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Brig. Gen. Bonner "Fighting Frank" Fellers and the "For America" group

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A recent search on the Spartacus Education Forum revealed no fewer than 20 active discussion threads with the name "Bonner Fellers" contained therein.

Try it for yourself in the [search] box of your home page and see. I would maintain that it would be helpful to coalesce and review as much as possible on this Brig. General whom Adolph Hitler once called "...our best source of information." I have discovered evidence that Fellers, while stationed in Cairo, Egypt during World War II, was the Nazi double-agent responsible for deliberately leaking information he normally handled about Monty's troop and tank movements in Northern Africa through the Angletons in Italy which eventually found its way back to Rommel who would never have been known as "the Desert Fox" unless he was privy to this type of information on a regular basis. And I am not the only writer who has made this claim.

Later Fellers was later involved with "For America" which was a spin-off from The America First Group, the staunch pro-Nazi isolationist group and his personna is manifested in the character named Francis "Fighting Frank" Bollinger in Richard Condon's Manchurian Candidate in 1959. Fellers, after being demobilized by Eisenhower, joined those on the Far Right Wing of the Republican Party as an advocate of turning the Cold War hot as a member of the John Birch Society and several other right wing "think tanks". First he supported Robert Taft for President and later Senator Barry Goldwater both Draper favorites. ("In Your Guts You Know He's Nuts!") His activities with General Pedro del Valle, another favorite of Wickliffe P. Draper because of his anti-Semitism and master racism, (according to William Tucker in The Funding of Scientific Racism), on the "For America Committee" is of particular interest to me right now at least. Uliuss Amoss spent much time in Cairo, Egypt when Fellers was there and was my first entre into the nether world of Ulius Amoss and his protege Robert Emmett Johnson who were introduced to me by the work of James Richards. Johnson was, without a doubt, one of the shooters in Dealey Plaza and Bill Turner mentions him in The Fish is Red as being associated with "Raoul" from Montreal who was in all likelihood the same person as James Earl Ray's "Raoul" thus linking Johnson into the MLK murder.

Fellers expertise in Psychological Warfare and Ulius Amoss styled "mind control" operations led Condon to put him in Manchurian Candidate and shot him to the top of my list of the John Birchers involved with the JFK murder who were also inserted into The Manchurian Candidate novel and the movie versions as well. This guy was second only to Willoughby in his role in the JFK assassination plot and the ensuing cover-up. And along with Edward Hunter and the other "John Birch Socieity Ten" may have been the person most responsible for laying the lion's share of the blame for the JFK hit squarely on the shoulders of the leftists in the CIA. Can you list the 10 persons associated with the John Birch Society from Belmont, MA who were most deeply involved with the JFK hit and what their roles were?

Bonner Fellers From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bonner Frank Fellers (1896 - 1973), was a U.S. Army officer who served during World War II as military attaché and psychological warfare director. He was a considered a protegé of General Douglas MacArthur.

In 1941, then-Colonel Fellers was Military Attaché to the U.S. Embassy in Egypt. He was assigned to monitor and report on British military operations in North Africa and the Middle East. As the representative of a very important friendly power, he was given full access to British activities and information. Fellers reported everything he learned to the U.S. His reports were especially prized by Army commander in chief General George Marshall.

Fellers' messages were sent by radio, encrypted in the "Black Code" of the U.S. State Department. The details of this code were stolen from the U.S. Embassy in Italy by Italian spies in September 1941; it was also broken by German cryptanalysts, who read "Black Code" messages.[1]

Fellers' radiograms were intercepted and decrypted by the Germans. They were a treasure trove of valuable information to the Axis. The information was not only extensive and timely, it was also guaranteed authentic: the British would not be lying to their American friends.

Information from Fellers' messages alerted the Axis to British convoy operations in the Mediterranean Sea, including efforts to resupply the garrison of Malta. Information about the numbers and condition of British forces was provided to General Rommel, the famed German commander in Africa. He could thus plan his operations with reliable knowledge of what the opposing forces were. Rommel was so pleased with the intercepts that he referred to Fellers as "my bonnie fellow".[citation needed]

Fellers was later condemned for this information leak. But he had been ordered to use the State Department code over his objections, and had been ordered by Marshall to report in great detail. Criticism of Fellers for this problem generally came from those who distrusted him because of his close association both before and during the war with MacArthur. Marshall never found any fault with Fellers or with his actions in Egypt.

General Eisenhower supposedly said to an English beauty who expressed admiration for Fellers, "Any friend of Bonner Fellers is no friend of mine!"[2] If this story is true, it was due to Eisenhower's dislike of MacArthur and his associates. Eisenhower disliked Fellers since the time the two were serving under MacAruthur in the Philippines.1936-1937 was the period in which the professional relations between MacArthur and Eisenhower became very strained and MacArthur began to use Fellers as his confidant. In July 1942, Fellers was transferred from Egypt. His successor as Attaché used the U.S. military cipher, which the Germans could not read. Upon returning to the U.S. Fellers was decorated with the Distinguished Service Medal for his excellent analysis and reporting of the North African situation. He was also promoted to Brigadier General, the first in the West Point Class of 1918. Although wishing to return to the Middle East as a member of the OSS, when he found out that that was impossible Fellers, in the summer of 1943, left his job in the Office of Strategic Services(OSS), where he played a central role in planning psychological warfare, and once again began working for General MacArthur in the Southwest Pacific. Fellers later served as military secretary and the Chief of Psychological Operations under MacArthur.

After the war, Fellers played a major role in the occupation of Japan. He met with the major defendants of the Tokyo tribunal. According to historians Herbert Bix and John W. Dower, Fellers allowed them to coordinate their stories to exonerate Emperor Hirohito and all members of his family. [3][4] This was at the direction of MacArthur, now head of SCAP, who wanted no criminal prosecution of the Emperor and his family.

In October 1946, Fellers was demobilized by Eisenhower and returned to his permanent rank of Colonel. He retired from the Army and worked for the Republican National Committee in Washington. [5] In the early 1950s Fellers was actively involved in promoting Robert Taft as a Presidential candidate. After Taft's defeat to Eisenhower in the 1952 Republican convention, Fellers became a member of the John Birch society. Fellers also became actively involved in promoting Barry Goldwater for the Presidency.

1. ^ Deac, Wil. "Intercepted Communications for Field Marshal Erwin Rommel". The History Net. http://www.historynet.com/magazines/world_war_2/3038121.html. Retrieved on 2008-02-03.

2. ^ Moses, Sam. At All Costs

3. ^ Bix, Herbert. Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, Perennial, 2001, p. 583

4. ^ Dower, John W. Embracing Defeat, 1999

5. ^ Seagrave, P. and S. The Yamato dynasty, 1999, p. 216

Example of a report by Colonel Bonner-Fellers which was intercepted and decoded by the Italians in 1942

Edited by John Bevilaqua
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Psychological Warfare and the nascent Enmity between the OSS and MacArthur's organization....


Quoting from the link above:

American General Willoughby cited some of the achievements of the AIB. Members won over 100 awards and decorations, 264 missions carried out, 164 operatives killed, 75 captured and 178 missing, against 7,203 Japanese dead, 141 POWs and 1,054 Allied personal rescued from enemy occupied territory.

Almost every wartime book about the OSS mentions Donovan's attempt to gain entry into MacArthur's headquarters. Such anecdotes are found in both The Shadow Warriors by Bradley F. Smith and OSS by R. Harris Smith. The books tell of a number of high-level military and civilian officials sent to meet with MacArthur to plead the agency's case. None were successful:

There was one attempt to smuggle a naval officer who was an OSS agent into MacArthur's headquarters. One of the OSS plotters later wrote, "Our man was captured - not by the enemy - by MacArthur and sent home."

Powell discusses the OWI and OSS and how they might have been a threat to the Australian AIB if MacArthur had not been so strongly against them. Some of his comments are:

OWI historian Allan M. Winkler suggests that MacArthur’s bitterness at what he regarded as Roosevelt’s betrayal of his Philippines command led to rejection of OWI’s services in SWPA because the agency was seen as linked to the President’s administration…

OSS was a different matter. Donovan tried hard but MacArthur would have none of it…Why was MacArthur so opposed to OSS? Donovan’s biographer gives three reasons. Willoughby’s ambition to control all intelligence work in SWPA; MacArthur’s objections to independent agencies in his command area; and “the inevitable clash between two strong personalities, equally fixed in purpose.”

