Mike Regan Posted April 30, 2008 Share Posted April 30, 2008 (edited) Dear Kathy Beckett, Just wanted to apologize for the part I played in the fiasco that went down over at the other thread ("Gettin' A Kick Out Of Truth")... Not only to yourself and John Simkin, but to the readers who were also subject to my own derogatory and inflamatory remarks which only added fuel to the fire. I fully understand why you had to lock the thread, "Gettin' A Kick Out Of Truth", but if you decide to un-lock it, you have my absolute word that I will refrain from any use of obsenity and not respond to the other three fellows involved, or to future derogatory displays designed to aggitate a thread. Would also like to "Thank" three great guys, Mike Williams. Tom Purvis and Lee Forman. The first two fellows, experts in the area of fire-arms, and the third fellow, Lee Forman, quite the expert on his analysis of photographic evidence with regard to the assassination. I do not presume that Mike, Tom or Lee agree with my conclusion, but they have assisted me toward filling in a few of the gaps that have re-enforced, in my own mind, my humble feelings and thoughts as to what went down in Dealey Plaza on that awful day... "Thank You, Guys", very much, for your in-put... I remain grateful that you shared your combined expertise. Sincerest of regards, Mike ____________________________________________________________________________ Further Thoughts For All: Hi all, Was going through some archives moments ago and ran across this exchange over at Mr. John Masland's site, "The Nook", between a fine fellow named Tony and myself back in March of 2001. The subject matter concerns exhibits C-399 (The infamous "Magic Bullet") and C-567/C-569 (Bullet fragments taken out of Governor Connolly's thigh)...Thought you might fine it of interest... Thanks Catch ya' later, Mike PS I delve much more into this subject over at a topic begun here at this fine forum on the date 7/22/'08 titled, "R.J. Jimison Plants The Magic Bullet" Mike, welcome aboard, I enjoyed reading your posting. It certainly represents, at least for me, a new angle on who shot the President. I'm impressed with your construction of the testimony found within the Commission volumes and their respective sourcing. I'm equally impressed with your ability to read into actual testimony and make a case for your theory. I'm sure some from this forum will have a view or two, may offer an opinion, or even ask some questions as I am about to do. Since there is so much that was put forth by you, I'd like to start out slow and ask you for an opinion or response to a few items. An obvious observation is that from all that you stated it seems apparent that you are a proponent of the 'SBT' (Single Bullet Theory- CE 399). Am I correct in that assessment? Do you believe that fragments CE 567 and CE 569 were the result of the last shot, the head shot? Best regards, Tony Tony, Thanks for both the welcome & the kind words regarding my post. Concerning your question about both CE-567 & CE-569...? Though I believe both that these bullet fragments, indeed, were removed from Governor Connelly's thigh and, that as small as these fragments were, their weight "exceeded" that of fragments missing from C-399, I've little else to offer. My own efforts have been concentrated on what was taking place within the TSBD, not only on Nov. 22nd, but the two days prior. Concerning CE-399, however, I've got a good bit of thought to share. Though I do believe in the "Single Bullet Theory", I've no doubt that the wounds caused to both President Kennedy and Governor Connelly were caused by an entirely different bullet which, having exausted itself, left mere fragments in the Governor's thigh. The bullet found on the stretcher, I believe, was planted and I do not think it was CE-399. Darrell Tomlinson, being Parkland Hospital's chief engineer at the time which, in itself, would suggest a highly responsible man has stated that CE-399 is no where near in comparison to the bullet he handed over to Federal authorities later in the day. Switching gears here for a moment, if I may,to my own area of concentrated research (the TSBD) it seems worthy to note that James Jarman, Jr. was previously employed by Parkland Hospital. Not only was he aware of how to move about the hospital's corridors, but it's fair to suggest that he remained aquainted with some of it's employees. Specifically, and I've got to admit to much of the same speculation we've all been forced into from time to time concerning the whole sorry mess, my own attention turns toward an orderly named R.J. Jimison. Both Jane Wester, a registered nurse assisting doctors working on the Governor and Henrietta Ross, an Operating Room Tech also assisting have both testified that Jimison took immediate charge of the strecher after Connelly was placed on the operating table (Jimison also assisted in this procedure). From this point on, Jimison was alone with