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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. He bears quite a resemblance to Curtis LeMay.
  2. Hello all, I have been reading william peppers excellent book 'an act of state' about his prosecutions in the assassination of MLK. King was shot from a bush at the back of jims grill, witnesses say they saw smoke from the bush area, this is fact is believed to be sonic dust from the heavy vegetation in the immediate area. Could this be the explanation for the appearance of smoke from the grassy knoll in the JFK case? john
  3. Well Shanet, Harrelson has not divulged anything to me and denies being one of the tramps and calls Chauncey Holt a "Certified xxxx". Im still not sure whether Harrelson was the tramp, I have my doubts about charles rogers, but if he was not one of the tramps then holt must be lying.......whats a guy to do. Im looking into the theory that the small tramp was Raoul, the man who james earl ray says helped to set him up and handled him in the MLK assassination, there are a lot of similarities in the two cases which I am currently looking into. Ray was shown a photo of the tramps before and said that the small tramp could very well be this Raoul but he was unsure. With regards to harrelsons rap I guess you mean his take on the situation, he denies it as i have said above. Perhaps Beverly oliver may have some information about him or people related to him such as R.D. Matthews or others. john
  4. I really hope that this jail was not named after Bill Decker. john
  5. robin, perhaps you could post a link to this website and we could ask around. you dont per chance know of any CIA webchats where we can ask ex-covert operators how best to solve this one?!!!! john
  6. Just an update on th charles harrelson situation. I wrote another letter to him in december, I mentioned a lot of names including jerry o brien watkins, r.d. matthews, lewis mcwillie, kames files/sutton and a list of other names. I have not received a reply from harreslon and he was obviously not pleased and certainly unaware of what is known of his previous associates. I shall in the next week or two be obtaining high school photos of harrelson from the huntsville public library. They should prove interesting and might be a help with identifying or ruling out harrelson as the tall tramp. john
  7. John, Perhaps you could contact some online bookshops, Im sure if you explain what kind of people visit the site, they may be interested in advertising. especially conspiracy bookshops such as les bolands store and the last hurrah. john
  8. Im sure all of the british members are aware of the case of Dr.David Kelly who was the source of a BBC story which shows that documents with relation to Iraqs WMD were 'sexed up'. There was a lot of controversy surrounding his death which culminated in the Hutton inquiry to see if there was any govt. involvement in his death. The ambulance driver and paramedics who arrived at the scene of Dr.Kellys death stated that there was not enough blood present for him to have died by slashing his wrists. Any other evidence or speculation on this topic. Our American and European friends , well everybody indeed should google this topic as it this report was the reason Britain went into Iraq.
  9. what shanet says is true, there is often an advert for a product called the magic bullet which is a blender. john
  10. Another bizarre factoid - the Texas Theatre was running 'War is Hell.' Audie Murphy has 'a dramatic forward' in the film Howard Hughes also owned the texas theatre if memory serves me correctly. john
  11. what? are you proposing this theory or knocking it, I could not tell from the dicition you used. john
  12. good good, I have three weeks off from college coming up so I wil get pen to paper and see what I come up with, read a pubric relations manual or two. john
  13. good to hear it Shanet, I will make a bold prediction and say that I will be blind drunk on paddys day! john
  14. your right greg, and everybody knows your right, its just that we need a single body to get behind. I have talked with you before about creating a body, I talked to cyril wecht, peter dale scott, george michael evica and others over email about such a thing but the only problem is setting up such a thing on an international basis. There is an independent body called 'the center for public integrity' which looks into suchthings as the patriot act, insider trading, corporate fraud and abuse of government power. they are a non-profit organisation and have done a lot of good work in showing the flaws in the patriot act and acted as a voice for the disgruntled. Perhaps we should take a look at their model of organisation and see perhaps if we could run something along those lines with a few volunteers and some contributions. Getting films and documentaries made is quite essential as that is the only medium where everyday average people are going to spend the time to look and think about the case, most