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Three views of Mount Hadley

Jack White

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Errr - huh?

In one view you are looking to the south (SSW) of the LM, and in the other you are looking to the west (WNW). Remember the directional system associated with the LM?


The ladder is on the 'west' side, and the big flat panel at the back of the LM is on the 'east' side.

So the views from the LM are about 90 degrees apart. So what is the problem with the images?

BTW, please remember to identify what images you are using by the catalogue number. That way people can independently confirm what you are saying.

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I don't think Jack will be back to reply, so let me explain why I asked for the image numbers.

The images are from different Apollo missions.

The top-left image is a composite shot including AS17-147-22515 through AS17-147-22520. It shows the South Massif in the background.



The bottom image is a composite pan shot including AS15-87-11835 through to AS15-87-11839. It has Mt Hadley in the background.



I don't know why Jack would post this for amusement; it simply reinforces his track record of being sadly lacking in any skill regarding Apollo image analysis. If it was meant to be some type of joke ("amusement"), it was far too subtle.

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Graphic being reworked. Website I obtained the image from identified

this photo as showing Mt. Hadley. I am checking to see whether that

is correct.


Yes...I doubled checked my graphic and it is correct. The two different

views from the landing site are mutually exclusive.


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Graphic being reworked. Website I obtained the image from identified

this photo as showing Mt. Hadley. I am checking to see whether that

is correct.


Yes...I doubled checked my graphic and it is correct. The two different

views from the landing site are mutually exclusive.


This shows that the two views are mutually exclusive.


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And still no image numbers...

ETA: BTW, like the way you have removed all evidence of your previous gross error. I think in time to come, you'll claim you never made the error.

Edited by Evan Burton
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You can actually see the 'missing' portion from what Jack has chosen to show you here:


Jack, for reasons known only to himself, has chosen to crop the image... which - if he had shown the whole image - would have easily explained the "discrepancy" that Jack "found".

As per usual, Jack is wrong and demonstrates his complete lack of ability when applied towards Apollo image analysis.

Edited by Evan Burton
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Graphic being reworked. Website I obtained the image from identified

this photo as showing Mt. Hadley. I am checking to see whether that

is correct.


Yes...I doubled checked my graphic and it is correct. The two different

views from the landing site are mutually exclusive.



This shows that the two views are mutually exclusive.


And you start a new thread... where your mistakes aren't seen? Tsk, tsk, Jack.

Edited by Evan Burton
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