the stretcher (actually a solid structure with a lower shelf & made of tubular steel) until Darrell Tomlinson received it onto the elevator, rode it down to the 1st floor and pushed it against a corridor wall. Tomlinson would later observe an intern brush it aside as he entered a rest room. As Tomlinson pushed the stretcher back toward the wall, the "Magic Bullet" fell to the ground. A bullet, I feel, which was planted. In strong likelyhood, by R.J. Jimison. Now I know much of this reads as a bit of a stretch (no pun intended), but the scenario has been rollin' around in my head for quite some time. Jimison's testimony to the WC, with special regard to his final words of extreme paranoi, are well worth the read. It appeared to me that the man had a lot more he wanted to tell. The testimony of Jane Wester & Henrietta Ross is also a suggested read. Returning to the TSBD, and with hope toward resolving curiosity as to how the "Magic Bullet" made it's journey to Parkland, an employee named Charles Douglas Givens was absent from the police head-count just after the shooting. Contrary to the popular belief that Oswald, alone, was missing from the Depository, Givens claims he watched the motorcade from the corner of Record & Main with a pair of buddies not associated with the TSBD, heard the shots and ran back to the building only to be denied entry. Even after explaining to police that he was an employee. Dubious, indeed. Could possibly be that the guy, along with a previous arrest record involving drugs, was making a quick dash through the back streets of Dallas on his way to Parkland Hospital. With the ole' "Magic Bullet" stashed in a hip pocket. As an ex-infantryman, I can assure you that a projectile can easily be removed from it's casing (we used the gunpowder and a match to initial the stocks of our M-16s). Why would the FBI switch the "Magic Bullet"?? Which, for whatever it's worth, should be more aptly named the "Obscure Bullet" because nobody outside the two sets of conspiritors (with exception, of course, of Tomlinson) have ever seen the damn thing. Because the initial bullet planted on the stretcher, though removed from it's casing, had yet to be fired. It was truly pristine. Planted, incidently, by whatever the the connection to Jarman's crowd, to simply confuse the issue and to guide authorities further toward Oswald. Thus, the birth of CE-399. It's only damage being a slight dent at the base and a minute lack of metal from the same area. Probably a bit water-logged, though, after having been fired into the barrel. Again, why would the FBI do such a thing?? People like yourself and I, and I'm sure the numbers run in the millions, would not be pre-occupied with the whole matter if not for the fact that two crimes resulted from that afternoon in Dallas. I, for one, and at this very moment, would rather be enjoying my family's laughter as I throw gutter-balls down at the local bowling alley. But we've all been had by our own government and it tears at the soul. And few of us got to thank that fine man for guiding us all away from nuclear annihilation. So there's a second crime. In my view, the first being performed by those clowns over at the Depository. And then, there is J. Edgar Hoover. With ABSOLUTELY no reflection upon today's FBI, it is important to fully grasp the evil of which this man fully represented. From the early days of FDR to the latter days of DDE, this man had full control. An Attorney General, nor any other chain of command meant nothing to this guy. Every President, if he valued his career, picked up the phone when he called. Any minute,any hour of any day. Until President Kennedy came along and laid down the law and did all he could to guide this man into utilizing appropriate channels within both law enforcement and government. Simply put, Hoover's crimes included tampering of evidence, with his introduction of CE-399 probably being among the minor offenses, obstuction of justice and, more than likely, witness intimidation and tampering. It is also worthy to note at this point that Hoover and his FBI had ABSOLUTELY NO JURISDICTION that day in Dallas. Assassination of a US President would not become a federal offense until after the fact. Bearing in mind that statutes of limitation do not exist for the crime of murder, jurisdiction still, as it did then, lies upon the shoulders of the Dallas Police Department. As for Hoover's motives? Pure, sheer, unadulterated hate. And to deny justice for a man that simply put him in his place. There remains little doubt, at least in this guy's mind, that both Hoover and the man who glamourized his FBI Report (along with it's conclusion of Oswald's guilt)which became the solidified guide book for the Warren Commission, were well aware of the actual events that took place in Dealey Plaza. About all I can add is that my reflections of the "when & then" of Hoovers FBI have no bearing on the "here & now" of today's