little Jewish brain than the big Goyish head." [KUMOVE, S., 1985, p. 104] Two Jewish co-authors created a term to describe Jewry through the ages: "intellectual gladiators." "We [Americans]," write Stephen Slavin and Mary Pradt, "define any job demanding considerable intelligence as 'Jewish work.'" [sLAVIN, p. 60] With so many brilliant Jews in Europe before the Holocaust, Joshua Halberstam thinks that "it is likely that were it not for Auschwitz we would now have a cure for cancer." [HALBERSTAM, p. 48] Myths of Jewish superiority are also noted by Susan Schneider from a feminist perspective: "Jewish women have always assured themselves that they were different; yet even with the tenderness and emotional expression many Jewish men permit themselves there is another kind of male feeling of superiority at work -- this time a superiority based on precisely the spiritual and intellectual capacity that Jewish men declared as their specialty ... Intellectual rather than physical prowess is the determinant value of the Jewish male's value on his place in the pecking order." [sCHNEIDER, p. 294] In a search for charitable aid from the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies to help Jewish mentally handicapped children at an institution called Willowbrook that was being phased out, two researchers were perturbed by the Jewish organization's formal response. David and Sheila Rothman wrote that "Troubled by the plight of Willowbrook's Jewish residents, the Federation did appoint a committee to explore why Jews who were generally in the foreground in providing services [were].... in this area .... behind other faiths. (The answer came back that 'the emphasis in Judaism on intellectual achievement tends to set off Jewish retardates more sharply from other Jews.'") [original author's parenthesis: ROTHMAN, p. 159] "It is extraordinarily difficult for American Jews," says American Jewish scholar Charles Silberman, "to expunge [their] sense of superiority ... however much they may try to suppress it." [sILBERMAN, p. 80] "Jews still possess a feeling of superiority," wrote Marshall Sklare, "although more in the moral and intellectual realms now than in the area of spiritual affairs ... Leaving the (Jewish identity) group becomes a psychological threat: such a move is viewed not as an advancement but as cutting oneself off from a claim of superiority." [sILBERMAN, p. 81] "The Jew who has cut off his traditional religion," wrote J. O. Hertzler, "... and has become an agnostic or atheist, is still considered to be a Jew and probably still, unconsciously, holds to the tribal spirit of superiority even though he no longer observes the ceremonial minutiae." [HERTZLER, p. 68] In a study of native-born Jews in modern Israel, Herbert Russcol and Margarit Banai note traditional Jewish self-identity in the widespread haughty arrogance among those of the Jewish state: "But there is a deeper reason, perhaps for his chauvinism: the inbred, self-congratulatory Jewish sense of superiority. Real or imagined, this superiority always infuriates the gentile. Denied a homeland, vilified, the Jew turned his vision inward and fed on his spiritual arrogance. He huddled in ghettos and rejoiced in his four thousand years of apartness, of uniqueness." [RUSSCOL/BANAI, 1970, p. 173] In 1984, Mordechai Nisan, a lecturer at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, published an article in Kivvunim, the journal of the World Zionist Congress. Nisan proclaimed that "While it is true that the Jews are a particular people, they nonetheless are designated as a 'light unto the nations.' This function is imposed on the Jews who strive to be a living aristocracy among the nations, a nation that has deeper historical roots, greater spiritual obligation, higher moral standards, and more powerful intellectual capacities than others. This vision which diverges from the widely accepted egalitarianism approach, is not at all based on an arbitrary hostility towards non-Jews, but rather on a fundamental existential understanding of the quality of Jewish peoplehood." [HARKABI, p. 153] "Thus," says Yehoshafat Harkabi, "the concept of the 'Chosen People' as an aristocracy provides sanction for the unequal and discriminatory treatment of non-Jews." [HARKABI, p. 153] Alan Dershowitz notes his feelings about his Jewish identity when he was a Yale law student: "When I went home for the Jewish holidays, I told my parents about the brilliant teachers at Yale: Goldstein, Pollack, Bickel, Skolnick, Schwartz. Then I told them about the most brilliant of my teachers: Calabresi. Without missing a beat, my mother asked, 'Is he an Italian Jew?' Angrily I said, 'Don't be so parochial. He's an Italian Catholic. Not all smart people have to have Jewish blood.' Several months later, I learned that Guido Calabresi was in fact descended from Italian Jews." [DERSHOWTIZ, p. 50] Ronald Brauner, also Jewish, notes his feelings after reading a book by Dr. Oliver Sacks: "Truth be told, as I read, my chauvinism also kicked in, as it always does. This guy is terrific! His book is one of the best I have ever read! The insights and sensitivities are remarkable! How could any one person be so brilliant, so on-target, so profound? ... he must be Jewish! (that happens to you, too, sometimes, doesn't it?) ... [but] ultimately, sublime talent, insight and ability notwithstanding, a person doesn't 'have it all together' until his Jewish component is also integrated into his work. Somehow, some way, each of us is bound to reflect our Jewishness in what we do." [bRAUNER, R., p. 35] Virginia Dominguez, an American visiting professor in Israel, wrote in 1989 that "Who is Jewish matters. I doubt very much that I am the only non-Jew who discovered only while visiting or living in Israel that many internationally known figures like movie stars, artists, writers, scientists, and athletes whose religious and ethnic identity I had never thought about are Jewish. The Israeli media points to their Jewish identity with few exceptions, in interviews with them or stories about them. This tendency to point out the Jewishness of such figures jars with the sense outside Israel that a similar reference in a non-Jewish newspaper invites the charge of anti-Semitism." [DOMINGUEZ, p. 127] Norman Cantor, a New York University professor, claims -- with breathtaking arrogance -- on his dedication page for The Jewish Experience (1996) that a "world without Jews is a world devoid of humanity." This insult to anyone not Jewish -- ascribing to all non-Jews a lack of "humanity" -- is reiterated in his later insistence in the same book that Jews are "a uniquely superior group with an indomitable drive for creativity and accomplishment," (CANTOR, p. 311) and that "the time may be coming when the genetic superiority of Jews can be calmly discussed ... " (p. 312) In his other recent volume, The Sacred Chain (1994), a history of Jews, Cantor continually reiterates his narcissistic thesis for understanding his own people, and certainly himself: their genetic superiority over others. "Once the Jews were emancipated, too many younger Jews of superior capability could not find places in society and the economy that were adequate for the exercise of their talents." [p. 277] "The Jews, once emancipated and given opportunity for mobility, were genetically so superior that market capitalism could not accommodate some of this superior species ... " [p. 277] "The Jews are a superior people intellectually and as long as Jewish genes exist, the extraordinary impact Jews have had in the twentieth century will continue indefinitely." [p. 423] "Although millions of Jews had carried their Eastern European impoverishment with them to the West, their literary, native intelligence, religion-controlled moral disciples and super genetic quality made them excellent prospects for upward mobility in Western society." [p. 232] "The genetic superiority of the Jews will be extended and as long as its carriers are individually free and privileged to pursue their interests in science, philosophy, literature and the arts, highly advantageous consequences for humanity will follow." These are not the self-obsessed ravings of a lunatic fringe element a hundred years ago, but those of a prominent Jewish professor today who gives current voice to an old strand of Jewish ideology in a book by a major publisher, HarperCollins. Other old Jewish racist narcissists Cantor drags out in The Jewish Experience include, again, the ancient Talmudic scholar, Maimonides, who says that "God has distinguished us from the rest of mankind" (p. 314), and another, Judah Halevi, who, according to Cantor, "was a kind of Jewish nationalist [who] believed not only in the superiority of Judaism but in the intrinsic superior quality of Jews over other people." (p. 316) (Halevi believed, adds Arnold Eisen, in "a hereditary capacity inhering in the Jewish people which uniquely prepared it for the reception of divine revelation.") [EISEN, p. 18] Yet Cantor seems ambiguously torn between the polar values of human universalism and Jewish racism. While championing racism himself, elsewhere he seemingly condemns it: "Racism is itself a central doctrine in traditional Judaism and Jewish cultural history. The Hebrew Bible is blatantly racist, with all the talk about the seed of Abraham, the chosen people, and Israel as the light to other nations. Orthodox Jews in their many prayers still thank God daily that he did not make Jews 'like the other people of the earth.' If this isn't racism, what is?" Yet Cantor states in the same book what he apparently sees as objective science, and not a manifestation of the very racism he decries: "Why did Jews as an immigrant group [in America] do better than the Irish or Italians? Perhaps it was innately superior genes, better selective breeding." [CANTOR, p. 389] The contemporary Jewish scholar, Raphael Patai devotes over fifty pages in his The Jewish Mind to claim evidence for "Jewish pre-eminence" and intellectual superiority over non-Jews. Not surprisingly, when Patai suggests that Jews are genetically superior in intelligence to others, he stoops so low as to quote from whom he inevitably must, the race theory of a German Nazi, Hans Gunther, to embellish a Jewish "survival of the fittest" argument. In this Darwinian and Jewish martyrological view, over the centuries natural selection favored only the smartest Jews in a hostile Gentile environment. [PATAI, p. 304-305] In one racist "scientific" theory to prove Jewish superiority, Patai lists scholars Norbert Weiner, J.B.S. Haldane, and Lewis S. Feuer as those who suggest that, because the Christian Church offered literate advancement only to those who chose a religious career that included celibacy, the real brains of the Gentile pack died out. As another Jewish author, Nathaniel Weyl, explains this theory: "The intellectual eminence of the Jews is the result of a two-thousand- year process of selective breeding for intelligence ... If the abolition of priestly celibacy gave Protestant countries a genetic advantage over Catholic ones in respect to brain power, similar institutional factors gave Jews a genetic advantage over Christians." [WEYL, N., 1968, p. 10-12] The insistent championing of Jewish genetic intellectual superiority over non-Jews surfaces from time to time in Jewish scholarship. Psychologist Benjamin Goodnick, for instance, was even taken aback by a fellow Jew, Peter Gay (one of Sigmund Freud's biographers) and his resistance to Jewish genetic superiority claims. Goodnick says that: "One tends to wonder why Gay belabors the issue of Jewishness. He seems deeply disturbed that Jews might be different from others and resists forcefully '... the untenable notion that Jews are by endowment more intelligent than other people.' His view is strange, especially since he recognized that 'history is a Darwinian battle.' A brief survey of Jewish history would have suggested that the persecutions and decimations of the Jewish people over the millennia inevitably led to a survival of the fittest. It would appear that Gay did not take the opportunity to note, for example, the disproportionate number of Jewish Nobel prize winners..." [GOODNICK, p. 108] This insistent Jewish notion of their superiority over others -- however secularized -- has deep roots in the old Chosen People mythology of the Judaic religion. As Eva (Etzioni) and Zvi Halevy see it: "This element of Judaism [the Chosen People idea] may be unattractive for those who boast of modern universalistic values; and if viewed from an unfavourable angle, it can be argued that it is quasi-racist dogma. It is probably no longer acceptable in its original version to most non- Orthodox modern Jews. In a modified, less obvious, and less explicit form, however, it probably continues to exert a discernible influence on the Jewish self-image, and the Jews' conception of their place in the modern world." [HALEVY, p. 60-61] These Jewish authors further argue that modern Jews continue to exhibit a "compulsion" to prove themselves superior to others, fulfilling in at least practical -- if not religious -- daily form the Chosen People dogma. This intrinsic Jewish arrogance as part of their communal identity has often been noted and commented upon by irritated non-Jews across history, and occasionally by Jews themselves. It is sometimes admitted (rarely in public) by Jewish thinkers to be a major factor in a veritable solicitation of animosity and hostility from others. There is a marked tendency, writes C. G. Schoenfeld, "of certain Jews to display what might be described as a kind of intellectual