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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. Get well soon John, all the best from everyone here.
  2. Mike, you might want to check out Michael Griffiths' page on Gerald Posners book 'Case Closed', 'Hasty Judgement', http://ourworld.cs.com/mikegriffith1/id81.htm It paints a clear picture of what is wrong with Posner's work and his lack of attention to detail. Although I have never agreed with Posner's work and knew a lot of it to be misleading, I always thought that he was thorough and had a good reputation as an academic, I soon realised that he neglected to interview people, brushed over evidence and came up with new twists on Warren Commission propositions. You may also want to take a look at William Pepper's excellent book on the MLK assassiation 'An Act of State' in which completely takes apart Gerald Posner's book on the King murder. Mel, Welcome to the forum. I would be interested in what you think about the finding in favour of the King family in the civil trial against Lloyd Jowers, given that you have written a book on the topic. I'm sure you have read Dr. William Peppers' an Act of State' in which he contributes a considerable amount of the book to rebutting Gerald Posner's book on the assassination. Having not read your books I assume you are of the same mind as Gerald Posner on the topic. Once again welcome to the forum.
  3. John, do you think it is the site administration that has changed the content to its original form or is it someone who has edited my edit?
  4. wouldnt you know it, as soon as i changed the information on Lee Harvey Oswald , a day later the EXACT same drivel as before that was posted is now back up. Im going to write up a detailed analysis of LHO, Clay Shaw, Jim Garrison, The Warren Commission and whenever it is changed back to its original form i shall change it back. An example of the eye that watchers over. john
  5. John has brought the topic of Wikepedia.org up before and I think something needs to be done about the pages on the warren commission, garrison investigation, lee harvey oswald and all matters relating to it. Would anyone like to help me to correct all of the severly biased inforamtion that somebody has put up there, im sure there are plenty of articles written online that could be used to give an accurate and truthful account of the assassination. I volunteer to do the page on Lee Harvey Oswald, any takers on other pages? John http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Harvey_Os...#External_links
  6. On the list of CIA contacts are Howard Hunt and David Hunt, is this Howard's son? I know one of his sons is called David but is this him? Hunt, David 3503 Fulton St., NW, Washington, DC 20007 Hunt. E. Howard 1401 B St., NW, Washington, DC 20005 If so he might be worth contacting, if Hunts childrens response to the Kennedy affair written about in Mark Lane's Plausible Denial are anything to go by.
  7. It's hard to say with regard to these files. I assume this is where holocaust deniers get their beliefs from. The name of Mary Ferell on the CIA contacts list is very puzzling as she has to my knowledge always been held in the highest of esteem.
  8. Here is the link to Harrelsons high school photos http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=3623
  9. I obtained charles harrelsons high school photos for identification purposes from the huntsville library from 1953/54. I have to say that I find these photos very sad considering how his life turned out. Harrelson was vice chair of the poster club, a member of the cartoon club and a member of the choir. I find it very sad to see such a proper young man and then to know how he lived the rest of his life. The librarian I talked to about Harrelson tells me that he was talking to someone who was in harrelsons year and says that he was a bit of a loner. He was it seems a fan of the arts at a young age, which would explain his impeccable handwriting. enjoy john
  10. John, Imagine just for a second W. firing the head of the CIA and saying he'd like to rid the nation of the CIA. Like JFK did with Allen Dulles, after the Bay of Pigs. Imagine W saying Iraq is a terrible mistake and deciding to pull all the troops out, like JFK did with Viet Nam. Imagine W, who calls Cuba a "terrorist nation", instead having secret talks , through an intermediary, and planning, instead PEACE with Cuba, like JFk did, just prior ot his assassination. Imagine a president who regularily gave non-scripted press conferences. Imagine a president who was loved and admired by most of the country!! Imagine a leader who inspired hope and optimism, instead of fear and loathing. Imagine a president today saying the words JFK spoke on June 10, 1963, at American University: "And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dawn, I like the way you think, can you imagine Bush saying lets get along with al queda. Much like communist cuba in the 60s al queda has been built up by the media as a hugely powerful group, whil some people say that the organisation is quite disorganised and even primitive. john
  11. hi dawn, thanks for the encouragement, perhaps you would like to write something on how the JFK assassination effects us today, even a paragraph would do, I know your a busy woman. all the best john
  12. it was indeed stephen, well spotted. cheers john
  13. hi stephen, that perfect as it shows to newcomers that Ruby wasnt killing oswald to spare jackie kennedy some grief. Sounds good, email me with the article when you have it written or if you need any assisstance wereallgointaheavenlads@hotmail.com thanks a million john
