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Alternative SBT theory

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Input from multiple sources, including professional opinions, sources, documents, observations etc. Thanks to all who provided input.

Short and sweet.

SBT - one round struck both Kennedy and Connally, coming from the rear. Agreed in principle.


- Bullets fragment upon impact - even when penetrating human skin, but more so, obviously, when encountering human bone.

- Timing associated with the original hoax is inaccurate. This theory assumes that Connally was not struck in the back or chest when the original SBT maintains the event occurred [timing of the high velocity small caliber frontal entry throat wound].

- The shot did not originate from the elevation associated with the 6th floor of the TSBD, nor the TSBD.

- Connally did not suffer from a 'tumbling wound' on entrance - this was instead an exit wound.

- The wounds suffered by Kennedy and Connally were not the result of one bullet.

In speaking with a source, it was indicated to me as fact that Connally was struck not in the back, but in the chest. Mob Dame Hoover's comments made to criminal scum Bull Johnson are not relevant, and should be ignored. Mob Dame Hoover's remarks as to Connally somehow entering into the line of fire intended for Kennedy are simply preposterous.

Two independent professional sources indicated that the shot as seen in the Zapruder film, causing the scalp to flap forward over the face was known as a 'graze' shot - as opposed to a centered shot to the head.

Robin Unger's post concerning the hole in the floorpan of the Lincoln may have a place here.

The mystery of the manipulation of the original Z-film may have a place here.

The shot in question was one of a significant caliber, originating from the rear, striking high on Kennedy's right upper skull, fragmenting the skull and forcing the scalp to part and flap forward. This is consistent with the piece of scalp recovered which contained a trace of make-up, suggesting the area of the hairline. Speculation follows that the shooter in question was tracking his target and preparing to fire at the center of Kennedy's head - all was prepared, and the shooter would have been tracking Kennedy in his scope, accounting for the pitch and curve of Elm St, the windage, the drop and the distance to his target. What neither he, nor his spotter Nestor Izquierdo may have been prepared for, was Greer's sudden braking of the vehicle, which led to a shot that was unintentionally much higher than planned. Speculation. Additional speculation that the individual shooter in question was a white male, based upon other source material.

Using David Lifton's research, it is clear that the head underwent some surgery, placing the flap back into place, in addition to 'surgery' on the front temple wound entrance, which was a separate and distinct shot - heavy weight caliber, coming from the front right, and penetrating the rear - consistent with the accounts of the Parkland Hospital Doctors - I am not planning to go into detail on the frontal shot here.

Frames were removed from the Z-footage, to combine what was in all likelihood as many as 3 separate shots striking Kennedy's head [see Mantik], within moments of one another - and consistent with witness accounts of the repetitive nature of the sound of the final shots.

In sequence - the graze shot from the rear, followed by the frontal shot to the temple, finally a possible shot to the side of the head [as per the Hoover comments and other related info on the small round lodged behind Kennedy's right ear - see Robin Unger's thread on this subject] - hence the movement - forward, back, then left [and the remarks made by Bill Newman in his interview with Ian Griggs where he speaks about Kennedy going over into Jackie's lap as if he had been hit by a baseball bat -- however it could also be a matter of a total lack of normal muscular coordination associated with the destruction of the brain following the frontal shot which accounts for the 'left' movement]. The gap between the rear shot and the front shot should have accounted for additional frames - seen by those that have been privleged to witness 'other' supressed footage of the assassination. This was made quite clear to me from the individuals I questioned whom claimed to have seen such a film or films [plural].

In the Zapruder footage, the round which accounted for the graze wound to the right top of Kennedy's head would have continued on, or near, it's original trajectory.

Nellie Connally pulled John Connally into her lap - until z313, this theory assumes that he would have suffered no wounds to his chest or back area until this time. The round which grazed the top of Kennedy's head continued on into Connally's chest, shattering a rib, exiting the back and may have penetrated the floor pan. Other fragments from the original impact would most likely have been associated with the lead fragments collected from the Lincoln - perhaps even accounting for the dent in the chrome trim around the windshield? Efforts were made afterwards to conceal a frontal entry, and coordinate the wound with the throat wound and the wound to the President's back.

Again, the 'Harper' fragment was in all likelihood the effort on the part of the individuals involved to destroy the evidence of the shot from the front, which left behind a void in the rear of the skull, a bit larger than a golf ball and witnessed by the staff at Parkland. This fragment would have been planted during the evening of 11/22, and discovered by student Harper the following day, in line with a TSBD 6th floor shooter at Oswald's alleged position. A physical impossibility that a piece of the rear portion of the skull would have been 'discovered' the following day, in the position it was found [ref Don Roberdeau's plat]. The brain was removed to avoid the inevitable examination by a pathologist - and the hole in the rear of the head was enlarged to accommodate this end with the removal of the remains of the brain, in addition to covering the rear exit wound.

In the z-footage which remains, despite efforts to 'synch' the headshots to appear as if they are one in the same - a graze shot is recognized for what it is - and this, again, was independently correlated by two professionals. The following 'back' movement of the head is consistent not with any 'jet effect' or any such nonsense, but from a heavy weight caliber round being fired from the right front.

In line with an effort to 'cover-up' anything beyond a lone nut communist shooting from the 6th floor window of the TSBD, it would then become necessary to create the appropriate smokescreen that would separate the graze wound from the entry to Connally's chest and perhaps the hole in the floorpan, skull fragments, scalp flap, etc - in order to prevent the recognition that the shot originated from a different building entirely, and at a different elevation than the 6th floor.

In the z-footage, following the graze to the top of Kennedy's skull, Connally is lying still, and as meek as a lamb. Soon afterwards, he is turning on his side in agony, and revealing the large exit wound in his back [ref z-footage].

While the whereabouts of the hole in the floorpan will continue to elude - it should be possible to make an estimate, drawing a line back through Connally's wounds and Kennedy's graze wound, to the approximate location of the Dal-Tex shooter.

Let's hope it ain't the Jennifer Juniors offices, cause that would be too creepy.

One interesting observation that can be made here, in line with this theory, is that Connally was not an intended target.

The amazing part about the above theory is this bit posted on the internet by 'Reverend Mack.' In re-reading it for the 10th time, following some period of time in discussion, email exchanges, reading and observation - I realized that he had - roughly speaking - already made this theory public in 2004:


Z313 came from DalTex building

From: reverendmack@hotmail.com (Rev. Mack)

Date: Mon, Apr 5, 2004

There was a right-wing volunteer in the Daltex building

who administered the head shot.


