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20 members have voted

  1. 1. Your take on 9/11

    • It was an "inside job" MIHOP
    • They let it happen on purpose
    • The US Gov't was criminally negligent
    • The US Gov't did not have enough info to prevent the attacks
  2. 2. The Bush et al orchestrated the attacks.

    • Definitely true
    • Probably true
    • Possibly true (about 50/50)
    • Unlikely or definitely not true.
  3. 3. They didn't organize the attacks but let them happen

    • It's more likely the organized the attacks
    • Definitely or probably true
    • Possibly true (about 50/50)
    • Unlikely or definitely not true.

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Guest Stephen Turner
Yes, I am and I raised the warning level on Craig Lamson one level and sent him a warning for his ad hom attack at someone not even commenting on him or one of his post #31, I believe.

Interestingly, when I went to the moderator's actions thread it was locked, so I could add nothing. I imagine this is just an oversight soon to be corrected.

Peter, go into Mod options, select open thread, make you report, and re-lock the thread. I have opened it for you.

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Posted (edited)
Yes, I am and I raised the warning level on Craig Lamson one level and sent him a warning for his ad hom attack at someone not even commenting on him or one of his post #31, I believe.

Interestingly, when I went to the moderator's actions thread it was locked, so I could add nothing. I imagine this is just an oversight soon to be corrected.

No, thats not THE truth at ALL ...again lemkin TELLS A FALSEHOOD.

lemkin wrote in a PM:

"Craig, You hurled an angry ad hom at a fellow member who wasn't even commenting upon you or your posts. This is a warning. Next time it will be moderation. "

Where in his email to me do you se anything about warning levels?

You see a direct threat instead.

In addition limkin has hurled his own angry ad homs in recent posts towrds Len Colby BASED ON DOCUMENTED FALSEHOODS. Where is his warning ? There is NO room for a moderator to be a hypocritre.

In addition David Healy hurled an angry ad hom in the post that started this whole lemkin powertrip. Where is lemkin's warning to David Healy and his threat.

In addition Jack WHite hurled an angry ad hom in a recent thread and instead of dealing with White instead lemkin ATTACKS the next poster who comments on Whites ad hom! Where is the warning for both White and lemkin?

Or is the unmoderated moderator-hypocrite lemkin on a very bised powertrip?

Edited by Craig Lamson
Posted (edited)
Yes, I am and I raised the warning level on Craig Lamson one level and sent him a warning for his ad hom attack at someone not even commenting on him or one of his post #31, I believe.

Interestingly, when I went to the moderator's actions thread it was locked, so I could add nothing. I imagine this is just an oversight soon to be corrected.

No, thats not THE truth at ALL ...again lemkin TELLS A FALSEHOOD.

lemkin wrote in a PM:

"Craig, You hurled an angry ad hom at a fellow member who wasn't even commenting upon you or your posts. This is a warning. Next time it will be moderation. "

Where in his email to me do you se anything about warning levels?

You see a direct threat instead.

In addition limkin has hurled his own angry ad homs in recent posts towrds Len Colby BASED ON DOCUMENTED FALSEHOODS. Where is his warning ? There is NO room for a moderator to be a hypocritre.

In addition David Healy hurled an angry ad hom in the post that started this whole lemkin powertrip. Where is lemkin's warning to David Healy and his threat.

In addition Jack WHite hurled an angry ad hom in a recent thread and instead of dealing with White instead lemkin ATTACKS the next poster who comments on Whites ad hom! Where is the warning for both White and lemkin?

Or is the unmoderated moderator-hypocrite lemkin on a very bised powertrip?

No, Craig it was the truth and I found how to post on the moderator's actions thread. I note that you and Len have started a jihad against my being a moderator. I'm not surprised. If I could survive eight years of W as co-President with Chaney, you can survive my being a moderator. Take a stress pill and calm down. I realize Obama and me must just make your day....life is tough, at times. But you have your big SUV and Halliburton stock [as you once bragged to show how you were better than I in a post]. Others were unhappy with other moderators. Life is compromise and trying to get along the best we all can. One would hope posts here would mostly shed light and not just generate heat. Your 'Not that crap again' post to Jack's recent post is not what I'd call 'light'.... Mr lighting. It came not long after the one I raised your warning level for. We've all gotten hot under the collar at times, all made comments that were mistakes or we regret - myself included. Just cool it a bit would be my suggestion and request.

No Peter, it was NOT THE TRUTH as your message to me CLEARLY shows. You are a PROVEN and SERIAL teller of untruths and simply NOT FIT to be a moderator. In your email you did NOT raise my warning level, YOU SIMPLY THREATENED TO PLACE ME ON MODERATIION!

Do I need to post YOUR EXACT WORDS for a third time?

And then we have you...in your last post..HURLING AN ANGRY AD HOM at me...

quoting lemkin:

"what I'd call 'light'.... Mr lighting."

It should be noted that the phrase mr lighting is an attempt to slam me and was coined by that other serial ad him hurler..Jack White...even tho lemkin got it wrong....

Hell the fact of the matter is your entire post to me is nothing but one big ad hom!

SO lemkin..where is your warning TO YOURSELF for hurling angry ad homs?

Or are you just a serial hypocrite as well?

