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What was it about the 60s?

Guest Stephen Turner

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Guest Stephen Turner

I think the topic header is self explanatory.

My theory is that when we talk of "the 60s" we are not really just refering to the actual decade, but a period of time that ran from about late 1963, to late 1976, after which, it seems to me, everthing began to turn sour.

I have friends, slightly older than I, who display signs of melancolia, and astute nostalgia when discussing this subject, it is almost as if they are homesick for another place, and feel stranded in an unfamiliar, unfriendly Country. They also feel that a hugh opportunity was somehow wasted.

So, what was it about this time that raised such hope in so many People, what ultimately went wrong, and is there any chance of reclaiming its legacy.

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Guest Stephen Turner
...and it scared the **** out of the powers that were and are...and they attacked us with all their might.

Peter, that strikes right to the heart of it. The though of independant People, building their own Societies, rejecting racism, sexism and far more distubingly refusing to fight in a pointless War, did, as you say, scare the **** out of them. But what continues to haunt their dreams is the fact that,culturally the Sixties came out of nowhere. No mainstream pundits predicted it, they were left floundering, only able to comment on the phenomina that was unfurling all about them, and the ongoing nightmare for the Elite is that something similar might be in the brew right now, hence the need to constantly demonize, or as you say, trivialise these times. Right wing media hoares are literally triping over each other to denounce the Sixties when ever resistance raises its head. I can't remember the exact words but as Mario Savio said, "Sometimes the actions of the Machine become so odious, that you are forced to put your very bodies against the levers and gears." Be nice to see some more of that....

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