If you have ever seen the Zapruder film that has been

computer-enhanced to eliminate the Zapruder shaking

camera, you will see that the same bullet that

blows up JFK's head also slams Connaly into the

back of the front seat.

Agreed with caveat - Connally does not appear to 'slam' into the back of the front seat - but he certainly turns all of the way over, and exposes the exit wound in his back.

If it came from the grassy knoll, it would have made

a split in JFK's head from right to left and then hit


Disagree - this was a separate shot from the temple entry, which exited and had no impact on Jackie, but in all likelihood was responsible for the 'dust' spoken of by the mystery FBI? agent encountered by Jean Hill and spoken of in her record.

Mrs. HILL - Then, he asked me I was asked did I know that a bullet struck at my feet and I said, "No; I didn't." And he said, "What do you think that dust was?"

As it was, the head was split from back to front

and a little high to the right, accounting for

that part of the head exploding. Large fragments must

have gone on to Connally.

Agreed with caveat: Not certain as to the size of the fragments. Difficult to say, since there is no record of the size of all of the fragments and where they were originally found.

People are confuse[d] about Connally's motions. First he

is turning this way and that to see what the hell is

happening. Then his WIFE, Nellie, pulls him down from

the back, causing some facial expressions that others

say must have been bullet impacts. Not so. She pulls

him from behind, he's down, *then* his [he's] hit by the

Z313 bullet which has just passed through JFK from

behind, originating in the Daltex building.


Very likely a sophisticated rifle on a tripod was used.

Very likely the trigger man did not do it for a single

payment, but was actually a part of the insider power

structure which planned and carried out the killing.


It was a small group of people who did it originally,

but once done.....

It became a huge coverup by the many, for a many reasons.


Which leads many to conclude that the original conspiracy

was also huge. Not so. Texans did it. They were not all

professionals. It was a surprise to many others who

immediately or eventually went along or died.

Disagree - lot's of Texans - but that doesn't cover it all...IMO.

Agreed - intimidation and liquidation.[/quote]

'Green grass and high tides forever...'

Edited by Lee Forman
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Input from multiple sources, including professional opinions, sources, documents, observations etc. Thanks to all who provided input.

Short and sweet.

SBT - one round struck both Kennedy and Connally, coming from the rear. Agreed in principle.


- Bullets fragment upon impact - even when penetrating human skin, but more so, obviously, when encountering human bone.

- Timing associated with the original hoax is inaccurate. This theory assumes that Connally was not struck in the back or chest when the original SBT maintains the event occurred [timing of the high velocity small caliber frontal entry throat wound].

- The shot did not originate from the elevation associated with the 6th floor of the TSBD, nor the TSBD.

- Connally did not suffer from a 'tumbling wound' on entrance - this was instead an exit wound.

- The wounds suffered by Kennedy and Connally were not the result of one bullet.

In speaking with a source, it was indicated to me as fact that Connally was struck not in the back, but in the chest. Mob Dame Hoover's comments made to criminal scum Bull Johnson are not relevant, and should be ignored. Mob Dame Hoover's remarks as to Connally somehow entering into the line of fire intended for Kennedy are simply preposterous.

Two independent professional sources indicated that the shot as seen in the Zapruder film, causing the scalp to flap forward over the face was known as a 'graze' shot - as opposed to a centered shot to the head.

Robin Unger's post concerning the hole in the floorpan of the Lincoln may have a place here.

The mystery of the manipulation of the original Z-film may have a place here.

The shot in question was one of a significant caliber, originating from the rear, striking high on Kennedy's right upper skull, fragmenting the skull and forcing the scalp to part and flap forward. This is consistent with the piece of scalp recovered which contained a trace of make-up, suggesting the area of the hairline. Speculation follows that the shooter in question was tracking his target and preparing to fire at the center of Kennedy's head - all was prepared, and the shooter would have been tracking Kennedy in his scope, accounting for the pitch and curve of Elm St, the windage, the drop and the distance to his target. What neither he, nor his spotter Nestor Izquierdo may have been prepared for, was Greer's sudden braking of the vehicle, which led to a shot that was unintentionally much higher than planned. Speculation. Additional speculation that the individual shooter in question was a white male, based upon other source material.

Using David Lifton's research, it is clear that the head underwent some surgery, placing the flap back into place, in addition to 'surgery' on the front temple wound entrance, which was a separate and distinct shot - heavy weight caliber, coming from the front right, and penetrating the rear - consistent with the accounts of the Parkland Hospital Doctors - I am not planning to go into detail on the frontal shot here.

Frames were removed from the Z-footage, to combine what was in all likelihood as many as 3 separate shots striking Kennedy's head [see Mantik], within moments of one another - and consistent with witness accounts of the repetitive nature of the sound of the final shots.

In sequence - the graze shot from the rear, followed by the frontal shot to the temple, finally a possible shot to the side of the head [as per the Hoover comments and other related info on the small round lodged behind Kennedy's right ear - see Robin Unger's thread on this subject] - hence the movement - forward, back, then left [and the remarks made by Bill Newman in his interview with Ian Griggs where he speaks about Kennedy going over into Jackie's lap as if he had been hit by a baseball bat -- however it could also be a matter of a total lack of normal muscular coordination associated with the destruction of the brain following the frontal shot which accounts for the 'left' movement]. The gap between the rear shot and the front shot should have accounted for additional frames - seen by those that have been privleged to witness 'other' supressed footage of the assassination. This was made quite clear to me from the individuals I questioned whom claimed to have seen such a film or films [plural].

In the Zapruder footage, the round which accounted for the graze wound to the right top of Kennedy's head would have continued on, or near, it's original trajectory.

Nellie Connally pulled John Connally into her lap - until z313, this theory assumes that he would have suffered no wounds to his chest or back area until this time. The round which grazed the top of Kennedy's head continued on into Connally's chest, shattering a rib, exiting the back and may have penetrated the floor pan. Other fragments from the original impact would most likely have been associated with the lead fragments collected from the Lincoln - perhaps even accounting for the dent in the chrome trim around the windshield? Efforts were made afterwards to conceal a frontal entry, and coordinate the wound with the throat wound and the wound to the President's back.

