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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. KSM's children were tortured....tortured Pakistan: children among victims of enforced disappearance Updated: 19 March 2009 In Pakistan, children have both suffered the trauma of disappeared relatives, or become victims of enforced disappearance themselves, sometimes to exert pressure on parents sought by security forces. Abdullah was only ten years-old when he and his father, Mufti Munir Shakir, the leader of an Islamic group in the Khyber Agency, were arrested on May 16, 2006 at Karachi airport. Abdullah was reportedly interrogated and tortured or ill-treated to make him confess that his father had links with al-Qaeda. Fifty-eight days later he was reportedly released and dropped off in front of the Governor's House in Peshawar after being given assurances that his father would be freed within 15 days. The whereabouts of Mufti Munir Shakir remained unknown until his release over a year later in August 2007. He was never charged with any offence. Several persons subjected to enforced disappearance have reported seeing children in places of secret detention in Pakistan, often without knowing their names and identity. Mohammad Atif, a former student from Lahore, was released on November 27, 2006, having been picked up on his way home from college in August 2004. He told journalists that he had seen several boys of not more than 15 or 16 years while in detention. He stated that he was frequently transferred and could not identify where the children were held or the reason why they were detained. In September 2002, Yusuf al-Khalid, then nine years-old, and Abed al-Khalid, then seven years-old, were reportedly apprehended by Pakistani security forces during an attempted capture of their father, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Reports by other detainees indicate that the boys were ill-treated while in Pakistani custody. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was apprehended in March 2003 and was subjected to over three years of enforced disappearance, and to other torture and ill-treatment, by the US authorities before being transferred to Guantánamo Bay, where he is currently held. After Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's arrest in March 2003, Yusuf and Abed Al Khalid were reportedly transferred out of Pakistan to US custody -- allegedly for questioning about their father's activities and to be used as leverage to force their father to co-operate. A Sunday Telegraph (UK) article in March 2003 alleged that CIA interrogators had detained the children and that one official explained that: "We are handling them with kid gloves. After all, they are only little children...but we need to know as much about their father's recent activities as possible. We have child psychologists on hand at all times and they are given the best of care." In the transcript of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's Combatant Status Review Tribunal in March 2007, he indicates knowledge that his children were apprehended and abused: "They arrested my kids intentionally. They are kids. They been arrested for four months, they had been abused." Their whereabouts remain unknown.
  2. please let me add http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=18605
  3. I have read in a magazine article that the origin of a pure crude can be identified in a majority of cases. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX see http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article18393.html a great economic reorganization looks like it going to take place + to defuse blame & confuse the masses a terror attack/war would be best..............the only way to get to this war IS FALSE FLAG> thanks sg
  4. JUst to add this link http://www.jabezcorner.com/Grand_Bahama/oulaha1.htm
  5. I had a long conversation with Mr. Mullins at a health EXPO in Pasadena CA . Mullins was a strong advocate of Michael Collins Piper - Final Judgment. But Mr. Mullins might be some sort of asset....... http://www.henrymakow.com/ezra_pound.html thanks sg
  6. THANKS Greg false flag -would you call this a good source http://www.theworldismycountry.org/allpost...errorist-groups TO BE COMPLETE the best time for false flag is when economic times in crsis OCT-NOV might be better time than MAY. thanks again SG
  7. see http://www.piersystem.com/go/doc/786/501331/ TOPOFF 6 in May 2010 YOU NEED TO ENLARGE TO SEE MAY 2010 ===on page 7 http://www.scribd.com/doc/3928478/National...ercise-Schedule for what its worth http://blackjack.vermontconnect.com/blackj...f-this-is-crazy and to finish Eagle Horizon 2010 http://stienster.blogspot.com/2010/02/eagl...rizon-2010.html NLE 09 which occurred at the end of July last year, had an unprecedented amount of military movement and training for martial law. This year's National Level Exercise will be fully integrated with Eagle Horizon 2010, a drill focusing on continuity of government (COG--also known as Rex 84, and the implementation of PDD-51). NLE 09 did not have this added component. When: May 17-21, 2010 Where: FEMA Region 8 (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah), FEMA Region 9 (California, Nevada, Arizona), National Capital Region Who: FEMA, DHS, Department of Transportation, NORTHCOM, NORAD Contracted Companies: L3 Communications (wikipedia entry, Muckety map), Bridgeborn, Ogilvy Public Relations (wikipedia entry, Muckety map) Scenario: An improvised nuclear device detonation in a major US city. This is a "domestic terrorism" focused drill. Response to such destruction and COG plans enacted. Summary of NLE 10 here. Summary of Eagle Horizon 2009 (for reference) here. see http://www.meetup.com/socalmartiallawalert.../thread/8637998