FBI. Frankly, I don't think they're doing such a bad job. Pardon, Tony, that I went on for a bit longer then intended and thanks again for the response. Keep the faith, Mike Regan _____________________________________________________________________________ Just To Share:: Dear all, I've seen all the movies (Including Vince Bugliosi's staged trial where Harold Norman, mostly through omission, is seen lying though his teeth), read all the books, analyzed the photographs and, most importantly, spent many, many hours scouring through witness testimony. Though it remains a forgone conclusion, at this point, that the Warren Commission's sole directive from "dipsy" and "doodle" (Lyndon and Edgar) was to endorse the FBI Report's own conclusion that a lone nut named Oswald did it all, the testimony is the closest that we've all got to viable evidence in the case. The most obvious, and incredibly aggravating, fact to the testimony was the consistant interruptions by council members when any witness attempted to add a footnote or personal thought to the matter. Jimison's attempts in the final paragraphs of his testimony is a prime example. Billy Lovelady's is another. Council member Joseph Ball had asked him where and whom he was with as the motorcade passed. After explaining that he was on the top steps of the Depository with, and to quote, "Bill Shelly and Sarah Stanton, and right behind me.......", Joseph Ball jumps in with the customary interruption. Was Oswald standing behind him...?, Will we ever know..?? Lovelady died of a heart attack in the 70's. Annoying, annoying crap, indeed. I found myself talking out loud to the book, "Geeze..!!, Let these people finish telling their story..!!" But to no avail. The behaviour of council continues throughout the report. "And what about Carolyn Arnold...???" This secretary of the Texas School Book Depository told local & Federal authorities that she had seen Lee Harvey Oswald casually eating his lunch within the 2nd floor cafeteria fifteen minutes (12:15 PM) before the shooting took place at 12:30 PM and again at 12:25 just inside the front door vestibule as she stood with friends on the steps to await arrival of the motorcade. All this within the same moments & time frame that Arnold Rowland, standing on the grass on the opposite side of Elm Street with his wife, observed a gunman within the west end window of the building's 6th floor and a black man hanging out the window of the east end of the same floor... Her eyewitness account was quietly dismissed and Carolyn Arnold was not invited to testify at the Warren Commission... The directive was clear. Oswald did it and there will be no deviation. The ineptness of these council members, however, reveals much. Immediately, the question is raised, "What the hell are they trying to hide..?" In all reality, I'm not sure if the majority of the Warren Commission even knew. Their first concern, and fear, was that to tick off the pair of bullies atop this whole mountain of crap or to deviate from the initial directive meant, surely, that they would be hung out to dry at some point in their careers. What were the notorious duo attempting to hide..? For the most part, their own amazing level of ineptness. I'm sure that days, possibly even weeks, had passed before evidence began to filter in that Jarman and his friends of the 6th floor construction crew were behind the shooting. LBJ, the kingpin, whose own reputation and credibility had been under serious congressional scrutiny regarding his possible involvement in both the murder of Henry Marshall, an Agriculture Department agent out of Texas, and a vending machine kick-back scheme (In cahoots with his cohort, Bobby Baker), became concerned. Both he and Hoover (Whom he had put in charge of the investigation the night of the assassination and would also later assist LBJ toward ending any Congressional investigation into Henry Marshall's murder, the vending machine kick-back scheme "And The Assassination Of President Kennedy" ) had already announced to the world that Oswald was the culprit. Could his reputation, or what was left of it, survive another boot in the arse..? Hell no..!! Thus began the campaign of BS that we've all come to know so well. The Attorney General, Bobby Kennedy, who had an obvious interest had already been cut out of the loop was further distanced. A phony baloney commission was established. Great scape-goats, however, in case Congress or anyone else got wise to exchanged bullets, messing with photographic evidence and all the rest of the tampering that went on. And lets not forget LBJ's shifting of any focus of his ineptness by putting the lives, safety, happiness and security of a half million of America's finest on the line in Southeast Asia. Based on both a North Vietnamese attack on the USS Maddox, which never happened, and his "Gulf of Tonkin Resolution" (Also based on the same "Fictional" incident), which he bullied thru Congress. Good 