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Scientific knowledge being withheld?

Peter McKenna

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Brian worked with Buzz in the 1980s. Brian helped get Buzz the job, and they shared the same office for awhile. I am not sure, but I think it was for the same aerospace company that was Brian’s last job for the space establishment. That company went whole hog on Reagan’s Star Wars stuff, and Brian refused to get involved, which cost him his job and career.

I do not see Brian’s former moon landing skepticism in any kind of “amazing” light. He made that early-2001 statement long after he had been radicalized and had come face-to-face with the dark underbelly of the space establishment, and it is dark indeed. A relatively benign example of Brian’s exposure to that underbelly was Carl Sagan’s fraudulent “skepticism.”


Sagan recruited Brian straight out of NASA, and Brian worked with Sagan at Cornell, where they were the world’s two leading experts on Mars (but the level of information on Mars in those days was extremely sparse compared to today). While Brian eventually woke up from the dead-end of materialistic science and left the Citadel, Sagan became the Citadel’s Chief High Inquisitor, becoming the world’s leading “skeptic.” Studying the parallels and their eventually divergent paths can lead to important understandings, and their stories can become a poignant parable on pursuing the truth and the pitfalls that beckon along the way. Sagan became the world’s leading “skeptic,” while Brian followed his conscience and began finding out how the world really worked. Brian was on the way to becoming a radical long before the 1980s. He led a protest of Ivy League academics right to the Oval Office door not long before Nixon resigned, and he was stopped at the door by one of Nixon’s henchmen, Haldeman if I recall correctly. Brian became McGovern’s energy advisor during his run to the presidency, and that was a long time before Brian became truly radicalized.

That is a relatively benign example of what Brian ran into on his journey, and another relatively benign aspect is what I have encountered myself regarding astronauts that have been to the moon. How many times do you think they have been asked about their lunar experiences? I’ll bet the questions got real old for Buzz by 1970, so the terse answers that Brian got are not so hard to understand. I have been in milieus like that one, and it can be easy to read “conspiratorial” motivation into people’s reactions, when it is really something far more innocent. That is one of the hazards of investigating “conspiracies.” There are many ways to get sidetracked into dead ends and get mired in minutia that ultimately does not mean much. There is usually a ton of chaff amongst the kernels of wheat. I am not saying that Buzz is not keeping quiet about many things that he knows, with the “national security” sword hanging over his head, but the terse answers that he and his moon-walking brethren often give regarding their lunar exploits I believe have a far more innocent genesis than they are covering up for the faked landings.

The darker stuff that Brian has encountered in the space establishment he will not publicly talk about much, and I will not discuss it publicly until Brian decides to, but let’s just say that it was life-threatening at times. It related to the UFO/ET angle, a subject on which Brian has been one of the most outspoken astronauts, along with Mitchell and Cooper.

Brian has publicly stated that Mallove’s murder was when he decided to leave the country, and I was there for those events:


and I have little doubt that Mallove’s murder was not random. I understand and sympathize with Brian’s position. I have been invited to leave the U.S. for safer pastures several times since 9/11, but I am not ready to give up on America yet, and it is my home.

The Big Boys can play very roughly with people who begin snooping into the free energy milieu, as I know all too well:


Brian wrote the forward to Greer’s latest book:


and the space establishment’s relationship to free energy, anti-gravity and related technologies is the tree worth barking up, not the “moon landings were faked” angle, IMO. Hey, I looked into the moon landings for many years, and part of me would have welcomed information that the moon landings were faked, even though I lived in Houston when my father worked in Mission Control:


I have not talked with my father about his NASA days for many years, but he was also open to the idea that not all was how it may have seemed regarding the moon landings. Again, it is not crazy to suspect that we did not land on the moon, but it takes a lot of time to sift through the claims made by those who argue that the moon landings were faked and take a good, long critical look at the evidence. If you do not have a scientific background, however, the going can be hard. It can be good work to do, but I am 99.9% certain that if you really took the deep dive (it takes a lot of time and effort), you would end up where Brian and I are today on the subject. Jay has admitted that it can take a lot of homework to effectively analyze the evidence supporting the arguments that the moon landings were faked. For instance, he had to do some serious digging to counter the “no visible exhaust” angle that the moon hoax theorists use.


