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Cartier's Lee Harvey Oswald - BBC Play of the Month 10/3/1966

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I would imagine there is no VHS or DVD version of the 1966 BBC1 Play of the Month entitled "Lee Harvey Oswald".

The following page from BFI Screenonline includes links to 4 short video clips from the TV drama-documentary. Unfortunately the "video and audio content is only available through registered UK schools, colleges, universities and libraries."


"The play is a drama-documentary in the strictest sense, being based wholly on one document: the Warren Commission Report on the infamous assassination. As such it does not seek to challenge the Commission's findings or air conspiracy theories. It is perhaps the only drama about the assassination that has so limited itself. It does not, however, adhere slavishly to the word of the Report; artistic license is employed in the occasional modification of minor details for dramatic effect and the necessary telescoping of events in the creation of a narrative."


"Due to its basis in the Warren Report, now recognised as highly flawed, it could be argued that the play is of historical interest only. Yet, despite its limitations, it achieves its stated aim - to present a dramatic portrait of the "essential nature" of the assassin - and does so with considerable panache."

Also provided is a link to a biography of the director Rudolph Cartier.



Peter Fokes,


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