  8. John between u me and the tree..would it not be in British interests to have a Castro come to power to awaken NEUTRALIST LEANING AMERICA ...LANSKY working for British Intell .....many signs of so...started WWII .....sg The intervention of the United States in the disturbances of 1963 and after is recorded by Mr. Drew Pearson, the well-known US columnist. In an article headed "Castro and Jagan", published on 22nd March 1964, Mr. Pearson wrote: "The US permitted Cuba to go Communist purely through default and diplomatic bungling. The problem now is to look ahead and make sure we don't make the same mistake again. We are already on the way to making it in Haiti. But in British Guiana, President Kennedy, having been burnt in the Bay of Pigs operation, did look ahead. Though it was never published at the time, this was the secret reason why Kennedy took his trip to England in the summer of 1963. He had promised Premier Fanfani and Chancellor Adenauer to go to Rome and Bonn, but London was added to the itinerary only because of Kennedy's haunting worry that British Guiana would get its independence from England in July, 1963, and set up another Communist government under the guidance of Fidel Castro. If this happened just before the Presidential Elections of 1964 and if at that time a Communist Guiana began seizing the Reynolds Metals aluminium operation and other American properties, Kennedy knew the political effect would be disastrous. http://www.guyana.org/govt/declassified_br..._1958-1964.html
  10. I think in some fashion this was pressure by James Angleton on director McCone...just my thoughts.. LAWRENCE JOHN HOWARD LAWRENCE JOHN HOWARD (born January 17, 1933) came from a group headed by Guy Gabalon called the Drive Against Communist Aggression. In 1961 Gabalon ran an anti-Castro office in Los Angeles. When he ran for Congress in 1964 Loran Hall was his campaign manager. When the CIA released HOWARD'S 201 File, rather than release the 201 File of JOHN LAWRENCE HOWARD, it released the 201 File of Lawrence Henry Howard (born November 3, 1913 in Bridgeport, Connecticut), who's 201 File was opened July 24, 1964, and indicated he was a Merchant Marine who held a Master's rating and was employed by the Bloomfield Steamship Company in Houston, Texas. Much of the information in this file was withheld. [CIA 201-756,375] When the CIA determined if Lawrence Henry Howard's 201 file should be closed, because he was an American citizen, it kept the file opened and cited "all others. (Deleted)." When the CIA did an INDEX SEARCH AND 201 CONSOLIDATION REPORT on HOWARD on July 24, 1975, it located one applicable reference dated November 10, 1959. The nature of this reference has been withheld. 1954 States Marine took over management of Bloomfield Steamship Co., 906 Cotton Exchange Bldgs., Houston, TX, eventually gaining control of this company, retaining the name until all vessels disposed/scrapped by mid 1969. Bloomfield was originally founded after WW II by Ben M. Bloomfield, a former executive with Lykes Brothers Steamship Co., based in Houston, TX, acquiring surplus vessels to serve the Gulf region. Lykes blocked Bloomfield's subsidy application, resulting in Bloomfield selling its 3 surplus C2's and 80% of the stock to Farrell Lines, the owner of the remaining 20% of the stock. In 1951 Bloomfield, with local Texas backing, reestablished his company with 5 VC2s and 3 EC2s, servicing Europe and the Mediterranean from the Gulf. While Lykes couldn't block Bloomfield during the Korean War, with the U.S. Government's demand for shipping, following this war pressure was brought to bear, causing the passage of management to States Marine. States Marine filed first application for vessel subsidies from the U.S. Government. Old Dominion State (1), EC2, sold to United Steamship Corp. of Panama; renamed Henry Ulman and flagged in Panama. Wolverine State (1), EC2, sold to Omnium Steamship Co. of New York; renamed Omnium Trader and flagged in Liberia. +++++++++STATES MARINE WAS BLOOMFIELD +++++++++ Below written by Simkin McCone then decided to build the world’s first nuclear-powered commercial merchant ship. The Maritime Commission appointed a professional selection board to consider the six bidders for the $40 million contract. McCone and Bechtel both had a financial interest in one of the companies, States Marine Line, via the Joshua Henry Corporation. When the rankings were announced, States Marine Line was in fifth place. The final decision was in the hands of Commerce Secretary Sinclair Weeks. He overrode his own board and granted the contract to States Marine Line. Drew Pearson discovered McCone’s financial involvement in the company and wrote about the matter in his syndicated column. As a result of this publicity, McCone eventually agreed to place all his shipping interests in an irrevocable trust. (64)