'ole President Kennedy's justice was one victim and an additionl number of over 58,000 brave American men and women would also pay the ultimate price and be added to the list as LBJ, on a sole mission to keep his sorry butt out of a sling..., guided us into war. With absolutely no game-plan and no heed toward lessons learned in Korea... That the potential of a 3rd world war if China's intervened (Causing Russia to escalate... Then we would have been talking nuclear threat.) would exist and that the conflict would remain an inevitable, insured and unavoidable "Stale-Mate". President Kennedy had been on the right track. The situation required a high level of patience, diplomacy & "Financial" & "Logistic" support to South Vietnam. And, of course, the lying. It has been said that a fisherman need open thousands upon thousands of oysters before stumbling upon a single pearl. The pearl, or "truth", with regard to the Dealey Plaza fiasco, is witness testimony. And that "Pearl" was taken from us through tampering, manipulation and omission... Though I've serious doubts toward succeeding in guiding many of you away from the numerous "conspiracy" theories out there, my hope is that you will be leery with regard to the "Commercial" aspects of the assassination. With special emphasis on Hollywood. And the greed, alongside the vast array of "Thespian Twits" who empower it. It is an entertainment medium, designed to excite emotion and sell tickets, with absolutely no concern for truth. Or anything even closely resembling the truth. And, especially, with no concern what so ever for the welfare of this fine nation. It's why I've enjoyed "The Education Forum". Though we're all trying to share with each other our own thoughts and research, the pleasure is that the most sought out aspect appears to be closure. And truth... Sincerest regards, Mike Edited April 6, 2010 by Mike Regan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg Parker Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 Dear Kathy Beckett,Probably sound like a bit of a whining child here, but it was not I who began what degenerated into a complete "Fiasco" at my topic, "Gettin' A Kick Out Of Truth". The thread was going along quite well and decorum prevailed up until Bernie Laverick's post #26. Upon finding out that Mike Williams had recently completed service in the Marine Corps, I had ended my post #23 with: "Thanks' to you for those twenty three of service to this fine Nation as a Marine. During some of the most difficult times in our history. Glad that you completed your tour of duty and got back "Safe & Sound". Welcome Home..." Mike responded in post #24 with: Mike, Sincerely I thank you for your sentiment, and thank you for your service as well. As for the safe and sound part, well I don't ever recall being "sound", but I am, after about 7 months of physical therapy "safe". I was fortunate, in that I had a warm welcome home, unlike the men of your time. I would like to take the opportunity to offer you a very warm WELCOME HOME, Brother. I offer the same sentiment to all you vets and offer you these words. "Freedom has a flavor, the protected will never know." Salute, Mike I realize this was a distraction to the thread, but wont apologize for that. Some things just need sayin' Here, Kathy, is when things began to get out of hand. Bernie Laverick made a single statement in his post #26 with: "Freedom has a flavor, the protected will never know." Does it taste of Napalm? ...Some things just need sayin' Bernie Laverick was the absolute "Catalyst" with regard to the whole "Fiasco"... You really are a sensitive soul, Mike. Here is what you told Bill Kelly as an explanation for your outburst at me: "merely reacted and gave it back to him. And of which I offer absolutely no apology. Shame that you are unable to see that. And if you can't take a bit of humor, on however rare the occasion, you should'nt be within this particular Forum..." I could be wrong of course, but I doubt anyone here would suggest your comments to me were humorous. On the other hand, Bernie's one-liner about napalm had obvious humorous intent. You said you're not thin-skinned in that other thread? I'd say your skin is thinner than Mr Bumble's gruel. Having completed my military service 40 years ago as an infantry squad leader with the 3rd Marines along Vietnam's DMZ in '68, I had been subject to such "Slurs" and, frankly, had long ago learned to both ignore and dismiss the Derogatory remarks but felt bad for Mike... I ended my post #29 with: PS "Thanks" for the warm "Welcome Home"... And a nice, and appropriate, response to that Laverick "Clown"... In the end, however, Bernie Laverick won... The thread ended, of course, when you "Justifiably" locked it. But not before Bernie got in his last "Dig" by insinuating, strongly, that my motive in the research was racist. To be fair, I was the first to suggest that when I said "you believe your black on white