conceit or arrogance. As Ernest Jones [another biographer of Freud] has phrased it, 'some Jews exhibit a curious 'superiority complex' in respect to brain power. And so readily does this seeming conceit or arrogance appear to provoke hostile reactions that some psychoanalysts believe such to be its prime [albeit unconscious] purpose -- that, in short, the basic psychic function served by this seeming arrogance is to help fulfill unconscious masochistic needs." [sCHOENFELD, p. 28] Masochism or not, consciously attracting anti-Semitism or not, the animosity engendered towards Jews who think they're better than anyone else has always served the purpose of further alienating Jews throughout history from the mainstream societies in which they lived, which was what Orthodox rabbinical literature has consistently dictated to be desirable. Even without religious, genetic, or even secularly messianic rationales for Jewish superiority, it endures of its own self-propulsion. The Jewish novelist Philip Roth, says Arnold Eisen, "could have been speaking for many American Jews when he noted in 1963 that, while the Jewish culture transmitted to him by his parents was at best fragmentary, he had 'received whole a psychology which could be expressed in three words: Jews are better.'" [EISEN, p. 135] "I was always aware that I was Jewish," recalls singer Eddie Fisher, "every minute of my life I was aware that I was Jewish ... I felt like I belonged to a very special club and I was proud of that." [FISHER, E., 1999, p. 9] Jewish author Eric Kahler, with no apparent intent of self-reflective sarcasm, recalls that "One day when I was discussing the problem of anti-Semitism with Austrian-Jewish poet Richard Beer-Hofmann, he said to me: 'I am not at all astonished at the fact that they hate us and persecute us. But what I cannot understand is why do they not marvel at us more than they do?" [KAHLER, E., 1967, p. 1] The notion that Jews are intellectually superior to non-Jews has a long history of racist development in the Jewish community. For hundreds of years, for example, in Eastern Europe Jewish children were socialized to the idea. Jewish scholars Zborowski and Herzog note that "A series of contrasts is set up in the [Jewish] child, who grew up to regard certain behavior as characteristic of Gentiles. Among Jews he expected to find emphasis on intellect, a sense of moderation, cherishing of spiritual values, cultivation of rational, goal-directed activities, a 'beautiful' family life. Among Gentiles he looks for the opposite of each item: emphasis on the body, excess, blind instinct, sexual license and ruthless force." [ZBOROWSKI, p. 152] Are these not the quintessential stereotypes of any racist toward out-group Others, rendering them as veritable beasts? There are of course other angles to Jewish arrogance, one by which Jewish tradition conveniently blames Gentiles even for uncivil excesses in their own (Jewish) psychological selves. Rudolph Lowenstein writes that "The ostentatious, patronizing, arrogant behavior of some Jews is another source of irritation to Gentiles, since it contains disguised elements of hostility which are recognized as such by both Jews and Gentiles. These successful Jews are trying to compensate for all the humiliations they suffered in the past not because they were poor but because they were Jews. It is in some ways an attempt to rehabilitate the whole Jewish people through their own success." [LOWENSTEIN, p. 130] A common term for Jewish arrogant "pushiness" comes from their own culture: there is a Yiddish word for it -- chutzpah. Alan Dershowitz romanticizes the term: "To the perpetrator of chutzpah, it means boldness, assertiveness, a willingness to demand what is due, to defy tradition, to challenge authority, to raise eyebrows. To the victim of chutzpah, it means unmitigated gall, nerve, uppityness, arrogance, hypocritical demanding. It is truly in the eye of the beholder." [DERSHOWITZ, p. 18] Jacob Neusner sees the root of the Jewish self-compulsion with the concept of their collective superiority to be rooted in its psychoanalytic opposite: "Being Jewish is being different. Being Jewish is not as good as being gentile. The father, toward whom guilt is already present, is Jewish and [has a] child. The normal guilt of the earliest school years may thus turn into hatred of the father -- or it may produce hatred of the self as a surrogate for hatred of the father." [NEUSNER, p. 56] Jewish hatred is more familiarly redirected by Michael Lerner: "Hostility towards non-Jews has evolved into a distinct culture of anti-goyism.. [and] it may be as prevalent among American Jewish liberals as among Israeli right-wingers ... It's no secret that Jews disparage non-Jews behind their backs. Some Jews brag about tricking them in business, others shun them socially." [LERNER, Goyim, p. 430] "Chauvinism, or rabid nationalism," wrote Clement Greenberg, in an article entitled Self-Hatred and Jewish Chauvinism, "history tells us, is a means usually of compensating for a sense of collective failure ... It is with its first taste of success that a people musters up the nerve to begin actively compensating for its sense of inferiority -- usually by arrogance and self-praise." [GREENBERG, p. 427-428] "All the big talk current now too of 'Jewish pride' and 'proud Jews,'" argued Israeli scholar Boas Evron in 1995, "... is the pathetic expression of a desperate feeling that there is nothing to be proud of." [EVRON, p. 114] In addressing Jewish elitism, Kenneth Clark notes in a Jewish periodical that "Hypersensitivity about Jewishness among Jews may take many forms, including the constant concern with racial and religious problem, a seemingly compulsive need to discuss the problems and hardships of the Jewish people even in situations in which these are not relevant; and the tendency to relate almost any social problem or event to the problems of Jews. Another manifestation of protective hypersensitivity seems to be a tendency among some Jews to perpetuate the assumption of the superiority of the Jewish people and to explain the persecutions of Jews throughout history as proof of resentment and envy which Gentiles have of Jewish superiority ... " [CLARK, p. 123] In the 1920s, a Jewish Polish poet, Antoni Slominski, remarked that "I know very few Jews who are not convinced of the superiority of the Jewish race. For that reason this nation ... does not even neglect even the smallest of reproaches ... Those Jews who complain about the lack of tolerance of others are the least tolerant." [PIOTROWSKI, p. 39] "The rise of Jewish nationalism since the turn of the century," wrote William Zukerman of the Jewish Newsletter in 1960, "[has swung the pendelum] violently from self-criticism to self-pride, self-righteousness, and a feeling of superiority. The Jewish press, pulpit, and Defense agencies are constantly engaged in telling the Jews how clever, talented and generous they are, how many famous doctors, scientists, authors, and musicians they produce, and how many hundreds of millions of dollars they contribute to help their brethren in Israel. This constant emphasis on Jewish accomplishment is reflected in a morbid chauvinism which is as unpleasant to others as it is harmful to Jews." [ZUKERMAN, p. 68] In 1993, Jewish psychologist and author Judith Sills complained that Jews carry with them psychological "excess baggage," defined as preoccupations with "materialism and superiority." The Jewish Exponent noted that "Materialism, she says, causes Jewish men to carry a tremendous amount of anger toward each other, and that makes it very hard for the single adults in our community to marry. Superiority, the flip side of inferiority, creates ill will among the Christian majority, Sills said, because it is expressed in an insulting way: 'I am special. I am valuable. I am better than you. I am a Jew and you are a goy. I am the 'Chosen People.' I am in this special tribe. You are a shiksa.'" [TEITELBAUM, L, p. 1x] "The Jewish superiority complex," notes Jewish author James Yaffe, "may have an element of belligerence in it. It isn't enough for the Jew to feel superior to the gentile; he must let the gentile know it ... [YAFFE, J., 1968, p. 67] ... Sooner or later most Jews will confess -- diffidently, apologetically, defensively -- that they do think Jews are smarter than other people ... This pride has deep roots in Jewish tradition." [YAFFE, J. 1968, p. 221] Ever strong in 1994, Benjamin Ginsberg notes that "Jews often, secretly or not so secretly, conceive themselves to be morally and intellectually superior to their neighbors ... a Yiddish synonym for dullard or dope is "goyischer kopf," that is, someone who thinks like a non-Jew." [GINSBERG, p. 8] "New York mayor Ed Koch," once remarked Jewish TV talk show host Larry (Zieger) King, "represents a lot of things I don't like about Jews. An incredible ego. Every sentence begins with 'I' ... That brashness." [sIMONS, p. 138] Various Jews in very public lights fit this genre. New York Democratic Congressman, and well-known feminist, Bella Abzug, for example, had a reputation for being "rude and obnoxious." Barry Gray (born Bernard Yaroslaw) at radio station WMCA in New York City, was "brash, abrasive [and] opinionated. [He] was the talk-show titan listeners love to hate, [and] is still going [in 1973] after more than a quarter of a century at the mike." [bLACKWELL, E., 1973, p. 2, 208] "A Jew," declares old Yiddish folklore, "is composed of twenty-eight per cent fear, two per cent sugar, and seventy per cent nerve." [KUMOVE, S., 1985, p. 44] "Offer a Jew a ride and he throws you out of your own wagon." [KUMOVE, S., 1985, p. 45] "Regardless of what Jews do for a living," says Gerald Krefetz, "and they seem to do everything from running the largest chemical company in the United States to operating three out of four retail establishments in New York City, they seem to think that their activities are prestigious. This pride is perhaps deceptive but it ... serves Jews well. By thinking highly of themselves, they stretch their abilities and embellish their conceits. Humility is not a Jewish trait." [KREFETZ, p. 18] Jewish scholar Stephen Whitfield uses the following joke from Jewish circles to, as he says, "demonstrate the meaning of Jewish identity in America”: "Three converts to Episcopalianism are drinking together in their ritzy country club, when they begin explaining the reasons for their switch from Judaism. 'I converted out of love,' the first one said. Seeing the dubious looks on his friends' faces, he added, 'Not for Christianity but for a Christian girl. As you know, my wife insisted that I convert.' 'And I converted in order to succeed in law,' the second one said. 'I would never have been appointed a federal judge if I hadn't become an Episcopalian.' 'I converted because I think the teachings of Christianity are superior to those of Judaism,' the third one added. 'Whom are you trying to kid?' the first man answered with considerable heat, 'What do you take us for -- a couple of goyim?'" [WHITFIELD, American, p. 73] Ultimately, it is really not difficult to understand where the normative Jewish sense (even secularly) of a collective elite self comes from. As the Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion notes: "The frequent biblical emphasis on the election of Israel led to the idea, also found in later rabbinical literature, that there was a moral or even racial excellence inherent in the Jewish people as such, and references to the superiority of those what are 'of the seed of Abraham our Father' abound. Inevitably the doctrine of election also led to an ethnocentric view of world history." [WERBLOWSKY, p. 158]
