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A Few Miscellaneous Items

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Soon, much to the pleasure of many, (no doubt), I will be re-boxing most of this stuff again and in all probability leave the forum as there are far better things in life to do than contine to attempt to persuade those who chase mythological multiple assassins and body snatchers that they chase something which does not and never did exist.

Fortunately, from those infrequent emails which I receive, it would appear that there now exists the available knowledge for the "new generation"* of researchers to continue on with the FACTUAL research and presentation of these facts to the American Public who in fact has an inherent right to the FACTUAL TRUTHS in the WC & it's lie.


*new generation: Those who have the demonstrated ability to determine BS from just good ole everyday fertilizer, and are aware of the scientific principals to completely examine and test either in order to determine the true composition.


Nevertheless, I will attempt to utilize this topic to either re-post a few items which may (or may not) have gotten posted previously, or are worthy of reposting again, prior to wrapping up and reboxing it all.

#1: Exit wound created with a 6.5mm Carcano in which the bullet strikes no bone prior to exiting.

This photo is one of several ballistic comparison testing photographs which was sent to Dr. Malcolm O. Perry for discussion and comparison, as well as having been sent to the Department of Justice and which was ultimately forwarded to the FBI.

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Three photographs of the base of Carcano Bullets.

Top: Normal bullet base with portion of copper jacket which normally covers a portion of the lead core of the bullet at the base present and the 4.5mm width lead core showing.

Center: Base of bullet in which the body of the bullet has been squeezed/flattened, causing a 4.5mm width cone of the lead core to extrude out the base (just like a tube of toothpaste).

Bottom: The base of CE399 as found when the HSCA panel removed this bullet from the National Archives. This photo clearly demonstrates the now absent portion of the copper jacket at the base of the bullet, as well as the circular imprint into the outer perimeter of the lead core which was caused by the now missing portion of the copper jacket.

Additionally, one can easily see the gouging into the lead core of the bullet.

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Left Photo: The squeezed/flattened Carcano bullet with the lead core extruded out the base of the bullet.

Right Photo: The now missing flat-based lead fragment from CE840 which was found in the left rear floorboard of the Presidential limo, which weighed 0.9 grain, and which FBI Agent Robert Frazier identified as "Poss Q1"

(possibly from CE399), and which fragment William Sullivan removed from the FBI Ballistics Lab, never to be seen again.

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Enlargment of the now missing fragment from CE840 which FBI Robert Frazier identified as "Poss Q1" (possibly from CE399) and which fragment was identified as having been removed from the FBI Ballistics Lab by William Sullivan.

That portion of the lead core of CE399 which was extruded out the base of the bullet due to the external pressures exerted onto the bullet as it passed through a limb of the live oak tree.

Which fragment was severed from the base of the bullet by the right transverse process of the C7 vertebrae due to the "base first" impact of the bullet, and which 4.5mm diameter lead fragment is responsible for exiting the anterior throat of JFK and thusly creating the extremely minor 3mm to 5mm NON-typical wound of exit of the anterior throat.

Recovered weight of CE399:-------------------------------------------------------------158.6 grains

Weight loss to bullet due to merely having been fired:------------------------------- 0.67 grains

Recovered weight of fragment:------------------------------------------------------+ 0.9 grains

Total:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 160.17 grains.

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Those who have been around for a while will no doubt recognize this. However, for those new persons who are not aware that some of us are unafraid to present information to those who have the ability to discredit it, and then challenge them to do so.

The "Reno Challange"!

P.S. I looked around, and rest assured that I am all alone out on this limb.

Which by the way is exactly where I wanted and intended to be.

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The "second" page of the CONTENTS is somewhere! Not that it matters.

For those who have access, one can read that portions which deal with the altered evidence as well as the vehicle speed at the Mary Ferrell site.



Essays and Journals (4 page hits)

Kennedy Assassination Chronicles, Volume 7, Issue 3 pg 1

Found in: Kennedy Assassination Chronicles

multiple hits in this document

The Fourth Decade, Volume 3, Issue 1 pg 17

Found in: The Fourth Decade

Purvis, who has been corre- sponding with Robert West since 1991, the level of government deceit can now be understood. This is not the first time Mr. West and surveyor, Chester Breneman, have raised


Does that pretty well answer that question as relates to CE399?

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Soon, much to the pleasure of many, (no doubt), I will be re-boxing most of this stuff again and in all probability leave the forum as there are far better things in life to do than contine to attempt to persuade those who chase mythological multiple assassins and body snatchers that they chase something which does not and never did exist.