Again, the 'Harper' fragment was in all likelihood the effort on the part of the individuals involved to destroy the evidence of the shot from the front, which left behind a void in the rear of the skull, a bit larger than a golf ball and witnessed by the staff at Parkland. This fragment would have been planted during the evening of 11/22, and discovered by student Harper the following day, in line with a TSBD 6th floor shooter at Oswald's alleged position. A physical impossibility that a piece of the rear portion of the skull would have been 'discovered' the following day, in the position it was found [ref Don Roberdeau's plat]. The brain was removed to avoid the inevitable examination by a pathologist - and the hole in the rear of the head was enlarged to accommodate this end with the removal of the remains of the brain, in addition to covering the rear exit wound.

In the z-footage which remains, despite efforts to 'synch' the headshots to appear as if they are one in the same - a graze shot is recognized for what it is - and this, again, was independently correlated by two professionals. The following 'back' movement of the head is consistent not with any 'jet effect' or any such nonsense, but from a heavy weight caliber round being fired from the right front.

In line with an effort to 'cover-up' anything beyond a lone nut communist shooting from the 6th floor window of the TSBD, it would then become necessary to create the appropriate smokescreen that would separate the graze wound from the entry to Connally's chest and perhaps the hole in the floorpan, skull fragments, scalp flap, etc - in order to prevent the recognition that the shot originated from a different building entirely, and at a different elevation than the 6th floor.

In the z-footage, following the graze to the top of Kennedy's skull, Connally is lying still, and as meek as a lamb. Soon afterwards, he is turning on his side in agony, and revealing the large exit wound in his back [ref z-footage].

While the whereabouts of the hole in the floorpan will continue to elude - it should be possible to make an estimate, drawing a line back through Connally's wounds and Kennedy's graze wound, to the approximate location of the Dal-Tex shooter.

Let's hope it ain't the Jennifer Juniors offices, cause that would be too creepy.

One interesting observation that can be made here, in line with this theory, is that Connally was not an intended target.

The amazing part about the above theory is this bit posted on the internet by 'Reverend Mack.' In re-reading it for the 10th time, following some period of time in discussion, email exchanges, reading and observation - I realized that he had - roughly speaking - already made this theory public in 2004:


Z313 came from DalTex building

From: reverendmack@hotmail.com (Rev. Mack)

Date: Mon, Apr 5, 2004

There was a right-wing volunteer in the Daltex building

who administered the head shot.


If you have ever seen the Zapruder film that has been

computer-enhanced to eliminate the Zapruder shaking

camera, you will see that the same bullet that

blows up JFK's head also slams Connaly into the

back of the front seat.

Agreed with caveat - Connally does not appear to 'slam' into the back of the front seat - but he certainly turns all of the way over, and exposes the exit wound in his back.

If it came from the grassy knoll, it would have made

a split in JFK's head from right to left and then hit


Disagree - this was a separate shot from the temple entry, which exited and had no impact on Jackie, but in all likelihood was responsible for the 'dust' spoken of by the mystery FBI? agent encountered by Jean Hill and spoken of in her record.

Mrs. HILL - Then, he asked me I was asked did I know that a bullet struck at my feet and I said, "No; I didn't." And he said, "What do you think that dust was?"

As it was, the head was split from back to front

and a little high to the right, accounting for

that part of the head exploding. Large fragments must

have gone on to Connally.

Agreed with caveat: Not certain as to the size of the fragments. Difficult to say, since there is no record of the size of all of the fragments and where they were originally found.

People are confuse[d] about Connally's motions. First he

is turning this way and that to see what the hell is

happening. Then his WIFE, Nellie, pulls him down from

the back, causing some facial expressions that others

say must have been bullet impacts. Not so. She pulls

him from behind, he's down, *then* his [he's] hit by the

Z313 bullet which has just passed through JFK from

behind, originating in the Daltex building.


Very likely a sophisticated rifle on a tripod was used.

Very likely the trigger man did not do it for a single

payment, but was actually a part of the insider power

structure which planned and carried out the killing.


It was a small group of people who did it originally,

but once done.....

It became a huge coverup by the many, for a many reasons.


Which leads many to conclude that the original conspiracy

was also huge. Not so. Texans did it. They were not all

professionals. It was a surprise to many others who

immediately or eventually went along or died.

Disagree - lot's of Texans - but that doesn't cover it all...IMO.

Agreed - intimidation and liquidation.[/quote]

'Green grass and high tides forever...'

Please, All you need to know...was the Pleura penetrated !!!! If it wasn't (and It wasn't),... all the arguments and verbage go out the window!

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Input from multiple sources, including professional opinions, sources, documents, observations etc. Thanks to all who provided input.

Short and sweet.

SBT - one round struck both Kennedy and Connally, coming from the rear. Agreed in principle.


- Bullets fragment upon impact - even when penetrating human skin, but more so, obviously, when encountering human bone.

- Timing associated with the original hoax is inaccurate. This theory assumes that Connally was not struck in the back or chest when the original SBT maintains the event occurred [timing of the high velocity small caliber frontal entry throat wound].

- The shot did not originate from the elevation associated with the 6th floor of the TSBD, nor the TSBD.

- Connally did not suffer from a 'tumbling wound' on entrance - this was instead an exit wound.

- The wounds suffered by Kennedy and Connally were not the result of one bullet.

In speaking with a source, it was indicated to me as fact that Connally was struck not in the back, but in the chest. Mob Dame Hoover's comments made to criminal scum Bull Johnson are not relevant, and should be ignored. Mob Dame Hoover's remarks as to Connally somehow entering into the line of fire intended for Kennedy are simply preposterous.

Two independent professional sources indicated that the shot as seen in the Zapruder film, causing the scalp to flap forward over the face was known as a 'graze' shot - as opposed to a centered shot to the head.

Robin Unger's post concerning the hole in the floorpan of the Lincoln may have a place here.

The mystery of the manipulation of the original Z-film may have a place here.

The shot in question was one of a significant caliber, originating from the rear, striking high on Kennedy's right upper skull, fragmenting the skull and forcing the scalp to part and flap forward. This is consistent with the piece of scalp recovered which contained a trace of make-up, suggesting the area of the hairline. Speculation follows that the shooter in question was tracking his target and preparing to fire at the center of Kennedy's head - all was prepared, and the shooter would have been tracking Kennedy in his scope, accounting for the pitch and curve of Elm St, the windage, the drop and the distance to his target. What neither he, nor his spotter Nestor Izquierdo may have been prepared for, was Greer's sudden braking of the vehicle, which led to a shot that was unintentionally much higher than planned. Speculation. Additional speculation that the individual shooter in question was a white male, based upon other source material.