  2. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now below from the Jeruselem Post. Len , Yosef thinks you LEN ( even I !!!!!) are the master race. Yosef maybe the worlds top TORAH scholar. On U Tube you will find a great number of videos of young Israeli men proclaiming genetic superiorty over all other races...... Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews By JONAH MANDEL 10/18/2010 05:13 According to Rabbi, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews. Talkbacks (98) The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat. According to Yosef, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews. “In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” Yosef said. “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created,” he added. Yosef’s Saturday night sermons have seen many controversial statements from the 90-year-old rabbi. In August, Yosef caused a diplomatic uproar when he wished a plague upon the Palestinian people and their leaders, a curse he retracted a few weeks later, when he blessed them along with all of Israel’s other peace-seeking neighbors. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BACK TO CHOKE POINT YEMEN below XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21920 Who or what is Anwar al-Awlaki? ??????????????? As documented by Michel Chossudovsky in America’s “War on Terrorism”, “Islamic terrorism”, including “Al-Qaeda” are assets of the CIA, a myth designed to obscure a vast covert operation and global war agenda. The “Militant Islamic Network” is a military-intelligence network that has been “run” on behalf of Anglo-American interests. Now “Al-Qaeda”, the eternal covert operation and propaganda apparatus, has been given a facelift. A new generation of Osama bin Laden “disciples” threatens the world, now led by "homegrown Al-Qaeda" terrorists with operational ties to AQAP. Anwar Al-Awlaki, an AQAP regional commander, has become the western media’s public enemy number one. The New Mexico-born cleric is a prime suspect for the foiled UPS cargo plane bomb plot (which US and Saudi intelligence knew about several weeks before it happened.), even though Yemeni officials are not clear about his role. He is wanted in Yemen for a suspected role for the October killing of a French oil company executive, and also wanted for the failed bombing of a US-bound plane in December 2009. He is also accused of having an e-mail connection to the November 2009 Fort Hood shooting, and for giving jihadist sermons. Atop the CIA’s “capture or kill” list, Al-Awlaki has been connected to 9/11 through reported associations with some of the so-called 9/11 hijackers. The rise of Al-Awlaki coincides with the naming of Adnan Shukrijumah as a new leader of “Al-Qaeda” global operations with an alleged connection to 9/11. Just as Osama bin Laden has allegedly been hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan for almost a decade without detection, Al-Awlaki is reportedly in a mountain hideout in Yemen, where he is difficult if not impossible to locate. A close examination of Al-Awlaki’s life reveals a bizarre career throughout which he has been thoroughly monitored and interrogated by the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and arrested and interrogated numerous times: The Awar Al-Awlaki Timeline What demands scrutiny is the fact that, despite his dangerous profile, and being covered like a blanket by intelligence authorities, Al-Awlaki has been permitted to live and travel freely and extensively throughout the US and the world, in such places as San Diego, California (where the Al-Qaeda cell was under scrutiny by FBI informants), and Falls Church, Virginia, a short distance from CIA headquarters. It has been thoroughly documented by investigators such as Mike Ruppert that Al-Qaeda (an intelligence front to begin with) has not only been thoroughly penetrated by intelligence agencies and law enforcement. From Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon: “Long before 9/11, US and foreign intelligence had achieved penetrations of al Qaeda by all three methods [human, signals and electronic intelligence-LC] and in many differing circumstances in a manner that suggests there was very little that al Qaeda did that the Bush administration and many other governments were not aware of…The bottom line is that, based upon what is known about successful intelligence penetrations for years prior to the attacks of 9/11, Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda could not have sneezed without the CIA or the NSA knowing about it.” To highlight one specific example, consider Al-Awlaki’s San Diego connection, and an operational relationship with 9/11 hijacker Nawaf Alhamzi (which Al-Awlaki has himself has denied, but US officials insist). Quoting Ruppert: “Two of the 9/11 hijackers, Nawaf Alhamzi and Khalid Almidhar share the distinction of having been active al Qaeda members connected to multiple terror attacks and also having been among the most closely watched, yet completely free to travel even while they were wanted men...the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA had been watching these two since at least 1999, but also that these agencies at times acted in ways to conceal or protect the pair’s movements from law enforcement agencies who had shown interest in them…” “…Even after the two had been listed as possible terror suspects, they were allowed to re-enter the US after the Malaysia meeting [an Al-Qaeda summit-LC]---their visas unchallenged---and to live openly in San Diego.” Another similarity between Al-Awlaki and the other US military-trained 9/11 “hijackers” with whom he is connected was a penchant for vice: Al-Awlaki has been arrested repeatedly for soliciting prostitutes. Quoting Ruppert again: “If the core of the 19 hijackers were US government OPFOR [opposition force intelligence assets-LC] , it would account for certain details of Mohammed Atta’s life, like his penchants for strip clubs, liquor, and women. These are hardly the passions of a devout Muslim about to become a martyr. Special Operations personnel, have, however, been known to engage in these vices from time to time.” Despite the pronouncements of unreliable government authorities, and assumptive mainstream media reporting, it is unclear if any named Al-Qaeda mastermind is an intelligence asset, a double/triple agent, a political plant, a pawn, or “real” terrorist created in response to decades of military-intelligence provocations. No terror incident, no mention of “terrorists” can be accepted at face value without full and open inquiries into the activities of military-intelligence agencies that utilize and manage “terror” assets, and the high government officials who orchestrate global war strategies in the name of “anti-terrorism”. Such disclosure has been rendered impossible, given the world power structure that shields true “evil doers” from all scrutiny and all law. What is known about Anwar Al-Awlaki’s profile, however, is highly suspicious, and smacks of an intelligence "legend". Or are the repeated patterns mere coincidence? As written Ruppert in Crossing the Rubicon: “Given the degree of documented intelligence penetration of al Qaeda; the fact that Osama bin Laden had been a CIA asset during the first Afghan conflict against the Soviets; the fact that a number of the so-called hijackers and/or al Qaeda members had been trained in CIA training camps in Chechnya; had fought in CIA/US-sponsored guerrilla conflicts (e.g. in Kosovo with the KLA in 2000), or had received military training at US installations; given all that, it is reasonable to assume that one or more top al Qaeda officials were in fact double or triple agents…” “…In covert operations, the best kind of an asset is one that has no idea who is really “running” him. That is not to say that I don’t believe there are terrorists out there who would do any kind of damage they possibly could to the United States. Even if there weren’t any before 9/11 (and there were), the US has gone out of its way to create animosity against this country that is in full flower all over the globe.” The Big Lie keeps gets bigger The perpetual threat posed by a fabricated outside enemy, and a fearful world populace, remain the centerpieces of elite policy, and they have been consistently maintained by both Bush/Cheney and Obama administrations. State-manufactured “terrorist” atrocities, provocations and false flag operations continue to elicit violent reaction in the form of “real” terrorism, in endless cycles. It is ramped up when world leaders seek to manipulate populations at times of crisis. With the US government and the world economy teetering on the brink of collapse, and with a politically neutered Obama administration s for its political survival, a major crisis is at hand. War, the “war on terrorism” and other forms of aggression will be inflicted, in order to appease right-wing extremists, while conveniently serving larger elite agendas across the "Grand Area".
  3. Freshman GOP.......... Hypocrisyy knows no bounds, none ...hard to believe http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1110/45181.html
  4. You really lost me here, how do you know the HVAC is undamaged and where is it in relation to the elevator shafts? There are no images of anything that "looks like a control valve area" the linked page. What makes you assume that the explosion that damaged the elevator shafts also broke windows at least 35 - 100 feet away? Why would one need to brake a latge number of windows than seen? Still waiting for the supposed quote saying it was 3 PSI None of them indicated thought there were explosive charges in the buildings, things in burning fires explode. The 1st fireman said the lobby collapsed I'm guessing he was in the lobby of WTC 1 when building 2 came down or in the lobby of WTC 2 when flight 175 hit. I have not seen any mention of powerful explosions in the lobbies in the FDNY interviews except for the FAE in the lobby of WTC 2 when flight 175 hit ############################################################################# No no and NO http://911blogger.com/category/blog-topics/eyewitness-explosions-world-trade-center-911
  5. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/conservative/8125319/Benefits-reform-Iain-Duncan-Smith-condemns-sin-that-British-workers-cant-compete-with-immigrants.html
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Intellectual dishonesty (AKA Len Colby's last post) the advocacy of a position which the advocate does not know to be true, and has not performed rigorous due diligence to ensure the truthfulness of the position ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Intellectual dishonesty From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Intellectual dishonesty is dishonesty in performing intellectual activities like thought or communication. Examples are: the advocacy of a position which the advocate knows or believes to be false or misleading the advocacy of a position which the advocate does not know to be true, and has not performed rigorous due diligence to ensure the truthfulness of the position the conscious omission of aspects of the truth known or believed to be relevant in the particular context. Rhetoric is used to advance an agenda or to reinforce one's deeply held beliefs in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence.[1] If a person is aware of the evidence and agrees with the conclusion it portends, yet advocates a contradictory view, they commit intellectual dishonesty. If the person is unaware of the evidence, their position is ignorance, even if in agreement with the scientific conclusion. If the person is knowingly aware that there may be additional evidence but purposefully fails to check, and then acts as though the position is confirmed, this is also intellectual dishonesty. The terms intellectually dishonest and intellectual dishonesty are often used as rhetorical devices in a debate; the label invariably frames an opponent in a negative light. The phrase is also frequently used by orators when a debate foe or audience reaches a conclusion varying from the speaker's on a given subject. This appears mostly in debates or discussions of speculative, non-scientific issues, such as morality or policy. &&&&XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I have given all the clues a four year old needs to do a search on the topic. BUT Colby has not done his " due diligence ". Russell trust and the family of that trust and Skull & Bones and Opium trade. 4 terms that you can put into YAHOO and or Google search .(that a 4 year old can due) Here is a link I just gave http://www.whowhatwhy.com/the-game-that-goes-on-and-on.html (its 3 pages,not long at all) This link above will show you the connections of Obama to UBS and one also of his advisors who is connected to British Skull & Bones. Now UBS is owned by Swiss billionaires. One of these Swiss-billion men is a Rothschild. Said Rothschilds are spread alll over the European continent,however, they work within the framework of the Banker conspiracy for world domination centered in London.See BELOW FOR UBS Billionaire info. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Free-Press-Release.com) July 26, 2006 -- Ever wonder who really owns Switzerland? Ever wonder who owns UBS, the largest corporation in the world ($1.7 trillion)? Now you can findout, because a "little-known-about" website discloses the secret identities of 45 Swiss billionaires. The website is located at internet URL: www.swissbillionaires.fws1.com Swiss billionaires identified on the secret website, include: swiss billionaire Pierre Landolt owner of secret swiss private bank LANDOLT & Cie.(as old as the United States). Mr. Landolt has assets of over $8 billion.....swiss billionaire Christoph Blocher, one of the largest owners of UBS. Mr. Blocher is a Vice Chairman of the Board of UBS ($1.7 trillion in assests). Christoph Blocher is also elected to the Swiss Federal Council (BUNDESRAT)- the Executive branch of the Swiss government. Some political opinion leaders claim the Mr. Blocher may well be the Next Chancellor (BUNDESKANZLER) of Switzerland.....Thomas Schmidheiny and Stephan Schmidheiny also both UBS billionaires.....swiss banking mogul Baron Benjamin Rothschild who oversees a swiss banking empire of over a dozen swiss banks. Mr Rothschild has assets of over $7 billion.....billionairesses Gisela "Gigi" Oeri owner of Roche has a net worth of over $12 billion. (You rarely hear about Gisela in the Swiss media).....swiss billionaire Walter Haefner, owner of Computer Associates, one of the first competitors of U.S. billionaire Bill Gates.....swiss billionaire Willi Liebherr the manufacturer of jet parts for Bombardier and manufacturer of the worlds tallest cranes..... The secret identities of over 45 swiss billionaires are disclosed on the website. Visit the website at internet URL: www.swissbillionaires.fws1.com ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** SEE HOW GLOBAL CONTROL WILL COME INTO BEING (Colby thinks the economy isnt that bad per his comments.......man, its almost like he doesn't live in the USA....wait ,he doesn't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21632 ******************************************************************************************************** The media once talked about Blair being a Bush poodle. This is the kind of talk I guess Colby believes. It comes from the establish media,thus Colby believes. The reality is that both were/are poodles of the Bankers.