Donovan did everything possible to get a toehold in SWPA but without any success. He sent personal emissaries to MacArthur in January and April 1943; in June, Donovan approached the Joint Chiefs of Staff with an offer to train the new Philippines section; In April 1944, Donovan visited MacArthur. It was all for naught. In May 1945, MacArthur told the War Department:

The OSS has not up to the present time operated within this area. I know little of its methods, have no control over its agencies, and consequently have no plans for future employment.

Perhaps the most telling report of the real enmity between the rival organizations was when Psywar Chief General Bonner Fellers submitted a plan for secret operations against Japan. The OSS experts in Washington read the plan and forwarded a lengthy criticism. MacArthur's headquarters replied, "Our experts state that your experts are obviously mere superficial observers." In 1945 when asked about the OSS by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff MacArthur said, "I know little of its methods, have no control of its agencies, and consequently have no plans for its future employment."

British intelligence agencies were also unable to send agents into the southwest Pacific Area and eventually used the London Times correspondent in Australia to keep track of MacArthur and the American operations. We should also note that when MacArthur led U.N. troops in Korea in 1951 he tried to keep the CIA out of his command. He was less successful.

Edited by John Bevilaqua
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Mind Control Forums and Bonner Fellers - PsyOps Warfare


Edited by John Bevilaqua
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A recent search on the Spartacus Education Forum revealed no fewer than 20 active discussion threads with the name "Bonner Fellers" contained therein.

So you thought you'd make it 21? I assume the other 20 were started by you. Wouldn't it make more sense to have one "Bonner Fellers" thread and then update it as needed?

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Wherein Buell Partakes of Brainwashing...

A recent search on the Spartacus Education Forum revealed no fewer than 20 active discussion threads with the name "Bonner Fellers" contained therein.

So you thought you'd make it 21? I assume the other 20 were started by you. Wouldn't it make more sense to have one "Bonner Fellers" thread and then update it as needed?

Bad assumption on your part. My disappointment continues. Less than half were started by me. I hereby declare that this is the MAIN Brigadier Bonner "Fighting Frank" Fellers thread from this day forward until kingdom comes or until you finally get onto the Manchurian Candidate and MK/ULTRA themes full bore.

Let the "brainwashing" continue... Or maybe it is more like Chinese Water Torture... drip, drip, drip... You must come clean... you have to talk... vee haff our vays...

Gary, why don't you play a little solitaire?

By my rough estimate, there are now 25 threads where Bonner Fellers returns a hit and I only started 10 of them or 40% by my count. Not bad, huh?

And only one of them has his name in the title, I believe. So this is it. Ever hear of the H. Smith Richardson Foundation, the CIA sponsored agency which

funded MK/ULTRA. Did you know that William F. Buckley's sister married the President of the H. Smith Richardson Foundation and that the guy who started the

foundation also manufactured "Vicks Vapo Rub" when it was Richardson-Vicks and that he was involved with Draper and Involuntary Sterilization in North Carolina?

The guy was Gerald O'Reilly I think it was. And Buckley's sister died at age 31 in 1964, too. Google it. H. Smith Richardson alone then with Foundation...

Brig. Gen. Bonner "Fighting Frank" Fellers and the "For America" group

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Maj. Gen. Bonner Fellers and A/C Liaison Committee of Correspondence

The full list of the heads of Anti-Communist Liaison Committee of Correspondence:

(1) Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby

(2) Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers

(3) Edward "Brainwashing" Hunter who used both MK/ULTRA and BK/ULTRA techniques

(4) Sarah McClendon uses only BK/ULTRA

(5) Rev. Billy James Hargis who can go either way

(6) Anna Chen Chennault prefers MK/ULTRA

Famous quotes about Brig. Gen. Bonner "Fighting Frank" Fellers

Dwight D. Eisenhower "Any friend of Bonner Fellers is no friend of mine."

Adolph Hiter: "Bonner Fellers is one of our best sources of information."

Richard Condon: Francis "Fighting Frank" Bollinger is Bonner "Fighting Frank" Fillars, CIG (Counter-Intelligence Group)

How is Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers linked back to The Pioneer Fund of Wickliffe Draper and John B. Trevor, Sr. by Richard

Condon in The Manchurian Candidate? Now Condon may only have been linking back to Trevor, but I think he knew

about Draper, too, because of his Tuaregs reference which only involved Draper.

Here is Russ Bellant in "Old Nazis the New Right and the Republican Party"

John Trevor [sr.] was a leader of a group, Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice, attempting to prevent the censure of Joe McCarthy. Its leadership represented a Who's Who of American anti-Semitism. [f-94] At their 1954 rally for McCarthy, a female photographer taking pictures of the special guest section for <Time> magazine was physically assaulted amid shouts of "Dirty Jew" and "Hang the communist bitch!" [f-95]

In the Manchurian Candidate, Condon describes a group which has an almost identical name: "Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Tomorrow" run by Francis Bollinger which is an anagram for: Bonner Fillars, CIG. The real person who started the real group was Gen. Bonner Fellers, who worked in the Counter Intelligence Group (CIG) and was another close Willoughby (and MacArthur) confidante. John B. Trevor, Sr. of ACPS and Draper's Pioneer Fund was also instrumental in that organization. Anyone who thinks that this is just a coincidence should be ashamed or embarrassed or belittled or all three, perhaps. Richard Condon knew whereof he spoke. You are a good man, Richard Condon, and I hope you do not get in any trouble for what I am writing now but it had to be done.

John B. Trevor, Jr. became acting secretary of the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies (Draper's boys) after his father's death in 1956, but the political character of the group showed no noticeable change, [f-96] The ACPS in 1962 condemned the Nuremberg war crimes trials as a "dreadful retrogression into barbarism," and called for the release of those "who may still be suffering imprisonment." [f-97]

John B. Trevor, Jr. was one of eight members of the American Security Council Board of Directors until several years ago. The current president of the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies is John Fisher, and their address is the same as the ASC. [f-98]

Anyone have a list of the eight members of the ASC B of D?

Yet another link in the Mystery of Richard Giesbrecht has been solved using BK/ULTRA a very specialized and unique

form of Brain Kontrol/ULTRA similar to MK/ULTRA or Mind Kontrol/ULTRA. It is a variation of MK/ULTRA developed

entirely by me and it is utilized as a sort of de-programming technique for anyone I come across who is suffering

latent effects from Revilo Oliver's, Charles Willoughby's and Edward Hunter's application of MK/ULTRA techniques

across thousands of miles and even across generations of individuals. It is so effective that even 50 years AFTER

it was discussed by Richard Condon, there are actually still thousands of extant individuals suffering from that malady.

Many of them frequent alt.assassination.jfk and alt.conspiracy.jfk and continue to parrot the trite pablum and

conditioned phrases emphatically, permanently and irretrievably embedded into their brains by the likes of Revilo P.

Oliver, Charles Willoughby, Philip J. Corso, Rev. Gerald L K Smith, Sarah McClendon, Robert J. Morris, and Edward

Hunter. For a negotiated fee, consisting or dollars or doughnuts, I can assist anyone suffering from that usually

terminal and perpetual malady to become at least partially deprogrammed.

Write to:

BK/ULTRA - Psychological Warfare Dept.

Attention: 新字体 or 新字體 (Chinese for Brain Kontrol)

3223 Manchurian Candidate Way (3223 is a palindrome from ManCand - Anyone recall where it was seen in the movie?)

Harbin, Manchuria, China 漢字不滅,中國必亡

I think think the Zhizp 漢字不滅,中國必亡 above is correct.

Zhizp is Chinese for Zip Code in case you did not figure it all out.

The reference to "World Airways" in The Richard Giesbrecht Incident came from Colonel Claire "Flying Tigers"

Chennault, a perennial fixture on the Reich Wing scene along with his wife after he died.

The C-47 benefitted from its excellent reputation during the war, but also from the DC-3 pre-war days with the airlines. The surplus C-46s were picked up by entrepeneurs who sought to make money flying cargo on a non-scheduled basis. Capitol, Flying Tigers and World Airways were among them.

In many South American countries, surface transport is hindered by the nature of the terrain: Amazone jungle, the Andes, extensive swamplands. The C-46 became a common sight in countries like Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Chile. A workhorse like the C-46 could be put to good use there, mostly carrying cargo of all sorts.

