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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. Has it been ascertained who took the photos of the three 'tramps'? Which paper did the person work for? Any help on this would be appreciated. Cheers, John
  2. Mark, The last hurrah bookshop specialises in the political assassinations of the 60's and has a few gems in there, some very hard to get books. http://lasthurrahbookshop.com/ Les Bolland, who has donated to the Dealey Plaza UK library on several occasions runs an excellent online bookshop also. Les Bollands is based in the UK so it would reach you in Sweden much quicker. http://www.bollandbooks.com John
  3. Mark, I concur. Bill has pointed out errors in my observations before and was quite pleasant about it. I'm sure David and I have exchanged information on at least one thread in the past. I find it quite disconcerting that this sort of carry on occurs on a quite important thread, given that the symposium organised is designed to bring the JFK assassination to the publics attention. John
  4. Mark johansen posted a video from the dutch documentary centering around James Files, in it Robert Groden was interviewed. Groden says that he has a book coming out in which he names the location of JFKs brain. Does anybody know anything more about the book? John
  5. Bruce, Do you know if Jeff is at all confident on the ruling? He was playing his cards close to his chest on the mary Ferrell website. This could be a landmark case against the CIA's retention on documentation and could possibly open it up to media scrutiny, due to the fact that Jeff works for the Washington post online, he may have a few friends that be willing to publicise this. To anybody else reading this I must say that the interview is well worth a listen, I put them on my ipod and go for a walk, killing two birds with the one stone. http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php/...ted_-_Episode_2 John
  6. Cheers Bruce, I' sure we all await the outcome of it. I was unde the impression that the press conference had something to do with Jeff Morleys case. All the best, John
  7. I had just finished listening to Jim Lessar and Jefferson Morleys interview on the Mary Ferrell sit and was about to start a thread asking what the outcome of the legal case was, what a coincidence. Would anybody be able to record this press conference and upload it to the net? If someone can record it I will be able to upload it for all to see as I see it as a particularly important matter. George Joaniddes being a very interestng charatcer and possibly pivotal in the cover-up. Once again if anybody gets a copy of the conference I will upload it for all to see. All the best, John
  8. John Found what? Dixie, thanx for the interview. Wish there were more by the family of Lee. One would think they would be more anxious to try to clear his name. Tho I have been told that both daughters have been burned by certain people in the critical communiity, so no wonder they are a bit gunshy. When I was reading the interview with June and she made the comment abouty getting the call from someone who had written a song at first I was a little jarred. I had a conversation like that with her in about 88. I did not call in the middle of the night however and I did not say I wished to sing my song to her. But she was not too happy that I had found her and at that moment in time was not interested in discussing her dad. Dawn Hi dawn, By found it I meant that I was looking back through the forum pages and this was posted first in 2004 so I decided to bring it back up to peoples attention, All the best, John Geraghty
  9. I found this on page 182 of the forum, well worth a read. John
  10. John, Do you know where i can get a copy of this programme or do you know the producers? Assisstance would be appreciated. John
  11. I too held these suspicions a few months ago and I subsequently bought the book 'Iron Eagle, The turbulent life of General Curtis Lemay' by Thomas Coffey, published 1986. I must confess that it still sits on my 'to do' pile. It might be worth investigating. It was on the bestsellers list so it should be quite cheap. John
  12. Dan, Thank you for the comment. Are you aware of the fact that this August there will be an exhibition of the photographic work of Harry Benson. In this exhibition is a photo of Senator Kennedy slumped after the shooting. As well as many others I would very much like to see this new photo that has (to my knowledge) never been seen. See here the forum thread about the photo http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6796 and here is the listing for the exhibition at the national portrait gallery in Scotland. Click on upcoming exhibitions. http://www.natgalscot.ac.uk/index.asp?cent...asp?gallery=2-b I must add that you also took part in the documentary 'Unsolved History: The assassination of Robert Kennedy'. This was an excellent reconstruction of the shooting and covered all the angles (no pun intended). Who produced this programme and who, besides yourself, were the contributors? If anyone has the opportunity to view this programme I thoroughly reccommend it. See the thread here, http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=5955 Dan, do you accept the possibility of some of the scenarios played out in this programme? All the best, John Geraghty