  7. GO TO LINK BELOW and scroll way down to POSTER NAMED DoYouEverWonder LINK HERE http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/lofiversion/index.php?t14700.html You will see what I am trying to point out to ESTABLISHMENT STORY LOVER. There is no large Fuel air explosion to damage building core (as Colby says there is) and this is proven via photo. The fuel blow-off as I refer to it came from plane striking building at the 94-96th floor going down a ventilator shaft ,turing from downward to horizontal and then blowing out windows.This shows two things 1) fuel blow-off wasnt strong enough to break the thin sheet metal of HUVAC ventilator shaft when making turn from downward to horizontal 2) additionally the fuel blow-off was so weak that even after breaking out at what looks like a control valve area it moves forward unidirectionally to make puffing out smoke you see in photo and it did not break any other windows of this floor. CASE CLOSE +++ NO POWERFUL FUEL AIR CORE BUILDING EXPLOSION OCCURED ,as establishment lover asserts, but a small wee little Fuel blow-off. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Additional response to Colby. Colby said "There were lots of things that explode in big fires and lots of things that sound like (but aren’t) explosions. Photocopy and printer toner for example, can “pose a fire risk if not stored adequately” and can even be explosive*. END COLBY QUOTE **************. Here is a fireman ,who I am sure knows the differance between printer toner sounds and a bomb expolsion. This fireman just experienced a explosion in the lobby WTC 1. The fireman in this suppressed NIST video says that its possible other building will be bombed. This isnt talk about printer toner explosions. PLEASE CLICK TO SEE VIDEO ITS ONLY 1:51 in length ++ LISTEN about 2nd,3rd Explosions........" per fireman witness,"any one of these F#&%ing buildings may explode" (pointing to buldings surrounding WTC1)". ......... Toner ????? Thats a joke right ?? LINK HERE http://911blogger.com/news/2010-10-06/new-video-911-firefighters-reveal-huge-explosions-towers-collapsed
  8. Nope,no BOMB,just false terror and of course victimhood. http://hypercrypton.livejournal.com/2372283.html *********************************************************************************************** BELOW BY ROLAND SAN JUAN BLOG Did Obama order British Authorities To Find Non-Existent Ink Bomb? Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 10:58 PM To: Subject: Did Obama order British Authorities To Find Non-Existent Ink Bomb? Did Obama Order British Authorities To Find Non-Existent Ink Bomb? Only after President’s speech did East Midlands security officials reverse earlier announcement that suspicious device was a dud Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, November 1, 2010 After having examined the suspicious ink toner device for six hours and found it to be a dud, bomb experts at East Midlands Airport only reversed their decision after being ordered to re-inspect the package by US authorities following President Obama’s Friday afternoon speech in which he claimed that the devices did in fact contain explosives. This telling contradiction in the timeline of the cargo bomb plot fiasco proves that the story was being hyped and manipulated from the very early stages. Obama was informed of the plot at 10:35PM eastern Thursday night, despite the fact that the East Midlands package was only first discovered roughly at the exact same time – 3:30am on Friday morning UK time. British Prime Minister David Cameron was kept firmly out of the loop – he was not informed until Friday afternoon. How did Obama and his terror chief John Brennan know that the East Midlands package was an explosive device virtually at the same time bomb experts had only just discovered the device at East Midlands Airport and before they had even had the chance to analyze it? A spokesman from the Metropolitan Police stated: “Following initial examination explosives officers were satisfied that the package presented no immediate danger.” Authorities at East Midlands only reversed their earlier assessment after “(US) authorities urged the British to look again, a US official said,” reports the Nottingham Post. So is it credible that bomb professionals whose expertise and training is focused around detecting explosives, failed to do so after a six hour sweep, only to change their minds after being ordered to look again by the US government? What did Obama know and when did he know it? The timeline strongly indicates that US terror authorities knew about the East Midlands device before East Midlands bomb experts had even discovered it. Police and bomb experts at East Midlands have refused to comment on the confusion. (ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW) In addition, it has come to light that the man responsible for tipping off Saudi authorities to the imminent plot, who subsequently informed US authorities, was Jabir al-Fayf, suspected by Yemen of being a double agent working for the Saudis. Al-Fayf had infiltrated the Al-Qaeda group in Yemen who were behind the plot. Going on past evidence of how almost every terror scare was contrived with the aid of federal agents or their Al-Qaeda informants provocateuring the terror group into action, Al-Fayf was probably responsible for grooming the patsies, whose mental incompetence, as again is the case in most instances, prevented them from building sophisticated enough bombs to be successful. However, despite the fact that authorities not only in the UK but also in the cases of the Newark and Pittsburgh packages, initially gave the “all clear,” according to CNN, Obama, having already been informed of the plot the night before, simply contradicted the very experts who had dismissed the devices as duds, claiming the packages contained explosives. This soon mushroomed into a media scaremongering blitz about powerful explosives that could have knocked dozens of planes out of the sky. The contrived series of events has been swiftly exploited as a means of intensifying US attacks on Yemen, which was instantly blamed as the source of the alleged attack, despite a female student who was arrested as the prime culprit later being released after it became clear she was the victim of a “set-up,” according to her lawyer. Two Wall Street Journal articles today make it plain that the Obama administration will use the incident to justify further military incursions into Yemen while beefing the CIA’s power to control secret “elite U.S. hunter-killer teams” that operate in foreign countries. In a report entitled Package Bombs Help U.S. Defense in Cleric Case, the WSJ discusses how the alleged role of American cleric Anwar al Awlaki in the plot, who as we have documented is a CIA stooge who met with Pentagon officials shortly after 9/11 despite being fingered as the spiritual guru of the very hijackers who slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon, will aid the US in its plans to launch military operations in Yemen. In another report entitled Yemen Covert Role Pushed – Foiled Bomb Plot Heightens Talk of Putting Elite U.S. Squads in CIA Hands, Julian E. Barnes and Adam Entous explain how the plot – supposedly masterminded by someone on the CIA payroll – will enable the Obama administration to shift “more operational control to the CIA” in its mission to violate the sovereignty of more nations in the name of the war on terror. RELATED: CIA Stooge Awlaki Prime Suspect Behind Plane Bomb Plot SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2010 The Yemen printer cartridge hoax Despite the efforts of the Zionist-controlled media to mislead us into thinking that 'al Qaeda' in Yemen attempted to send bombs to Chicago synagogues disguised as printer cartridges - everybody buys their printer cartridges from Yemen - a close reading of the stories makes it clear that there were in fact no bombs at all. From the National Post: "British police said an item found on the UPS plane was sent for further testing. CNN said it was an ink toner cartridge converted into a bomb. Before Obama spoke, an FBI source had told Reuters that initial tests in Britain revealed no explosives." and: "U.S. officials and some analysts speculated that the suspicious parcels may have been a test of cargo screening procedures and the reaction of security officials. "One possibility, if this is terrorism related, is that this may be a trial run," one U.S. official said. Intelligence about the possible plot had come from an ally abroad, the official said, without elaborating." From Sky.com: "Sky's crime correspondent Martin Brunt said the UK package was found on the cargo plane at about 3.30am on Thursday morning. “The package was checked and at some stage was given the all-clear because the plane was allowed to continue its flight to North America," he added. “For some reason this package was revisited and then concern grew again - so much so that for the last 12 hours or so this police operation has continued."" From the Daily Telegraph: "Police cordoned off the cargo area of the airport as forensics experts were called in to examine the parcel, but the passenger terminal was allowed to carry on as normal, with no disruption to flights. By 10am, tests had established that the "device" did not contain explosives, and the cordon was lifted. The aircraft itself was allowed to take off for Philadelphia, its final stop before Chicago. Further checks on the package are understood to have revealed that a Hewlett Packard printer contained a hidden device that gave greater cause for concern. It was said to be "cleverly disguised" and appeared to have been linked to a mobile phone. It was split in two and sent for detailed investigation by the authorities. For the few airport staff who were aware of what was going on, the bomb scare seemed to have passed. But 3,500 miles away, the second aircraft that had set off from Yemen was being searched after it landed at Dubai International Airport. Another suspicious package, also addressed to a Chicago synagogue, was intercepted. This time, the parcel, which also contained a printer cartridge made to look like a bomb, had been sent via another American parcel service, FedEx, and again Mr Obama was informed. One unconfirmed report suggested the Dubai package did contain explosives. In London, the latest twist was relayed to the security services, who in turn asked Leicestershire police to double-check the package