crime theory validates your JFK theory." Yours - as Bernie correctly put it, is tabloid racism. You have absolutely no problem with African-Americans - so long as they don't forget their place in the pecking order and start getting all uppity like that a-grade a****** MLK. This to a fellow who's roots lie within a small Long Island town, Oyster Bay, where the racial mix was as even as it could get. 50% African American and 50% White. Even during the worst of the Nation's racial turmoil, everyone, and I do mean everyone, got along quite fine. My mother even had childhood memories that Santa Claus was an African American. Her mom, Bridget McCourt, a mid-wife, who would attend to poorer African American women who were pregnant right up to the moment of birth and never accept a dime. An African American fellow, though, would dress up as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve and present gifts to my grandparent's children... And for Bernie Laverick to suggest racial motives to a guy who lost but a single Marine during his duty as a squad leader and has spent year upon year racked in survivors guilt over an incident that took place outside a small Village named Cam Lo near the DMZ, is nothing less than ludicrous. I had assigned this Marine to defend a position after we were ambushed. And defend it he did, but lost his life in the process. To date, I wish I could go back in time and take on that particular position myself. The Marine's name is Jimmy Armstead, an African American kid from Queens, New York and nary a day goes by that I don't remember him in my prayers. And the others who were lost from the platoon. And offer the same prayers to their families who, no doubt, suffered from the same "Slurs" from mis-guided people such as Bernie Laverick... And if my research had led me to believe that a Benedictine Monk had assassinated President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, I would have followed though. Out of respect for both Jimmy Armstead and the small Community of Oyster Bay, I even spent as much time attempting to dis-prove my theory on the murder as I did pursuing what ultimately led me to what I feel is the truth.. And of which is the subject of the thread in question. To make a long story a bit longer, and with regard to the "Fiasco", in between Bernie Laverick's two posts were Greg Parker and Bill Kelly. Decorum had again taken over until Greg Parker ended his post #34 with: "Thank you for that Nathan Jessop moment. I was beginning to think you'd never get around to it." "Decorum had taken over"??? My comment was in response to this bilge water from you: Do I believe your quote, "Are you saying that Jarman killing JFK amounts to a "coup d'etat" by African-Americans culminating in Obama's run for office?" You can bet your A** that I do believe just that. By a "Minority" of the African American community etc etc… Nathan Jessop is a viscious, demented fictitious character in a film, "A Few Good Men" played by Jack Nicholson and Bill Kelly, who had shown me an early moment of support, jumped in with support of Greg's derogatory remark and things, simply put, got out of hand... Here's a clue: The only personal comment I made about you was that you had flair for research. Anything else was about what you wrote - not about you. And your past comments that no Marine could ever act less than honorably is at best, nostalgia for something that never really existed - perfect and consistent honor throughout the length and breadth of an institution - in this case, the Marines. I lived in Darwin for over 10 years. Almost annually, the city was host to Marines on shore leave - and with every visit was at least one rape - sometimes against minors. I'm sure most were decent people, but that statistic is telling about group mentality and lack of respect for other cultures. And they ALWAYS looked like such boys, to me. Why is that? Which comes to the reason as to why I titled this e-mail & thread, "My Sincerest Of Apology". And why the quotes marks in your apology? Irony? If so, you missed it. I reacted in a manner I am not proud of and offer my "My Sincerest Of Apology" for the part I played in the whole sorry affair, not only to yourself and John Simkin, but to the readers who were also subject to my own derogatory and inflamatory remarks which only added fuel to the fire. Mike, I assure you, you can throw all the mud you like at me - doesn't worry me in the least. It was your derogatory and inflammatory remarks about African-Americans which got the thread derailed. That said, your theory was going nowhere at the time, anyway. In fact, I'm surprised you even posted it given that a search of the forum has since revealed you posted this theory back in '05. Pat Speer debunked it then, pointing to the same problems I did. You did not reply to Pat - at all. I fully understand why you had to lock the thread, "Gettin' A Kick Out Of Truth", but if you decide to