Jay eventually helped convinced me of it, and that exhaust issue is not just used to argue that the moon landings were faked. William Brian and others used the fact of no (or little) visible exhaust as evidence of anti-gravity being used, not that the footage was faked using a crane or something similar.

Again, you are free to do the deep dive on the evidence, and if you come up with something that is truly impressive, I would submit it to Jay and friends (or Evan) before you tout it too much. I understand much of why people think the moon landings may have been faked, but they are barking up the wrong tree, IMO, however well-intended their efforts may be.



Wade, Hello.

I have been reading some of the linked info (eg Tom Beardon) on non-associated Electro-magnetic wave propagation in a vacuum using a virtual or theoretical source-origin charge. This material suggests an infinite (in time) EM field generation.

Are you familiar with this material? I have a couple of questions that relate to this theory. It is interesting to me, though some basic tenets seem to fly in the face of more classical science which I have read.


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Hi Peter:

I am familiar with the rudiments, but in no way would call myself an expert. I CAN direct you to who is more conversant with the physics.


Yes, FE physics is largely outside the bounds of what is in physics texts. Bearden has been trying to reproduce Sparky Sweet’s stuff for a long time:


All I can say is that those close to me have seen the Real McCoy in action:


The technology is very real.

When I watched a UFO light up on request with aerospace and military personnel:


It knocked my aerospace buds back on their heels. One pal, who also went with me in 2006 and 2007, was in a daze for a week afterward. I was not in a daze (I have seen too much of the strange stuff in my life to be dazed), but immediately afterward, I asked myself if spending an entire long weekend traveling several hundred miles for a five-second show was worth it, and at the time I said yes, and still say so. There is no substitute for being there, but seeing an FE device in action is not easy to do. Just yesterday, I had an exchange with Brian on this recent demo:


Brian noted that that kind of out-of-control acceleration of magnetic motors that are able to tap into the zero-point field has been reported by others, e.g., Troy Reed, John Hutchison, Paramahansa Tewari (partially), and others.

Not sure if that helped much.



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As you are probably aware, I consider myself a skeptic. It may surprise you to learn that I do believe in the possibility of (if not the actual existence of) UFOs.

(I define UFOs here as extraterrestrial craft, manned or unmanned. The wider definition of "I saw something which I cannot explain" does not necessarily apply)

I am the first one, however, to admit I have never seen any convincing photographic evidence of them. I just basing my opinions on a couple of experiences, and a belief that the odds are that there is intelligent life out there.

You have mentioned in your essays a couple of links between technology and UFOs.

Is there anything that you - personally - consider to be strong evidence in favour of UFOs? Or do you simply believe that the possibility of their existence cannot be discounted?


Edited by Evan Burton
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Hi Peter:

I am familiar with the rudiments, but in no way would call myself an expert. I CAN direct you to who is more conversant with the physics.


Yes, FE physics is largely outside the bounds of what is in physics texts. Bearden has been trying to reproduce Sparky Sweet’s stuff for a long time:


All I can say is that those close to me have seen the Real McCoy in action:


The technology is very real.

When I watched a UFO light up on request with aerospace and military personnel:


It knocked my aerospace buds back on their heels. One pal, who also went with me in 2006 and 2007, was in a daze for a week afterward. I was not in a daze (I have seen too much of the strange stuff in my life to be dazed), but immediately afterward, I asked myself if spending an entire long weekend traveling several hundred miles for a five-second show was worth it, and at the time I said yes, and still say so. There is no substitute for being there, but seeing an FE device in action is not easy to do. Just yesterday, I had an exchange with Brian on this recent demo:


Brian noted that that kind of out-of-control acceleration of magnetic motors that are able to tap into the zero-point field has been reported by others, e.g., Troy Reed, John Hutchison, Paramahansa Tewari (partially), and others.

Not sure if that helped much.



Thank you Wade,

I've sifted through some of the information out there on the internet (and there’s a lot of it). The stuff I’ve seen concentrates mainly on the empirical aspects of magnetic motors, at least with respect to FE. There isn’t much in the way of structured theory. The closest seems to be Floyd Sweet’s articles, which tie the zero point charge/EMF to virtual particle environment in a vacuum, very much like advanced quantum theory of quark interaction, that is, quarks can leap into existence when needed from a virtual reality. This helps explain photon – photon interactions and the presence and transmission of “light” (at least in my limited understanding).