at East Midlands. At 2pm, the security cordon at the airport's cargo area was re-imposed, and this time a Royal Mail depot and other smaller offices were evacuated. Exactly why the police increased security at the airport, having already declared the package safe, remains unclear, but forensic specialists wearing white boiler suits were seen going in and out of the cargo area. On the other side of the Atlantic, UPS and FedEx aircraft were grounded on the orders of Mr Obama, with two aircraft searched at Philadelphia, including the one which had taken off from East Midlands, and one at Newark in New Jersey. A UPS truck was also stopped in New York before being given the all-clear. Meanwhile, the first hint of a possible terrorist plot targeting Chicago synagogues was beginning to become public after Chicago police advised the Jewish Federation of Chicago to take security precautions. By 5pm U.K. time, news of a possible terrorist plot had broken on American news channels, and East Midlands airport became the focus of world attention. Confident that the suspicious package contained no explosives, police at East Midlands loaded the cartridge, shrink-wrapped in cellophane, on to a helicopter to be taken to the Metropolitan Police's counter-terrorism command, which had now been asked to take over the investigation. By 5.30pm the police had left the airport and removed the cordon, and attention switched to the U.S., which had now become the centre of frenzied speculation and activity. Ray Kelly, the commissioner of the New York Police Department, took to the airwaves to reassure the city that one package that had originated in Yemen had been intercepted on a UPS truck in Brooklyn and had contained nothing more than bank receipts." To summarize: 1. The British found a regular toner cartridge with traces of harmless white powder; 2. After urgent demands from the Americans, the British opened the cartridge and discovered its usual electronics, now rebranded as a detonator mechanism to be set off by a cellphone; 3. The Americans found some bank receipts, but by then the Zionist-controlled media had labelled them a terrorist bomb to mimic the British non-bomb bomb; 4. They needed to pick a synagogue as the target, so they picked the synagogues of Chicago, probably as a homage to Rahm Emmanuel! 5. You might note the very odd 'it is understood' language in a lot of the stories on this matter, indicating that the source for the details is lying. Of course, the headlines and the opening paragraphs reveal none of this doubt. xxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Cargo plane bomb plot: Yemen doubts its link to the plot The government of Yemen has expressed astonishment at the cargo plane bomb plots, claiming there were no UPS cargo planes that had taken off from Yemen!! THE LONDON DAILY TELEGRAPH. Published: 7:30AM BST 30 Oct 2010 Al-Awlaki, an American-Yemeni cleric whose Internet sermons have helped inspire attacks on the U.S Photo: AP The government of Yemen has expressed astonishment at the cargo plane bomb plots, claiming there were no UPS cargo planes that had taken off from Yemen on Friday or any indirect or direct flights to British or American airports. In a statement distributed to journalists and posted on the official website, the statement warned against "rush decisions in a case as sensitive as this one and before investigations reveal the truth". The government also promised an investigation into allegations that the packages had originated in Yemen. "We are working closely with international partners – including the US – on the incident," the statement said. British and Dubai authorities stated that the two packages found on cargo jets originated from Yemen carried by FedEx and UPS parcel services. The discovery of the packages has once more put the spotlight on Yemen and the growth of the al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula militant group. The group previously has planned attacks on commercial US-bound flights and had a role in mass shootings in several American cities. In the past 18 months, the al-Qaida offshoot in Yemen has grown stronger, and its members have been implicated in several plots against US targets, including the futile attack last Dec 25 on an airliner landing in Detroit, Michigan. 'Talcum powder will soon be on list of banned weapons!' Daily Mail – November 1, 2010 Air travellers face a wave of new security measures in the wake of the Yemen bomb plot. Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary warned even talcum power could end up on the banned list of items people cannot take on planes. He said he feared a new raft of 'ludicrous' airport security measures in reaction to the latest terror plot where bombs hidden in printer ink cartridges were found on U.S.-bound planes in the East Midlands and Dubai. British and American intelligence services were desperately hunting more Al Qaeda ink bombs today amid fears of a wave of plane attacks. And later Prime Minister David Cameron is due to chair a meeting of the emergency committee Cobra. Security chiefs are expected to recommend cranking up airport checks even further. One of the U.S.’s most senior counter-terrorism officials said every package sent from Yemen was being treated as a potential danger – and Britain banned all cargo movements to and from the Gulf country. Authorities in Yemen said they had seized 26 suspect packages, indicating that the scale of the plot could be far larger than the two devices already found – both of which were powerful enough to down a plane and devastate a city. But Mr O'Leary told BBC Radio 4's Today programme he thought the main impact would be on normal travellers. 'What happens, particularly in the coverage of the Yemeni issues of recent days, is that we have another huge lurch by the securicrats into making travel even more uncomfortable and an even more tedious ordeal for the travelling public,' he said. 'Sadly they always win the day and they lurch around with ludicrous new measures. 'Lord only knows what we'll have now. We will be confiscating white powder at the airports. Talcum powder will probably now be put on a list of banned weapons at airport security. 'The fact is, if you look at most of the terrorist attacks in recent years, they have been on the London Underground, they have been in Madrid on the trains, they haven't been at airports and they haven't been against passenger aircraft. Nor has this one been against passenger aircraft; they were two passenger aircraft. 'So I have no doubt we will have all the securicrats tut-tutting through the remainder of this week about the need for increased security when in actual fact we already have ludicrously over-the- top and, sadly, totally ineffective security measures. 'You have got to be careful with the terminology. It is not yet sure that they have found two bombs on planes; they seem to have found two printer cartridges on planes which falls a long way short of bomb-making material.' But Government's across the globe remain on high alert as fears that a terrorist spectacular could still take place intensified after a Middle Eastern airline said that one of the bombs, discovered in Dubai, had been on board two passenger planes before it was found. Qatar Airways said the device hidden in a printer cartridge had flown on a scheduled Airbus 320 flight to Doha before being transferred on to a second passenger plane for the flight to Dubai. Up to 15 per cent of air cargo is flown in the hold of passenger flights. The other device, also in an ink cartridge, was discovered in a UPS parcels distribution depot at East Midlands Airport on Friday, following a tip-off from a source in Saudi Arabia. John Brennan, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, said: ‘It would be very imprudent to presume that there are no other packages out there.’ He said forensic analysis indicated the two explosive devices had been made by Yemen-based Al Qaeda bombmaker Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri. He was also responsible for the bomb carried by a Nigerian student who tried to blow up a passenger plane with explosives concealed in his underwear as it landed in Detroit on Christmas Day. Al-Asiri is now one of the world’s most wanted men. Other members of Al Qaeda’s high command in Yemen have been killed by CIA drones targeting them from the sky. Mr Brennan said the two bombs had been powerful enough to bring down a plane and were ‘very sophisticated’ in the way they were designed and concealed. ‘They were self-contained. They were able to be detonated at a time of the terrorists’ choosing. ‘It is my understanding that these devices did not need someone to actually physically detonate them.’ He added that Al Qaeda ‘are still at war with us and we are very much at war with them. They are going to try to identify vulnerabilities that might exist in the system.’ British and U.S. investigators were flying to Yemen last night to help in the investigation into the plot blamed on the terror group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which both MI6 and MI5 have warned poses a serious threat to the UK. In Yemen searches of every FedEx and UPS office ended in the 26 packages being seized by authorities. They are expected to be passed to the CIA for examination. According to a Yemeni security official, at least five suspects have been arrested and interrogated since Saturday over who might be behind the mail bombs and a number of employees of the shipping companies, including two from FedEx, are being investigated. Yemen is also asking for more information from Saudi Arabia since it was the source of the tip-off. Yemeni authorities arrested then freed a 22-year-old female student, Hanan al-Samawi, who posted the two packages in Sanaa to synagogues in Chicago, leaving her telephone number and a copy of her identity card which were used to trace her. A computer science student and daughter of an oil worker, she was arrested together with her 45-year-old mother at the family’s home in the Yemeni capital. But lawyers said she was an innocent dupe whose identity appeared to have been stolen. Home Secretary Theresa May said the Government had already acted to ban all unaccompanied freight from Yemen coming to Britain, and was in talks with the industry about further restrictions. ‘We are going to be looking at the security that we adopt in relation to freight. We will be talking to the industry about those measures,’ she said.