Using David Lifton's research, it is clear that the head underwent some surgery, placing the flap back into place, in addition to 'surgery' on the front temple wound entrance, which was a separate and distinct shot - heavy weight caliber, coming from the front right, and penetrating the rear - consistent with the accounts of the Parkland Hospital Doctors - I am not planning to go into detail on the frontal shot here.

Frames were removed from the Z-footage, to combine what was in all likelihood as many as 3 separate shots striking Kennedy's head [see Mantik], within moments of one another - and consistent with witness accounts of the repetitive nature of the sound of the final shots.

In sequence - the graze shot from the rear, followed by the frontal shot to the temple, finally a possible shot to the side of the head [as per the Hoover comments and other related info on the small round lodged behind Kennedy's right ear - see Robin Unger's thread on this subject] - hence the movement - forward, back, then left [and the remarks made by Bill Newman in his interview with Ian Griggs where he speaks about Kennedy going over into Jackie's lap as if he had been hit by a baseball bat -- however it could also be a matter of a total lack of normal muscular coordination associated with the destruction of the brain following the frontal shot which accounts for the 'left' movement]. The gap between the rear shot and the front shot should have accounted for additional frames - seen by those that have been privleged to witness 'other' supressed footage of the assassination. This was made quite clear to me from the individuals I questioned whom claimed to have seen such a film or films [plural].

In the Zapruder footage, the round which accounted for the graze wound to the right top of Kennedy's head would have continued on, or near, it's original trajectory.

Nellie Connally pulled John Connally into her lap - until z313, this theory assumes that he would have suffered no wounds to his chest or back area until this time. The round which grazed the top of Kennedy's head continued on into Connally's chest, shattering a rib, exiting the back and may have penetrated the floor pan. Other fragments from the original impact would most likely have been associated with the lead fragments collected from the Lincoln - perhaps even accounting for the dent in the chrome trim around the windshield? Efforts were made afterwards to conceal a frontal entry, and coordinate the wound with the throat wound and the wound to the President's back.

Again, the 'Harper' fragment was in all likelihood the effort on the part of the individuals involved to destroy the evidence of the shot from the front, which left behind a void in the rear of the skull, a bit larger than a golf ball and witnessed by the staff at Parkland. This fragment would have been planted during the evening of 11/22, and discovered by student Harper the following day, in line with a TSBD 6th floor shooter at Oswald's alleged position. A physical impossibility that a piece of the rear portion of the skull would have been 'discovered' the following day, in the position it was found [ref Don Roberdeau's plat]. The brain was removed to avoid the inevitable examination by a pathologist - and the hole in the rear of the head was enlarged to accommodate this end with the removal of the remains of the brain, in addition to covering the rear exit wound.

In the z-footage which remains, despite efforts to 'synch' the headshots to appear as if they are one in the same - a graze shot is recognized for what it is - and this, again, was independently correlated by two professionals. The following 'back' movement of the head is consistent not with any 'jet effect' or any such nonsense, but from a heavy weight caliber round being fired from the right front.

In line with an effort to 'cover-up' anything beyond a lone nut communist shooting from the 6th floor window of the TSBD, it would then become necessary to create the appropriate smokescreen that would separate the graze wound from the entry to Connally's chest and perhaps the hole in the floorpan, skull fragments, scalp flap, etc - in order to prevent the recognition that the shot originated from a different building entirely, and at a different elevation than the 6th floor.

In the z-footage, following the graze to the top of Kennedy's skull, Connally is lying still, and as meek as a lamb. Soon afterwards, he is turning on his side in agony, and revealing the large exit wound in his back [ref z-footage].

While the whereabouts of the hole in the floorpan will continue to elude - it should be possible to make an estimate, drawing a line back through Connally's wounds and Kennedy's graze wound, to the approximate location of the Dal-Tex shooter.

Let's hope it ain't the Jennifer Juniors offices, cause that would be too creepy.

One interesting observation that can be made here, in line with this theory, is that Connally was not an intended target.

The amazing part about the above theory is this bit posted on the internet by 'Reverend Mack.' In re-reading it for the 10th time, following some period of time in discussion, email exchanges, reading and observation - I realized that he had - roughly speaking - already made this theory public in 2004:


Z313 came from DalTex building

From: reverendmack@hotmail.com (Rev. Mack)

Date: Mon, Apr 5, 2004

There was a right-wing volunteer in the Daltex building

who administered the head shot.


If you have ever seen the Zapruder film that has been

computer-enhanced to eliminate the Zapruder shaking

camera, you will see that the same bullet that

blows up JFK's head also slams Connaly into the

back of the front seat.

Agreed with caveat - Connally does not appear to 'slam' into the back of the front seat - but he certainly turns all of the way over, and exposes the exit wound in his back.

If it came from the grassy knoll, it would have made

a split in JFK's head from right to left and then hit


Disagree - this was a separate shot from the temple entry, which exited and had no impact on Jackie, but in all likelihood was responsible for the 'dust' spoken of by the mystery FBI? agent encountered by Jean Hill and spoken of in her record.

Mrs. HILL - Then, he asked me I was asked did I know that a bullet struck at my feet and I said, "No; I didn't." And he said, "What do you think that dust was?"

As it was, the head was split from back to front

and a little high to the right, accounting for

that part of the head exploding. Large fragments must

have gone on to Connally.

Agreed with caveat: Not certain as to the size of the fragments. Difficult to say, since there is no record of the size of all of the fragments and where they were originally found.

People are confuse[d] about Connally's motions. First he

is turning this way and that to see what the hell is

happening. Then his WIFE, Nellie, pulls him down from

the back, causing some facial expressions that others

say must have been bullet impacts. Not so. She pulls

him from behind, he's down, *then* his [he's] hit by the

Z313 bullet which has just passed through JFK from

behind, originating in the Daltex building.


Very likely a sophisticated rifle on a tripod was used.

Very likely the trigger man did not do it for a single

payment, but was actually a part of the insider power

structure which planned and carried out the killing.


It was a small group of people who did it originally,

but once done.....

