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Just asking questions

Steven Gaal

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Tim Gratz's former boss ,John Cooke, Jr.. Who is this ? I'm sure he will say Jr. a big time liberal. But the Cooke empire does provide a flyer for our PINKO Navy. Lets start with dad (Father Sr.) see


connected to Edward Bennett Williams http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwilliamsBT.htm (client Richard Helms ??) and Williams pal was Hundley who "took care of Martha Mitchell". Hay !, a Watergate connection..well who does not have one of those ?? ( Wink =wink TIM) . For Hundley see

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6061301681.html (BTW when you read the name Strauss you should know he was at the Dallas Parade route meeting and his name was withheld by the SS)

The NFL was a very MOBed up place.

Then Moldea interacts with Cooke empire.


About Cooke Communications, LLC

Located in the Florida Keys, Cooke Communications, LLC. Is owned by John Kent Cooke, Sr. scion of a family with strong roots in newspaper publishing: Family patriarch Jack Kent Cooke, once owned the Los Angeles Daily News, as well as a group of community papers in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, as well as the NFL Washington Redskins and Jack Kent Cooke Stadium in Washington, D.C. The current flagship publication of Cooke Communications is The Key West Citizen, and John Kent Cooke, Jr. is the Publisher. The Citizen is the only daily newspaper in the Florida Keys and was established in 1876. The company also publishes several weekly newspapers and various tourist-destination magazines in addition to daily publication of it’s popular news web site; keysnews.com. Keywest.com and floridakeys.com are also owned and operated by Cooke Communications and managed by Thomas Kent Cooke.

Cooke Communication Publications

The Key West Citizen Daily Edition

The Key West Citizen on-line Daily PDF Edition

Keysnews.com on-line Daily

Solares Hill weekly

Free Press weekly for Marathon and Big Pine Key

Free Press weekly for Islamorada

Free Press weekly for Key Largo

Southernmost Flyer weekly for US Navy (Does ONI approve of this flyer ?? )

The Menu Guide quarterly

The Locals Guide monthly

Ocean Reef weekly (during season)

Paradise weekly Magazine

Water, Water Everywhere annual Guide

Hurricane Season annual Guide

Getting Married in the Keys annual Guide

Fantasy Fest annual Guide

Almanac Relocation annual Guide


Edited by Steven Gaal
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I have never been employed by Cooke Communications. I did receive rather modest pay as an independent contractor for some of the articles Mark and I wrote in 2003. They are all available on the cuban-exile website.

Read them yourself. My recollection is several of the five or so articles did not even mention Fidel. contrary to the claims of Robert Charles-Dunne that they were all "blame Fidel" articles.

Steve, duhhh,,, Charlie Cook is not any relation to the Cooke family. Look closely at the spelling of their names.

In any event, too many Cooks (or maybe even Cookes) would spoil the . . . no, that pun is TOO bad to complete!

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