  9. I have no idea what you think this proves you offer no evidence in support of your fantasy that "Skull and Bones is a British front" nor that Goolsbee or any other skull and Boners are behind Obama's trade policy nor that it is prejudicial to the average American. ************************************************************************** WEll when you learn what is the relationship of Skull & Bones to the Russell Trust and the relationship of the Russell family to the British ,please get back to the Simkin Board to post. Is USA weaker or stronger economically since Obama has become POTUS ?? Isnt that a question that answers itself ?? see http://www.viewstimes.com/?p=447 ****************************************************************************** I say let us rewrite and bring a often used colloquialism into the electronic age,"those who dont know .. post". ............keep posting LEN........LOL
  10. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Lets see Grandma was Jewish,Mom born Jew,Ive worked in a Jewish Religious Store in Malden Mass,once owned a very,very large collection of Jewish books....makes me.....makes me ...makes me ....think Colby grasps at straws.... The link which I said in my post has many ,many,many many links inside of it and I also said in my post to read them. In doing so you will see scores of such hoaxes and not 6 as claimed by Colby.The 6 comes from one sample ,that is clearly labeled "representative" . Colby is trying to trick people from not reading the link. Colby is the real Jew hater ,since Colby hates me (JEW), as proved by not reading the metalink as advised. Colby says I violate logic ,really ??? The metalink search comes from a YAHOO "hate crime hoax" search. Is said search inherently antisemitic ??? OR ARE THE FACTS THAT SUCH A SEARCH RETURNS NUMEROUS JEWISH HOAXES ILLOGICAL AND OR ANTISEMITIC ??. FACTS DEAR MR. Colby ARE NOT ILLOGICAL,they are the basis of reality. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& COLBY MAKES THREE LOW BROW POINTS/// ONE/// were far more sophisticated than any of the incidents mentioned /// end Colby quote + ANSWER CAUSE THIS WAS A INTELL OP ,not one person seeking attention. ///TWO /// had its origins in a country which Gaal acknowledges has "only a handful of aging Jews /// end Colby quote + ANSWER CAUSE THATS HOW YOU DO FALSE FLAG !!!!!!!!!!! /// THREE /// were not described as being antisemitic and if the theorized objective had been reached (blowing the planes over the ocean) no Jewish connection would have been discovered.///end Colby quote + ANSWER We only have the goverment to believe they would blow up over oceans.The Goverment explanation has problems. The problem with this idea is that the cell phone triggers would need to have credit card info placed in when prompted to complete call in the air. No info as to how this would be done. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++********************************************************** PLEASE SEE http://www.google.com/search?q=Lavon+Affair&hl=en&num=10&lr=&ft=i&cr=&safe=images **************************************************************************************** Saturday, 18 September 2010 * HOW TO SPOT AN ANTISEMITIC HATE CRIME HOAX * The information below was collected from the book "Crying Wolf - Hate Crime Hoaxes in America" written by Laird Wilcox. How to spot an antisemitic hate crime hoax What traits distinguishes antisemitic hate crime hoaxes and fabrications? Police, federal, state and local agencies, and college officials have observed certain "patterns" that tend to suggest a hoax might be afoot. 1. An incident that can't be corroborated with reasonable evidence or disinterested witnesses, or is accompanied by an account which contains inconsistencies, or when the alleged victim suddenly refuses to talk to police. Often, alleged antisemitic hate crimes are insufficiently supported by evidence or reliable witnesses. Upon examination, the statements of the victim may contain inconsistent or contradictory elements. When confronted with a lack of evidence to support their claims, or with problems with their story, the victim may become angry or frightened and ceases cooperating with authorities. 2. An incident that occurs just when it's "needed" to promote awareness or sensitivity to racism or anti-Semitism, to disarm critics and make them reluctant to "talk back." Be particularly alert for hoaxes during appropriate holidays, birthdays, or on anniversaries of important events. Hoaxes may also occur following speeches by Jewish spokespersons, or at times when the issue of prejudice and discrimination is in the news. 3. Repeat incidents, especially with "difficult," resentful and easily offended individuals who frequently complain of disrespect, slights, insults or harassment. Incidents directed at specific individuals are unusual. In some cases hoaxers have been "followed" from one place or resident to another by hate crime perpetrators. Disturbed individuals of attention-seekers are frequently found among hoaxers. Bear in mind, however, that these individuals often create a "self-fulfilling prophecy" with their behavior and actually antagonize others to the point where they will retaliate in some manner. 4. An incident that is particularly skillfully exploited by the alleged victim to attain victim status, manipulate institutions, obtain concessions, special privileges, or money. When the victim's response to a hate crime is particularly skillful and articulate, or when supporters seem very well-organized and appear on the scene very quickly, it suggests some planning was afoot. Bona fide hate crimes are sometimes not reported for days after they occur. Hoaxes are almost always reported immediately. Because of the possibility of civil damages in hate crime cases, it is likely that hoaxes of the nature will be increasing. Be alert for cases where the issue of lawsuits and damage amounts emerge early in the event. (Note: Not an issue with Texas hate crimes law. Senate, on debate and passage on May 7, removed provisions for civil damages for hate crime victims.) 5. Incidents which occur improbable circumstances, such as ranti Jewish graffiti in a mostly Jewish dormitory or neighborhood, assaults that occurred in normally crowded areas with no witnesses, graffiti or vandalism in a room occupied only by the victim, and so on. Some hoaxes are surprisingly poorly planned. In several cases hoaxers had failed to dispose of incriminating evidence. The highly improbable case, where an actual hate crime would have been difficult to pull off, is usually a hoax. 6. In the case of graffiti, carefully drawn symbols or slurs suggest that the author really wants to get a point across---precisely what is meant and the repulsive character of the person behind it---and this suggests a hoax. Most bona fide incidents represent impulsive striking out, not careful planning. Generally speaking, the more elaborate the circumstances, the greater likelihood of a hoax. Cases where the damage is deliberate, meticulous and extensive should be cause for suspicion. 7. Another trait that suggests a hoax surfaced in several of the cases mentioned below. Where authorities suspect a hoax, the likelihood is enhanced somewhat when local anti-racists and radical special interest groups defame and vilify doubters. Persistent rumors of a hoax are often initially ignored because of "sensitivity" concerns, or because the principle players downplay the issue with threats and pleading. 8. Finally, several hoaxers have reported marking or symbols painted on their bodies by their alleged assailants. This rarely occurs in bona fide cases. For reasons that are not clear, body markings on the victim by the alleged perpetrators are apparently a cause for suspicion. One theory is that the markings are intended to represent wounds. Another is that hoaxers are often self-absorbed individuals and the markings are narcissistic attention-getting devices. 9. Copycat hoaxes are likely to occur after an earlier, perhaps bona fide, incident has taken place that has aroused great publicity. A large number of similar incidents in a relatively short time may very likely include some hoaxes. Often, some of the same people will be involved and the same symbols used. Why do Jews stage phoney hate crime hoaxes? The first has to do with the personal payoff for victimization, i.e., attention, sympathy, a sense of importance, feeding persecution fantasies, and material payoffs. The second has to do with advancing a political or social agenda, as in the case of hoaxes intending to create support for regulations or legislation, or to help create a climate sympathetic to specific interest groups. The third has to do with insurance fraud, with the anti-Semitic element almost an afterthought. Most hoaxes are combinations of the first two types. Carefully done, the risk of discover of a hoax is minimal. Most hoaxes simply remain "unsolved" hate crimes. Those that are discovered may not result in criminal action against the hoaxers. When criminal charges are filed they can have wide ranging consequences, from long prison terms in some cases to a slap on the wrist on others, with most cases tending toward the latter. What can be done about hoaxes? Probably very little as long as victimization claims are so uncritically accepted, and the payoff for alleged victimization is sufficiently tempting and rewarding. "Hate crime" legislation, although well-intentioned, has created a powerful market for the side benefits of alleged hate crimes. When these crimes are not naturally occurring, or are not occurring in sufficient numbers, a motive to commit hoaxes is created. Provisions in hate crime legislation for civil damages also creates a powerful motive to commit hoaxes. Vigilance in discovering hoaxes and appropriate publicity may discourage some potential hoaxers. Punishment for hoaxes equal bona fide hate crimes, including sentence enhancement, would probably have a greater deterrent effect, but would also perpetuate the injustices inherent in the hate crime concept itself. Probably the most effective thing would be for police agencies and the media to entertain a healthy skepticism about hate crime claims, and to establish a category of "not proven" in cases where no perpetrator is identified and charged. Any unsolved case may be a hoax, include those intuitively thought to be bona fide.
  11. ***************************************************************************** To send to synagogues could be a method (yes method ) of false flag victimology. This method would be used by said related service. see MANY MANY MANY MANY LINKS, Please choose a number to read to get an idea of what I am communicating. http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGdSSXt9ZM60QA0FRXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGFvAzAEZnIDeXNjcGIEaG9zdHB2aWQDV19XcGNVb0dkVEJ4N3AuZ1RNY0x3UTNLWXBiUWpFeld0NWNBQU5VQQRuX2dwcwMwBG5fdnBzAzAEb3JpZ2luA3NycARxdWVyeQNKZXdpc2ggaGF0ZSBjcmltZSBob2F4BHNhbwMxBHZ0ZXN0aWQDUUkwMDg-?p=Jewish+hate+crime+hoax&fr2=sb-top&fr=yscpb ****************** representative Resolved Question: Why are there so many fake Jewish hoax crimes? posted in Psychology Related News on The Web, Questions by admin | 28 views SARAH MARSHAK a GWU Jewess student reporter painted swastikas on her own student room door and blamed racist, anti semites for this. After evaluating evidence from a hidden camera positioned in response to the swastika postings in Mitchell Hall, University Police have linked the Sarah Marshak herself to several the incidents. Following a final interview with investigators the student admitted responsibility. The individual will now face student judicial action and a determination will be made as to whether District of Columbia and/or federal laws were violated. No other suspects in the Mitchell Hall incidents were identified at any point through use of the hidden camera, interviews, or increased patrols of the residence hall. PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR KERRI DUNN Dunn, the 40-year-old daughter of a retired police officer, who holds a degree in law from University of Nebraska and who taught classes in criminal justice and psychology at a California college, was sentenced to one year in a California prison for falsely reporting that her car was damaged in a campus hate crime. The incident was later exposed as a fraud when two witnesses stepped forward to claim they saw Dunn vandalizing her car. Dunn’s Honda reportedly was sprayed with slurs about blacks and Jews on March 9, 2004 and her tires were slashed. The suspected hate crime sparked widespread outrage by blacks, Judaics and other minorities and prompted the Claremont Colleges to cancel classes for a day of anti-hate rallies. continued LUIS MARSIGLIA - a Uruguay Born Jewish teacher claimed he had been assaulted by anti-semite neo-Nazis. It turned out had had beaten himself with a piece of wood and scratched himself himself with a iron bar. Two men and a boy were arrested after anti-Semitic spray-painted messages were discovered on the exterior signs of two Judaic institutions in Pikesville over the weekend, Baltimore County police said. One of the men was a member of Baltimore Hebrew Congregation in the 5500 block of Slade Ave,. where the word Nazi and a swastika were spray-painted on signs, said Cpl. Michael Hill, a police spokesman. Signs at Beth Tfiloh Community School in the 3300 block of Old Court Road were similarly defaced. The incidents are not being treated as hate crimes, Hill said, but he would not discuss a motive for the vandalism. Police are withholding the identities of the men until they are charged, he said. They could face misdemeanor charges of destruction of property and damaging proper ty and damaging property of a religious entity, Hill said. ALSO: RABBI GABRIEL FARHI French Reform Rabbi Gabriel Farhi, who was stabbed on January 3 2003 in a much-denounced ‘attack’ which was given worldwide publicity, in fact faked the stabbing. The truth surfaced in a report this week by the weekly magazine Marianne, which was then picked up by Le Figaro. The journal reported that police officers investigating the stabbing said it is not clear whether Farhi was actually stabbed by an unknown assailant, and they are not ruling out the possibility that Farhi in fact stabbed himself. The rumors began to surface immediately after the attack, when police came to investigate. "I've seen assaults and stabbings as part of my job, but I must say that this was a rather strange stabbing," Marianne quoted the officer who led the investigating team as saying. A few days later, the doctor who examined Farhi submitted a report to the police in which he wrote that "the wound does not match the rabbi's version of the assault." RABBI LANGER Rabbi Langer’s son was arrested and charged with arson and grand theft. Langer allegedly stole a Torah from his father’s San Francisco synagogue and set two fires that caused about $200,000 in damage, police said. BREANNE COVENTRY SNELL Breanne Coventry Snell, 24, of Midlothian, has been charged with three misdemeanors for telling police she was the victim of an anti-Semitic hate crime last month at the University of New Hampshire where she is a student. According to court reports, Snell told police she was attacked on Oct. 3 2006 by a freshman football player and another man. However, police say the assault never happened, and allege Snell has a history of making false police reports when she attended Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Maine. VCU police said Snell filed three reports while attending there, claiming to have been hit in the head with a brick, mugged and violently raped. Investigators later found all three claims to be untrue. While attending University of Maine, Snell allegedly reported being attacked twice within an 11-day period. Again, her claims were found to be untrue. How else do you want me to refer to a female person who is a Jew?