I looked at as much linked info as I could find from your linked sites. Again, the salient hits were to documented observations of COP > 1, in a seeming open system (Bearden documents Electromagnetic Generator energy return as high as COP > 5)


If this is true, of course it is incredible. I guess I don’t need to point out that there are a fair share of skeptics out there (from perusing the discussion forums).

The New Energy Congress, which, apparently, has been a small group of alternative energy geeks seeking to expand any and all FE possibilities says that it is in the process of funding an ad hoc organizational structure for the group. They link quite a bit of magnetic motor technology sites with the caveat, ‘If this proves to work’, etc.

What is most impressive (to me, anyway), is that in the first five or six pages of Google hits, there were few or no skeptic or debunking hits. The message boards have some skeptics, but they are few and ill-informed. This technology seems to have attained quite a bit of inertia.

It seems that there is a real base of proponents who advocate the study of this field.

Some of the questions I have concern temperature effects on the field strength (particularly in superconducting environments and very low absolute temperature), data acquisition documentation during experiments (I haven’t seen much and I’ll keep looking, but there must be more than what I’ve found). Without a firm tie to fully fleshed out theory, experimental data is key, and there should be a healthy amount of data reduction from these experiments. Do you know any sites where this info may be available?

Thanks for your help so far, and I’ll keep looking (there is much to go through).

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Hi Evan and Peter:

Evan, thanks for beginning this thread. I have been working insane hours at my day job, but have some time this morning. Let me begin by saying that the political-economic dynamics of alternative energy is really my bag.

Evan, I have gone three years in a row to watch UFOs at Mount Adams:


and I received a show every time.

For the record, I was not “skeptical” about UFOs before I went, but seeing one was not that high on my list of things to do, because I had seen way too much “weird” stuff on my journey, and seeing one, while a nice thing to do, I did not think was going to change my worldview much, if at all. All three of us who went in 2005 did not go there to DARE something to happen, but to go SEE something, which James Gilliland says is the best attitude to take along for UFO hunting. If there was not a reported 90% chance of seeing something, I would not have bothered. Even a few seconds after the first spectacular display, I asked myself if spending an entire three-day weekend going to see one was worth it, and my answer was yes and remains so. Watching one “light up” on request was a significant event for me, in ways that I am not sure I can articulate. One of my Boeing buds (professional engineer and project manager) was in a daze for a week after watching that UFO “light up” about a minute after James Gilliland tried to get one to do it.


I have to say that there is nothing quite like being there. I eventually learned that what we saw was better than average, but by no means extraordinary, at James’ ranch. During the next two visits I saw more strange stuff, but if I ever see a show better than that first year, that will be something.

Hi Peter:

The New Energy Congress and New Energy Movement have members (some belong to both orgs, like Sterling Allan) who are very conversant in that stuff and have credentials that you would recognize. I would recommend taking technical issues to them.

Sparky Sweet had the goods. I have encountered three scientists who knew Sparky and studied his device (Bearden, O’Leary and Mr. Advisor - who I am a lot closer to than I can publicly admit at this time):


Sparky’s case is a classic in the field. Sparky actually mailed off working prototypes to the big energy institutions. Not only did he never hear back from any of them, but that was when his harassment really began. When you begin trying to take that pig to market, the Big Boys then mobilize their resources to take you out, by either carrot or stick, as I know all too well.


The Big Boys have their ear very close to the ground, globally, on the FE front.

When Sparky told Mr. Advisor that he mailed off those prototypes, Mr. Advisor chastised Sparky with, “Oh come on, you can’t be that naïve!” But Sparky was. He was an establishment bulwark and suffered from the nerdy naiveté that Bucky remarked on:


Sparky’s end was a tragic one, hiding in the desert.

To Evan’s earlier question, true skepticism is a very healthy thing. My site is full of skepticism, mainly toward things I was taught were true (questioning my ASSSUMPTIONS http://www.ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm#introduction ). Much of my “learning” failed to hold up to my adult scrutiny. If we use rigor in assessing ALL claims, both orthodox and alternative, that is the path to true knowledge. I have long dealt with the “skeptics,” but did not find them to be truly skeptical. They were true believers of another kind, so much so that they have made the word “skeptic” into an Orwellian epithet, and that is too bad.