people dont vegetate in front of books. With the technology today it is quite simple to make even a short film. Free editing packages are available over the internet, all you need is some music, some footage, a voiceover that could be done by yourself and a bit of practising on the editing software and people could easily make a programme that would be ideal for airing on public T.V. A body to be set up could possibly not even look and compile evidence but deal solely with public relations and aiding people getting programmes made and seen, same goes for books. Perhaps a website for all assassination related books, documents and dvds to be sold. Im sure COPA, Lancer and any other organisations would welcome the exposure. Using existing organisations like these which have credible members would prove effective. Greg, i know we have talked about this before but would you like to have a chat about this and the realities of creating a body such as this. all the best john
  15. Just thought I would point out that ironically one of the google ads that sometimes appears on this page is for a kitchen blender called 'the magic bullet' . Who planted that doosey. john
  16. I think it would take something quite explosive to cause a new investigation to take place. As we have seen with cyril wechts conferences in pittsburgh there is a lot of evidence with regard to the medical cover-up yet that has seemingly brought no new interest in the case. I think it might take some leaked documents or newly found evidence or a confession from someone other than mob or anri-castro related activities, say somebody in FBI or CIA, like hosty or someone on the ground level such as him. The dictabelt is probably the best evidence to be re-examined with the use of new technology, but that alone would not warrant a new inquiry as it was already covered by the hsca and dale myers has set about discrediting it with his animation. To be honest I dont know what would warrant a new investigation, it could come from unlikely sources. If we are to interview people we better do it soon, because nobody is getting any younger apart from that guy on Quantum leap (he once leaped into LHO) john
  17. shanet, just to clear it up, im irish but i wont hold it against you! im a hard drinking paddy john
  18. may i point out that it was a military team used in the MLK assassination. john
  19. Hello all, after following the post by Tim Gratz about GPH's allegations of a dal tex spotter it keeps nagging me that to have cuban exiles as shooters would consist of a completely different kind of coup than if it had been carried out by a team of military snipers. the cubans would suggest obviously that they were disgruntled with the BOP and the whole cuban affair, whereas a military team would be infinitely better trained (in my unqualified opinion) and would have had the professional backup to perform an operation of this kind, it is far more likely to me that a military team would have been used if the assassination was monetarily driven say perhaps by texas oilmen. To have it carried out by the cubans would seem to me to be on a much lower level that was capable of such an act as well as covering it up, to me it wasnt a single issue that had kennedy killed which is what the cuban theory would suggest...just for the chance of another invasion. thoughts? john p.s. sorry if this seems a bit of a rag tag post as I seem to lose the run of myself mid-way though and spout whatever comes to mind
  20. I just today came across in the book 'The three assassinations' details of a play written by Barbara Garson about the assassination. It parallels Macbeth and accuses lyndon johnson of perpetrating it, it is satirical. It opened on February 22nd 1967 at the village gate theater. It was staged by Roy Levine and starred Stacy Keach. john
  21. Hello all, John, When are the next round of seminars happening? all the best John
  22. Mr. Hemming, Welcome to the forum. May I ask if you ever came into contact with a man by the name of Raul Pereiro?
  23. I recall reading an article by Vince Palamara about Ruth Paine and how he had a source who was a friend of Ruth Paines. It was apparently well known in the overseas charity organisation which she was involved with that she was a CIA asset as it was frequent to have an inside person in South American and other war torn areas to keep an eye on any sponsored insurrection.
  24. Does anybody know if Charles Harrelson was ever a doorman at one of Jack Rubys clubs or any other clubs for that matter, I recall reading that he was a bouncer at one time. john
  25. I have to say that I have only recently begun using the rest of the education forum and not just centered in on the jfk debate, I think members of this forum would find it of great use and interest to partake in discussions in other areas such as political debate and historical also. There are a lot of tie ins with the JFK case such as Mccarthyism, Hoover etc.
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