The CIA was an avid user of the C-46. It played a role in many operations. Cuba and the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco was one. The CIA's "Liberation Air Force" for Cuba was stationed (clandestine) at "Happy Valley" in Nicaragua, consisting of five C-46s, as well as other types (C-54, B-26). In the process, Southern Air Transport was bought (consisting of only 1 C-46 at that time) in the early 1960s. The CIA had much use for aircraft in various roles and ended up owning its own airline: Civil Air Transport (CAT). A respectable airline opened many doors and provided a good cover. It was renamed Air America in 1959. And it even made money ! The holding company named Pacific Corporation, owned by the CIA, was stationed in Delaware. Many people involved did not know they worked, in a way, for the CIA, as it also operated as a normal commercial airline. By comparision, during the 1960s when Flying Tigers (at that time the largest US transport company) operated 28 planes and had 2.000 employees, and Air America had more than 150 planes and 8.000 employees ! Southern Air Transport played a similar role for the CIA and there were more. War surplus aircraft provided a good start, required little funding and the specifications fitted the covert operations like a glove. Quite a few pilots operating missions for the CIA, had their hands on the controls of a C-46 over the Himalayas. Air America used the C-46 in Vietnam, on routes between Saigon and Da Nang, but also during the last months of the Vietnam War with markings of the ICCS ("I Can't Control xxxx") for the International Control Commission, to control the peace agreement. Quite a few C-46s disappeared without a trace while in use with the CIA.

More on Gen. Claire Chennault who came from the "cotton fields" of Waterproof, Louisiana


Claire Lee Chennault - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

General Claire Lee Chennault: A Guide to His Papers in the Hoover Institution Archives. Palo Alto, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1983. ...

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claire_Chennault - 49k - Cached - Similar pages -


Claire Lee Chennault, Lieutenant General, United States Army Air Corps

From the cotton fields of Waterproof, Louisiana, came Claire Lee Chennault, a prophetic, controversial military genius who was de-activated twice because of ...

www.arlingtoncemetery.net/clchenna.htm - 22k - Cached - Similar pages -


Flying Tigers / Claire Lee Chennault

Provides a biography of Chennault, and a history of the Flying Tigers.

www.warbirdforum.com/clc.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages -


Clare Chennault & The Flying Tigers - 2Bangkok.com Forum

4 posts - 2 authors

Clare Chennault & The Flying Tigers World War II & Siam.

www.angkor.com/2bangkok/2bangkok/forum/showthread.php?t=757 - 51k - Cached - Similar pages -


Amazon.com: Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and the American ...

Amazon.com: Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and the American Volunteer Group: Daniel Ford: Books.

www.amazon.com/Flying-Tigers-Chennault-American-Volunteer/dp/1560985410 - 234k - Cached - Similar pages -


Chennault, Claire L.

Mar 13, 2003 ... Kelley, John M. Claire Lee Chennault: Theorist and Campaign Planner. Fort Leavenworth, KS, Army Command and General Staff College, May 1993. ...

www.au.af.mil/au/aul/bibs/great/chenlt.htm - 14k - Cached - Similar pages -


Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and his American Volunteers, 1941 ...

Only a small band of American mercenary fliers based in Burma and known as the Flying Tigers, led by a leather-faced fighter named Claire Chennault, ...

www.flyingtigersbook.com/ - 8k - Cached - Similar pages -


Air Power:Claire Chennault and the Flying Tigers of WorldWar II

The Chinese government looked to the United States for assistance, hiring U.S. Army Air Corps veteran Claire Chennault to train its pilots. ...

www.centennialofflight.gov/essay/Air_Power/tigers/AP24.htm - 22k - Cached - Similar pages -


American Volunteer Group: Claire L. Chennault and the Flying ...

Secretly recruited, a group of American pilots led by a former stunt pilot gained hero status in two nations during World War II and won a permanent place ...

www.historynet.com/american-volunteer-group-claire-l-chennault-and-the-flying-tigers.htm - 54k - Cached - Similar pages -


Claire L. Chennault (United States general) -- Britannica Online ...

Britannica online encyclopedia article on Claire L. Chennault (United States general), US major general who commanded the US Army Air Forces in China ...

www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/109312/Claire-L-Chennault - 47k -

81 Turner, Power on the Right, pp. 200-201.

82Donald S. Strong, <Organized Anti-Semitism in America> (Washington, D.C.: American Council on Public Affairs, 1940), pp. 83-108.

83Strong, pp. 83-93; Robert Wohlforth, "Spy-Hunters: 1930," <The New Republic>, Jan. 29, 1930, pp. 271-73 (note also reply in Harry Jung, "Correspondence," <The New Republic>, March 12, 1930, pp. 101-102); Norman Hapgood, <Professional Patriots> (New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1927), pp. 139, 162-65.

84John Roy Carlson, <Under Cover> (Philadelphia: Blakiston Company and New York: E. P. Dutton, 1943), p. 392. Jung had White Russian emigres translate the "Protocols" from Czarist forgeries in Russian to English forgeries. See also Strong, pp. 105-6.

85<New York Times>, July 24, 1942, p. 8; Strong, p. 95.

86<The Coalitionist >, published by the ACPS, from 1929-32. See, for example, <The Coalitionist>, Nov. 1929, p. 1.

87John Higham, <Strangers in the Land> (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1955; New York: Atheneum, 1981), pp. 314,

88<Ibid>., p. 319.

89 Barry Mehler, "The New Eugenics: Academic Racism in the U.S. Today," <Israel Horizons>, Jan.

Feb. 1984, p. 25.

90 <In Fact>, August 11, 1947, p. 2; <ln Fact>, Feb. 24, 1947, p. 4. <In Fact>, begun as a

biweekly in 1940, soon became a weekly that was published until 1950. It was edited by George Seldes.

91<ln Fact>, Feb. 14, 1949, pp. 1, 2. For details on <National Republic>, see <In Fact>, Feb. 24, 1947, p. 3.

92<New York Times >, July 24, 1942, p. 8.

93Felix Morley, "Travesty of Justice," < Human Events >, Nov. 21, 1945, pp. 192-95.

94Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein, <Cross-Currents> (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co., 1956), pp. 156-60.

95 <Ibid>., p. 158; Thomas Reeves, <The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy: A Biography> (New

York: Stein and Day, 1982), p. 662.

96 Margaret Fisk, ed., < Encyclopedia of Associations >, 8th ed. (Detroit: Gale Research, 1973), Vol. 1,

p. 1057. For background on the political character of ACPS, see < Group Research Report> throughout

the 1960's and < Report to America > (an ACPS organ) 1960-1962.

97 "American Coalition of Patriotic Societies," < Group Research Organizations Directory >, Washington,

D.C., Feb. 12, 1963, p. 2.

98 < Encyclopedia of Associations >, 22nd ed. (Detroit: Gale Research, 1987), Vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 1669.

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Mailing Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604

Domicile Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604

Principal Office: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604

Principal Bus. Est. in Louisiana:

Qualified: 07/14/1954

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR., 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): SUMTER D. MARKS, JR., 321 ST CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): LOUIS B. CLAVERIE, 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130



After leaving the FBI offices, BARRIOS and GATLIN met with a Mr. DUNBAR, who occasionally represents the United Fruit Co. in New Orleans. They asked for one million dollars from the United Fruit Co., in support of BARRIOS' intended revolutionary movement in Guatemala, but they were unsuccessful in obtaining any commitment.


Front door:-----321 St. Charles


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Nice Work... United Fruit -> Bonner Fellers -> For America

From: White Protestant Nation: (Fellers and Buckley, and a cast of hundreds) by Allan Lichtman


You can buy this 2008 book at abebooks.com for $10 including shipping:


Several of my major JFK suspects were involved with the Guatamala-United Fruit

interventions NOT to my surprise. And I agree with your K.I.S.S. assessment.

Just patched that other posting together at the midnight hour while dozing off.

Will fix later. I prefer: Keep It Simple, Smarty-pants.

(1) Col. Philip J. Corso whom I believe actually tricked Giovanni Battista Montini, the

Papal Nuncio who later became Pope Paul VI (as I recall) into helping Corso with

the Nazi Ratlines during World War II. He semi-implicated himself in the Jupiter

or Naples local rag in the 1990's.

(2) E. Howard Hunt who ran the Brown Shirts at Brown University in 1940 along

with William F. Buckley, Jr. including George Lincoln Rockwell and Anastase

Vonsiatsky. Buckley's wife married Gerard O'Reilly president of the H. Smith

Richardson Foundation who funded the entire MK/ULTRA operation.

