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Was JFK the most impressive politician of all time?

Mark Stapleton

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I say yea.

Here's his 64th and last press conference--14 November '63--in three parts:




In this press conference JFK is asked 27 questions, ranging from US/Soviet relations, Madame Nhu, the Honolulu Conference and the situation in Vietnam, foreign aid, Congressional gridlock of his reforms, the Civil Rights Bill (you know--the forerunner to the legislation which LBJ took the credit for), private citizens bills, the candidacy of Margaret Chase Smith, Nuclear Test bans and the theatre in Lafeyette Square, to name a few.

JFK exhibits an extraordinary depth of knowledge and understanding on all issues, coupled with his trademark humility and humour. Compare and contrast with today's timid corporate sockpuppets masquerading as leaders.

Towards the end of part one and the start of part two, JFK expresses his disappointment and frustration at being denied the major part of his foreign aid bill. This program, JFK said, was essential to the conduct of US foreign policy. It provided for aid to less wealthy countries in places like South America and the Middle East and was a tiny fraction of GDP.

Of course, after JFK's death foreign aid took a surprising turn with aid to Israel rocketing from 40 million to over 300 million in three years, most of it military aid. Prior to his death, Congress wouldn't let JFK spend a penny on poor countries. Kinda gets you thinking................

Edited by Mark Stapleton
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