  11. Dear Bill, This fellow part of swift boat Kerry not a hero crowd.
  12. http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14060 http://kurdisharmenian.blogspot.com/2008/1...pkk-is-not.html THANKS SG
  13. OF NOTE HELP ON BIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM MORGAN -- "Aran Shetterly of Brooksville, Maine (aranshetterly@hotmail.com ) is working on a biography of William Morgan, a U.S. citizen born in Cleveland OH on 19 April 1928, who became embroiled in revolutionary and counter-revolutionary activity in Cuba during the period 1958-61, ultimately being executed by the Castro regime in March 1961. Aran would welcome an opportunity to interview anyone who might have perspective on the case of this person who allegedly had ties to U.S. intelligence. Aran Shetterly is a friend and neighbor of AFIO member Bob Sargent ( sargent@prexar.com ). Anyone having knowledge of the Morgan case and willing to talk with Aran could contact him directly via e-mail or phone (207-829-6201). One also might channel perspective on the Morgan case to Aran via Bob Sargent who would source only to a knowledgeable AFIO member."
  14. Earlier this week James Rosen telephoned Robert Merritt, with whom I am collaborating on a new book tentatively titled “Watergate Exposed.” Apparently, Mr. Rosen had read the topic about our book I posted on the Forum April 6 and had some questions that he wanted to pose to Mr. Merritt. In the course of their conversation as reported to me by Mr. Merritt, Mr. Rosen expressed dismay at a harsh comment that I had written on the Forum about his Watergate book published last year. When Mr. Merritt mentioned this I was disturbed because I could not remember what I had written. So I went back to the Forum and found that I wrote last May 19 that that Mr Rosen's allegation that John Dean ordered the Watergate break-in was not "historically accurate." Frankly, I am dismayed to discover that I had so carelessly and irresponsibly written such a comment about Mr. Rosen’s book based, not on my reading of the book (which I had not), but on a news article about the book. I have since remembered that at the time I was upset Mr. Rosen had fingered John Dean as the mastermind behind the break-in. I have long believed that Dean has been made the scapegoat by some because of his early and decisive testimony before the Senate Watergate Committee. It has always appeared to me that Dean had no choice but to so testify as he was about to be made the fall-guy for what had occurred. In any event I owe Mr. Rosen an apology. He had put in 17 years of research into Watergate and had written a book that contained much new information and here I was in the Forum criticizing his work when I had not even read it. This was totally irresponsible on my part and I hope that I never again dash off such a comment about an author's book without first doing my own basic research. Yesterday I ordered Mr. Rosen’s book from Barnes and Noble and expect delivery within the next few days. I look forward to reading the fruit of Mr. Rosen’s in-depth research and will post my review of his book in the Forum in the near future. ++++++++++++++++THIS LINK OF NOTE http://hnn.us/articles/76266.html thanks sg
  15. Go to part I ,CHAPTER VII pg. 19 of DALLAS Conspiracy by PD Scott. With further background you know CV Starr (via WWII operation X -using re-insurance (thats re) info to gain intell on AXIS factories) connects to US intell/OSS . Starr (via his US LIFE-op X ) became part of far EAST transnational protected drug operations (via RUPPERT INFO). Binns (US LIFE & CROWN Corp.) connects via W.S. Youngman to Corcoran. The Strenght of the Wolf Book Book shows there was a Tawain USA heroin connection since the 1930s. This would be a US Life -Lansky connection. US Life became AIG. When you read Strength of Wolf book -keep in mind Zeckendorf had Tawian/US trucking connections.THis implies Zeckendorf part of Taiwan-Heroin connection. Zeckendorf NO lawyers were the same as the FREE PORT Sulfur and there was a board member of Zeckendorf's NO company that also worked for TSBD Byrd. The TSBD per Spiders Web post was part of a older and deeper conspiracy than Dallas = which explains why some of the first comments on where the shots were fired from TSBD people was the GK. Zeckendorf provided land for MURCHISON/ROCKEFFELLER land deal that PD SCOTT said was assassination related. The company that produced limited partnership shares for said land deal was CIA/OSS/Dulles connected Glore Forgan. The TEAMSTERS provided money for said deal via (WEBB & KNAPP) in a losing fashion..........