(3) Perhaps Bonner Fellers who I missed as being on the A/C Liaison C of C with

Willoughby, Hargis, Hunter and company. Any evidence of Fellers or

Willoughby in Guatamala?

(4) Allen J. Dulles of course, in his glory days.

(5) See Below: Colonel Claire Chennault "Flying Tigers" Air Transport Company

which had a "World Airways" DC-3 waiting in Winnipeg, Manitoba right

after the Giesbrecht Incident at the Winnipeg airport

(6) Guy Bannister's (and also Maurice Gatlin's perhaps?) Caribbean Anti-Communist Brigade

later part of the infamous World Anti-Communist League, too, including the ABN of Raikin,

Willoughby and Fellers

(7) Lake Pontchartrain and Houma arms caches used in both Guatamala and Bay of Pigs

recently referenced by Bill Kelly in a posting.

(8) John Cabot of Boston's Cabot, Cabot and Forbes was a vested owner in United Fruit, correct?

(9) Dictator Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic and his family who actually provided funding

for the JFK hit which was after the death of Trujillo, right? George de Mohrenschildt in both Haiti

and the D.R. and Robert Emmett Johnson, the MK/ULTRA killer who later wrote a True Magazine puff

piece about his escapades in the D.R. which I have somewhere. Also Hal Hendrix somewhat later

wrote about the coup against Juan Bosch of the D.R., the day before it actually happened at The

Miami News where I worked.

(10) "On June 25, 1953, the FBI was contacted by a retired Army officer, whose name has been

withheld for privacy reasons" (More than likely one of the MacArthur cast-offs who were forced to

"retire" along with Willoughby and MacArthur. Maybe Fellers? The "colonel" below could have been Corso,

too, who was one of MacArthur's dispatched and destroyed boys who went to work for Strom Thurmond

when no one else would hire him. Was Chennault only a Colonel at that time too? Think so.

(11) Just love the reference to Huey Long's brother, a dentist as congressman. And Senator Russell Long

Huey's son ended up on the Warren Commission, right? Shortly after GLK Smith, who had Long's

father killed in my honest opinion, helped to kill JFK then came into about $1 million bucks in Spring of 1964

after he attended the Giesbrecht Meeting in Winnipeg then flew home in a Chennault Flying Tiger plane

from World Airways.

(12) Marine General Pedro A. del Valle, and a confirmed Draper correspondent, according to William

Tucker in The Funding of Scientific Racism, was also on For America with Fellers. (see below)

So all of these people, most of whom were members of Condon's Dirty Dozen (1958-59) were

also only one degree removed from or directly involved with the Jacobo Arbenz CIA coup in Guatamala in 1954:

From the looks of this list the Guatamala coup to get rid of the communist Arbenz was run, sponsored or approved by by America's

own private Gestapo and Nazi Storm Troopers including these miscellaneous Schweinhundt below who had at one time been with either

MacArthur and Army Intel, the CIA or ONI (via del Valle and Marine Corps) or in the case of Vonsiatsky with the expatriate Captive

Nations orgs.

Our own pro-Nazis and rabid Fascists invaded Guatamala... to save United Fruit for the Protestant landed gentry like the Cabots and the Forbes...

and to rid the world of Communists who would ever be so bold as to nationalize either Buckley's Mexican Pantepec Oil interests, Chilean

Copper or... or... Chiquita Bananas from United Fruit? Chiquita frigging bananas? Are you kidding me? Chiquita bananas

I'm Chiquita Banana, and I've come to say

Bananas have to ripen in a certain way.

And when they are flecked with brown and have a golden hue,

Bananas taste the best, and are the best for you.

You can put them in a salad. You can put them in a pie - aye.

Anyway you want to eat them it's impossible to beat them.

But bananas like the climate of the very, very tropical equator.

So you should never put bananas in the refrigerator.

(and they apparently prefer fascism to communism - aye)

Great advice... and what a catchy tune, too.

Shades of Gen. Smedley Butler: "War is a Racket" and "The Plot to Seize the White House." by Jules Archer

William F. Buckley, Jr.

Rev. G.L.K. Smith

Allen Dulles

Bonner Fellers

E. Howard Hunt

Wickliffe P. Draper

Philip J. Corso

Pedro A. del Valle

J. Strom Thurmond

Anastase Vonsiatsky

WACL - umbrella org

NARWACL - Giesbrecht

ACL of Caribbean - Bannister/Gatlin

APACL - Colonel Claire Chennault (China Lobby with Robert Morris)

Was there any need for MK/ULTRA in Guatamala? Can't say for sure but these guys were all deeply involved.

Any others?

"For America!" by Alex Constantine. (a spin-off from the old America First Committee - WW II Isolationists)

"Democracy is an attack upon God!" - Werner Naumann

Among their contacts in the United States, the Nazi "elite" could rely on the generous assistance of a well-connected patron, Pedro Del Valle, who went on to become a vice president of ITT. In 1954, Del Valle, a retired Marine Corps lieutenant general, was soundly defeated in his run for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. His campaign was spiced with public endorsements of a foaming aniti-Semitic tract, Know Your Enemy.

Twenty years later, Del Valle and ITT consultant John McCone, formerly a CIA director, threw in to overthrow Allende in Chile's 1970 elections. ITT funnelled $350,000 into event, and when the brutal dictatorship of Pinochet was installed, the conglomerate conspired with other "conservative" companies to pirate the country's natural resources. As a hedge against the fall of the Third Reich, German industrialists had made provisions in 1944 for protecting their loot from confiscation by the U.S and England.

On the instruction of Martin Bormann, the surviving SS, soon to be known as ODESSA, established hundreds of corporations abroad, donated handsomely to extreme right-wing political candidates in the U.S. and cleared the path for the reconstruction of the Reich on foreign soil. (Looks like they chose American soil)

All of this was accomplished by chanelling the loot through a labyrinth of secret bank accounts to non-belligerent countries, and under Bormann's direction financed 750 news companies worldwide to direct the Nazi Party reconsruction. Over 100 of those companies were based in the United States. Funds materialized in the bank accounts of Germany's agents around the world. They were instructed to invest in selected businesses, propaganda mills in the U.S. and elsewhere, give legal aid to indicted Nazis, purchase out-of-the-way estates for Nazi leaders in foreign lands, and so on. These funds also supported the "rat lines," escape routes from the Allied advance set up every 40 miles along the German border. Fascist opinion in the United States was fomented by American contacts.

For America, a spin-off of the America First Committee, was formed in 1954, ran by some of the leading WW II "isolationists." One of the organization's leading lights was Colonel Robert McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune. The chairman of For America was Clarence Manion, formerly dean of law at Notre Dame University. Manion once sat on Eisenhower's Commission on Inter-Governmental Affairs. Robert Wood, then head of Sears, Roebuck, was a blustering propagandist for the German American Bund (run by Vonsiatsky cohorts). The stated aim of For America was the support of political candidates sympathetic to the Nazi cause.

Three congressmen made up the recruiting arm of the organization: Burton K. Wheeler, Hamilton Fish and Howard Buffett. (All Vonsiatsky's comrades) Fish, a Republican Party leader, had as his greatest ambition the start of a third party based on principles of National Socialism. The others were already in disrepute for involvement in "non-interventionist" America First chapters and other enclabes of domestic Nazism during the war. "What will it take to disband this group?" asked the Atlanta Journal, "World War III?"

Confiscated Jewish assets were poured into the Nazi rebirth and turned up in the oddest places. On September 20, 1996, a half century after the fact, the Associated Press at long last noticed: "Tons of gold looted by Nazis during World War II - some of it possibly taken from the fillings in Holocaust victims' teeth - are stored in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Bank of England in London. Recently declassified federal documents show that 6 tons of gold looted by Nazis are stored in the two banks, the World Jewish Congress said. The group's president has written to the two countries asking that the gold be returned to Holocaust survivors."

Subject: Maurice Gatlin and Guatemala '53 - '54

From: jpshinley@my-deja.com

Date: Mon, 14 June 1999 08:07 AM EDT

Message-id: <7k2r9a$n7v$1@nnrp1.deja.com>

Note: NO refers to the FBI New Orleans Field Office. References to FBI documents are from the FBI files on Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Sr., #64-29230


Gatlin entered the stage of the Guatemalan drama in May, 1953, when he arranged to meet a Guatemalan exile, Colonel Roberto Barrios y Pena at the FBI NO Field Office. The Colonel revealed the following about his personal background to the FBI:


... he participated in the October 20, 1944, revolution in Guatemala, at that time serving on the staff of the Guatemalan Army. On February 12, 1947, he resigned from the Guatemalan Army to join an anti-Communist political group which was in opposition to the existing government. He stated that in 1950 this group, known as the "Anti-Communist Force," staged small uprisings in Guatemala, all of which failed. He stated that he was presently in exile from Guatemala and that there was a price of $20,000 on his head if he returned to that country.