Defending the establishment is the opposite of true skepticism.

My orientation to the energy issue was originally technological, when my first professional mentor invented the world’s best engine for powering an automobile:


and then I met the man who was selling the world’s best heating system:


I did not get radicalized until I had my nose rubbed in the real world of trying to bring those technologies to the marketplace. I got far more than I bargained for, and that is normal for anybody who truly pursues making a difference in those fields. None of the heretics in FE that I respect began their journeys as “rebels,” but were highly successful true believers in the system.


Part of getting in way over my head was encountering the Real McCoy, more than once. FE technology is very real, but the general public is not going to enjoy its benefits unless there is enough of a collective awakening that helps break through the inertia and suppression. People close to me have seen the goods:


Even though Steven Greer and I both had relatives at NASA on the inside during the Apollo days, and we had mystical awakenings while young, we came to our current FE understandings by different paths. I learned about the suppression of alternative energy the hard way, while Greer learned about it through his Disclosure Project witnesses and subsequent harsh education. Greer has described the FE world that I came to independently know, so he has a certain credibility with me. Although Woolsey has disputed the context of their “briefing” (can you believe anything that a neocon says?) and Ed Mitchell has dissociated himself with Greer for “stretching the data points,” much of what Greer has reported on the FE front


I can verify because I have lived through some of it.

My fellow travelers like Brian O:


Adam Trombly:


and others who will remain anonymous for now:


have had experiences that confirm the general contours of what I have learned over the years, much of it the hard way.

That will not necessarily convince YOU of anything, but that is part of the conundrum. You will not be invited by a faction of the Big Boys anytime soon for an underground exotic technology show. Anybody who has the Real McCoy and goes public is quickly removed from the scene, in one way or another. Performing true investigation of that milieu can be very hazardous to one’s health and is not recommended for the incautious or the naïve. I have had interactions with naïve engineers and scientists over the years.

The vast majority are in deep, irrational denial:


but some have wanted to dive right in where angels fear to tread (and they scare me, for their sake – I do not want any dead, naive, scientists on my conscience, who died because they rushed off to their doom after encountering my work). It was very frustrating to receive Mallove’s skepticism on what I lived through (true skepticism, mind you, as in being willing to dig into the evidence – so Eugene got some points), to have him be murdered a few months later:


That is part of the conundrum and why the ET/FE cover-up has been so successful. Armchair skeptics and Internet surfers will get nowhere, and active investigation and activism is perilous. So very, very few are actually mounting constructive efforts:


sad to say.

We’ll see where this thread goes. I have some hope for it going someplace important.



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Guest David Guyatt

Welcome Wade, in one of your links above ( http://www.ahealedplanet.net/advent.htm#underground ) there is a quotation by Victor Marchetti as follows:

"The purpose of the international conspiracy is to maintain a workable stability among the nations of the world and for them, in turn, to retain institutional control over their restive populations.  Thus, for these governments to admit that there may be…technological capabilities obviously far superior…could, once fully perceived by the average person, erode the foundations of earth's traditional power structure.  Political and legal systems, religious, economic and social institutions could all soon become meaningless in the mind of the public.  The national oligarchical establishments, even civilization as we know it, would collapse into anarchy.  Such extreme conclusions are not necessarily valid, but they probably accurately reflect the fears of the 'ruling classes' of the major nations, whose leaders (particularly in the intelligence business) have always advocated excessive governmental secrecy as being necessary to 'preserve national security.'  The real reason for the secrecy is, of course, to keep the public uninformed, misinformed, and, therefore malleable."[25]

I am dubious that this is a accurate attribution as it doesn't sound to me the sort of statement a careful intelligence professional like Marchetti would make. I would be surprised to hear him use descriptives (for example) like "international conspiracy".

It just doesn't ring true to me.

The usage of words appears (to my eyes anyway) to be... well, fabricated is the only word that comes to mind.

So my question is this: is there any independent source (proof) that these actually are Marchetti's words and not merely attributed to him falsely?

Btw, I don't doubt that free energy is a reality. Tesla appeared to have demonstrated this a century ago. And Zero point discussions in general are very interesting to me.

