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Biography: Paul Hailes

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I'm an occupational therapist by trade and was born in 1961 - Nov 24th to be precise, so I can't honestly say I know where I was when JFK was killed!

Born in the UK, brought up in Derby, trained as an OT in Exeter. After graduating I stayed on in Exeter because I loved the city so much. It was in the local Waterstones there that I picked up my first JFK book - Robert Grodens "The Killing Of A President". That was 92 or 93 I think.

I kind of kept my interest on the back-burner for a while but the advent of the internet fired it up again. I found John McAdams site first, thren JFK Lancer, then yours. I've bought a lot more books lately and some DVDs. I emigrated to the US in January this year and visited Dealey Plaza for the first time 2 weekends ago!

I'm a conspiracy-believer I guess, it's just the exact nature of the conspiracy where I fence-sit. Don't feel at all knowledgable about all the issues; there seems to be so much to learn!

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