Colonel Barrios was the grandson of General Justo Barrios, who was president of Guatemala from 1880 to 1885. The city of Puerto Barrios, on Guatemala's Atlantic coast, was named for the General. The Colonel's anti-Communist activities were funded by dictator Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic. (p. 124. Schlesinger, Stephen and Kinzer Stephen. _Bitter Fruit_. New York: Anchor Books, 1990)


Everyone else involved was a bit perplexed as to why Gatlin had chosen to involve the FBI in his introduction to the Colonel, and Barrios left angry. The Colonel had been interested in meeting with Guatemalans represented by Gatlin. After Barrios' departure, Gatlin revealed that the Colonel "planned to overthrow the government of Guatemala by force of arms, in the 'next few weeks.'" Gatlin waitied until he was certain that Barrios and his companion were gone before leaving himself.


That is how the FBI version of the meeting ends. According to a CIA document dated June 26, 1953, the following also occurred:


After leaving the FBI offices, BARRIOS and GATLIN met with a Mr. DUNBAR, who occasionally represents the United Fruit Co. in New Orleans. They asked for one million dollars from the United Fruit Co., in support of BARRIOS' intended revolutionary movement in Guatemala, but they were unsuccessful in obtaining any commitment.


BARRIOS and GATLIN visited the air base near Pontchartrain, (type of base not further identified, although it is known that there is a large naval air base on this lake), Captain DAVIS showed them two large transport planes, each of which had two 75mm. recoil-less rifles and two projectiles. DAVIS told BARRIOS that the planes were those which had been promised him and that he would make arrangements for BARRIOS to get the planes out of the United States.


Two paragraphs of this memo, addressed to the FBI, have been withheld. The source of the above version of events has not been revealed. The CIA asked the FBI for any additional information on the revolutionary activities of Barrios and the identity of Captain Davis. A notation on the FBI copy of this document states that the CIA was providing a copy to Customs, suggesting that Barrios's activities did not have the approval of the CIA.


On June 25, 1953, the FBI was contacted by a retired Army officer, whose name has been withheld for privacy reasons (referred to here as P-1). P-1 said that Gatlin had approached him with a shopping list of armaments which included three P-38 fighters and three P-51 fighters, along with ammunition. Gatlin said he was acting on behalf of an unnamed Colonel (undoubtedly, Barrios y Pena) who was planning an anti-Communist revolution in Guatemala. Gatlin asked P-1 if he knew General Claire Chennault. P-1 replied that he did, and concluded that Gatlin assumed that P-1 could obtain the weapons through Chennault. P-1 was inclined to throw Gatlin out of his office, but decided to play along to learn what Gatlin was up to. Gatlin offered P-1 oil and mineral concessions in Guatemala after the revolution. Gatlin proposed to introduce P-1 to the Colonel, and P-1 asked the FBI whether he should go ahead with the meeting. Unfortunately, the Bureau of Customs had jurisdiction over Neutrality Act cases. NO had to contact the Bureau in Washington to get permission to hand P-1 over to Customs. The permission was obtained, but nothing substantial came of the Customs investigation, possibly because of the clumsiness of the hand over of P-1 to Customs. One person, name withheld, mentioned in connection with the scheme, was described by Customs as a known gun-runner who had taken weapons to Cuba.


Gatlin attempted to draft the FBI directly into Colonel Barrios' anti-Communist crusade. On January 13, 1954, "GATLIN stated he was requesting the FBI to offer the services of its Laboratory to make 100 twelve inch long playing records of Col. PENA's speeches for distribution throughout Guatemala to 'aid the fight.'" Gatlin estimated the cost to the Bureau to be about six hundred dollars. "The jurisdiction of the FBI was carefully pointed out to GATLIN and he was informed that such a request appeared to be entirely divorced from the purposes and aims of this organization. GATLIN replied that 'being faced with an enemy in its own backyard' the FBI should not consider matters like jurisdiction. At his continued insistence, he was advised that his request would be made known to this Bureau but that he should expect no favorable action to be taken. No further action re this matter is contemplated by this office."


On March 3, 1954, Gatlin requested a short-wave transmitter from the FBI to permit Barrios to communicate with his contacts in Central America. He did not want to deal with the FCC, because it was "infiltrated with a bunch of Communists." Gatlin also provided the FBI with a mass of information and supposition about Latin American affairs. "At this point, it was pointed out to Gatlin that all the information furnished by him concerning Latin American countries was under the jurisdiction of the Central Intelligence Agency and/or the State Department. He stated that he did not care to deal with the Central Intelligence Agency because as far as he was concerned, they were on probation, and that their predecessor, OSS, was thoroughly infiltrated by Communists." The NO office made the following evaluation:


In summary, it may be stated that Gatlin is prone to distort information and report as fact his own conclusions. His modus operandi is to telephone this office and state as a fact such conclusions and then decline to furnish specifics on the telephone or come to the office for interview. When agents thereafter contact him in his office it is invariably found that the information upon which his conclusions were based either does not support the conclusion or is not susceptible to independent verification. He is an egotistical individual who fancies himself to be an expert on Latin American affairs and he characterizes himself as the "unofficial ambassador" to Guatemala. Discreet inquiries concerning his reliability merely reflect he is untrustworthy, sly, shrewd and unscrupulous, but the fact remains that he is member in good standing of the Louisiana Bar and is a practicing attorney. The New Orleans Office in the future intends to refer GATLIN to the Central Intelligence Agency representative, with whom he is acquainted and to whom he has furnished some information. Every effort will be made to avoid contacts with him, but it is expected he will continue to call this office as in the past.


Besides, agents had noticed "loose wires" in Gatlin's office and home, raising the alarming possibility that Gatlin was recording his conversations with Hoover's boys.


The Bureau in Washington agreed with NO's decision to avoid contact with Maurice. "Under no circumstances should Gatlin be interviewed at his home, office, via telephone, or any other situation where he might possibly make recordings..." (Does the Bureau's horror of being recorded suggest the FBI records may not accurately reflect everything said during an interview?)


The Bureau's refusal to provide material assistance, and other slights, prompted Gatlin to prepare and distribute a petulantly toned "final report," dated March 11. "We have been able to accurately forecast well in advance every event of major importance in the Caribbean area," Gatlin modestly claimed. Gatlin seemed to single out the FBI for particular scorn:


Example: Agency "X" refused to consider certain vital information because they have no "jurisdiction" over it. (Our belief is that every American has "jurisdiction" concerning the welfare of our country.)


Example: At least three agents had no knowledge that a Conference was to be held at Caracas, and had only a hazy idea of where Caracas is. One agent thought that Costa Rica was the Capital of Puerto Rico; another had never heard of Ciudad Truxillo.


Another copy of Gatlin's "final report" was provided to the FBI by Victor A. Johnston, director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Johnston had obtained the report from an "old friend" in Houston.


Gatlin was well informed about the corporate sponsors (withheld) of Castillo Armas, and claimed to have met him in New Orleans in 1954 before the uprising. Gatlin provided John Moors Cabot, Assistant Secretary of State, with the following sage observations in a letter dated November 27, 1953:


You are further advised that I know, from the same source, the hour of the day, but not the exact dates (but between stated dates) that an invasion attempt will be made, and the location of the two points where the invasion will be made. This particular invasion, incidentally will be of great detriment to our country, regardless of whether it is sucessful or not. If not sucessful, the people will lose all hope of deliverance; if successful, the people will know that is was backed by certain financial interests in this country, and they will be further alienated from us.


Now Mr. Secretary, you have served in the nation involved, and you know the character of the people as I do. They have been conditioned to hate us, but if we understand them and concede their equality, and if we let the change that is an absolute necessity be made strictly by them, they can become a valuable ally, rather than a transcontinental barrier controlled by our enemy as they now are.


History records that Gatlin's advice was ignored.


Colonel Barrios y Pena's role in the June 1954 uprising included firing off a letter from New Orleans to President Arbenz. The letter, dated May 18, warned Arbenz that he did not have the "right to take the country to civil war. If you survive, the spilled blood will fall on you and your family." The Colonel made the letter public in New Orleans on June 19, 1954, while the uprising was still in progress. Barrios y Pena had no comment to questions about whether he favored the sucess of Castillo Armas or whether he felt that Castillo Armas had "the welfare of the people of Guatemala at heart."