Despite these keen interests I would require an extraordinary degree of evidence (absolute proof!) to accept the notion that ET life forms were visiting this planet of ours.

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I am dubious that this is a accurate attribution as it doesn't sound to me the sort of statement a careful intelligence professional like Marchetti would make. I would be surprised to hear him use descriptives (for example) like "international conspiracy".

It just doesn't ring true to me.


It appeared in a piece called "How the CIA views the UFO Phenomenon" in SECOND LOOK, Vol.1. No.7, Washington DC, May 1979, pp. 2-7.

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Hi David:

If you read much of my site, you will see that I am pretty careful about correct attribution, such as tracking down that quote from Founding Father Benjamin Rush:


getting permission from Howard Zinn to quote his work:


and so on. I have burned before on quotes that turned out to be apocryphal (or misquoted), such as the Herbert Ley quote on the FDA:


but it has only been a few times. I generally chase down the primary documents, or when I see several credible secondary sources make the same quote (and cite the primary document), then I tend to not go after the primary documents.

With my writings on Ralph McGehee:


I obviously have to have my ducks in a row when I am writing about the CIA, posting official CIA correspondence that way on my site.

Marchetti and Ralph are the only two CIA employees that ever went through the proper legal channels to publish their critical memoirs. I first saw the Marchetti quote in one of Brian O’Leary’s books, and in Terry Hansen’s The Missing Times, he devotes quite a bit of ink to Marchetti. Hansen’s work is highly respected in the circles that I run around in, and as Greg showed, the primary documents are available for Marchetti’s quote, which is the same document that Hansen cites in his book.

I hope that helps,


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Guest David Guyatt

Thanks Greg. Do you have any additional info for SECOND LOOK by ay chance? I can find nothing other than a music CD b a band of the same name...

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Guest David Guyatt
Hi David:

If you read much of my site, you will see that I am pretty careful about correct attribution, such as tracking down that quote from Founding Father Benjamin Rush:


getting permission from Howard Zinn to quote his work:


and so on. I have burned before on quotes that turned out to be apocryphal (or misquoted), such as the Herbert Ley quote on the FDA:


but it has only been a few times. I generally chase down the primary documents, or when I see several credible secondary sources make the same quote (and cite the primary document), then I tend to not go after the primary documents.

With my writings on Ralph McGehee:


I obviously have to have my ducks in a row when I am writing about the CIA, posting official CIA correspondence that way on my site.

Marchetti and Ralph are the only two CIA employees that ever went through the proper legal channels to publish their critical memoirs. I first saw the Marchetti quote in one of Brian O’Leary’s books, and in Terry Hansen’s The Missing Times, he devotes quite a bit of ink to Marchetti. Hansen’s work is highly respected in the circles that I run around in, and as Greg showed, the primary documents are available for Marchetti’s quote, which is the same document that Hansen cites in his book.

I hope that helps,


Thanks Wade.

No disrespect was intended. It's just that a quote of this substance needs, in my opinion, the most authoritative attribution. The language sounds all wrong to my sensitive ears, which has made me cautious even doubtful - these were Marchetti's words. I will be impressed if they do, in fact, turn out to be an accurate attribution.

I was in contact with Ralph McGehee at least ten years ago now concerning my offer to distribute his Ciabase in the UK. I know him to be a very careful researcher/writer and if he cited this quote I woud have far less reservations about it. But I recall that he retired and sold off all his books/archives several years ago due to ill health -- as a consequence of continual and unrelenting harassment from his former employers.

I have no real knowledge of Hansen other than as a UFO journo/author and I therefore have no take on his credibility... do you know where he lifted his Marchetti quote from? I assume that Brian O'Leary is Dr Brian O'Leary the former astronaut? In his book where was his citation lifted from do you know?

Sorry to be a pain in the proverbial, but I would like, if it is feasible, to track down this quotation to its original source. It is an important one (and Marchetti is an important and credible source) and I think it a significant enough statement to expend the effort on.


Edit = PS: btw, I have no problem with the content of the quotation itself which accurately reflects my own conclusions regarding the attitude to the power elite. :unsure:

Edited by David Guyatt
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Guest David Guyatt

Cor! Three posts in succession... a record fro me.

Wade, I took a brief tour of your mate's (James Gilliland's website). What evidence is there that any of the phenomenon shown there is of extraterrestrial origin?