Edited by Craig Lamson
Posted (edited)
self deleted

Your warning level was at 20% and now is at 30% - congratulations - I believe the highest on the block. IMO your acting like a little child, out of fear. Just a remiminder not to call someone a xxxx here.... maybe your 'guardian angel' can no longer save you as easily as before, Mr. politepost. Your and Len's jihad to have me removed as a moderator are noted - and expected. I'd say I present a good balance to one of the other moderators and intend/pledge not to let politics nor opinions, but the Forum rules to be my guidelines. Oh, by the way, I'm saving your recent temper-tantrum of posts and PM/reports about me, and if they continue long and apace will be passed on to the Administration for evaluation and action, as they see fit over your fits. Again, if you have anything to add on a subject - try that - rather than your endless, tiring, and often foul-mouthed, mad-dog-angry attacks. You also seem to lack an understanding of initiation of an attack and a response.....

What a bunch of horsecrap. You have been proven THREE TIMES in the last few days of telling bald faced UNTRUTHS. OH wait, given the untruth you uttered about not reading Lens posts and them responding to one, that makes FOUR! Fact: Peter Lemkin, the unmoderated, hypocrite-moderator is a PROVEN SERIAL teller of UNTRUTHS! It's bad enough that you are biased and a hypocrite but you simply can't tell the truth! Not the qualities required in a moderator to be sure!

So now you hurl threats and ad homs as part of your new powertrip. What a shining example the serial untruth teller and hurler of ad homs, that include calling members nazi's, sets! Hypocrite is not a strong enough word!

BTW, perhaps you should bone up on the forum rules, you just told another UNTRUTH in regards to one of them.

I don't fear you Lemkin, not in the least. It is however plenty clear who YOU FEAR.

BTW, Please DO pass along my reports and posts to the admins...THATS THE WHOLE POINT IN MAKING THEM!

Edited by Craig Lamson
Posted (edited)
But you have your big SUV and Halliburton stock [as you once bragged to show how you were better than I in a post after I told how I'd lost all

Again Lemkin makes a statement he can't back up.

From the forum rules:

(iii) Wherever possible, members should give references (books, documents, etc) concerning the comments that they make

Since he made this statemant I DEMAND he back it up with the post he referenced or issue a retraction.

He IS a moderator after all.

If he can't back his claim or issue the retraction he should be removed as a moderator.

Edited by Craig Lamson
It is my observation and opinion that your posts are often constructed, intentionally, to throw a thread into chaos and dissention and cast a bad light on the Forum. I'm quite sure you responded about your SUV and then your Halliburton stocks in the same thread long ago. I can't find it given the very poor search feature. If I do, I'll post. I'm sure others here will remember - if any do, kindly say so - wherein Craig will no doubt call them telling an untruth. I even think one of the Adminstrators commented in that thread about your crass brag and upside-down value system. This is all off topic. Why don't you start a thread on this.....I'll give you enough rope to hang yourself. Keep up on this thread endlessly off topic and we'll call it a day. Craig - guardian of truth and right and fairplay and the official version of the 'American' way? I think not. It was not me who gave you the other two warnings, was I? Maybe  you had best look in the mirror and examine your style - unless, that is, it is preplanned and for a purpose and exactly what you want it to 'acheive' here - dissension, chaos and a black-eye for the Forum, plus the derailing of threads. 

Typical Lemkin, the teller of untruths! I had no problem at all finding the passage in question and it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that LEMKIN is once again telling an untruth and engaging in his time tested pattern of nasty ad hom attacks. And once again we see Lemkin trying to evade his original claim but changing the situation....how very pathetic of you.

mr. untruth teller pot, meet mr kettle.

Of course he "can't find it". As usual it shows him to be a blatant teller of untruths! If it were one tim affair, no problem. However it is a sad fact that Lemkin is a SERIAL teller of untruths and not fit to be a moderator.

Talk about showing the forum in a bad light...exactly what does having a PROVEN and SERIAL teller of untruths as a moderator say about the very backbone of the forum? Not anything good thats for sure!

Shall I post it Lemkin? Inquiring minds want to know!

BTW Lemkin, the warnings are of little issue to me, the first two were taken on principal, something you seem to have little of...



Though I agree that Peter is prone to making vicious personal attacks and inaccurate claims (and in at least one case did so intentionally) I’m not sure what your point is, you have said on several occasions you own Halliburton stock and an SUV among other vehicles and rubbed Peter’s penury in his face.


Though I agree that Peter is prone to making vicious personal attacks and inaccurate claims (and in at least one case did so intentionally) I’m not sure what your point is, you have said on several occasions you own Halliburton stock and an SUV among other vehicles and rubbed Peter’s penury in his face.

My ownership of stock nor vehicles is not in question...

My point is that this is what Lemkin claims:

"But you have your big SUV and Halliburton stock [as you once bragged to show how you were better than I in a post after I told how I'd lost all]"

Note the part in bold. This is a TOTAL FABRICATION and as such is the worst kind of ad hom. It's yet ANOTHER EXAMPLE of LEMKIN telling untruths.

The exact exchange proves my point perfecty. Yet LEMKIN is unwilling to post the exchange. WHY? Because it shows him to be less than honest?

The search function works quite well and I'm guessing you to have found the exact thread. Am I correct or not?

  • 2 months later...

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