(New Orleans Times Picayune; June 20, 1954; p. 2)


The Colonel left New Orleans to return to Guatemala on November 15, 1954. Gatlin announced that the Colonel's new role would be "good-will ambassador ... to promote solidarity of the Western Hemisphere against Communism." Barrios y Pena left a cache of documents behind with Gatlin. "These documents will prove the activities in favor of international communism of many of the well-known figures of our hemisphere."

(New Orleans Times Picayune; Nov 16, 1954; p. 11)


In September of 1954, the FBI received word from an INS investigator that Gatlin was claiming authorship of a speech placed in the Congressional Record on August 18 by Louisiana Congressman George S. Long. Long was the dentist brother of the more famous Huey and Earl Long. Gatlin purportedly passed the speech to Long through a third party. The speech touched on the recent events in Guatemala and offered fulsome praise for Colonel Barrios Pena, "a man of such background, vision and patriotism as to be an asset to all upon whom he bestows his talent and understanding."


Jerry Shinley

Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/

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Edited by John Bevilaqua
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Andrew Preston formed The Boston Fruit Company around 1898 which later became United Fruit then United Brands. He started out in the railroad business, making purchases from both Samuel Vauclain of The Baldwin Locomotive Works and Cornelius Vanderbilts' heir J. Watson Webb both from Philadelphia who were in turn very friendly with Wickliffe Preston Draper, who was Andrew Preston's 1st cousin. Draper was later introduced to Anastase Vonsiatsky by Vauclain, who became his personal strike-breaking goon and man Friday. Draper and Vonsiatsky arranged to have Sacco and Vanzetti framed for murder then later electrocuted after they led violent strikes against the clientele of he Draper textile loom company. Vonsiatsky had started working for Samuel Vauclain in Philadelphia then moved to New England after his marriage to Marion Ream, who was the daughter of Norman B. Ream on the Board of 22 corporations including the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, U. S. Steel and National Biscuit Company. Vonsiatsky neeed a job in New England after he moved to Thompson, CT with his bride to live at the Ream mansion. Thompson, CT was only 20 miles from the Draper estate in Hopedale, Massachusetts. And the only way I even discovered that was when I heard a radio commercial for the old Thompson Speedway almost by accident, which was only about 30 miles from my New England home. From that meager start, the links between Vonsiatsky and Draper just became much more obvious and solidified. I had been pursuing them as independent suspects, but it became obvious that they had worked together since about 1923-1924 on their mutual campaigns against America and its many minorities.

Andrew Preston, who did not make it in the railroad business quickly moved into the Caribbean fruit and vegetable businesses.

The U.S. State Department and United Fruit embarked on a major public relations campaign to convince the American people and the rest of the U.S. government that Guatemala was a Soviet "satellite". (Moscow hates bananas)

"It [united Fruit] began with enviable connections to the Eisenhower administration. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his former New York law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, had long represented the company. Allen Dulles, head of the CIA, had served on UFCO's board of trustees. Ed Whitman, the company's top public relations officer, was the husband of Ann Whitman, President Eisenhower's private secretary. (Ed Whitman produced a film, "Why the Kremlin Hates Bananas," that pictured UFCO fighting in the front trenches of the cold war.) The fruit firm's success in linking the taking of its lands to the evil of international communism was later described by one UFCO official as "the Disney version of the episode." But the company's efforts paid off. It picked up the expenses of journalists who traveled to Guatemala to learn United Fruit's side of the crisis, and some of the most respected North American publications - including the New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, and New Leader - ran stories that pleased the company. A UFCO public relations official later observed that his firm helped condition North American readers to accept the State Department's version of the Arbenz regime as Communist-controlled and the U.S.-planned invasion as wholly Guatemalan." (Quoted from Inevitable Revolutions - The United States in Central America by Walter La Feber, 2nd ed. 1993, pp. 120-121.

The campaign succeeded and in 1954 the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency orchestrated a coup, code-named "Operation PBSUCCESS". The invading force numbered only 150 men under the command of Castillo Armas but the CIA convinced the Guatemalan public and President Arbenz that a major invasion was underway. The CIA set up a clandestine radio station to carry propaganda, jammed all Guatemalan stations, and hired skilled American pilots to bomb strategic points in Guatemala City. The U.S. replaced the freely elected government of Guatemala with another right-wing dictatorship that would again bend to UFCO's will.

The history of Guatemala since the Spanish conquest is one of continuous domination and repression. For a brief ten years from 1944 to 1954, Guatemala experienced the fresh air of democracy. However, with a right-wing dictatorship back in power, Guatemala was thrown back into the dark ages and the stage was set for the next 30 years of repression and killing. As part of their efforts in the coup, the CIA made a list of 70,000 "questionable individuals". During Guatemala's 36 year civil war that just came to an end this year (1996), the government often referred to this list originally put together by the CIA.

As is always the case, opinions can be found on both sides of the question of whether United Fruit was a benefit or a scourge to Central America. The company certainly brought a great deal of economic development and organization to a region that had very little of either. The United Fruit Company paid its full-time employees better than any other, built housing and schools for the children of its employees, built hospitals and research laboratories. From early on the company embarked on vigorous research projects to conquer tropical diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Their laboratories also worked very hard to conquer the specialized diseases of the banana plant. In Costa Rica, whole areas of bananas were wiped out by disease and the laboratories of United Fruit developed specialized insecticides and fungicides to halt the problem. Some of these laboratories are still at work today.

United Fruit brought tangible benefits to the countries where it operated, but also brought problems or perpetuated existing ones. For the legions of seasonal workers in the fields, life was very hard. Conditions were physically dangerous and the toxic chemicals used on the banana plants were a constant hazard. Malaria and dengue fever were a constant danger as well. The field workers for UFCO were paid more than on other farms but the work was seasonal and annually amounted to very little. United Fruit staunchly opposed any attempts at the formation of unions. It would abandon entire areas if unionism started to gain a foothold. When it abandoned an area it would tear down the housing and schools it had built leaving the area destitute. The company also practiced institutionalized racism. In company towns like Morales/Bananera and Puerto Barrios non-whites were forced to yield right-of-way to whites. The whole concept of a "banana republic" was exemplified by the conditions in Guatemala from 1920 through 1944. The government worked very closely with United Fruit to maintain the highly stratified, fiefdom-like social structure of Guatemala so as to provide a plentiful supply of cheap labor. UFCO didn't create this social structure but worked to amplify it and perpetuate it.

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Andrew Preston formed The Boston Fruit Company around 1898 which later became United Fruit then United Brands. He started out in the railroad business, making purchases from both Samuel Vauclain of The Baldwin Locomotive Works and Cornelius Vanderbilts' heir J. Watson Webb both from Philadelphia who were in turn very friendly with Wickliffe Preston Draper, who was Andrew Preston's 1st cousin. Draper was later introduced to Anastase Vonsiatsky by Vauclain, who became his personal strike-breaking goon and man Friday. Draper and Vonsiatsky arranged to have Sacco and Vanzetti framed for murder then later electrocuted after they led violent strikes against the clientele of he Draper textile loom company. Vonsiatsky had started working for Samuel Vauclain in Philadelphia then moved to New England after his marriage to Marion Ream, who was the daughter of Norman B. Ream on the Board of 22 corporations including the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, U. S. Steel and National Biscuit Company. Vonsiatsky neeed a job in New England after he moved to Thompson, CT with his bride to live at the Ream mansion. Thompson, CT was only 20 miles from the Draper estate in Hopedale, Massachusetts. And the only way I even discovered that was when I heard a radio commercial for the old Thompson Speedway almost by accident, which was only about 30 miles from my New England home. From that meager start, the links between Vonsiatsky and Draper just became much more obvious and solidified. I had been pursuing them as independent suspects, but it became obvious that they had worked together since about 1923-1924 on their mutual campaigns against America and its many minorities.

Andrew Preston, who did not make it in the railroad business quickly moved into the Caribbean fruit and vegetable businesses.