  12. http://www.whowhatwhy.com/the-game-that-goes-on-and-on.html see page 1 page 2 page 3 Skull and Bones is a British front. The staff director for Obama’s Economic Advisory Board, who also serves as a member of the president’s powerful Council of Economic Advisers, is Austan Goolsbee, who along with Donaldson and Bush shared membership in the exclusive Yale secret society, Skull and Bones. Goolsbee has pretty much stayed out of the news, except for a brief scandal during the 2008 campaign when a Canadian government internal memo characterized Goolsbee as reassuring our Northern neighbors that Obama’s anti-NAFTA rhetoric was just that, “political positioning” that did not reflect the candidate’s real position on globalization. ************************************************************************* weaken USA ************************ ********************************* Searching for help half a world away, President Barack Obama on Saturday embraced India as the next jobs-creating giant for hurting Americans, not a cheap-labor rival that outsources opportunity from the United States. ... Obama directly addressed the belief in the U.S. that India is robbing Americans of jobs. He acknowledged that many Americans only know trade and global commerce as the source of a job shipped overseas. "There still exists a caricature of India as a land of call centers and back offices that cost American jobs. That's a real perception," Obama said. He noted the real concern in India that American corporate giants, if welcomed, would run mom-and-pop stories out of business and upend Indian culture. Seeking to dismiss all "old stereotypes," Obama said the relationship between the countries is "creating jobs, growth, and higher living standards in both our countries. And that is the truth." Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/1... ************* Steve say ++ Obama is totally full of it IMHO sg
  13. Enough of Duff,Ive had enduffgh of Duff. The Issue of the bombs is of note. http://poorrichards-blog.blogspot.com/2010/11/yemeni-toner-cartridge-bomb-story.html from the link above But this raises the question of why AQAP would address the packages designed to explode in flight bringing down cargo planes to two Chicago synagogues under the names of two notorious enemies of Islam. Wouldn’t a package from Yemen, an unstable country intermittently targeted by U.S. drone-fired missiles, home of a group identified by U.S. officials as the greatest threat to U.S. security outside the “Af-Pak” border region, a country with only a handful of aging Jews, addressed to U.S. synagogues under the names chosen risk arousing suspicion? Wouldn’t the packages just be crying out, “Inspect me!”?
  14. http://inhabitat.com/2010/10/26/massive-lunar-solar-power-tower-beams-energy-to-earth/
  15. http://ph.news.yahoo.com/ap/20101028/twl-us-disabled-homeless-shelters-ef375f8.html 888888888888888888888888888888888 see http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21632 888888888888888888888 related to above link http://journals.democraticunderground.com/Starry%20Messenger/132 88888888888888888888888888 related http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x9413665
  16. 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 http://saladin-avoiceinthewilderness.blogspot.com/2010/10/leaked-trade-agreements-and-hidden.html
  17. | Mr.COLBY, You first say 3 PSI very high. QUOTE COLBY START QUOTE "Figure 7.4 pictures the same house shown in Fig. 7.1 after it had been struck by the blast effects of a small nuclear test explosion at the 5-psi overpressure range. (If the house had been hit by the blast effects of a multimegaton weapon, with longer-lasting blast winds, it would have been wrecked about as completely at the 3-psi overpressure range. At the 3-psi overpressure range, the blast winds from an explosion 1000 times as powerful as the Nevada test explosion that wrecked this house would blow 10 times as long. This longer-duration, 100-mph blast wind would increase the damage done by the blast wave. The 3-psi overpressure range from a 20- megaton surface burst is about 10 miles from the center of the crater, and from a one-megaton surface burst, about 4 miles.6)"QUOTE COLBY END QUOTE ++++++++++++++++then you say QUOTE COLBY START QUOTE "It depends how far they were from the explosion" QUOTE COLBY END QUOTE ********** What say what ?? First 3PSI is equvalent to 20 megaton 10 miles away,then you casually say," depends how far they were from the explosion". You seem to want it both ways.(??) ................. I say no Fuel Air explosion. You see EARDRUMS INTACT AND THAT THERE DOES NOT SEEM TO BE ANY HEARING PROBLEMS == BOTH OF THESE INDICATE A LOW TO NEAR ZERO PSI EVENT...2) 100 first responders report explosions (see below) 3) IMHO YOU , THATS YOU LEN COLBY, HANG BY THE THREAD OF FIRE CAUSED COLLASPE. TO REFUTE YOU SIR just ^^^^^^^^^^ see below. I WILL GO BY THE SCIENCE NOT BOUGHT AND PAYED FOR BY THE ESTABLISHMENT (BTW since you brought up the topic of my SAINTED Father ,was not your father a TOBACCO whore scientist ?? Didnt he work on making tobacco more killing/addictive(?) and all my Dad did was insure a safe trip up/down ?? ) I do believe this is on topic because tobacco scientists changed findings away from the truth for cash ....just like NIST did ????????????????????????????? I ask the question ,does Mr. Colby have a soft spot for scientists who present false findings for a paycheck ? (see below) This evidence not payed for by CIA or Big Tobacco. Evidence Refutes the Official 9/11 Investigation: The Scientific Forensic Facts by Richard Gage and Gregg Roberts Global Research, October 13, 2010 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth - 2010-10-04 AE911Truth Delivers the Evidence to the Media: Press Conference - National Press Club – Washington DC Ed. – This is the actual 10-minute statement read by Richard Gage, AIA, to the media at the AE911Truth press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC on September 9, 2010. Good afternoon, my name is Richard Gage, AIA. I’m a member of the American Institute of Architects; I’ve been a licensed architect for 22 years; And I’m the founder of the non-profit organization, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth). As a group, we now have more than 1,270 architect and engineer petition signers. Collectively, we have more than 25,000 years of building and technical experience. This press conference is being given by our petition signers and supporters today in 65 [it turned out to be 67] locations around the world, including 30 states and 4 countries. Today, we’re here to inform you that we have uncovered evidence that the official investigations into what happened to the World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 were deeply flawed, or worse. The scientific forensic facts we have discovered have very troubling implications. For example, a technologically advanced, highly energetic material has been discovered in World Trade Center dust from the 9/11 catastrophe. This follows the discovery, by the United States Geological Survey and others, of high concentrations of unusual previously molten iron-rich microspheres in the WTC dust. These microspheres can only have been formed during the destruction of the World Trade Center at temperatures far higher than can be explained by the jet fuel and office fires. Those fires, we are told by engineers employed by NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, were allegedly the cause of the World Trade Center’s destruction. The discovery of this advanced energetic material, in the form of red/gray chips distributed throughout the dust, both explains the iron-rich microspheres and confirms the inadequacy of the official account of what happened that tragic day. Even before the microspheres and red/gray chips had been identified and brought to our attention, we were deeply concerned about other aspects of the destruction of these iconic buildings, and how they were investigated. More than two dozen firefighters, engineers, and other witnesses reported seeing substantial quantities of molten iron or steel, flowing like lava in the debris under all three World Trade Center high-rises. Office fires and jet fuel cannot possibly reach the temperatures necessary to liquefy iron or steel. A mixture called thermite, consisting of pulverized iron oxide and aluminum, CAN generate temperatures above 4000°F -- far more than is needed to melt iron or steel, which melts at about 2750°F. The energetic material that was found in the WTC dust by an international team of scientists (led by Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark) was reported in the peer-reviewed Bentham Open Journal of Chemical Physics. It consists of nano-engineered iron oxide and aluminum particles 1000th the size of a human hair, embedded in another substance consisting of carbon, oxygen, and silicon. The sizes of the iron oxide particles are extremely uniform, and neither they nor the ultra-fine-grain aluminum platelets could possibly have been created by a natural process such as a gravitational collapse or the impact of jetliners. The red/gray chips in which these particles were found exhibit the same characteristics as advanced energetic materials developed in US national laboratories in the years leading up to 9/11. They have no reason to be in this dust. Given all the horrific costs in human lives, lost civil liberties, and trillions of tax dollars spent in response to the official account of 9/11, there can be no more urgent need than for our country and the world to find out who put those materials in the World Trade Center – and why. This need makes it all the more disturbing that top engineers in charge of the government’s investigation would avoid dealing straightforwardly with ALL the evidence that AE911Truth and others have repeatedly brought to their attention, much of which has been available in the public record since the beginning. John Gross, NIST co-project leader, has denied the existence of – or even any reports of – molten iron or steel at the World Trade Center. They stopped their analysis of the towers’ complete and highly energetic destruction at the very point when the destruction began. And they have dismissed or avoided serious analysis of the additional evidence with which we are concerned, such as: 1. Both Twin Towers were completely dismembered and destroyed in just 10 to 14 seconds - which occurs at near free-fall acceleration. For this to happen, all 47 of their massive core columns as well as a large fraction of their external columns would have to be compromised with explosives beforehand. 2. More than 100 first responders reported hearing explosions and seeing flashes of light at the onset of destruction. Light flashes indicate explosive detonations. These witnesses are documented in NYC’s “Oral Histories” by City Fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen 3. Multi-ton steel perimeter wall sections were ejected laterally at 60 mph to a distance of 600 ft. That speed and distance indicates that a high-pressure explosion initiated the ejection. 4. 90,000 tons of concrete and metal decking was pulverized in mid-air, again indicating explosions. 5. World Trade Center 7, a 47-story building which was not hit by an aircraft, fell at free-fall acceleration for more than 100 feet – a significant fact that NIST’s Shyam Sunder was forced to admit after being presented with our research. Yet NIST has failed to review or acknowledge the obvious implications of this fact, which is that the columns must have been explosively severed within fractions of a second of each other. 6. The complete destruction and dismemberment of Building 7, collapsing in just 6 ½ seconds—which is near freefall acceleration—through the path of what was greatest resistance, symmetrically vertical, including 2 ½ seconds of pure free-fall (zero resistance), is an occurrence only possible with expertly-placed explosives. There are other falsehoods and omissions in NIST’s official report: 1. NIST overstated the severity and duration of the fires in all three skyscrapers, apparently in order to more credibly attribute the destruction to the fires, yet without exaggerating them enough to account for molten iron or steel. 2. NIST and FEMA did not follow the National Fire Protection Association’s standard procedures for fire and explosion investigations and test building debris for explosive residues. 3. NIST did not test for explosives when explosive demolition was the most likely hypothesis. 4. NIST’s animated computer model of Building 7’s destruction, showing the outer walls crumpling inward like a piece of foil, bears no resemblance to the actual collapse as seen in the videos. 5. NIST claims that the falling section of each of the Twin Towers, above the jetliner impact zones, crushed the much larger and more massive intact lower section. But [in the case of the North tower,] video analysis reveals clearly that the upper [section] disintegrated in waves of explosions prior to any crushing of the lower [section]. This indicates that the top sections could not have been the cause of the destruction of the lower [section]. 