It became a huge coverup by the many, for a many reasons.


Which leads many to conclude that the original conspiracy

was also huge. Not so. Texans did it. They were not all

professionals. It was a surprise to many others who

immediately or eventually went along or died.

Disagree - lot's of Texans - but that doesn't cover it all...IMO.

Agreed - intimidation and liquidation.[/quote]

'Green grass and high tides forever...'

Please, All you need to know...was the Pleura penetrated !!!! If it wasn't (and It wasn't),... all the arguments and verbage go out the window!

If it wasn't (and It wasn't),... all the arguments and verbage go out the window!

Sounds more like something that I would have stated!

However, there is "verbage", and then there is "garbage"

First off, the Pleura of JFK WAS NOT penetrated. (assuming this is who we speak of on the subject).

This however does not mean that there are no salient points in the "verbage" which are not worth a close review. However few they may be.

The problem being, as it has been for years, separation of accurate and factual "verbage" from the refuse pile of pure garbage.

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Please, All you need to know...was the Pleura penetrated !!!! If it wasn't (and It wasn't),... all the arguments and verbage go out the window!

Sorry. No clue what you are talking about. RTFM. Thanks for watching.

It looks as if Ron Hepler is also of a similar opinion, however he adds a fourth shot to account for the Connally wound, as opposed to the graze shot, which he believes could correspond with the dent in t windshield chrome also.



When I learned of these statements concerning the impact of the bullet, it was immediately apparent that such forward motion would pinpoint the time of the impact within one frame of the Zapruder film, so I decided to look for that motion. At frame 224, the time of the Lapel Flap there is no motion that matches the description given by the Governor . So I looked at Frame 236, the shoulder drop, surely if the bullet drove his shoulder down it would have driven him forward; but no. What about frame 238, the puffing of the cheeks? Still no cigar. So rather than accept that the Governor was not yet wounded most researchers choose to ignore the statements of the two people most intimate with the event, the wounded man and his wife who was seated next to him at the time of the shooting.

So I continued to let the VCR run in slow motion. During the headshot sequence I thought I saw the governor driven forward. I replayed the headshot sequence time after time at normal speed, in slow motion, and in single frame step mode, often covering the President with my hand so as to be able to focus completely on the Governor without my eyes being drawn to the headshot.

Frame 315

Frame 321

Frame 326

Frame 338

That was it. The bullet obviously impacted him under the armpit at frame 315 as he attempted to raise himself from his wife's lap. The first evidence of motion is visible at frame 316. He is driven forward as is shown in frame 321 and hits the back of the front seat at frame 323. He immediately collapses just as Mrs. Connally had described in frame 326. A second violent motion is noticeable at about frame 338 when run at normal speed. This motion is most likely the impact of the wrist shot that then goes on to cause the thigh injury. Evidence of the Governor's wounding after the headshot was noted by Robert Groden in his book, "The Killing of a President. (4) as Shot # 6.

All indications are that the Governor was the victim of the last two shots of what was obviously a four shot volley aimed at the President's head. The first shot of this volley, at frame 312, was apparently only a tangential hit, gently shoving the President's head forward and possibly denting the windshield frame of the limo. The second shot from the Grassy Knoll at frame 313 was a solid impact, driving the President's head violently backward. With JFK's head deflected from its targeted location, the third shot sailed past at frame 315 and into the Governor's back shattering his fifth rib, rupturing his right lung and exiting out of his chest. The last shot, fired at about frame 338, impacts the Governor's wrist, shattering the radius bone with the remains coming to rest in his thigh.

Edited by Lee Forman
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Please, All you need to know...was the Pleura penetrated !!!! If it wasn't (and It wasn't),... all the arguments and verbage go out the window!

Sorry. No clue what you are talking about. RTFM. Thanks for watching.

It looks as if Ron Hepler is also of a similar opinion, however he adds a fourth shot to account for the Connally wound, as opposed to the graze shot, which he believes could correspond with the dent in t windshield chrome also.



When I learned of these statements concerning the impact of the bullet, it was immediately apparent that such forward motion would pinpoint the time of the impact within one frame of the Zapruder film, so I decided to look for that motion. At frame 224, the time of the Lapel Flap there is no motion that matches the description given by the Governor . So I looked at Frame 236, the shoulder drop, surely if the bullet drove his shoulder down it would have driven him forward; but no. What about frame 238, the puffing of the cheeks? Still no cigar. So rather than accept that the Governor was not yet wounded most researchers choose to ignore the statements of the two people most intimate with the event, the wounded man and his wife who was seated next to him at the time of the shooting.

So I continued to let the VCR run in slow motion. During the headshot sequence I thought I saw the governor driven forward. I replayed the headshot sequence time after time at normal speed, in slow motion, and in single frame step mode, often covering the President with my hand so as to be able to focus completely on the Governor without my eyes being drawn to the headshot.

Frame 315

Frame 321

Frame 326

Frame 338

That was it. The bullet obviously impacted him under the armpit at frame 315 as he attempted to raise himself from his wife's lap. The first evidence of motion is visible at frame 316. He is driven forward as is shown in frame 321 and hits the back of the front seat at frame 323. He immediately collapses just as Mrs. Connally had described in frame 326. A second violent motion is noticeable at about frame 338 when run at normal speed. This motion is most likely the impact of the wrist shot that then goes on to cause the thigh injury. Evidence of the Governor's wounding after the headshot was noted by Robert Groden in his book, "The Killing of a President. (4) as Shot # 6.

All indications are that the Governor was the victim of the last two shots of what was obviously a four shot volley aimed at the President's head. The first shot of this volley, at frame 312, was apparently only a tangential hit, gently shoving the President's head forward and possibly denting the windshield frame of the limo. The second shot from the Grassy Knoll at frame 313 was a solid impact, driving the President's head violently backward. With JFK's head deflected from its targeted location, the third shot sailed past at frame 315 and into the Governor's back shattering his fifth rib, rupturing his right lung and exiting out of his chest. The last shot, fired at about frame 338, impacts the Governor's wrist, shattering the radius bone with the remains coming to rest in his thigh.


Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

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Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

Got it - not in any way saying that there was anything to the lies sold by FBI snitch Ford or Senator Specter. The man needs to retract his bs and apologize.

Here's a gif - should demonstrate the back wound - from the size of it, seems hard to call it an entry wound. Connally completely rolls over following 313. This isn't what I wanted - it's what I had already made.