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Hi David:

Greg cited the primary document, which my post stated that Hansen also cited. Again, it is:

SECOND LOOK, Vol.1. No.7, Washington DC, May 1979, pp. 2-7.

You will have to do some digging to find it, and I have about zero doubt that the attribution is accurate. In Hansen’s book, he deals with Marchetti’s quote at more length. Marchetti wrote a several page essay. Marchetti wrote that he did not come into direct knowledge of UFO existence during his CIA days, but he also wrote:

“But I do know that the CIA and the U.S. government have been concerned over the UFO phenomenon for many years and that their attempts, both past and present, to discount the significance of the phenomenon and to explain away the apparent lack of official interest in it have all the earmarks of a classic intelligence cover-up.”

That quote you have doubts about comes later in that essay.

That is a small world regarding Ralph. I bought some of his intelligence library when he shut down CIABASE and moved to Florida in 2000. When he was afraid to leave his house in 2001 because of the FBI’s Stalinist tactics, he faxed me that letter from the CIA to post on my site. He told me that the heat on him immediately reduced after I posted it. Then 9/11 happened a few weeks later, and Ralph has pretty much dropped out of sight since then, trying to live out his remaining years in peace, and I sympathize.

Ralph ended up selling his intelligence library for a song to a local university. I let Ralph know that I would have gladly paid twice what he sold it to that university for but, in the end, I am sure it is for the best. I can barely house my own library, much less take on another thousand volumes, and I am pretty much retired from the field myself. I have other connections to the CIA that I am not at liberty to publicly discuss, but let me just say I always get my facts straight about the CIA before I write about them and, like Ralph, I will not publish any of their “secret” stuff that can give them an excuse to begin harassing me, although we both know that Ralph was not divulging secret stuff himself, and look at what he lived through. Ralph is one of my heroes, and his fate is all-too-common amongst the good guys.

On Gilliland and if the craft are not of this earth, boy, that is a long story, and I will tell a little bit of it here. Part of the point of what is happening at Mount Adams related to my work is that even if it was all terrestrially-based, it obviously gives evidence to technology that is way beyond what is on the market and, at the very least, gives more evidence to FE technology being possible.

However, I believe they are ET in origin, not the least reason being that James obviously mentally interacts with them (nobody who saw that craft “light up” about a minute after James tried to “flag one down” had any doubt that they responded to his efforts – one of the attendees that night was an Air Force captain who was also, literally, a rocket scientist), and James’ claims of telepathic interaction have great credibility with me. I have encountered stuff like that many times during my adventures:


While we hung out with James, he told us many tales of his experiences and those of others, and without getting into too many specifics, I will say this…

The term “flying saucer” was coined in 1947 when an airplane pilot pursued several saucer-shaped craft that ended up disappearing at Mount Adams. The Roswell Incident happened a couple of weeks later. The Indian tribes near Mount Adams have oral histories going way back before the white man showed up regarding that craft and their occupants. This stuff far predates the supersonic and space ages.

About half of Mount Adams is on the Yakima Indian Reservation, and the Yakima tribal elders have had face-to-face encounters with the crafts’ occupants, and the occupants are obviously not of earthly origin and their relationship with the Yakima tribe is a friendly one. The black helicopter types try to disrupt the relationship that the tribe has with the “visitors,” and have had limited success.

James is a very down-to-earth person and pleasant to be around, and he speaks all over the world, and people come from all over the world to visit his ranch. James says that people from industrialized nations have all sorts of “skepticism” about ET beings, but the world’s indigenous people, when asked about ETs, say something like, “oh yes, those folks.” I think that is partly due to the Western ego. That famous alleged correspondence from Gerald Light to Meade Layne regarding the 1954 ET “open house” event that Eisenhower allegedly attended, has always rung true to me, especially this part:

“When we were allowed to enter the restricted section (after about six hours in which we were checked on every possible item, event, incident and aspect of our personal and public lives), I had the distinct feeling that the world had come to an end with fantastic realism. For I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion, as they realized that their own world had indeed ended with such finality as to beggar description. The reality of the ‘other plane’ aeroforms is now and forever removed from the realms of speculation and made a rather painful part of the consciousness of every responsible scientific and political group.”