$$$ in a losing fashion.................its almost like the mob paid MURCHISON/CIA/ROCKEFELLER axis for hit . Yes everyone has it backwards,the MOB gave money for elites to do the hit !!!!!!++++++today US LIFE mostly became part of AIG re-insurance giant. (SEE LINDA MINOR/Ruppert WORK ON AIG) http://www.google.com/search?as_q=AIG&...amp;safe=images The NO 1963 law firm of Zeckendorf and Freeport Sulfur was very,very British/Globalist (see client list re firm in 62,63,64 -some examples ++ Mosbacher (CHAIRMAN NAFTA 1000 and GHWB friend),British American Petroleum, Atlantic-Richfield (British Kirby family). THis law firm even today may be part of British intell-American Mafia -Drug operations...even today !!! Freeport was connected by PROBE magazine to one Clay Shaw. The employee of Byrd's (and Zeckendorf board member) John R. Stanley also sat on MOB connected Wallace investments - which was -headed by none other than LOCKE of LOCKE-PURNELL deciding Parade Route HDQ.
  16. Re the new book on Bush famiy //// From old book, Barbara Bush :A Memoir ( pg 63-4) is meeting Doris Ulmer (from England and who had given her and George a Good time in Greece) in Texas 11/22 and she is wife of Alfred Ulmer ? Sorry ,is this in Family of Secrets thread ? Sorry I missed it. THANKS Steve Gaal
  17. DOUGLASS VALANTINE ALSO AGREES THERE IS MORE TO ELLSBERG than meets the eye. SEE http://www.counterpunch.org/valentine03082003.html thanks sg
  18. Tim Gratz's former boss ,John Cooke, Jr.. Who is this ? I'm sure he will say Jr. a big time liberal. But the Cooke empire does provide a flyer for our PINKO Navy. Lets start with dad (Father Sr.) see http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sport...les/future7.htm connected to Edward Bennett Williams http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwilliamsBT.htm (client Richard Helms ??) and Williams pal was Hundley who "took care of Martha Mitchell". Hay !, a Watergate connection..well who does not have one of those ?? ( Wink =wink TIM) . For Hundley see http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6061301681.html (BTW when you read the name Strauss you should know he was at the Dallas Parade route meeting and his name was withheld by the SS) The NFL was a very MOBed up place. Then Moldea interacts with Cooke empire. http://www.moldea.com/Six-3.html About Cooke Communications, LLC Located in the Florida Keys, Cooke Communications, LLC. Is owned by John Kent Cooke, Sr. scion of a family with strong roots in newspaper publishing: Family patriarch Jack Kent Cooke, once owned the Los Angeles Daily News, as well as a group of community papers in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, as well as the NFL Washington Redskins and Jack Kent Cooke Stadium in Washington, D.C. The current flagship publication of Cooke Communications is The Key West Citizen, and John Kent Cooke, Jr. is the Publisher. The Citizen is the only daily newspaper in the Florida Keys and was established in 1876. The company also publishes several weekly newspapers and various tourist-destination magazines in addition to daily publication of it’s popular news web site; keysnews.com. Keywest.com and floridakeys.com are also owned and operated by Cooke Communications and managed by Thomas Kent Cooke. Cooke Communication Publications The Key West Citizen Daily Edition The Key West Citizen on-line Daily PDF Edition Keysnews.com on-line Daily Solares Hill weekly Free Press weekly for Marathon and Big Pine Key Free Press weekly for Islamorada Free Press weekly for Key Largo Southernmost Flyer weekly for US Navy (Does ONI approve of this flyer ?? ) The Menu Guide quarterly The Locals Guide monthly Ocean Reef weekly (during season) Paradise weekly Magazine Water, Water Everywhere annual Guide Hurricane Season annual Guide Getting Married in the Keys annual Guide Fantasy Fest annual Guide Almanac Relocation annual Guide THANKS sg