- lee

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Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

Got it - not in any way saying that there was anything to the lies sold by FBI snitch Ford or Senator Specter. The man needs to retract his bs and apologize.

Here's a gif - should demonstrate the back wound - from the size of it, seems hard to call it an entry wound. Connally completely rolls over following 313. This isn't what I wanted - it's what I had already made.

- lee

Personally, I would not despair!

Especially considering that you are closer to being correct, than to being incorrect.

There was an "SBT" and it was also the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET".

In that not only did the bullet pass through JFK, but it also passed through JBC.

And, in true "Magical Style", it thereafter disappeared.

However, it/the bullet, was neither the first, nor was it the second shot at Z313.

It was in fact, the third/last/final shot, which occurred down in front of James Altgens, and after having passed through the head/mid-brain of JFK, exited to strike JFK in the right shoulder, passing through his chest on a downward angle, exiting, to thereafter penetrate the left upper leg.

So, those who have "sold" the SBT theory, did not in fact even have to be original in their thought process since there was in fact a SBT.

They merely had to be ingenious enough to thereafter make virtually all trace of this shot & bullet, become MAGIC and thereafter disappear.

Think hard on this one!

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear.

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Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

Got it - not in any way saying that there was anything to the lies sold by FBI snitch Ford or Senator Specter. The man needs to retract his bs and apologize.

Here's a gif - should demonstrate the back wound - from the size of it, seems hard to call it an entry wound. Connally completely rolls over following 313. This isn't what I wanted - it's what I had already made.

- lee

Personally, I would not despair!

Especially considering that you are closer to being correct, than to being incorrect.

There was an "SBT" and it was also the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET".

In that not only did the bullet pass through JFK, but it also passed through JBC.

And, in true "Magical Style", it thereafter disappeared.

However, it/the bullet, was neither the first, nor was it the second shot at Z313.

It was in fact, the third/last/final shot, which occurred down in front of James Altgens, and after having passed through the head/mid-brain of JFK, exited to strike JFK in the right shoulder, passing through his chest on a downward angle, exiting, to thereafter penetrate the left upper leg.

So, those who have "sold" the SBT theory, did not in fact even have to be original in their thought process since there was in fact a SBT.

They merely had to be ingenious enough to thereafter make virtually all trace of this shot & bullet, become MAGIC and thereafter disappear.

Think hard on this one!

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear.

Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

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Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

Got it - not in any way saying that there was anything to the lies sold by FBI snitch Ford or Senator Specter. The man needs to retract his bs and apologize.

Here's a gif - should demonstrate the back wound - from the size of it, seems hard to call it an entry wound. Connally completely rolls over following 313. This isn't what I wanted - it's what I had already made.

- lee

Personally, I would not despair!

Especially considering that you are closer to being correct, than to being incorrect.

There was an "SBT" and it was also the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET".

In that not only did the bullet pass through JFK, but it also passed through JBC.

And, in true "Magical Style", it thereafter disappeared.

However, it/the bullet, was neither the first, nor was it the second shot at Z313.

It was in fact, the third/last/final shot, which occurred down in front of James Altgens, and after having passed through the head/mid-brain of JFK, exited to strike JFK in the right shoulder, passing through his chest on a downward angle, exiting, to thereafter penetrate the left upper leg.

So, those who have "sold" the SBT theory, did not in fact even have to be original in their thought process since there was in fact a SBT.

They merely had to be ingenious enough to thereafter make virtually all trace of this shot & bullet, become MAGIC and thereafter disappear.

Think hard on this one!

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear.

Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

Glad that someone here understands me!

The downward angle of penetration from just to the right of the scapula of JBC, entering to strike the right fifth rib and running parallel with the rib to exit under the right nipple, would appear as a cross-angle as well as a downward angle. (When JBC is sitting in the upright position)

Mostly, it is a downward angle as JBC was leaning/almost laying over across the seats with his right shoulder "up" and exposed between the jump seats.

The third round exited the frontal area of JFK's skull and thereafter struck JBC in the right shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

It is mostly a "downward" angle of penetration through JBC, just that when he is placed back into the vertical/sittting upright position, this downward angle now becomes a combination downward as well as considerable cross-angle of penetration.

There was no tumbling of the bullet. The elongated nature of the entry wound into the back/shoulder of JBC is merely due to the natural downward angle of penetration.

In that regards, the HSCA at least made some pretty good drawings which demonstrate the "abrasion collar" and how these elongated entry wounds occur.

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Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

Got it - not in any way saying that there was anything to the lies sold by FBI snitch Ford or Senator Specter. The man needs to retract his bs and apologize.

Here's a gif - should demonstrate the back wound - from the size of it, seems hard to call it an entry wound. Connally completely rolls over following 313. This isn't what I wanted - it's what I had already made.

- lee

Personally, I would not despair!

Especially considering that you are closer to being correct, than to being incorrect.

There was an "SBT" and it was also the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET".

In that not only did the bullet pass through JFK, but it also passed through JBC.

And, in true "Magical Style", it thereafter disappeared.

However, it/the bullet, was neither the first, nor was it the second shot at Z313.

It was in fact, the third/last/final shot, which occurred down in front of James Altgens, and after having passed through the head/mid-brain of JFK, exited to strike JFK in the right shoulder, passing through his chest on a downward angle, exiting, to thereafter penetrate the left upper leg.

So, those who have "sold" the SBT theory, did not in fact even have to be original in their thought process since there was in fact a SBT.

They merely had to be ingenious enough to thereafter make virtually all trace of this shot & bullet, become MAGIC and thereafter disappear.

Think hard on this one!

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear.

Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

Glad that someone here understands me!

The downward angle of penetration from just to the right of the scapula of JBC, entering to strike the right fifth rib and running parallel with the rib to exit under the right nipple, would appear as a cross-angle as well as a downward angle. (When JBC is sitting in the upright position)

Mostly, it is a downward angle as JBC was leaning/almost laying over across the seats with his right shoulder "up" and exposed between the jump seats.

The third round exited the frontal area of JFK's skull and thereafter struck JBC in the right shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

It is mostly a "downward" angle of penetration through JBC, just that when he is placed back into the vertical/sittting upright position, this downward angle now becomes a combination downward as well as considerable cross-angle of penetration.