un-lock it, you have my absolute word that I will refrain from any use of obsenity and not respond to the other three fellows involved, or to future "Slurs" or derogatory displays designed to aggitate a thread. If, however, the decision is not to un-lock the thread, I will also understand but only ask that you might include this e-mail as it's final post... Would also like to "Thank" two great guys, Mike Williams and Tom Purvis, experts in the area of fire-arms, for their input. I do not presume that Mike and Tom agree with my conclusion, but they have assisted me toward filling in a few of the gaps that have re-enforced, in my own mind, my humble feelings and thoughts as to went down in Dealey Plaza on that awful day... You pin so much of your theory on Underwood. Why? Because he was an ex-Marine and thereore, his word is holy writ. Balderdash. That not only ignores what is obvious in his testimony (that Underwood had some difficulty in understanding what Euins was saying), it demeans the integrity of Sergeant Harkness who testified: Mr. BELIN - By the way, did your witness ever say whether the person he saw at the window was a white man or Negro? Mr. HARKNESS - He just told me, he just said he couldn't identify him. That is what he told me. After speaking to Harkness and Underwood, Eiuns was whisked straight off for a statement and that statement reflects what Harkness testified to. But I guess in your eyes, Harkness doesn't rate. After all, he only served in the Coast Guard. Sincerest of regards, Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
William Kelly Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 (edited) I don't know about this guy Greg. Do you think he's sincere? "....You, Greg and the rest of your crowd would actually have to "Get A Life"... And that scares the the heck out of you. You might have to learn how to play golf, or a musical instument, or get yourself into a bit of jogging, or, Holy Cow...!, actually have to begin to relate with family and friends..." He brings my golf game into it. How does he know I can't play golf? Now that's really hitting below the belt, and reason alone to lock the thread. I don't have any problem with Kathy unlocking Mike's thread if he promises not to bring up my golf game again. BK Edited May 1, 2008 by William Kelly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Simkin Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 I don't know about this guy Greg. Do you think he's sincere? "....You, Greg and the rest of your crowd would actually have to "Get A Life"... And that scares the the heck out of you. You might have to learn how to play golf, or a musical instument, or get yourself into a bit of jogging, or, Holy Cow...!, actually have to begin to relate with family and friends..." He brings my golf game into it. How does he know I can't play golf? Now that's really hitting below the belt, and reason alone to lock the thread. I don't have any problem with Kathy unlocking Mike's thread if he promises not to bring up my golf game again. BK You made me laugh out aloud with these comments. I think humour and tolerance is the best way to deal with characters like Mike. Actually, I considered members acted with great restraint on the closed thread. Thank you for that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bernie Laverick Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 MIKE REGAN And for Bernie Laverick to suggest racial motives to a guy who lost but a single Marine during his duty as a squad leader and has spent year upon year racked in survivors guilt over an incident that took place outside a small Village named Cam Lo near the DMZ, is nothing less than ludicrous. I had assigned this Marine to defend a position after we were ambushed. And defend it he did, but lost his life in the process. To date, I wish I could go back in time and take on that particular position myself. The Marine's name is Jimmy Armstead, an African American kid from Queens, New York and nary a day goes by that I don't remember him in my prayers. And the others who were lost from the platoon. Mike that tragic incident has jumped out of every post you've made so far. So I apologise wholeheartedly for the napalm jibe; it was poor taste and in light of the above, downright cruel. But isn't it precisely that pain, a ripple from a disastrous foreign adventure, further reason someone like yourself would be more questioning of our military. How many of those incidents are taking place right now Mike? Would you wish how you feel on another young American just doing what he's been told to do? How much more should be asked of you before you ask, "how much more should we be prepared to give?" You are obviously very proud of the American Marines: believe it or not but so am I. My Mum spent years of the 2nd WW huddled in a bomb shelter terrified, almost traumatised with the thought of invading Nazis, praying that it would all be over soon. Britain