The U.S. State Department and United Fruit embarked on a major public relations campaign to convince the American people and the rest of the U.S. government that Guatemala was a Soviet "satellite". (Moscow hates bananas)

"It [united Fruit] began with enviable connections to the Eisenhower administration. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his former New York law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, had long represented the company. Allen Dulles, head of the CIA, had served on UFCO's board of trustees. Ed Whitman, the company's top public relations officer, was the husband of Ann Whitman, President Eisenhower's private secretary. (Ed Whitman produced a film, "Why the Kremlin Hates Bananas," that pictured UFCO fighting in the front trenches of the cold war.) The fruit firm's success in linking the taking of its lands to the evil of international communism was later described by one UFCO official as "the Disney version of the episode." But the company's efforts paid off. It picked up the expenses of journalists who traveled to Guatemala to learn United Fruit's side of the crisis, and some of the most respected North American publications - including the New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, and New Leader - ran stories that pleased the company. A UFCO public relations official later observed that his firm helped condition North American readers to accept the State Department's version of the Arbenz regime as Communist-controlled and the U.S.-planned invasion as wholly Guatemalan." (Quoted from Inevitable Revolutions - The United States in Central America by Walter La Feber, 2nd ed. 1993, pp. 120-121.

The campaign succeeded and in 1954 the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency orchestrated a coup, code-named "Operation PBSUCCESS". The invading force numbered only 150 men under the command of Castillo Armas but the CIA convinced the Guatemalan public and President Arbenz that a major invasion was underway. The CIA set up a clandestine radio station to carry propaganda, jammed all Guatemalan stations, and hired skilled American pilots to bomb strategic points in Guatemala City. The U.S. replaced the freely elected government of Guatemala with another right-wing dictatorship that would again bend to UFCO's will.

The history of Guatemala since the Spanish conquest is one of continuous domination and repression. For a brief ten years from 1944 to 1954, Guatemala experienced the fresh air of democracy. However, with a right-wing dictatorship back in power, Guatemala was thrown back into the dark ages and the stage was set for the next 30 years of repression and killing. As part of their efforts in the coup, the CIA made a list of 70,000 "questionable individuals". During Guatemala's 36 year civil war that just came to an end this year (1996), the government often referred to this list originally put together by the CIA.

As is always the case, opinions can be found on both sides of the question of whether United Fruit was a benefit or a scourge to Central America. The company certainly brought a great deal of economic development and organization to a region that had very little of either. The United Fruit Company paid its full-time employees better than any other, built housing and schools for the children of its employees, built hospitals and research laboratories. From early on the company embarked on vigorous research projects to conquer tropical diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Their laboratories also worked very hard to conquer the specialized diseases of the banana plant. In Costa Rica, whole areas of bananas were wiped out by disease and the laboratories of United Fruit developed specialized insecticides and fungicides to halt the problem. Some of these laboratories are still at work today.

United Fruit brought tangible benefits to the countries where it operated, but also brought problems or perpetuated existing ones. For the legions of seasonal workers in the fields, life was very hard. Conditions were physically dangerous and the toxic chemicals used on the banana plants were a constant hazard. Malaria and dengue fever were a constant danger as well. The field workers for UFCO were paid more than on other farms but the work was seasonal and annually amounted to very little. United Fruit staunchly opposed any attempts at the formation of unions. It would abandon entire areas if unionism started to gain a foothold. When it abandoned an area it would tear down the housing and schools it had built leaving the area destitute. The company also practiced institutionalized racism. In company towns like Morales/Bananera and Puerto Barrios non-whites were forced to yield right-of-way to whites. The whole concept of a "banana republic" was exemplified by the conditions in Guatemala from 1920 through 1944. The government worked very closely with United Fruit to maintain the highly stratified, fiefdom-like social structure of Guatemala so as to provide a plentiful supply of cheap labor. UFCO didn't create this social structure but worked to amplify it and perpetuate it.

In 1954, the democratically elected Guatemalan government of Colonel Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán was toppled by U.S.- backed forces lead by Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas[4] who invaded from Honduras. Assigned by the Eisenhower administration, this military opposition was armed, trained and organized by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency[5] (see Operation PBSUCCESS). The directors of United Fruit Company (UFCO) had lobbied to convince the Truman and Eisenhower administrations that Colonel Arbenz intended to align Guatemala with the Soviet Bloc. Besides the disputed issue of Arbenz's allegiance to Communism, UFCO was being threatened by the Arbenz government’s agrarian reform legislation and new Labor Code.[6] UFCO was the largest Guatemalan landowner and employer, and the Arbenz government’s land reform included the expropriation of 40% of UFCO land.[7] U.S. officials had little proof to back their claims of a growing communist threat in Guatemala[8], however the relationship between the Eisenhower administration and UFCO demonstrated the influence of corporate interest on U.S. foreign policy.[9] The American Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was an avowed opponent of Communism whose law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell[10] had represented United Fruit. His brother Allen Dulles was the director of the CIA, and was a board member of United Fruit. The brother of the Assistant Secretary of State for InterAmerican Affairs John Moors Cabot had once been president of United Fruit. Ed Whitman who was United Fruit’s principal lobbyist was married to President Eisenhower's personal secretary, Ann C. Whitman.[11] Many individuals who directly influenced U.S. policy towards Guatemala in the 1950s also had direct ties to UFCO.[12] The overthrow of Arbenz, however, failed to benefit the Company. Its stock market value declined along with its profit margin. The Eisenhower administration proceeded with antitrust action against the company, which forced it to divest in 1958. In 1972, the company sold off the last of their Guatemalan holdings after over a decade of decline.

Company holdings in Cuba, which included sugar mills in the Oriente region of the island, were expropriated by the 1959 revolutionary government led by Fidel Castro. By April 1960 Castro was accusing the company of aiding Cuban exiles and supporters of former leader Fulgencio Batista in initiating a seaborn invasion of Cuba directed from the United States.[13] Castro warned the U.S. that "Cuba is not another Guatemala" in one of many combative diplomatic exchanges before the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961. Despite significant economic pressure on Cuba, the company was unable to recoup cost and compensation from the Cuban government.[13]

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The Dulles Brothers were Stockholders in United Fruit in Guatamala and Cuba

See: "War is a Racket!" by General Smedley Butler... followed by "The Plot to Seize the White House!" by Jules Archer

United Fruit and the Dulles Brothers repeated exactly the same process against Arbenz and Guatamala only 30 years later...

The CIA considered themselves to be the international beat cops and tactical storm troopers for the rich WASPs in America... whenever

their overseas holdings were threatened. From the Buckley's with Pantapec Oil in Mexico when they used General John J.

Pershing to go after Pancho Villa... to the Bushes and Chaney going into Iraq after Sadaam Hussein when the U.S. oil interests

or the oil drilling platform interests of Schlumberger were threatened.

All the malarkey fabricated by Allen Dulles for Eisenhower about communist tentacles in Guatamala and then later what he claimed about

Castro to JFK before and during the Bay of Pigs was for one purpose and for one purpose only: To defend and protect and then

recapture the lost banana and sugar plantation holdings of the Dulles Brothers and their friends in both Guatamala and Cuba.

The Dulles brothers had a very serious conflict of interest involved in both cases because they were major stock holders in

United Fruit. I thought it was only a legal representation issue involved with Sullivan and Cromwell where the Dulles brothers worked.

So Dulles spent hundreds of millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money to overthrow an elected leftist leader, Jacobo Arbenz, in

Guatamala and even more in an attempt to overthrow Castro in Cuba, not because he was justifiably concerned about creeping inroads of

Communism in the Caribbean, but because he simply wanted to keep the price of United Fruit from dropping precipitously. Just like

President Herbert Hoover supported the fascists and ex-Czarists so he could get his family oil properties back from the Commies.

That is just like The Mob asking the beat cops to help enforce their regional gambling, prostitution and drug pushing monopolies

against inroads from another competing bunch of Mobsters. Hey look we bought your land fair and square and exploited these

minorities for decades, paying them peanuts to build the infrastructure, and now you want to take back your plantations with

improvements like railroads, irrigation canals, employee dorms, roads and bridges for just about nothing and pay them higher wages

and give them stock in the businesses for their 50 years of sweat equity? Not on your life. We don't even do that in America, fool!

Like Gahan Wilson the cartoonist once said: "Those indians circling our wagons are using flaming arrows! Can they really DO that?"

That is like protesting the Viet Nam war because you are afraid of getting buckshot in your britches and not for any other valid reason.

