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Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American Eugenicist

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Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American Eugenicist from 1956 forward... Draper funded a Eugenics Conference in Europe

in the 1920's or 1930's and he funded the American Eugenics Society from its very early days. Via the H. Smith Richardson Foundation of

the CIA MK/ULTRA was developed, refined and let loose on the world. Bridgewater State Hospital in Bridgewater, MA was the site of the movie Titticut Follies in the late 1960's documenting the use of mental patients as involuntary subjects of pseud-scientific experimentation, likely at Draper's suggestion and sponsorship. Bridgewater to Hopedale was only about 25-30 miles and there was a Dr. Draper who was involved with this bit of handiwork. Many of the Draper's were dastardly bastidges of the first magnitude. Look up Dr. Ossian Sweet and Eben Draper, Jr. (Mr. Race Riots) who was the son of a former Massachusetts Governor, Eben S. Draper, Sr.

Please not the listing of Pioneer Fund founder, Frederick Osborn (from George Michael Evica, A Certain Arrogance) listed just below who was also linked to Kloepfer via American Eugenics Society.

Why did Ruth Paine introduce Lee Harvey Oswald to Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD at Tulane University in New Orleans?

Anyone who understands the role of Eugenics, their use of Mind Control through Dr. Hans J. Eysenck from MK/ULTRA and The Pioneer

Fund of Wickliffe P. Draper, a staunch Unitarian from Hopedale, MA will just know the answer intuitively. Kloepfer was involved in the

analysis of genes and blood typing at Tulane and elsewhere. All I can say now is that this was part of LHO's selection as a programmed assassin or part of the analysis to determine if the study of his genes could somehow help these Nazi brain and gene scientists determine if other candidates for Mind Control could be identified via analysis of their genes or blood composition. Only Kloepfer knows for sure.

I wonder what Dr. Ken Rahn, yet another Nazi brain scientist, would say today as his failed attempts at debunking my thesis about

Dr. Hans J. Eysenck, The Pioneer Fund and Wickliffe Draper come back into the forefront yet again. I think he must be busy pulling his

foot out of his mouth and thinking that he will be remembered as an obstructionist of the first magnitude. And anyone who cited him as

an authority on anything, anyone who thanked him for his contributions should also be doing the same thing. Shame on you. Shame on you.



Kloepfer, H. Warner; Member 1956, 1974


Tulane University School of Medicine (assoc. prof. anatomy 1952-77,

emeritus 1977-(1979); Member, American Society of Human Genetics 1954;

detection of genetic carrier


1960 "Genetic Signposts of Preventive Medicine", Eugenics Quarterly, v.

7, no. 2; 1955 "Heredity Counseling, Starting a Heredity Clinic" Eugenics

Quarterly, v. 2, 3 "An investigation of 171 possible linkage

relationships in man" Annals of Eugenics, Cambridge, England 1946, 13,


Source: EQ 1956; Osborne list; Psychological Abstracts 192756; Membership

list, American Society of Human Genetics, AJHG 1954; AMWS 1979


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Can you document a Draper/Kloepfer connection? Did he receive Draper or Pioneer Fund money?

(1) "Frederick Osborn, a founder of The Pioneer Fund, wrote to congratulate new members as they joined. the Society and these letters, with other letters to and from members, are deposited in the American Philosophical Society Library's American Eugenics Society collection (AESC + date)"

(2) Wickliffe Draper both funded and attended some if not all, of the major "International Eugenics Conferences" (the Third for sure in Berlin???) during the 1920's, the 1930's, and maybe even the 1940's and would have been revered, acknowledged, recognized and respected by every member of the AES and the Intl Eugenics membership. The O'Keefes have many details about both the British and American Eugenics Societies on their web site which I will peruse as time permits.

(3) Wickliffe P. Draper, as the main founder and a primary donor to and funder of the American Eugenics Society, subsidized each and every member of the AES, including Kloepfer, albeit indirectly via single large donations.

(4) And of course, The Pioneer Fund and Wickliffe P. Draper were both very active in so called "Twins Research", apparently one of the very narrow and specialized areas of interest of Dr. Kloepfer.

The concept of Kloepfer NOT being "invited" into the AES or the probability of Kloepfer NOT being personally consulted on the Pioneer Fund twins research projects by Draper or his associates is just so incredibly minute as to be borderline infinitesimal, as I am almost sure you would agree.

And as I have found dozens of times previous to this, the funding for the more surreptitious projects run by Draper and The Pioneer Fund were filtered or funneled first through his investment bankers at J. P. Morgan then through The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission or some other money laundering process. And certainly the concept of having a publicized Draper or Pioneer Fund project published and promoted for all to see when it involved either death, suicide, dismemberment, destruction, bombings, arson, sniper attacks, other violence or political upheavals would have been a gross mistake of unimaginable proportions. And quite frankly, neither Draper nor the Pioneer Fund made very many of those types of major faux pas or terminally fatal mistakes.

Here are just a few of the Google results for "pioneer fund twins studies".

Results 1 - 10 of about 234,000 for pioneer fund twins studies. (0.33 seconds)


Pioneer Fund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- 2 visits - May 8

Two of the most notable studies funded by the Pioneer Fund are the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart and the Texas Adoption Project, which studied the ...