could NEVER have won that war without the American marines, so I thank you from saving my country from German Fascism. That said I still have the right to criticise when I think that both our governments engage in illegal wars that result in death and destruction without the consent of the people. I still have the right to criticise those who promote such actions when they make postings on a public forum extolling their virtues. These are not slurs but legitimate concerns for the future well being of both services personel (YOU!) and of course for the people they are then ultimately unleashed on. As for the racism, just read it all again Mike. I don't believe my accusation was ungrounded. However, I really don't want to stir this up any more than it has been. The above quote is more than enough for me to back off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christopher Hall Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 I don't know about this guy Greg. Do you think he's sincere? "....You, Greg and the rest of your crowd would actually have to "Get A Life"... And that scares the the heck out of you. You might have to learn how to play golf, or a musical instument, or get yourself into a bit of jogging, or, Holy Cow...!, actually have to begin to relate with family and friends..." He brings my golf game into it. How does he know I can't play golf? Now that's really hitting below the belt, and reason alone to lock the thread. I don't have any problem with Kathy unlocking Mike's thread if he promises not to bring up my golf game again. BK You made me laugh out aloud with these comments. I think humour and tolerance is the best way to deal with characters like Mike. Actually, I considered members acted with great restraint on the closed thread. Thank you for that. John- Does this forum have an Ignore function? Thanks. Chris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Stephen Turner Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 I don't know about this guy Greg. Do you think he's sincere? "....You, Greg and the rest of your crowd would actually have to "Get A Life"... And that scares the the heck out of you. You might have to learn how to play golf, or a musical instument, or get yourself into a bit of jogging, or, Holy Cow...!, actually have to begin to relate with family and friends..." He brings my golf game into it. How does he know I can't play golf? Now that's really hitting below the belt, and reason alone to lock the thread. I don't have any problem with Kathy unlocking Mike's thread if he promises not to bring up my golf game again. BK You made me laugh out aloud with these comments. I think humour and tolerance is the best way to deal with characters like Mike. Actually, I considered members acted with great restraint on the closed thread. Thank you for that. John- Does this forum have an Ignore function? Thanks. Chris Chris, click My controls, go to options, click manage ignored users...It is done my friend. Steve. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Williams Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 Bernie, Since your napalm crack was directed at me, I felt I should respond. Apology accepted *hearty handshake*. I am a bit thick skinned, so no worries there. I would like to take the opportunity to also thank you for using your freedom of speech. It is a wonderful gift, and purchased at a heavy price. Not everyone agrees with every political decision, and not everyone agrees with every military action, but it is a fine thing to live in a country were we are free to express out thoughts and concerns publicly, without worrying about a midnight visit. My best wishes for you Bernie, and Blessings to MUM. Salute, Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christopher Hall Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 I don't know about this guy Greg. Do you think he's sincere? "....You, Greg and the rest of your crowd would actually have to "Get A Life"... And that scares the the heck out of you. You might have to learn how to play golf, or a musical instument, or get yourself into a bit of jogging, or, Holy Cow...!, actually have to begin to relate with family and friends..." He brings my golf game into it. How does he know I can't play golf? Now that's really hitting below the belt, and reason alone to lock the thread. I don't have any problem with Kathy unlocking Mike's thread if he promises not to bring up my golf game again. BK You made me laugh out aloud with these comments. I think humour and tolerance is the best way to deal with characters like Mike. Actually, I considered members acted with great restraint on the closed thread. Thank you for that. John- Does this forum have an Ignore function? Thanks. Chris Chris, click My controls, go to options, click manage ignored users...It is done my friend. Steve. Thanks for the tip, Steve. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lee Forman Posted May 2, 2008 Share Posted May 2, 2008 Mike - just finished reading 'Thirteen Cent Killers.' I have to say, it wasn't well written - but it did afford a very good view and perspective, as well as a historical personal review - a good book for what it has to say - wanted to say thanks. I think you have a long row to how - but you're sincere - and a good person. Don't be distracted by noise - ever. FWIW. Feel free to contact me - maybe I have a few books I could loan which may be of benefit or chat a bit. - lee lforman23@comcast.net Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg Parker Posted May 2, 2008 Share Posted May 2, 2008 You made me laugh out aloud with these comments. I think humour and tolerance is the best way to deal with characters like Mike. Actually, I considered members acted with great restraint on the closed thread. Thank you for that. Well, Bill has shown the humor and Bernie has delivered the tolerance. They're both class acts. But in the end, this isn't - at least shouldn't be - about Bernie, Bill, me or Mike. It's about the JFK case, and what can be contributed to it. Mike seems to want the other thread unlocked, and fwiw, since everyone has calmed down, I think it should be. Maybe Mike does have more to put on the table, and maybe he'll also now be prepared to tackle issues raised by playing the ball and not the man. If it is unlocked, and I decide to post further to it, I'll make a commitment to follow the examples set here. And Bill, golf may be the one thing that proves the existence of Satan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tim Gratz Posted May 2, 2008 Share Posted May 2, 2008 To Greg: Appreciated your humour about golf but kidding aside the existence of Satan is demonstrated by: 1) the assassination of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. 2) the Holocaust 3) spouses who kill their wives and of course the list of evils can go on and on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Simkin Posted May 2, 2008 Share Posted May 2, 2008 You made me laugh out aloud with these comments. I think humour and tolerance is the best way to deal with characters like Mike. Actually, I considered members acted with great restraint on the closed thread. Thank you for that. Well, Bill has shown the humor and Bernie has delivered the tolerance. They're both class acts. But in the end, this isn't - at least shouldn't be - about Bernie, Bill, me or Mike. It's about the JFK case, and what can be contributed to it. Mike seems to want the other thread unlocked, and fwiw, since everyone has calmed down, I think it should be. Maybe Mike does have more to put on the table, and maybe he'll also now be prepared to tackle issues raised by playing the ball and not the man. If it is unlocked, and I decide to post further to it, I'll make a commitment to follow the examples set here. And Bill, golf may be the one thing that proves the existence of Satan. The thread has been unlocked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas H. Purvis Posted May 2, 2008 Share Posted May 2, 2008 To Greg:Appreciated your humour about golf but kidding aside the existence of Satan is demonstrated by: 1) the assassination of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. 2) the Holocaust 3) spouses who kill their wives and of course the list of evils can go on and on. 4) my yard! God created grass. Satan came along and created lawns and gardens to keep mortals working and spending their income on such irrelevant necessities. spouses who kill their wives Knew Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald personally. Was in his home on the Friday (13th) prior to the murders, as well as being a "paulbearer" for Colette MacDonald. ??????????????????That one still has me confused! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
William O'Neil Posted May 2, 2008 Share Posted May 2, 2008 You made me laugh out aloud with these comments. I think humour and tolerance is the best way to deal with characters like Mike. Actually, I considered members acted with great restraint on the closed thread. Thank you for that. Well, Bill has shown the humor and Bernie has delivered the tolerance. They're both class acts. But in the end, this isn't - at least shouldn't be - about Bernie, Bill, me or Mike. It's about the JFK case, and what can be contributed to it. Mike seems to want the other thread unlocked, and fwiw, since everyone has calmed down, I think it should be. Maybe Mike does have more to put on the table, and maybe he'll also now be prepared to tackle issues raised by playing the ball and not the man. If it is unlocked, and I decide to post further to it, I'll make a commitment to follow the examples set here. And Bill, golf may be the one thing that proves the existence of Satan. The thread has been unlocked. UH oh......FORE!! -Bill Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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