  14. Hello all, i am in the process of creating a new website that is designed to educate the complete novice in the JFK assassination (much likes johns site). I am looking for articles people may have written or would like to write on any aspect of the case (perhaps you would be willing to let me post your seminars). Long or short I would be most grateful to those who would like to contribute. at present the site will be a freeserver site though i shall upgrade this summer when i have time and hopefully a bit of cash. I will be including any research that I am doing but obviously i can only tell so much of the story in small tidbits scattered over the site. I welcome articles, photos, theories, website links, general pobderings. Anything and everything is welcome. i think educating people who come online to find out about the assassination is extremely important in gaining more support for an inquiry. A small website such as the one I have intended may not have a huge impact in the short run but even if a few people are interested by what they see, its a success. Once again anything is accepted and I know that all of you are very generous with your time when it comes to newcomers to the case. Many thanks, feedback appreciated. John Geraghty wereallgointaheavenlads@hotmail.com
  15. here is a photo of the full line-up that was posted on jfklancerforum.com a few days ago and is in dr.william peppers book 'an act of state, the execution of dr.martin luther king" Its a great book. Notice guy bannister is in the top left. I intend to write a seminar on the topic of links between the two assassinations as i feel the MLK investigation could throw some light on the JFK case. Mark, I assume you have tried directly through the paper, I would assume there are some local archives that would store newspapers. john
  16. How do you know the photo is of Raoul? Was the man in the lineup named Raoul? Who was the lineup for? Was it for James Earl Ray, to ID Raoul? Did Ray ID this man as Raoul? The lineup was for a woman who knew raoul to pick him out, he had admitted to her before that "he had killed him (MLk) once, and know i'll have to do it again", it was also for a few others. Im afraid i only have william peppers book in my local library so i cant quote with names at the moment. Ray did also id this man as Raoul. Gerry Hemming says that robert emmet johnson was indeed raoul. What is the evidence of Hunt's involvement in the MLK case? The evidence for hunts involvement comes from his right hand man at the time (im sorry i dont have his name readily available) who says that hunt pumped money into radio shows accross the country that were unkind to dr.king to say the least, he also says that hunt had a direct link with j edgar hoover and that they frequently discussed king as a problem and that he hinted at paying for the assassination Hemming has also stated that Johnson was in Dallas, with Arturo Espaillat, at the time of the JFK assassination. It would be interesting to know if Johnson resembled Frenchy. it would indeed. Mark, that sounds like quite big news, if we could find that story with the photo it would be quite amazing in connecting the two cases and showing that both were covert ops. john
  17. here is a photo of Raoul taken from a line-up given to people to identify the man named Raoul who james earl ray says handle him and set him up. it has been theorized before that Raoul is Frenchy the short tramp. The photo was taken in 1960 so he would not have changed much in 3 years. There is a possibility that it was him as he has indeed been proven a part of the MLK assassination which involved H.L. Hunt, J edgar Hoover, Percey Foreman (as lawyer for James earl ray) and others also connected to the JFK assassination. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that he was involved in both. After all Gerry Hemming says that the man identified at the soviet embassy impersonating oswald in mexico Saul Sague was also involved in the MLK assassination. Mr.Hemming also tells me that Raouls real name was Robert Emmet Johnson. Any specualtion would be appreciated. john
  18. hi all, I was looking through the killing of a president by robert groden today and I was looking at some photos from before the murder and I found a guy that bears a stricking resemblance to howard hunt. The photo is on pages 12/13 and is immediately to the right of the spine cover. It is the saem photo that shows morales,robertson, conein. He looke to be wearing a wig or has longer gair, we know hunt used disguises before, it does bear a resemblance to him. Perhaps someone could post the picture, i know i have it somewhere but i just cant find it. It would make sense for him to be located near morales, conein, robertson. This woul suggest that his planning role was over by the actual day of the event and he was just there for the spectacle. all the best john
  19. I just realised yesterday was the anniversary of Jim Garrisons first meeting with Clay Shaw with regard to his investigation. john
  20. John, If you want to get Barr Mc Clellans email I suggest you email either Len Osanic or Anita Langley of black op radio www.blackopradio.com as they interviewed him for the show, their email addresses are osanic@prouty.org anita@mindgallery.com they have replied to me before and gave me dr.william peppers email address. john
  21. indeed, I forgot to take the weather into account. I have heard it said that no rifles used in 63 would have generated smoke, can anyone rebut this? john
  22. There is an excellent article by Steve Jones called 'The confessions of Ruth Paine' where he described how he talked to a friend of Paines and she outlined how people stayed away from her while on missionary work as she was believed to work with the CIA in infiltrating such groups. I'm sure you can find it on a Google search.
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