  19. Tim Gratz's former boss ,John Cooke, Jr.. Who is this. I'm sure he will say Jr. a big time liberal.But the Cooke empire does provide a flyer for our PINKO Navy. Lets start with dad (Father Sr.) see http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sport...les/future7.htm connected to Edward Bennett Williams http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwilliamsBT.htm (client Richard Helms ??) and Williams pal was Hundley who "took care of Martha Mitchell". Hay !, a Watergate connection..well who does not have one of those ?? ( Wink =wink TIM) . For Hundley see http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6061301681.html (BTW when you read the name Strauss you should know he was at the Dallas Parade route meeting and his name was withheld by the SS) The NFL was a very MOBed up place. Then Moldea interacts with Cooke empire. http://www.moldea.com/Six-3.html About Cooke Communications, LLC Located in the Florida Keys, Cooke Communications, LLC. Is owned by John Kent Cooke, Sr. scion of a family with strong roots in newspaper publishing: Family patriarch Jack Kent Cooke, once owned the Los Angeles Daily News, as well as a group of community papers in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, as well as the NFL Washington Redskins and Jack Kent Cooke Stadium in Washington, D.C. The current flagship publication of Cooke Communications is The Key West Citizen, and John Kent Cooke, Jr. is the Publisher. The Citizen is the only daily newspaper in the Florida Keys and was established in 1876. The company also publishes several weekly newspapers and various tourist-destination magazines in addition to daily publication of it’s popular news web site; keysnews.com. Keywest.com and floridakeys.com are also owned and operated by Cooke Communications and managed by Thomas Kent Cooke. Cooke Communication Publications The Key West Citizen Daily Edition The Key West Citizen on-line Daily PDF Edition Keysnews.com on-line Daily Solares Hill weekly Free Press weekly for Marathon and Big Pine Key Free Press weekly for Islamorada Free Press weekly for Key Largo Southernmost Flyer weekly for US Navy (Does ONI approve of this flyer ?? ) The Menu Guide quarterly The Locals Guide monthly Ocean Reef weekly (during season) Paradise weekly Magazine Water, Water Everywhere annual Guide Hurricane Season annual Guide Getting Married in the Keys annual Guide Fantasy Fest annual Guide Almanac Relocation annual Guide Back to Top
  20. Terry, I dont want to be off topic ,however, my comments on a previous thread (about Watergate) may be on spot. I dont think today Nixon's economic views would not get establishment support. (Watergate- a political/ media assassination IMHO) . SEE post BELOW for previous economic comments on Nixon. (most of post is how Ellsberg may not be what he seems) I have made a case to look at Ellsberg (when you add analysis of Simkin's Watergate timeline) with suspicion. = Please see the Watergate : what was it all about ? thread Now read Ellsberg's advice to the Democratic Party.....a political trap ???????? http://www.rense.com/general78/yes.htm +++++++ modified post below from , Watergate: What was it all about ? thread. ++++++++++ Dear John, the black informant in the Glass House Tapes said that at one point that Hunt said there would be an assassination of Nixon and he (informant) could be part of this op. XXXX Now around 1977 I talked to Daniel Ellsberg in a call in Radio show (I think it was KMET here in PASADENA/LA area) . I asked about oil in Vietnam...he replyed NO OIL IN VIETNAM (????) only BORAX. XXXXX Now a book published by (dont know title but Im sure it could easily be found) DeGloyer and McNaughton in late 1950s talked about potential great oil in Vietnam/Cambodia......(and now proven true). Wouldnt CIA have this BOOK ??? XXXXX Crazy anti-nuke protests headed by Ellsberg in isolated cold high desert (one KID died of cold) on railway tracks. SO- SO far away from areas of major MEDIA coverage (use to be closer,repeat use to be closer = and got higher media coverage). XXXX In 80s saw Ellsberg on right-wing TV show with so called inventor neutron bomb. Neutron Bomb inventor ranting against "" liberal"" Ellsberg . Ellsberg replyed ,"Im more conservative than you think. I didnt release all the Pentagon Papers."XXXX When we see how the CIA reclassifed papers and then some were re-released (and rewritten) showing NOW = NOW they predicted KOREAN invasion ...and that overall the PENTAGON PAPERS showed how they (re-written ???) predicted this and that and that .and ..that.. others didnt follow their (CIA) sound advice on Vietnam .....XXXXX NOW Watergate,gets rid of NIXON politically (with Mockingbird help). CIA wanted to get rid of Nixon (per your timeline) NIXON. FAR right of JCS/NAVY wanted to remove NIXON for Nixon's CHINA opening. (they were added latter by CIA) . Elites wanted to get NIXON -NIXON supported negative income tax - this far from the elite Chicago School of economics= taking USA towards a few at top = many at bottom economy-which is happening as we speak. THANKS I hope this adds to your DATUM on Watergate sg This post has been edited by Steven Gaal: Aug 26 2007, 09:14 PM