James is constantly visited by military and spook personnel and, when they get a show, they always say that what they saw was nothing that “we have.” The craft above Mount Adams and James’ ranch, if they come in too low, are often attacked by our military/spook folks, sometimes with exotic weaponry. I’ll relate some anecdotes on that subject. One day, somebody from the above-top-secret world was visiting James, and a craft came in low over the ranch and headed toward Mount Adams, slightly to the east of a line between Mount Adams and the ranch (Mount Adams is due north from the ranch). A few miles from James’ ranch is a small foothill to the east of Mount Adams (take a look at my photos, and you can almost see it, and should be able to imagine its location – it is almost all wilderness between James’ ranch and Mount Adams). When the craft passed over that hill, ground fire hit it. The above-top-secret person with James identified the weaponry as a combination of “plasma weapon and laser cannon.” The craft barely wobbled and kept going, unscathed. The American government does not admit to that kind of weaponry, and it was probably a mobile and more modest version of that shot fired at an ET craft captured in that infamous STS-48 shuttle footage (and NASA “coincidentally” stopped live shuttle transmissions after that incident), most likely fired from the Pine Gap base in Australia.


and Oberg, Aldrin and others have tried debunking the footage, very unconvincingly, I might add. Greer’s Disclosure Project witnesses have confirmed those kinds of attacks, and have disparaged those authorizing those attacks as “cowboys.” James and others call such behavior idiotic, because the smallest ET scout craft can defeat earth’s combined military might in minutes. They could vaporize a continent in seconds, if they were of that kind of “death star” motivation, but they are benevolently intended. However, those attacks are not to really “protect” humanity from the ETs, but to prevent open interaction between the ETs and the public, because then the free energy and other technology would become available, and it would quickly become “game over” for the hyper-elites that control the world economy and, hence, humanity. I survived their shenanigans myself, and that situation is the primary upshot from Greer’s Disclosure Project witnesses: the UFO cover-up has nothing to do with protecting humanity, but protecting the Big Boys’ global control racket, a racket that may be thousands of years old.

Another anecdote is about a tech geek who was a regular at James’ ranch. The guy had highly sophisticated equipment that could detect the frequencies that the ET craft operated at (very high frequencies), and he said that he could also detect the craft BELOW the ranch, as they traveled the lava tubes below Mount Adams. The guy was also able to tune-in to the frequencies that the military and spooks use, and one night at the ranch he tuned-in to local traffic, and there was all sorts of crosstalk from the crews lying in wait to shoot at the craft if they came in low. After listening to the banter for awhile, that tech geek began talking on the same frequency and remarked on the nice weather that evening or some such greeting, and there was a startled silence for a moment, and then one of the spook/goons angrily threatened that James’ buddy was talking on a frequency reserved for government use, and that it was illegal for James’ buddy to use it, and that he should cease his transmission immediately. James laughed as he told that story.

My final Ranch anecdote relates to some footage that I think is on one of James’ DVDs and maybe is also on his site. During my latest visit to the ranch:


I saw the lights on the cliffs of Mount Adams for a couple of hours, which may be the most common “unexplained” sighting at the ranch. There is nothing on those slopes but cliff and ice, but those lights are regular events. One night, the light appeared on the cliffs, and from the west a military jet came roaring out of the night, going after that light. The light began moving off of Mount Adams to the east, staying just ahead of the chasing jet. When it got several miles east of Mount Adams, it simply disappeared and the jet lost its prey. Almost instantly, the light reappeared back on Mount Adams, right where it was when the jet showed up. It was almost like the ETs have a sense of humor. : - )

That is all I have to say for now. When people give me their UFO “skepticism,” I reply with, “Nothing is preventing you from going and seeing for yourself.” “Skeptics” worthy of the label DO go see for themselves, but their attitude may defeat them - they need to suspend their belief (or disbelief) and go with an open mind and heart and, as James says, a joyful attitude of awaiting the show is the best attitude to take along, and I have seen, at the ranch, where the wrong attitude will lead to seeing nothing. However, I have also never seen those who called themselves “skeptics,” (by that I mean the organized “skeptics” like Mr. Skeptic ( http://www.ahealedplanet.net/dennis.htm#friends ) leave their armchairs and go see for themselves, which speaks volumes about their motivation.



Edited by Wade Frazier
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