The 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état was a covert operation organized by the United States Central Intelligence Agency to overthrow Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, the democratically-elected President of Guatemala. Arbenz's government put forth a number of new policies, such as seizing and expropriating unused, unfarmed land that private corporations set aside long ago and giving the land to peasants, that the U.S. intelligence community deemed Communist in nature and, suspecting Soviet influence, fueled a fear of Guatemala becoming what Allen Dulles described as a "Soviet beachhead in the western hemisphere".[1] Dulles' concern reverberated within the CIA and the Eisenhower administration, in the context of the anti-Communist fears of the McCarthyist era. Arbenz instigated sweeping land reform acts that antagonized the U.S.-based multinational company United Fruit Company, which had large stakes in the old order of Guatemala and lobbied various levels of U.S. to take action against Arbenz.[2] Both Dulles and his brother were shareholders of United Fruit Company.[3]

Edited by John Bevilaqua
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Anti-Communist and Anti-Semitic Propaganda - Edward Bernays

Overthrow of government of Guatemala

Bernay's most extreme political propaganda activities were said to be conducted on behalf of the multinational corporation United Fruit Company (today's Chiquita Brands International) and the U.S. government to facilitate the successful overthrow (see Operation PBSUCCESS) of the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzman. Bernays' propaganda (documented in the BBC documentary, The Century of the Self), branding Arbenz as communist, was published in major U.S. media. According to a book review by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton of Larry Tye's biography, "The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays & The Birth of PR",

"the term 'banana republic' actually originated in reference to United Fruit's domination of corrupt governments in Guatemala and other Central American countries. The company brutally exploited virtual slave labor in order to produce cheap bananas for the lucrative U.S. market."

Chilean poet Pablo Neruda would later denounce the dominance of foreign-owned banana producers in the politics of several Latin American countries in a poem titled "La United Fruit Co."

Recognition and criticism

Much of Bernays's reputation today stems from his persistent public relations campaign to build his own reputation as "America's No. 1 Publicist." During his active years, many of his peers in the industry were offended by Bernays's continuous self-promotion. According to Cutlip, "Bernays was a brilliant person who had a spectacular career, but, to use an old-fashioned word, he was a braggart."

"When a person would first meet Bernays", says Cutlip, "it would not be long until Uncle Sigmund would be brought into the conversation. His relationship with Freud was always in the forefront of his thinking and his counseling." According to Irwin Ross, another writer, "Bernays liked to think of himself as a kind of psychoanalyst to troubled corporations." In the early 1920s, Bernays arranged an English-language translation of Freud's General Introduction to Psychoanalysis for the US publication. In addition to publicizing Freud's ideas, Bernays used his association with Freud to establish his own reputation as a thinker and theorist—a reputation that was further enhanced when Bernays authored several landmark texts of his own, most notably Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923, ISBN 0-87140-975-5), Propaganda (1928, ISBN 0-8046-1511-X) and "The Engineering of Consent" in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (March 1947).

Bernays defined the profession of "counsel on public relations" as a "practicing social scientist" whose "competence is like that of the industrial engineer, the management engineer, or the investment counselor in their respective fields." To assist clients, PR counselors used "understanding of the behavioral sciences and applying them—sociology, social psychology, anthropology, history, etc." In Propaganda, his most important book, Bernays argued that the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in society.

Bernays' celebration of propaganda helped define public relations, but it did not win the industry many friends. In a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter described Bernays and Ivy Lee as "professional poisoners of the public mind, exploiters of foolishness, fanaticism and self-interest." And history showed the flaw in Bernays' identification of the "manipulation of the masses" as a natural and necessary feature of a democratic society. The fascist rise to power in Germany demonstrated that propaganda could be used to subvert democracy as easily as it could be used to "resolve conflict."

In his 1965 autobiography, Bernays recalls a dinner at his home in 1933 where

Karl von Weigand, foreign correspondent of the Hearst newspapers, an old hand at interpreting Europe and just returned from Germany, was telling us about Goebbels and his propaganda plans to consolidate Nazi power. Goebbels had shown Weigand his propaganda library, the best Weigand had ever seen. Goebbels, said Weigand, was using my book Crystallizing Public Opinion as a basis for his destructive campaign against the Jews of Germany. This shocked me. ... Obviously the attack on the Jews of Germany was no emotional outburst of the Nazis, but a deliberate, planned campaign.

It is impossible to fundamentally grasp the social, political, economic and cultural developments of the past 100 years without some understanding of Bernays and his professional heirs in the public relations industry. As a result his legacy remains a highly contested one, as evidenced by the 2002 BBC documentary The Century of the Self, where he is described as "undemocratic". PR is a 20th-century phenomenon, and Bernays -- widely eulogized as the "father of public relations" at the time of his death in 1995 -- played a major role in defining the industry's philosophy and methods.

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Anti-Communist and Anti-Semitic Propaganda - Edward Bernays

Overthrow of government of Guatemala

Bernay's most extreme political propaganda activities were said to be conducted on behalf of the multinational corporation United Fruit Company (today's Chiquita Brands International) and the U.S. government to facilitate the successful overthrow (see Operation PBSUCCESS) of the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzman. Bernays' propaganda (documented in the BBC documentary, The Century of the Self), branding Arbenz as communist, was published in major U.S. media. According to a book review by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton of Larry Tye's biography, "The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays & The Birth of PR",

"the term 'banana republic' actually originated in reference to United Fruit's domination of corrupt governments in Guatemala and other Central American countries. The company brutally exploited virtual slave labor in order to produce cheap bananas for the lucrative U.S. market."

Chilean poet Pablo Neruda would later denounce the dominance of foreign-owned banana producers in the politics of several Latin American countries in a poem titled "La United Fruit Co."

Recognition and criticism

Much of Bernays's reputation today stems from his persistent public relations campaign to build his own reputation as "America's No. 1 Publicist." During his active years, many of his peers in the industry were offended by Bernays's continuous self-promotion. According to Cutlip, "Bernays was a brilliant person who had a spectacular career, but, to use an old-fashioned word, he was a braggart."

"When a person would first meet Bernays", says Cutlip, "it would not be long until Uncle Sigmund would be brought into the conversation. His relationship with Freud was always in the forefront of his thinking and his counseling." According to Irwin Ross, another writer, "Bernays liked to think of himself as a kind of psychoanalyst to troubled corporations." In the early 1920s, Bernays arranged an English-language translation of Freud's General Introduction to Psychoanalysis for the US publication. In addition to publicizing Freud's ideas, Bernays used his association with Freud to establish his own reputation as a thinker and theorist—a reputation that was further enhanced when Bernays authored several landmark texts of his own, most notably Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923, ISBN 0-87140-975-5), Propaganda (1928, ISBN 0-8046-1511-X) and "The Engineering of Consent" in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (March 1947).

Bernays defined the profession of "counsel on public relations" as a "practicing social scientist" whose "competence is like that of the industrial engineer, the management engineer, or the investment counselor in their respective fields." To assist clients, PR counselors used "understanding of the behavioral sciences and applying them—sociology, social psychology, anthropology, history, etc." In Propaganda, his most important book, Bernays argued that the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in society.

Bernays' celebration of propaganda helped define public relations, but it did not win the industry many friends. In a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter described Bernays and Ivy Lee as "professional poisoners of the public mind, exploiters of foolishness, fanaticism and self-interest." And history showed the flaw in Bernays' identification of the "manipulation of the masses" as a natural and necessary feature of a democratic society. The fascist rise to power in Germany demonstrated that propaganda could be used to subvert democracy as easily as it could be used to "resolve conflict."

In his 1965 autobiography, Bernays recalls a dinner at his home in 1933 where

Karl von Weigand, foreign correspondent of the Hearst newspapers, an old hand at interpreting Europe and just returned from Germany, was telling us about Goebbels and his propaganda plans to consolidate Nazi power. Goebbels had shown Weigand his propaganda library, the best Weigand had ever seen. Goebbels, said Weigand, was using my book Crystallizing Public Opinion as a basis for his destructive campaign against the Jews of Germany. This shocked me. ... Obviously the attack on the Jews of Germany was no emotional outburst of the Nazis, but a deliberate, planned campaign.

It is impossible to fundamentally grasp the social, political, economic and cultural developments of the past 100 years without some understanding of Bernays and his professional heirs in the public relations industry. As a result his legacy remains a highly contested one, as evidenced by the 2002 BBC documentary The Century of the Self, where he is described as "undemocratic". PR is a 20th-century phenomenon, and Bernays -- widely eulogized as the "father of public relations" at the time of his death in 1995 -- played a major role in defining the industry's philosophy and methods.

His book Crystallizing Public Opinion is the most expensive book on AbeBooks.com at $500.00 - $4,000 per copy...


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