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Goldwater & the Assassination of JFK

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Here's Vox Pop - a Brooklyn corner cafe and publisher who put out Bradley Ayers The Zenith Secret, who Ayers is now in court with over the book.

The two chapters they decided to post have J. Tim Gratz worked up in a frenzy, so I'd thought I'd post a link to them so everyone knows what JTG is ranting about. And the Zenith Secret thread can focus on Zenith Tech Services - AKA JMWAVE operations.





The CIA official response to the book:



Another view of Brad Ayers and Dan Hops


Edited by William Kelly
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Here's Vox Pop - a Brooklyn corner cafe and publisher who put out Bradley Ayers The Zenith Secret, who Ayers is now in court with over the book.

The two chapters they decided to post have J. Tim Gratz worked up in a frenzy, so I'd thought I'd post a link to them so everyone knows what JTG is ranting about. And the Zenith Secret thread can focus on Zenith Tech Services - AKA JMWAVE operations.





The CIA official response to the book:



Another view of Brad Ayers and Dan Hops


Certainly Barry Goldwater stood the most to gain from the death of JFK. His chances to win

in 1964 went up quite considerably but not enough to unseat Johnson. And Nathaniel Weyl

confessed that Goldwater was the behind the scenes driving force behind the Bayo Pawley

affair, hoping to have Russian missile officers flown to his Arizona ranch for a press conference

so he could embarrass JFK and perhaps force a military action against the missile silos in Cuba.

Did Weyl say anthing more to you about Goldwater and the Bayo Pawley affair? My guess is

that Goldwater through his YAF and Birch contacts in Dallas was 100% up to date on the topic

of the JFK hit and did nothing to stop it. He was the 1962 YAF Freedom award winner, and

Bob Morris was the 1964 YAF Man of the Year. Was Goldwater a hands off pending beneficiary

of the JFK hit or more of a hands on operations guy? I favor the former over the latter. Morales

was definitely in on the Miami plot but as for Dallas, who knows really? Mary Ferrell's informant

did not mention his name to either her or to me. Maybe Ayers is just projecting the Miami team

to Dallas, I know I jumped to that conclusion once as well. The Dallas Team was the Mitch

Werbell, Robert F. Baird, Homer Echevarria, R. Emmett Johnson crowd and not the Miami crowd.

Just my honest opinion. Even E. Howard Hunt feared William Harvey as a drunk and a psycho.

And Hunt would have watched as the pending Miami motorcade was turned into a copter flight.

Did Hunt scurry to Dallas? Probably. Was Marita Lorenz right? Probably. Did Sturgis have a

role. DEFINITELY. Did Hunt have a Dallas role? Almost 100% he did. His kid said he was gone

from the house when he came home from school after JFK died, and he said his Dad WAS the

3rd tramp too and he said his Dad perjured himself twice at least.

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