  13. John, What would you make of a protected thread created for a debate between two members representing both LN and conspiracy believers. I have been trying to come up with a good way to have an debate online, but can not find anything that would fit a timeframe of say an hour or so and provide sufficient time for both sides to put forward a detailed argument. By debate I mean of course a discussion between two opposing sides, a chairperson and an adjudicator. Would Kenneth Rahn et al find this more acceptable do you think? John
  14. A list of the Robert Johnsons elisted in ww2 http://aad.archives.gov/aad/display-partia...3&tf=F&bc=sl,sd John
  15. Francesca, Thanks very much. It never dawned on me to ask you! Even though we discussed your infrequent use of Italian at Canterbury, silly me. Cheers, John
  16. I hadn't come accross this online before. The original manuscript for Gaeton Fonzi' 'The Last Investigation' http://cuban-exile.com/doc_001-025/doc0019a.html John
  17. I have found a document in Spanish that mentions Mario Tauler Sague, I assume that it is in relation to his efforts to kill Castro in 1960. If anybody speaks Spanish could you please do me a favour? Unsa de sus acciones consistio en la infiltracio por la zona de Punta Hicacos, Matanzas a mediados de 1960, de los apatridas mario tauler Sague y Armando Cubria Ramos, quienes ha biendo recibido entrenamiento de la C.I.A. cumplirian la mision de atentar contra la vida del comandante en jefe y realizar distintas actividades de sabotaje. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca...3_Narration.pdf It can be found on page 24 of this document, which also details goward hunts activity in mexico. Any help would be great, John I put this into an internet translater and it gave me this semi- digested piece. Unsa of its actions consistio in infiltracio by the zone of Hicacos End, Slaughters in the middle of 1960, of the apatridas ones mario tauler Sague and Armando Cubria Branches, that it is biendo received training of the C.I.A. cumplirian the mission to attempt against the life of the Commander-in-Chief and to make different activities from sabotage John
  18. i found this piece from an italian article while googling. I can get the jist of it, can anyone translate it for me? Gli agenti della CIA Armando Cubría Ramos e Mario Tauler Sagué, diretti da Miami da Eladio del Valle Gutiérrez (anche lui dell’Agenzia), si infiltrarono nel 1960 attraverso la costa nord della provincia di Matanzas per assassinare Fidel. Scoperti e perseguiti, vennero catturati e le armi, granate, detonatori e telecomandi che portavano con sè confiscati The entire article can be found here http://www.granma.cu/italiano/2006/abril/jue13/giron-it.html Pedro Diaz lanz, Sturgis, and a few others get a mention in there also, in reference to what, I don't know. Here it is in Spanish. John
  19. Tim Carroll has rightly corrected me, Pat was referring to McDonalds fictionalised account titled 'LBJ and the JFK Conspiracy'. Apologies for that, John
  20. Indeed it does, if I had a trust fund I would be dipping into it. I will attempt to contact the photographer and make an attempt to get an early release of the photo, extremely unlikely but worth a go. John Mr.Benson appears to be quite interested in the Kennedys, having snaped them on several occasions. http://harrybenson.com/Images/covers/life/jfkjr.jpg http://harrybenson.com John
  21. Antti, I think you're confused on this info. The name "Saul" was given to the mystery man by Hugh McDonald in his book "Appointment in Dallas." McDonald was a former Los Angeles County Chief of Detectives and claimed a relationship with military intelligence and the CIA. Hemming's calling this man "Saul" is just him being cute. "Saul" was not his real name. McDonald did indeed claim to have tracked down the man and to have spoken with him. The story recounted by Saul is not all that believable, however. There is reference to McDonald in the HSCA's report on De Mohrenschildt, indicating that McDonald did indeed conduct his own investigation and that his story is not all b.s. McDonald eventually came to theorize that LBJ cut a deal with Russian hard-liners, and that the Russians, with Oswald's Mexico City travel companion Albert Osborne as operative, set up the assassination. I think McDonald was well-intentioned but was misled by "Saul" and some of his CIA contacts. I was just browsing this thread again when I came upon Pats post here. I just want to say that I have just finished reading this book and nowhere in it did I read a part saying that LBJ cut a deal with the Russians. McDonald does not in fact speculate as to wh ordered the assassination. I think Pat may have been mistaken or thought of a different book. I posted this just in case someone stumbled upon this thread in the future. John
  22. If you make it there, I would be most interested in a description of the RFK "slumping" photo. John Hunt Of course John. The exhibition is on from the 4th of August until the 7th oh january next year. http://www.natgalscot.ac.uk/index.asp?cent...asp?gallery=2-b The gallery listing of upcoming exhibitions. John
  23. I was also intrigued by this when I read it. This might warrant a day trip to Scotland to see what all the fuss is about, I might try to get a copy or a print of the photo. I'm sure some of the UK based members would be interested in seeing it. John Geraghty
  24. I thought members might appreciate this site! http://hitman.us/main.html They also have a link to babycage.net John
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