There was no tumbling of the bullet. The elongated nature of the entry wound into the back/shoulder of JBC is merely due to the natural downward angle of penetration.

In that regards, the HSCA at least made some pretty good drawings which demonstrate the "abrasion collar" and how these elongated entry wounds occur.

However, didn't Connolly claim to hear the impact of the headshot, and see its "effects" ( brain matter etc.) AFTER he was shot??

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Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

Got it - not in any way saying that there was anything to the lies sold by FBI snitch Ford or Senator Specter. The man needs to retract his bs and apologize.

Here's a gif - should demonstrate the back wound - from the size of it, seems hard to call it an entry wound. Connally completely rolls over following 313. This isn't what I wanted - it's what I had already made.

- lee

Personally, I would not despair!

Especially considering that you are closer to being correct, than to being incorrect.

There was an "SBT" and it was also the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET".

In that not only did the bullet pass through JFK, but it also passed through JBC.

And, in true "Magical Style", it thereafter disappeared.

However, it/the bullet, was neither the first, nor was it the second shot at Z313.

It was in fact, the third/last/final shot, which occurred down in front of James Altgens, and after having passed through the head/mid-brain of JFK, exited to strike JFK in the right shoulder, passing through his chest on a downward angle, exiting, to thereafter penetrate the left upper leg.

So, those who have "sold" the SBT theory, did not in fact even have to be original in their thought process since there was in fact a SBT.

They merely had to be ingenious enough to thereafter make virtually all trace of this shot & bullet, become MAGIC and thereafter disappear.

Think hard on this one!

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear.

Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

Glad that someone here understands me!

The downward angle of penetration from just to the right of the scapula of JBC, entering to strike the right fifth rib and running parallel with the rib to exit under the right nipple, would appear as a cross-angle as well as a downward angle. (When JBC is sitting in the upright position)

Mostly, it is a downward angle as JBC was leaning/almost laying over across the seats with his right shoulder "up" and exposed between the jump seats.

The third round exited the frontal area of JFK's skull and thereafter struck JBC in the right shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

It is mostly a "downward" angle of penetration through JBC, just that when he is placed back into the vertical/sittting upright position, this downward angle now becomes a combination downward as well as considerable cross-angle of penetration.

There was no tumbling of the bullet. The elongated nature of the entry wound into the back/shoulder of JBC is merely due to the natural downward angle of penetration.

In that regards, the HSCA at least made some pretty good drawings which demonstrate the "abrasion collar" and how these elongated entry wounds occur.

However, didn't Connolly claim to hear the impact of the headshot, and see its "effects" ( brain matter etc.) AFTER he was shot??



"So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

Immediately I could see on my clothes, my clothing, I could see on the interior of the car which, as I recall, was a pale blue, brain tissue, which I immediately recognized, and I recall very well, on my trousers there was one chunk of brain tissue as big as almost my thumb, "



Connally clearly describes how the third/last/final shot blew blood and cerebral tissue all over him and the car. Which happens to be down in front of Altgens, and clearly matches Altgens description of seeing virtually the same thing.

So, since JFK was well below the level of all others when this impact occurred, wanna take a guess as to exactly where the bullet actually went after it passed through the head of JFK.



"We had just made the turn, well, when I heard what I thought was a shot. I heard this noise which I immediately took to be a rifle shot. I instinctively turned to my right because the sound appeared to come from over my right

shoulder, so I turned to look back over my right shoulder, and I saw nothing unusual except just people in the crowd, but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye, and I was interested, because once I heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I immediately--the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an assassination attempt.

So I looked, failing to see him, I was turning to look back over my left shoulder into the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got about in the position I am in now facing you, looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."



First, let's talk about the first lie.

From his hospital bed, shortly after the assassination, JBC clearly stated that he turned and looked at and saw JFK.

This conversation was in a recorded radio interview, and although it has had a tendency to also become "lost" in history, it is still documented fact.

Thereafter, during his WC Testimony, JBC stated: "but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye,"

Personally, I could care less if JBC did or did not catch the President "in the corner of my eye". Originally, JBC stated he observed JFK. Later, the Z-film clearly demonstrates that he was looking directly at JFK, and if he did not see him then he must have had his eyes closed.

JBC has, for a yet undisclosed reason, lied about seeing JFK and his reactions to the first shot.



"and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."



Does this state that he felt the impact of a bullet strike him in the back?????

JBC was struck in the wrist by a fragment from the headshot at Z313. Perhaps this made him feel if someone had hit him in the back, perhaps not! Perhaps just another "evasive" answer in that no lie was actually told.

JBC was not struck by any bullet (or fragment) until such time as the fragment from the Z313 headshot tore through his wrist at the Z313 shot. Which of course also sent the fragments forward into the windshield, etc;.

Not only that, his memory of the blood/brain splatter for the third shot is by far too vivid for him to have had already had the severe injuries to the chest, lung, and rib cage when this third shot occurred.

The pain and pathological damage from this shot, had it occurred previously, would have virtually negated JBC being that aware of the surrounding events that immediately after having received these injuries.

JBC was curled up laying across the open area of the Jump seats, with his legs pulled up into an almost fetal position, suffering from ONLY a fragment injury to the right wrist, at the time that the third/last/final shot passed through the skull of JFK and exited to strike JBC

(got it correct that time) in the right rear shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

Hint: Reach around with your left hand (under the left armpit) and place your obscene jesture finger just to the right of the scapula/shoulder blade.

Now, with your right obscene jesture finger, place the finger on the right front chest, just below the right nipple (with the hand under the forearm/wrist of the left arm)

Now, in sitting erect, look down at this and one will find that the angle between the two points is slightly right to left and slightly downwards.

Now, maintaining the points of contact, lean over onto the left shoulder until almost horizontal, with the right shoulder rolled slightly backwards. This virtually eliminates any "cross-angle", and thereafter makes the penetration through the chest of JBC primarily a "downward angle" of entry, as well as making the elongated nature of the shoulder entry exactly match what the HSCA drew and described as the "Abrasion Collar" nature of this type entry.

Lastly, if you wish to see how the leg got into the way, draw the legs up into the complete fetal position.

Hope that answers any questions.


P.S. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, etc:

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Input from multiple sources, including professional opinions, sources, documents, observations etc. Thanks to all who provided input.