Fortunately, from those infrequent emails which I receive, it would appear that there now exists the available knowledge for the "new generation"* of researchers to continue on with the FACTUAL research and presentation of these facts to the American Public who in fact has an inherent right to the FACTUAL TRUTHS in the WC & it's lie.


*new generation: Those who have the demonstrated ability to determine BS from just good ole everyday fertilizer, and are aware of the scientific principals to completely examine and test either in order to determine the true composition.


Nevertheless, I will attempt to utilize this topic to either re-post a few items which may (or may not) have gotten posted previously, or are worthy of reposting again, prior to wrapping up and reboxing it all.

#1: Exit wound created with a 6.5mm Carcano in which the bullet strikes no bone prior to exiting.

This photo is one of several ballistic comparison testing photographs which was sent to Dr. Malcolm O. Perry for discussion and comparison, as well as having been sent to the Department of Justice and which was ultimately forwarded to the FBI.

The FACTS as you call them - are open to extreme prejudice in interpretation - particularly with respect to what is depicted in the Z-film and autopsy nonsense.

I especially appreciate your material on the rear head wound - this appears to be highly logical and well researched, as all of your efforts are - and I know that you are no slouch when it comes to due diligence in this respect - however - when we speak of 'Facts' let's consider and not be hasty - you are largely making your case on the basis of information provided by a survey expert, your experience, study, etc., the extant z-film [unless you care to make a statement to the contrary] and the 'official' record. However, circumventing the dilemma - you choose to demonstrate how the Whitewash was just that - a whitewash, yet we are to believe that you have solved the mystery - when clearly the 'official' record is not to be trusted. You have never accounted for all of the various reports of misses, shots fired, witness accounts of the knoll/stockade/pergola etc. - and are content to accept - at face value, the results of the misguided autopsy and glee club nonsense which followed. WTH. I would have thought that you were more intelligent than that Tom.

As some folks would say, at seeing the z-film for the first time and snap back of the head - 'speed kills.' It has nothing to do with what the official report contained or the official 'facts' - rather, it has to do with lies, smoke in mirrors and nonsense - much of which was clearly the result and direct involvement of the SS in covering it's ultimate failure - whether under direct orders by the new commander-in-chief or not. Losers Tom - they were all losers, suck-ups and yellow to the core.

Anyway - I very much appreciated your posts, your time, and the sharing of your research. You're bright, well informed, intelligent and have a dry sense of humor that I enjoyed. I'll miss your posts and insight.

- lee

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Soon, much to the pleasure of many, (no doubt), I will be re-boxing most of this stuff again and in all probability leave the forum as there are far better things in life to do than contine to attempt to persuade those who chase mythological multiple assassins and body snatchers that they chase something which does not and never did exist.

Fortunately, from those infrequent emails which I receive, it would appear that there now exists the available knowledge for the "new generation"* of researchers to continue on with the FACTUAL research and presentation of these facts to the American Public who in fact has an inherent right to the FACTUAL TRUTHS in the WC & it's lie.


*new generation: Those who have the demonstrated ability to determine BS from just good ole everyday fertilizer, and are aware of the scientific principals to completely examine and test either in order to determine the true composition.


Nevertheless, I will attempt to utilize this topic to either re-post a few items which may (or may not) have gotten posted previously, or are worthy of reposting again, prior to wrapping up and reboxing it all.

#1: Exit wound created with a 6.5mm Carcano in which the bullet strikes no bone prior to exiting.

This photo is one of several ballistic comparison testing photographs which was sent to Dr. Malcolm O. Perry for discussion and comparison, as well as having been sent to the Department of Justice and which was ultimately forwarded to the FBI.

The FACTS as you call them - are open to extreme prejudice in interpretation - particularly with respect to what is depicted in the Z-film and autopsy nonsense.

I especially appreciate your material on the rear head wound - this appears to be highly logical and well researched, as all of your efforts are - and I know that you are no slouch when it comes to due diligence in this respect - however - when we speak of 'Facts' let's consider and not be hasty - you are largely making your case on the basis of information provided by a survey expert, your experience, study, etc., the extant z-film [unless you care to make a statement to the contrary] and the 'official' record. However, circumventing the dilemma - you choose to demonstrate how the Whitewash was just that - a whitewash, yet we are to believe that you have solved the mystery - when clearly the 'official' record is not to be trusted. You have never accounted for all of the various reports of misses, shots fired, witness accounts of the knoll/stockade/pergola etc. - and are content to accept - at face value, the results of the misguided autopsy and glee club nonsense which followed. WTH. I would have thought that you were more intelligent than that Tom.