  21. +++++++++++++ TIM , THe 1963 POPE was a informant for OSS man JJA in WWII. Now the intel services monitored the RAT LINE that got some hot NAZI's out of Europe. Mark AARONS and John LOFTUS both stated (in the later 1998 edition of UNholy Trinity) that the Church ran the RAT LINE for MONEY. JJA was in position to blackmail the Church.... Wasnt 63 POPE part of RATLINE ?? .... so maybe what you call playfull stimulation "is" a diversion . (Willfull or not). Now everything Ive read of the LIMO driver calls him a strong-strong Catholic...maybe the POPE allowed lower Church officials to be recruited by CIA. Gollly TIM who would think CIA-Church could work together ...right ? .... TO recruit limo driver might be an easy job. +++ JFKs playboy nature will destroy the Church (or something similar)+++As you may know TIM , this 63 Pope not really a 'good' guy...he issued order (secret) saying that any Church offical helping a child molestation case with people outside the church would be excommunicated. FOR MANY PEOPLE JJA IS SUSPECT NUMERO UNO in the DALLAS murder case. THANKS PLAYFULL TIM sg ps I believe this secret order came out because of the recent BOSTON cases. ********************************************************************* TIM , The 1963 POPE was a informant for OSS man JJA in WWII." I believe you're referring to Pope Pius XII, Steve. He was the one who squirreled away the works of art, family jewels, and valuable antiquities belonging to the Jews Hitler was "liquidating" in Aushwitz and Bergen-Belsen. He hid them down in the catacombs beneath the streets of Rome until the war was over, after which they could be "laundered" through the banks of Switzerland. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Im talking about Montini AKA , POPE PAUL VI ,Pope from June 21,63 to Aug 6,78 (BELOW FROM Wikipedia) When in 1944 the Secretary of State died, the role was assumed directly by the pope, with Montini working directly under him. Some of his work during this period remains shrouded in mystery, with claims and counter-claims, most notably concerning his involvement in the diplomatic activities of the Vatican during World War II. For example, the Vatican's repeated contacts with Count Galeazzo Ciano, fascist Minister of Foreign affairs and son-in-law of Mussolini, remains an issue of some criticism. Montini, who worked as a diplomat, has been accused of having obtained from the Fascists, at the beginning of the war, some promises of unclear advantages for the Vatican, in exchange of its eventual support. However, many other historians dispute this analysis. The unique complexity of the war-time period saw Montini procure large sums of money to aid European Jews, while he is also alleged to have been involved in enabling some leading Nazi officers to escape the collapse of the Third Reich (see Ratlines). +++++++++++ JJA ran Montini in WWII. thanks sg
  22. +++++++++++++ TIM , THe 1963 POPE was a informant for OSS man JJA in WWII. Now the intel services monitored the RAT LINE that got some hot NAZI's out of Europe. Mark AARONS and John LOFTUS both stated (in the later 1998 edition of UNholy Trinity) that the Church ran the RAT LINE for MONEY. JJA was in position to blackmail the Church.... Wasnt 63 POPE part of RATLINE ?? .... so maybe what you call playfull stimulation "is" a diversion . (Willfull or not). Now everything Ive read of the LIMO driver calls him a strong-strong Catholic...maybe the POPE allowed lower Church officials to be recruited by CIA. Gollly TIM who would think CIA-Church could work together ...right ? .... TO recruit limo driver might be an easy job. +++ JFKs playboy nature will destroy the Church (or something similar)+++As you may know TIM , this 63 Pope not really a 'good' guy...he issued order (secret) saying that any Church offical helping a child molestation case with people outside the church would be excommunicated. FOR MANY PEOPLE JJA IS SUSPECT NUMERO UNO in the DALLAS murder case. THANKS PLAYFULL TIM sg ps I believe this secret order came out because of the recent BOSTON cases.
