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Hi everyone,

I wanted to tell you all about ‘Next Generation Learning’, a campaign backed by Becta, the government agency for technology in learning. It has been initiated to ensure the effective and innovative use of technology throughout learning and education.

I thought that, as ICT teachers, you might be interested in hearing about a piece of research commissioned by Becta to support its Next Generation Learning campaign.

The survey of 1,000 children (aged 7-14) and 1,000 parents revealed that there is a clear communication challenge between parents and children, with almost half of children (44%) claiming they don’t like sharing information with their parents about school, and over a third (37%) saying they find it quite or very difficult to speak to their parents about their education.

Other key findings of the report, which can be accessed in full at http://www.nextgenerationlearning.org.uk/ohnothingmuch include:

• A third of parents feel excluded by their children

• Only 16% of children proactively talk about school day

• Children admit they want to keep ‘hassling’ parents away from school life

• 82% of parents want schools to keep them better informed

Professor Tanya Byron, clinical psychologist, well known for her work on TV programmes such as Little Angels or the House of Tiny Tearaways, will be blogging for the next four weeks on behalf of Becta / Next Generation Learning, offering simple, practical solutions to help improve and enhance communications between parents, children and schools using technology in addition to more traditional methods.

Tanya’s posted her very first article this morning and you can read her blog at: http://www.nextgenerationlearning.org.uk/o...ch/Tanyas-Blog/

We would love to get your thoughts on this campaign, so please feel free to post your reactions.

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