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Mystery surrounds Lee Harvey Oswald's ring

Peter Fokes

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No one sure who owns simple wedding band with complex past

03:53 PM CDT on Saturday, October 27, 2007

By HUGH AYNESWORTH / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News

FORT WORTH – A few years ago, a local lawyer noticed a cache of legal

papers in a seldom-used file area at his firm – a discovery that set

in motion a bizarre and intriguing connection to the day John F.

Kennedy was killed in Dallas.

Stuffed in with those legal documents was a small gold wedding band.

That ring almost assuredly was Lee Harvey Oswald's.

"I don't think anybody has any doubt about that," said Luke Ellis, one

of the partners at Brackett & Ellis.

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For full article go to URL above.

Peter Fokes

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He hopes the ring can be given to some institution where it would be exhibited in a respectful, historical setting.

"I'd hate to see it on eBay," he said.

I don't agree with Mr. Ellis, I do think that the ring should end up on Ebay ( that is, If Marina Oswald chooses to sell it there). This lady, and her children have suffered and their future generations will continue to suffer over a horrible National tragedy that they had nothing to do with. If they can benefit from this ring, I think that they should.


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I find it interesting that Marina doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with the ring. Hmm.

Anyone notice the error in the article? Lee and Marina were married in April 1961, not 1960 as Aynesworth says. Just me being nitpicky, I guess... :(

Oh, and I agree with Mr. Ellis; I don't think the ring should be sold on eBay. It's of historical interest and should be in a museum so everyone can see it and not kept in some rich person's collection. Of course it really belongs to Marina and her daughters to do with as they see fit but I'd hate to see it bought and then locked away in some collector's safe deposit box.

Thank you for the link!

Edited by Courtney Redd
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That's a modified reprint of an old article dated Sept. 1, 2004 by Mr. Aynesworth.

I remember Mr. Marquart's name coming up when I was browsing the City of Dallas's records awhile back, and something seemed strange to me about it at the time. I think it had to do with both Marina and Robert, but I don't remember the specifics. I'll try to dig and see if I can re-find it.


Edited by J. William King
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I find it interesting that Marina doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with the ring. Hmm.

Anyone notice the error in the article? Lee and Marina were married in April 1961, not 1960 as Aynesworth says. Just me being nitpicky, I guess... :eek

Oh, and I agree with Mr. Ellis; I don't think the ring should be sold on eBay. It's of historical interest and should be in a museum so everyone can see it and not kept in some rich person's collection. Of course it really belongs to Marina and her daughters to do with as they see fit but I'd hate to see it bought and then locked away in some collector's safe deposit box.

Thank you for the link!

You are welcome.

As you mention, Marina is not interested in the ring.

That seems odd. You would think one of her children might want it as

a keepsake.

Robert Oswald's attitude seems at odds with Marina's apparent


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Marina said she wanted nothing to do with the newly discovered ring.

"If somebody has it, let them have it. I don't care," she said.

Robert Oswald, Lee Harvey's brother who is retired and lives in

Wichita Falls, said he would be pleased to examine the ring to make

sure it was his brother's.

"If the lawyer wants to send it to me, fine," he said. "If not, that's

fine also. But it should stay in the family."

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"Stay" in the family?

Seems the ring has already "left" the family.


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