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New website for commentary on Bugliosi's book

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I have launched a new blog devoted to commentary on Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History:


It will feature short pieces, as well as excerpts and links to lengthier essays and reviews of the book.

I'm looking for experts to take a particular part of the case and address Bugliosi's treatment of it, as well as discuss the book as a whole in a critical but not-too-diatribey way. If you have written something you'd like to submit, you can contact me at info@maryferrell.org.

Rex Bradford

Edited by Rex Bradford
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I have launched a new blog devoted to commentary on Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History:


It will feature short pieces, as well as excerpts and links to lengthier essays and reviews of the book.

I'm looking for experts to take a particular part of the case and address Bugliosi's treatment of it, as well as discuss the book as a whole in a critical but not-too-diatribey way. If you have written something you'd like to submit, you can contact me at info@maryferrell.org.

Rex Bradford

Oh, nice job Rex!

That is one fine site.

Great framing there yourself: "Reclaiming History? Or Re-Framing Oswald?"

You know your framing.

So Bugliosi's sponsors were to cheap or stupid to buy reclaiminghistory.ORG!

And you pounced on it.


I linked to your site:


Hope that's ok.

Feel free to let me know if I should reword the lead in blurb.

(Dang, nice CSS too.)

Edited by Myra Bronstein
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I linked to your site:


Hope that's ok.

Feel free to let me know if I should reword the lead in blurb.

(Dang, nice CSS too.)


Thanks for the link - looks fine. I would kindly ask you to fix the spelling of Mary Ferrell (with two e's, very common mistake). Also if you have an inclination to include my humble History Matters offering (www.history-matters.com) I wouldn't complain. Great list of links you have.


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I linked to your site:


Hope that's ok.

Feel free to let me know if I should reword the lead in blurb.

(Dang, nice CSS too.)


Thanks for the link - looks fine. I would kindly ask you to fix the spelling of Mary Ferrell (with two e's, very common mistake). Also if you have an inclination to include my humble History Matters offering (www.history-matters.com) I wouldn't complain. Great list of links you have.


Eww, bad typo. Mary FErrell. Good to have some other eyes. It's fixed, thanks Rex.

And I added History Matters of course.

Hey in google, SEO links are king.

Edited by Myra Bronstein
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Guest Stephen Turner

Rex, I surely will get round to submitting something for your approval. Bloody nice work Sir, my hat is off to you. Steve.

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I have launched a new blog devoted to commentary on Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History:


It will feature short pieces, as well as excerpts and links to lengthier essays and reviews of the book.

I'm looking for experts to take a particular part of the case and address Bugliosi's treatment of it, as well as discuss the book as a whole in a critical but not-too-diatribey way. If you have written something you'd like to submit, you can contact me at info@maryferrell.org.

Rex Bradford

Rex , How do define "expert' or, what passes as an''expert"


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I have launched a new blog devoted to commentary on Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History:


It will feature short pieces, as well as excerpts and links to lengthier essays and reviews of the book.

I'm looking for experts to take a particular part of the case and address Bugliosi's treatment of it, as well as discuss the book as a whole in a critical but not-too-diatribey way. If you have written something you'd like to submit, you can contact me at info@maryferrell.org.

Rex Bradford

Rex , How do define "expert' or, what passes as an''expert"



That's a good question that I don't really have a good answer for. I'm not that big on credentials, being a UMass graduate with a degree in Psychology who became a largely self-taught computer game programmer who stumbled onto the JFK assassination and became a historian and archivist. So you don't need a degree in Assassinology.

I guess expert is as expert does, or writes in this case. I like anything that I take responsibility for publishing to be serious and thoughtful, well-written in terms of spelling/grammar and general writing style, and best if it has linkable "backup" in terms of documented references and places to go for more information.

It takes time to review essays, suggest and review modifications, etc. and I like that time to be well spent.

That said, I think much of the writing on the assassination in journals such as the Third/Fourth Decade, Probe, etc. has been quite excellent and I don't mean to be snobby here. I just think the larger world out there takes Bugliosi seriously and the counter-arguments need to be well-presented.

Short pithy pieces devoted to a single focused topic or a single argument Bugliosi makes are great too.

Does this help? In the case of this blog, unlike History Matters or the MFF site, the venture is a group one involving Gary Aguilar and a few others, and I am sharing decisions on what goes on it.

Despite the above which I hope is taken the right way, I do welcome submissions and would love to have a real undertaking made to counter the book. The parts I've read so far are curiously unimpressive despite, or maybe because of, Bugliosi's incessant chest-thumping. Don Thomas has written a piece on Bugliosi's treatment of the acoustics which makes mincemeat of his approach, whether you agree with Thomas or not. That will be on the blog shortly.


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Most members of The Education Forum are probably aware of researcher Paul Hoch and his informative newsletter Echoes of Conspiracy. Twenty years ago Hoch wrote this:


Vol. 9, #2 Paul L. Hoch

Bugliosi is working on a book, in which he plans to evaluate the most

important issues in the JFK case. I have talked with him and provided some

information from my files, and I expect to consult with him again in the

future. He told me that he is presently convinced of Oswald's guilt, but

capable of having his mind changed by new evidence. I hope to persuade him

that many critics have not spent most of their time engaged in the equivalent

of talking Spanish to cows (9 EOC 1.8), and that the persistence of the case

as an open question is not due primarily to the manipulative skills of certain

critics or the gullibility of the American public, but to the existence of

serious evidentiary questions which the Warren Commission and its defenders

have not been able to answer.

As far as I can tell, the promised broadcast of the rest of the LWT trial

(where Bugliosi prosecuted Oswald) is not at all imminent.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just came across this discussion group, which normally is unrelated to assassinations, and thought members might enjoy reading what some of the PEOPLE think of their fearless advocate, Vincent Bugliosi:


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