Two independent professional sources indicated that the shot as seen in the Zapruder film, causing the scalp to flap forward over the face was known as a 'graze' shot - as opposed to a centered shot to the head.

Lee, one of the conclusions of my three-year full-time study of the medical evidence was that the shot at 313 impacted at the supposed exit, and created a "graze wound" also known as "gutter wound" or "tangential wound." If your professional sources would care to go on record, I would love to cite their opinions in the head wound chapters at patspeer.com.

Thanks, Pat

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Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

Got it - not in any way saying that there was anything to the lies sold by FBI snitch Ford or Senator Specter. The man needs to retract his bs and apologize.

Here's a gif - should demonstrate the back wound - from the size of it, seems hard to call it an entry wound. Connally completely rolls over following 313. This isn't what I wanted - it's what I had already made.

- lee

Personally, I would not despair!

Especially considering that you are closer to being correct, than to being incorrect.

There was an "SBT" and it was also the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET".

In that not only did the bullet pass through JFK, but it also passed through JBC.

And, in true "Magical Style", it thereafter disappeared.

However, it/the bullet, was neither the first, nor was it the second shot at Z313.

It was in fact, the third/last/final shot, which occurred down in front of James Altgens, and after having passed through the head/mid-brain of JFK, exited to strike JFK in the right shoulder, passing through his chest on a downward angle, exiting, to thereafter penetrate the left upper leg.

So, those who have "sold" the SBT theory, did not in fact even have to be original in their thought process since there was in fact a SBT.

They merely had to be ingenious enough to thereafter make virtually all trace of this shot & bullet, become MAGIC and thereafter disappear.

Think hard on this one!

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear.

Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

Glad that someone here understands me!

The downward angle of penetration from just to the right of the scapula of JBC, entering to strike the right fifth rib and running parallel with the rib to exit under the right nipple, would appear as a cross-angle as well as a downward angle. (When JBC is sitting in the upright position)

Mostly, it is a downward angle as JBC was leaning/almost laying over across the seats with his right shoulder "up" and exposed between the jump seats.

The third round exited the frontal area of JFK's skull and thereafter struck JBC in the right shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

It is mostly a "downward" angle of penetration through JBC, just that when he is placed back into the vertical/sittting upright position, this downward angle now becomes a combination downward as well as considerable cross-angle of penetration.

There was no tumbling of the bullet. The elongated nature of the entry wound into the back/shoulder of JBC is merely due to the natural downward angle of penetration.

In that regards, the HSCA at least made some pretty good drawings which demonstrate the "abrasion collar" and how these elongated entry wounds occur.

However, didn't Connolly claim to hear the impact of the headshot, and see its "effects" ( brain matter etc.) AFTER he was shot??



"So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

Immediately I could see on my clothes, my clothing, I could see on the interior of the car which, as I recall, was a pale blue, brain tissue, which I immediately recognized, and I recall very well, on my trousers there was one chunk of brain tissue as big as almost my thumb, "



Connally clearly describes how the third/last/final shot blew blood and cerebral tissue all over him and the car. Which happens to be down in front of Altgens, and clearly matches Altgens description of seeing virtually the same thing.

So, since JFK was well below the level of all others when this impact occurred, wanna take a guess as to exactly where the bullet actually went after it passed through the head of JFK.



"We had just made the turn, well, when I heard what I thought was a shot. I heard this noise which I immediately took to be a rifle shot. I instinctively turned to my right because the sound appeared to come from over my right

shoulder, so I turned to look back over my right shoulder, and I saw nothing unusual except just people in the crowd, but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye, and I was interested, because once I heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I immediately--the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an assassination attempt.

So I looked, failing to see him, I was turning to look back over my left shoulder into the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got about in the position I am in now facing you, looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."



First, let's talk about the first lie.

From his hospital bed, shortly after the assassination, JBC clearly stated that he turned and looked at and saw JFK.

This conversation was in a recorded radio interview, and although it has had a tendency to also become "lost" in history, it is still documented fact.

Thereafter, during his WC Testimony, JBC stated: "but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye,"

Personally, I could care less if JBC did or did not catch the President "in the corner of my eye". Originally, JBC stated he observed JFK. Later, the Z-film clearly demonstrates that he was looking directly at JFK, and if he did not see him then he must have had his eyes closed.

JBC has, for a yet undisclosed reason, lied about seeing JFK and his reactions to the first shot.



"and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."



Does this state that he felt the impact of a bullet strike him in the back?????

JBC was struck in the wrist by a fragment from the headshot at Z313. Perhaps this made him feel if someone had hit him in the back, perhaps not! Perhaps just another "evasive" answer in that no lie was actually told.

JBC was not struck by any bullet (or fragment) until such time as the fragment from the Z313 headshot tore through his wrist at the Z313 shot. Which of course also sent the fragments forward into the windshield, etc;.

Not only that, his memory of the blood/brain splatter for the third shot is by far too vivid for him to have had already had the severe injuries to the chest, lung, and rib cage when this third shot occurred.

The pain and pathological damage from this shot, had it occurred previously, would have virtually negated JBC being that aware of the surrounding events that immediately after having received these injuries.

JBC was curled up laying across the open area of the Jump seats, with his legs pulled up into an almost fetal position, suffering from ONLY a fragment injury to the right wrist, at the time that the third/last/final shot passed through the skull of JFK and exited to strike JBC

(got it correct that time) in the right rear shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

Hint: Reach around with your left hand (under the left armpit) and place your obscene jesture finger just to the right of the scapula/shoulder blade.

Now, with your right obscene jesture finger, place the finger on the right front chest, just below the right nipple (with the hand under the forearm/wrist of the left arm)

Now, in sitting erect, look down at this and one will find that the angle between the two points is slightly right to left and slightly downwards.

Now, maintaining the points of contact, lean over onto the left shoulder until almost horizontal, with the right shoulder rolled slightly backwards. This virtually eliminates any "cross-angle", and thereafter makes the penetration through the chest of JBC primarily a "downward angle" of entry, as well as making the elongated nature of the shoulder entry exactly match what the HSCA drew and described as the "Abrasion Collar" nature of this type entry.

Lastly, if you wish to see how the leg got into the way, draw the legs up into the complete fetal position.

Hope that answers any questions.


P.S. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, etc:

Hmmm, What Z frame do you put the last head shot / Connolly shoulder shot at? I am presuming you are saying there were two headshots, 313 and ? -Bill

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