  23. Dear John, the black informant in the Glass House Tapes said that at one point Hunt said there would be an assassination of Nixon and he (informant) could be part of this op. XXXX Now around 1977 I talked to Daniel Ellsberg in a call in Radio show (I think it was KMET here in PASADENA/LA area) . I asked about oil in Vietnam...he replyed NO OIL IN VIETNAM (????) only BORAX. XXXXX Now a book published by (dont know title but Im sure it could easily be found) DeGloyer and McNaughton in late 1950s talked about potential great oil in Vietnam/Cambodia......(and now proven true). Wouldnt CIA have this BOOK ??? XXXXX Crazy anti-nuke protests headed by Ellsberg in isolated cold high desert (one KID died of cold) on railway tracks. SO- SO far away from areas of major MEDIA coverage (use to be closer). XXXX In 80s saw Ellsberg on right-wing TV show with so called inventor neutron bomb. Neutron Bomb inventor ranting against "" liberal"" Ellsberg . Ellsberg replyed ,"Im more conservative than you think. I didnt release all the Pentagon Papers."XXXX When we see how the CIA reclassifed papers and then some were re-released (and rewritten) showing NOW = NOW they predicted KOREAN invasion ...and that overall the PENTAGON PAPERS showed how they (re-written ???) predicted this and that and that ...that.. others didnt follow their (CIA) sound advice.....XXXXX NOW Watergate,gets rid of NIXON politically (with Mockingbird help). CIA wanted NIXON. FAR right of JCS/NAVY wanted NIXON (for CHINA opening) (they were added latter by CIA) . Elites wanted NIXON -NIXON supported negative income tax - this far from the elite Chicago School of economics= taking USA towards a few at top = many at bottom economy-which is happening as we speak. THANKS I hope this adds to your DATUM on Watergate sg
  24. http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8605190104 and http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/08/08/3059/ .....golly gee ,it is said they hate us for our values....I agree ..our GENOCIDE !! and for you ROCK fans and British folk (see below) , you know the melody...da daa de de day da ,du du du da dee da du ,la laa......IRAQ to send oil to IRAN...yes the country won't be true. For myself the high point of all of Rock en Roll was when Leon in the Bangla Desh concert sang...".if you treat your woman like you treat yourself ..its gonna be all right ,all right now !!" Yes the golden rule... how far from this we are at this time .....I cry deep .... almost LED ZEPPELIN LYRICS "Hey Hey What Can I Do" Wanna tell you about country I love My she looks so fine She's the only one that I been dreamin' of Maybe someday the country will be all mine I wanna tell her that I hate her so I thrill with my every bomb I need to tell her its only the oil I really love I got a country, I wanna bomb all day I got a country, she won't be true, no I got a country, stay in a funk all the time I said I got a little country and she won't be true Friday morning when we go down to mosque See the menfolk standin' in line I said they come to pray to the Lord , my oil filled little country, looks so fine In the evening when the sun is sinkin' low Everybody's with the gun they love I walk the town, Keep a-searchin' all around Lookin' for a street suicide bomber I got a country, wanna bomb all day I got a country, she won't be true, no no I got a country, in a funk all the time I said I got a little country and she won't be true In the mosques, with the men who pray speaking and rememberin' the times little bomers do a midnight shift , following me around all the time I guess there's just one thing a-left for me to do Gonna pack my bags and move on my way Cause I got a worried mind Sharin' what I thought was mine Gonna leave her while the guitars play I got a country, she won't be true, no no I got a country, wanna bomb all day I got a country, I'm drunk with power all the time I got a little country and she won't be true (Hey hey what can I do) I said she won't be true (Hey Hey, What can I say?) Hey hey, what can I do I got a country, she won't be true Lord, hear what I say I got a country, I wanna bomb all day sg
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