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"Obama should not allow Hillary Clinton to claim the post of vice presidential nominee...."

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"Obama should not allow Hillary Clinton to claim the post of vice presidential nominee � it will be a landslide victory for McCain in that case

Sonia Chopra

Mar. 7, 2008

You cannot become a vice presidential nominee when you call your presidential nominee less qualified than the rival McCain. A Hillary Clinton in the ticket also is a major physical threat to Obama. The history of 1960 can repeat. In 1960, the establishment never liked John F. Kennedy. They forced Johnson into the ticket. President Kennedy was assassinated a few years later and establishment won with Johnson as their new President for a long time. The history can repeat again with Hillary Clinton as the vice presidential nominee. The establishment and traditional especial interest driven Democrats are behind Clintons. Their days in politics are numbered. However, they are pushing for joint ticket.



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Someone, please assure me that Senator Obama knows some history--even if you have to lie to me...


"S. 115: Oil SENSE Act

Bill Status

Introduced: Jan 4, 2007

Sponsor: Sen. Barack Obama [D-IL]

Status: Introduced

Go to Bill Status Page

Introduced in Senate: This is the original text of the bill as it was written by its sponsor and submitted to the House for consideration.

Text of Legislation

S 115 IS


1st Session

S. 115

To suspend royalty relief, to repeal certain provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal certain tax incentives for the oil and gas industry.


Mr. OBAMA introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance


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Someone, please assure me that Senator Obama knows some history--even if you have to lie to me...


Hi Myra. Maybe Senator Obama was just kidding. The status page says:

S. 115: Oil SENSE Act

A bill to suspend royalty relief, to repeal certain provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal certain tax incentives for the oil and gas industry.

This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills go first to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The majority of bills never make it out of committee. Keep in mind that sometimes the text of one bill is incorporated into another bill, and in those cases the original bill, as it would appear here, would seem to be abandoned. [Last Updated: Jan 27, 2008]

It seems to be (or was) here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/committee.xpd?id=SSFI

Edited by Michael Hogan
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Bill Clinton is already touting a Democratic ticket with Hillary and Obama as "unstoppable." What he has in mind, of course, is Obama as VP. But the implication is that it would be unstoppable either way, in case Hillary has to settle for VP - and if Obama would be dumb enough to go along with it.


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