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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. Hi Mel, Nice to see you here again. Did you by any chance see a programme made by the discovery channel titled 'Unsolved history'? Don Moldea and others attempt to recreate the assassination using actors that fit Ueckers, Sirhans and Kennedys measurements. They use a red beam on top of a gun to depict at what angle either Cesar or Sirhan would have had to have been standing at in order to make all the wounds to Kennedy. The kitchen was remade in a studio, with exact measurements. It was excellently made. They also conducted an experiment whereby they let actors walk into the Kitchen (they were unaware of the scenario about to unfold) and stand in the exact spot the actual witnesses were and played out 2 scenarios, 1. The Sirhan firing alone scenario, 2. Sirhan and Cesar both firing. The purpose of the experiment was to test peoples on the spot reactions with regards to the origin and number of the shots. Most heard only three or four shots in both scenarios. Nobody noticed the actor playing Cesar taking three shots at kennedy as he was right beside him and there was a considerable amount of people who did not realise that there was a security guard or policeman in the room! If you can I suggest that you try to obtain a copy. It is an excellent piece of recreationist History. Alas they come away with no definite answer, they rule that either scenario was possible depending on Kennedys positioning, though Cesar looking the liklier option, having factored in witness, balistics and forensics evidence. All the best John Geraghty
  2. Well remembered Steve, I have them all on dvd so I will take note next time I watch them! I love the reference to Malcolm X. John
  3. Marges maiden name is also Bouvier. Lois in 'Family Guy' has also sported Jackies pink outfit on several occasions. Reference is frequently made in the sitcom 'Oliver beene', as it is set during Kennedys reign, in one episode the father of the house finds out that his wifes friend ( a kennedy aide) is having an affair with JFK. John
  4. I'm glad were getting all the simpsons ones out because there are sveral references. Homer looks through a box of of documents marked 'JFK assassination' and comes to the conclusion that Oswald was trying to steal the Jack Ruby, another episode depicts homer and Abraham Lincoln travelling back in time and beating up Oswald at the sixth floor, see picture below. I think I might go onto a simpsons forum and ask if the have any more additions and show numbers for the ones we have already come up with. John
  5. I have another thread going, which I started about a year ago relating to references to the assassinations of JFK,RFK and MLK in music. Can anybody name a few instances in which there was reference made in films and tv shows. Here are a few. Quantum Leap, Sam travels into the body of Lee Harvey Oswald and shoots the president. Woddy Allens character (I think) in Annie Hall is obsessed with the Warren report. Red Dwarf- The crew use a time machine to travel back in time and stop LHO, the then once again use the time machine to bring JFK behind the picket fence, he then shoots his past self! Any additions? John
  6. I'm trying to compile a list of references to the JFK,RFK,MLK assassinations in songs, apart from those already mentioned has anybody got any more to offer? Cheers John
  7. Anybody else having trouble listening to the files? John
  8. Alas, I don't have a clue who they were. My guess is that their films were either found and destroyed, they were too afraid to come forward, or their families are waiting for a big pay day! This refers to those holding cameras. John
  9. John, According to Dan Moldea Eugene Thane Cesar now lives in the Philippines. John
  10. I would like to second John's request. Where was Corham's located physically? Does anyone have a Cole's 1963 Dallas Directory handy that could provide an address? Was it on Stemmons? How close was Corham's to the Trademart? John - the concept is in relationship to a shooter closer to the Trademart - this photo was taken far from the plaza. - lee Thanks Lee, I was under the mistaken impression that the man was the other side of the triple underpass. I still haven't been to the plaza yet so my geography is crap at best! John
  11. Hi Bill, I may be getting my plaza geography incorrect here. Would you be able to post a photo that shows where this man is supposed to be standing? Is the man supposed to have been on the triple underpass bridge, that was the impression I got, although viewing it once more it seems as though the man is a cosiderable distance behind the underpass. Your help would be appreciated. All the best John
  12. I have been browsing the FBI's files on various celebrities and other people known to us through their work with the governement. I thought I would post up a few brief descriptions of the files. I have noticed that there are a considerable amount of homsexuals who held files, such as Noel Coward and Rock Hudson. The descriptions given are those made by the FBI Dorothy Kilgallen Dorothy Kilgallen was newspaper reporter for the New York Journal-American. She reported on the entertainment news with her column called "The Voice of Broadway." Ms. Kilgallen and Director Hoover corresponded with each other. Miss Kilgallen printed information in her column several times about cases involving the FBI, none of which were true. Dorothy Kilgallen died in November 1965, from alcohol and barbiturates. http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/dorothykilgallen.htm I find it interesting that they feel the need to inform the reader that Ms.Kilgallens stories about the FBI were false! Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 4 pages The FBI material contains information about coordinating security for a planned trip to Ireland in 1967 by the former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and her children, Caroline and John, Jr. http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/jackiekn.htm Chappaquiddick The file known as Chappaquiddick, is also know known the Mary Jo Kopechne investigation. This investigation was opened when an overturned car was found at Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, in the water and Ms. Kopechne's body was in the car. Ms. Kopechne was a former secretary to late Senator, Robert F. Kennedy. It was determined the driver of the automobile was Senator Edward M. Kennedy. It was alleged he was on the wrong road and drove off Dike's Bridge, with the automobile overturning in the water. Senator Kennedy managed to get out of the car, but Ms. Kopechne did not make it out of the car and drowned. http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/chappaquiddick.htm John Roselli 1,228 pages John Roselli, aka, Filippo Sacco, was active in California and Las Vegas, handling affairs for the Chicago La Cosa Nostra family. Beginning in 1947, the FBI investigated Roselli for various anti-racketeering violations. In 1968, he was convicted for entering the United States illegally and was ordered deported by the Immigration and Naturalization Service; however, no country would receive him. In 1976, Roselli's decomposed body was found in a 55-gallon steel drum floating in Dumfounding Bay, Florida. http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/roselli.htm WILLIAM DOUGLAS PAWLEY William Douglas Pawley was born at Florence, South Carolina on September 7, 1896. Mr. Pawley was the American Ambassador to Peru in 1945. In April of 1946, he was transferred to the same post in Brazil. After his service in South America, Mr. Pawley became a consultant to the State Department. Prior to his appointment as Ambassador, Mr. Pawley was a real estate broker in Florida, and had an interest in airplane manufacturing and establishing airlines in foreign countries. He was the organizer of the Flying Tigers, an airline that operated mostly in China. He later became the President of the Miami Transit Company. http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/pawley_william_douglas.htm Thomas Hale Boggs 678 pages Louisiana Democratic Congressman Thomas Hale Boggs was killed in an airplane crash in Alaska on October 16, 1972. He and his party were flying from Anchorage to Juneau, Alaska when the plane disappeared. He was born on February 15, 1914, along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. FBI records reflect a correspondence file, and a Bribery law enforcement main investigative file. This investigation concerned the construction of an underground parking garage on Capitol Hill. His wife, Linda Boggs, succeeded him in Congress. http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/boggs.htm Melvin Belli 367 pages Melvin Belli, born in 1907, was a high-profile Attorney in San Francisco, California.. His prominence was noted in numerous newspapers and magazines. Mr. Belli, represented Jack Ruby, who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald (the 1963 assassin of President John F. Kennedy). Mr. Belli was very critical of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/belli.htm Sam Giancana 186 pages Sam Giancana, Chicago organized crime boss, was born June 15, 1908, in Chicago, Illinois. The FBI conducted an anti-racketeering investigation from August 1, 1959 through September 1, 1960, to determine Giancana's position in the Chicago crime syndicate and his associates, legitimate enterprises and tie-ins with politics and the police. In 1929, he was sentenced to the Illinois State Penitentiary for attempted burglary and in 1939, and to the Federal Penitentiary Levenworth for Income Tax Evasion. http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/giancana.htm Peter Lawford Peter Lawford was born on September 7, 1923, in England. Mr. Lawford, also known as, Peter Ernest Sydney Lawford, Peter Aylen, and Peter Ernest Sydney Aylen. Mr. Lawford began his acting career in England as a child. Mr. Lawford eventually moved to America with his parents and continued his acting career. Mr. Lawford is known for his marriage to Patricia Kennedy, the sister of the late President John F. Kennedy, Sr. and the late Attorney General and Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. Mrs. Patricia Kennedy Lawford, his wife, had money and jewelry stolen from her while she and her husband stayed at the Savoy-Hilton Hotel in New York City. Mr. Lawford was also known for his association with the "Rat Pack." This group consisted of Frank Sinatra, Sr., Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin, Joey Bishop, and Mr. Lawford. It was through this association that Mr. Lawford was contacted when Frank Sinatra, Jr. was kidnaped in 1963. Mr. Lawford received the ransom note and was told how and where to deliver the ransom money. http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/lawford_p.htm John Geraghty
  13. It is interesting that Norman Mailer does not mention this in his book, I have not had the opportunity to read it yet, but I would assume that Oswalds ties to the FPCC would come up at some point. This must be deliberate, as I'm sure Mr. Mailer would recall his support for the group, especially seing as he gave his name to an advertisement for the group. Intriguing. John
  14. Raymond, Thanks very much, I will have a look at it. John
  15. I found an FBI file on Truman Capote on the FBI FOIA act page after reading some RFK material. I found this 'A number of prominent people lent their names in an advertisement to Fair Play in its earlier days. These included playwrite, Truman Capote, novelist James Badwin, critic Kenneth Tynan, authors Norman Mailer and John Paul Sartre. They no longer support the group' http://foia.fbi.gov/tcapote/capote_truman_pt01.pdf Is it mentioned in Mailers 'Oswalds tale' about this previous connection of Mailers to FPCC. I just find it interesting. John
  16. For those of you that have seen Sherry Gutierrez's presentation on the head shot trajectory analysis, this position is viable. Do a search of the lancer site (not forum) for the presentation. John
  17. Hi Francesca, John Simkin informs me that De Torres is contactable through the US embassy in Chile. John
  18. Does anybody know where (either on or offline) I might find some good archives for newspapers and tv stations from the 70's and 80's. I would assume that ABC and large media services such as these would have large archives. Are they accessible by the public via the internet? Any help at all would be much appreciated. John
  19. Antti, yes the larger gentleman on the left seems to bear a resemblance. I do not know when or where these were taken. Anybody know? I'm looking in James Richards direction again! John
  20. This is becoming all too frequent John, perhaps we should write him a nicely worded letter to Chile. Here is a photo of De Torres with the alleged mexico city oswald Saul Sague/mario Tauler Sague. I got these from Wims site, you can find more on this link, http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopi...p?t=76&start=15 . John
  21. I emphatically deny these allegations. John
  22. Mr.McClellan, Welcome to the forum, there are many here that have read and admire your book. Unfortunately I have not yet had the opportunity to read it. All the best John Geraghty
  23. I have asked the seller if he would care to answer a few of our questions on the forum. Hopefully he will. John
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