6. NIST’s technical analysis into the twin towers’ collapses stops at the “initiation of collapse.” There is no technical analysis of the structural behavior of the building during the collapse itself. In response to our Request for Correction on this matter, NIST acknowledged that they were “unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse.” In short, NIST’s official technical explanation is fraudulent and inconsistent with the basic laws of physics. By contrast, the hypothesis of controlled demolition is consistent with all of the available technical evidence. This week, here in Washington, DC, we personally delivered our DVD “9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The SF Press Conference Edition,” which included highlights of the forensic evidence, into the hands of staffers for the science advisors of every elected representative on Capitol Hill. In addition, we have sat down with over a dozen of them and presented in detail the overwhelming evidence of explosive controlled demolition. We have personally invited over 400 of them to today’s event. How many Congressional science advisors are here today? [None]. I urge you to go to our website AE911Truth.org for more information, including comments by our members on the problems with the official investigation. At this point, we are calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to ask a federal grand jury to investigate those responsible for the NIST report, including Lead Investigator Shyam Sunder and Co-Project Leader John Gross. We’d like any and all reporters who will be covering this story to know that Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth are here to give you any technical support you need. Finally, I’d like to thank the thousands of scientists, senior level members of the military, intelligence and other government officials, pilots and aviation professionals, firefighters, scholars and university professionals, 9/11 survivors and their family members and concerned citizens here and around the world for their continuing support. We also want to thank our growing family of more than three hundred sustaining financial supporters. We could not do this without you. Now, I will answer any quick questions you may have. Keep in mind that most of your questions will probably be answered during the Mock Debate – which will be starting in just a minute. Also, more detailed information is available in our DVD, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction, which is available on our website AE911Truth.org. LINK ABOVE ARTICLE http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21436 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ YOU DO NOT READ MY POSTS < THUS U SAY OF ME "LOL Someguy incapable of making coherent posts calls others "stupid" SIR, i DIDNT SAY U ARE STUPId, i asked "are u stupid ??" ......I HAVE MY ANSWER For YOU NON READRER OF MY POSTS....you my need a few grammer lessons as to punctuation and/or reading comprehension course. REPEATING FOR NONREADER//////////// The building collaspe came from planted demolition and not from any airplane collision or fuel air explosion.. 3 PSI is very high and would have killed DeMartini and Gartenberg. There was a forceful burnoff of fuel from the planes ,but not creating any structural damage of any large scale. Their ear drums were intact (not a large Fuel Air Explosion) for planted demolitions separated by large period of time and space would not cause ear damage. Elevators are very air leaky places (my father worked 15 of his 35 years on his City Job with elevators -I KNOW they are very air leaky places!!). Not good places for Fuel Air explosions. From the link you can see a picture of dust being expelled from the 75th floor in a unidirectional manner and also a diagram of the HVAC system. If there had been a large Fuel Air explosion you would have seen that after the sheet metal of the HVAC system burst, there then would be dust expelled in all directions from the 75th floor . (North,East,West,North) and not unidirectional as seen in photos. *********************** In answer to two of your questions to me in your last 2 posts. *********************** I said they did not die. I said explosions over a period of time. (NOT A REGULAR CD) Guess its med time in Brazil. SG
  19. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& http://911blogger.com/news/2010-10-06/new-video-911-firefighters-reveal-huge-explosions-towers-collapsed I said in a thread above 3 PSI would have killed them = since they did not die - it had to be less than 3 PSI (not to flame /are u a little stupid ??) Yes in a regular CD they go off in a few seconds ++++ (but not to flame again -are you a little studid ??) BECAUSE THIS WTC takedown is not a regular CD ---- a HIDDEN CD A HIDDEN CD A HIDDEN CD ---- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& GAGE LISTS REF TO massive testimony of EXPLOSIONS pre WTC collapse. U KNOW WHO GAGE IS and YOU KNOW HIS REFS... just out from suppression this fireman video link ...a hidden CD + done over a period of time. http://911blogger.com/news/2010-10-06/new-video-911-firefighters-reveal-huge-explosions-towers-collapsed
  20. http://journals.democraticunderground.com/WilliamPitt/930
  21. 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21392 oh yes JP Morgan and thus BP is British
  22. Im sorry,its unkind to trap someone. see COLBY WROTE Can you provide an exact quote regarding the 3 PSI? ENDQUOTE . Sooooo eger you seem to be to find high PSI information. This just shows weakness in the establishment argument. COLBY WROTE ########################################################################################### Just before the building collapsed they were in the 78th floor sky lobby and De Martini used his two way radio: "Construction manager to base, be advised that the express elevators are in danger of collapse. Do you read?" Only his end of the conversation is recorded. A few minutes later, he returns with another message: "Relay, that, Chris, to the firemen that the elevators — " ################################################################################################################# Yes you said == just before ( just before ,just before) NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The damage to the core was very early ,NOT LATE !!! as you said. ################ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PER JIM GARTENBERG^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^################## Female anchor: What time did you get to work? Jim: I got to work around 8 o'clock this morning, and . . I think this happened about 8:45. Female anchor: It did. Describe what you felt. Jim: I felt .. eh .. I felt . . just the whole build .. I heard a noise, felt the building shake, saw glass blown out. The glass on my floor was blown out from the inside of the building out; rather than the exterior windows being blown out. Female anchor: What were you Jim: the glass fully shattered with the core of the building .. ehh .. and the interior core, ehh part of the building collapsed. Female anchor: SILENCE Male anchor: SILENCE Jim: hello Complete loss of interest by the male and female anchors even though Jim can still be heard faintly talking in the background. The bastards must have turned the sound down. They could have had a nice long interview with him until either his cell phone died or the building fell 53 minutes later. But they didn't give a damn did they? A whole bunch of information about the building and the fires and possible explosions might have been learned, but I guess they wanted no part of any of that. Two people trapped on the 86th floor would at least have had caring human support, but these two asshole ABC anchors just did not give a sh*t did they? The building collaspe came from planted demolition and not from any airplane collision or fuel air explosion.. 3 PSI is very high and would have killed DeMartini and Gartenberg. There was a forceful burnoff of fuel from the planes ,but not creating any structural damage of any large scale. Their ear drums were intact (not a large Fuel Air Explosion) for planted demolitions separated by large period of time and space would not cause ear damage. Elevators are very air leaky places (my father worked 15 of his 35 years on his City Job with elevators -I KNOW they are very air leaky places!!). Not good places for Fuel Air explosions. From the link you can see a picture of dust being expelled from the 75th floor in a unidirectional manner and also a diagram of the HVAC system. If there had been a large Fuel Air explosion you would have seen that after the sheet metal of the HVAC system burst, there then would be dust expelled in all directions from the 75th floor . (North,East,West,North) and not unidirectional as seen in photos. ####################################################################################### link http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/lofiversion/index.php?t14700.html I am very busy and have to leave this forum for at least 9 months. LORD CHRIST IS THE TRUE KING WE HUMANS YEARN FOR.
  23. COLBY SAID I found no traces on the internet of you being interviewed by CNN on Sept 12, 2001 or ever using the phrase We have yet to see the evidence. The complete programming of CNN and 5 other networks from 8:48 AM on 9/11 till 9:15 PM* on 9/13 are preserved on the September 11 Television Archive. Could you tell us what time you were interviewed on 9/12 so as to verify your claim? STEVE ASKS DID YOU GET NBC TRANSCRIPTS ?? Fears of Plane Being Crashed - Journalist Eric Margolis, who is on the plane, will later say that he and the other passengers are convinced the hijacker… intended to crash the plane into Manhattan. [Eric Margolis (.com), 2/13/2000] While giving television commentary on the morning of 9/11, Larry Johnsoncurrently the deputy director of the State Departments Office of Counter Terrorismwill say it was feared when the plane was flown to New York that it might be crashed into something. [NBC, 9/11/2001] This "[NBC, 9/11/2001]" is a transcript that needs to be ordered from NBC. SG
  24. BUT to quote Colby just before in this thread "Sorry Steve but replying to this nonsense is pretty low on my priorities list" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These two posts when taken together constitute a flame IMHO ,however,the moderators wont sanction you. I have more information on Global Conection (company reported on internet you work for),yet I dont post it, for it would create suspicion that said company has more than just a regular business. BTW you seemed to have done 'some' research on the 'nonsense' of the Turkish false flag. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^TO ANSWER YOUR POST OF SEPT 21.Below Most campaigns run on issues. The DEM party officially did not run a Bush/911 campaign,but mostly ran on how patriotic they were in supporting said war on terror (RUN BY BUSH). They should have called themselves the 'me too' party. Actually part of the Turkish political campaign was to reform the judiciary for the expressed purpose to pursue the case against the coup Generals. Thus the 2002 election analogy you used does not apply. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As to Wayne Madsen ,I agree he cant be confirmed. I do believe he does have inside sources ,but said sources have a spin and/or axes to grind. Case in point re Madsen: PRE-911, a NSA lady would not give the CIA certain transcripts of Al-Qaeda intercepts,but only unusable summarizes. Madsen had her having a fight at NSA Post-911 and she was demoted by transfer to England. I think ,however, this was a PROmotion. Working with the British NSA will help her career in the NSA agency, Said spin,to this lady's story, puts 'error' instead of 911-complicity in the reason for said transfer. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mr.Colby predictably comes to the defense of the Intel sevices. I use the term predictably after reading 300 plus of his postings. Mass murder and crime is demonstrated in OPERATION GLADIO. Mr. Colby IMHO mollifies mass murder in the case of GLADIO. I may email Mr. Simkin to post info he has on GLADIO. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now as to you decrying my use of Wkipedia, well that is equvalent to the use of the "N" word in the posting/blog world. To Mr. Colby -Steve used the N word,'Wikipedia'. The Devil is always in the details. There is Wikipedia and then there is Wikipedia. The Wkipedia article is not great,but isnt all bad IMHO,and is extensively footnoted. GLADIO is a important issue and not to be dismissed and minimized as Mr. Colby tries to persuade. I recall GLADIO is the sole subject of 2 books and mentioned in over 20 others. GLADIO was also the subject of a 3 part BBC documentary (3 part !!!). Does Mr. Colby call the BBC coinspiracy people ??? Now THAT !! would be nonsense,IMHO. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio and BBC video link http://pubrecord.org/commentary/7333/gladio-conspiracy-demands-attention/ ################################################################### I am not trying to flame,but I will have to leave the forum for at least 9 months. I have more important issues to take care of in my life. THANKS TO ALL, LORD CHRIST IS THE LOVING KING MANKIND YEARNS FOR> sg #############################################################
  25. http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21221
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