As some folks would say, at seeing the z-film for the first time and snap back of the head - 'speed kills.' It has nothing to do with what the official report contained or the official 'facts' - rather, it has to do with lies, smoke in mirrors and nonsense - much of which was clearly the result and direct involvement of the SS in covering it's ultimate failure - whether under direct orders by the new commander-in-chief or not. Losers Tom - they were all losers, suck-ups and yellow to the core.

Anyway - I very much appreciated your posts, your time, and the sharing of your research. You're bright, well informed, intelligent and have a dry sense of humor that I enjoyed. I'll miss your posts and insight.

- lee

The FACTS as you call them - are open to extreme prejudice in interpretation - particularly with respect to what is depicted in the Z-film and autopsy nonsense.

Actually! FACTS speak clearly and concisely for themself.

Failure to properly evaluate these facts and develope the understanding of exactly what they represent, is primarily responsible for the "prejudice in interpretation".



"Failure to understand the evidence has no bearing on the validity of that evidence.

As a general rule, it merely means that one does not understand the evidence"


I especially appreciate your material on the rear head wound - this appears to be highly logical and well researched, as all of your efforts are - and I know that you are no slouch when it comes to due diligence in this respect - however - when we speak of 'Facts' let's consider and not be hasty - you are largely making your case on the basis of information provided by a survey expert,

Actually! I have no personal knowledge as to whether Dr. Boswell knew anything about "survey" or not.

When one wants "survey expert", they should go to a "Registered Surveyor".

For general "survey" work, having been to survey school myself, I can answer for myself most basic questions.

When having questions regarding the "West" survey work, for the most part the questions were asked directly of Mr. West.

For pathological damage to the head of JFK, I avoided any questioning of Mr. West, and made an attempt to reference these questions from the best source available.

If recalled, I long ago posted one of the letter correspondences which I had with Dr. Boswell in regards to the head injury and the various skull fragments and fragmentation.

(see attachment below)

In life, I have found that it is best, provided that one wants an even seemingly correct answer, to ask the "Right Question of the Right Person".

Now! The WC of course went the opposite route and quite frequently asked the Right Question of the WRONG person, and the WRONG question of the RIGHT person.

Which was also of course by "design".

(see attachment below)

You have never accounted for all of the various reports of misses, shots fired, witness accounts of the knoll/stockade/pergola etc. - and are content to accept - at face value, the results of the misguided autopsy and glee club nonsense which followed. WTH. I would have thought that you were more intelligent than that Tom.

Correct! And neither have I accounted for the Flying Saucer which reportedly kidnapped some of our local "swamp rats" either.


Pascagoula gained notoriety on October 11, 1973 when two local fishermen, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, claimed to have been abducted by aliens from a Pascagoula pier. The media frenzy that followed touched off national interest in UFOs and extraterrestrials unparalleled since the Roswell incident. In 1983, Hickson wrote a book about his ordeal entitled UFO Contact In Pascagoula.

Pascagoula also gained dubious national attention in the 1980s, when novelty singer/songwriter Ray Stevens featured the town in his hit, "Mississippi Squirrel Revival."


With this, I no longer have to expend any funds to travel to Dallas on any given November 22, for the "Annual Running of the Squirrels".

I can just drive down the road to Pascagoula and get a good laugh!

I especially appreciate your material on the rear head wound

Well! We "ain't" trough with it yet, so hang in there. If nothing else, perhaps one can get a good laugh. (one never knows)

I'll miss your posts and insight

And here I sat thinking that I was "unloved" and underappreciated!

Nevertheless, the "Fat Lady" is not through singing yet, just letting everyone know that she is getting awfully close to the final verse in the "song & dance" routine.

Page#2 of a letter to Dr. J.J. Humes, written August 12, 1991.

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For those who are of the opinion that I am somewhat prejudiced against the "CT" community, rest assured that I am an "Equal Opportunity" critic.

And, in that regards, just as I have done with "Mr. David Von Pain", I have fully taken upon Ken Rahn as well as John McAdams for their "blinder" view of the facts of the assassination and the WC's role in fostering the "official" lie.

Therefore, I long ago issued the "Reno Challenge" to both parties, however in their regards, considering that both parties profess some expertise on the subject matter, it was merely presented as an "END OF COURSE EXAM" in which either party could receive additional credit hours merely by "Testing Out".

Many here have seen the portions of the "END OF COURSE EXAM".

Many have not!

Therefore, one can rest assured that the US Department of Justice has seen it, and Mr. McAdams as well as Mr. Rahn both received an "Incomplete" on the coursework for having failed to turn in their completed test with answer sheet.

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