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_Fund - Cached - Similar pages -


Racism Resurgent

- 2 visits - Jun 7

Lynn has received at least $325000 from the Pioneer Fund (Rolling Stone, .... Even the twin studies that came up with more conservative estimates of ...

www.fair.org/index.php?page=1271 - Cached - Similar pages -


12/12/01 - Pioneer Fundophobia

Seldom mentioned is that the Pioneer Fund gave more money to that much-loved Minnesota Twins study than anything else in its 64-year history. ...

www.vdare.com/Sailer/pioneer.htm - Cached - Similar pages -



- 2 visits - Jun 7

The collected works of the Pioneer Fund's distinguished list of grantees now ... Osborne's large twin study showed that the weight of genes and culture are ...

www.pioneerfund.org/Grantees.html - Cached - Similar pages -


Wapedia - Wiki: Pioneer Fund

Two of the most notable studies funded by the Pioneer Fund are the Minnesota Twin Family Study and the Texas Adoption Project, which studied the ...

wapedia.mobi/en/Pioneer_fund - Cached - Similar pages -


Dr. Mehler's Archives - Foundation for Fascism

Although Scott is not a geneticist, he also used Pioneer funds to study ... The source of this 'barrage' is Thomas Bouchard's Minnesota Twins Study Project. ...

www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/staff/webpages/site.cfm?LinkID=323&eventID=34 - Cached - Similar pages -


The Pioneer Fund, the Behavioral Sciences, and the Media's False ...

The Pioneer Funds explains their program, funding and grants and exposes the ... at the University of Minnesota (over twin studies by Bouchard and others, ...

home.comcast.net/~neoeugenics/pioneer.htm - Cached - Similar pages -

8. [PDF]

Preface My Years with the Pioneer Fund by Harry F. Weyher ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML

review of twin studies, and it concluded that compensatory education measures (such as the. "Miracle in Milwaukee Experiment") have generally ...

www.pioneerfund.org/Weyher_pdf.pdf - Similar pages -


In Genes We Trust: When Science Bows to Racism; eugenics, genetics ...

The Pioneer Fund's original charter outlines a commitment to work for .... at Auschwitz and Dr. Burt's bogus science, twin studies fell into disfavor. ...

www.sntp.net/eugenics/genetics_1.htm - Cached - Similar pages -


Bewitching Science by Val Dusek [Note by Brian Siano: This article ...

(1) The Minnesota Twins Study's "latest bombshell" (as U.S. News calls it) purports to ..... In fact, Bouchard has solicited money from the Pioneer Fund, ...

www.textfiles.com/conspiracy/twins.txt - Cached - Similar pages -

Thank you for your continued interest in these topics.

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Can you document a Draper/Kloepfer connection? Did he receive Draper or Pioneer Fund money?

Another major piece of corroborating information can be found in this article, where Dr. Warner Kloepfer becomes the SECOND Draper

pseudo-scientist of German origin and a close Draper crony, along with Dr. Hans J. Eysenck, to publish puff-piece footnotes in articles about the "lack of danger" involved with the smoking of cigarettes. Why am I not amazed? Because Draper got his first real opportunity at the Bowman Gray Medical School in North Carolina at Wake Forest, to run his involuntary sterilization justification programs courtesy of the Grays from the American Tobacco Company family. Draper also gave and received favors from Sen. Robert Reynolds of the Reynolds Tobacco Company and Draper was close to the owners of AMF Corp. who had the patent on the cigarette rolling machines for decades and decades. And of course, Draper funded Jesse Helms from "Tobacco Country" in North Carolina in his run for Senator. What goes around comes around. AMF also made a rifle capable of firing Manlicher Carcano shells from a semi-automatic 7-shot magazine tested for the Navy in both 1962 and 1963 which would go a long way toward explaining how a single marksman could dump 3 or 4 or more Carcano shells into a slow traveling limousine in what only 3-4 seconds?

Woops, gave away another little secret there. See my posting on Troubling Trends in Tobacco, Tomahawks and Textiles from about a few dozen months ago now. God I am good.


And neither Eysenck nor Kloepfer received any obvious Pioneer Fund money for their tobacco 'puff-piece' articles either, did they now?

(Get it? 'tobacco puff-piece?')

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John B....

In your initial post above, you stated the followinng....."

"Why did Ruth Paine introduce Lee Harvey Oswald to Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD at Tulane University in New Orleans?"

Why do you believe that Ruth Paine introduced Dr Kloepfer to Oswald....or for that matter, that she even knew him? Or even that he didn't already know him?

I have had an interest along the lines,

of this thread, for quite some time. particularly in regard to .Dr. Koepfer as well as his genetic studies. I have also been aware that areas of Eugenics seemed to be going on all around Oswald....in addition to his seeming involvement with the Universalists and the Quaker groups

I also feel that the INCA group plays into this. Both Dr. Kloepfer and one of his daughters (Ruth Ann), were also members of the INCA group. Ii is quite posisble that Oswald was an infiltrator within these groups. or he could also have been involved in some sort of Eugenics study or experiment....just some thoughts I have had.

In George Michael Evica's book, "A Certain Arrogance," he stated that the Osborne's, from the Pioneer Foundation, vouched for both Michael and Ruth Paine. However, I am unable to lay my hands on my book at the moment and am trying to go by memory, so I am thinking it was the Osborne's that he mentioned...but I do not really recall who they vouched for them to, or even the reason. Yet, I do recall that I wondered why they might have felt a need to do so and how they might actually have known anything about the Paines. Just more to consider in regard to the Painss though!

However, back to Ruth introducing Oswald to Dr Kloepfer. I have read nothing that makes me feel that is true.

The story is that Ruth contacted a Quaker group in N.O. to request that they send someone over to befriend Marina, because she was lonely, with no one to talk to. Finally, on the evening before Ruith and Marina were to leave for Dallas, someone did show up to visit with Marina. This turned out to be Mrs Kloepfer (Ruth) and at least one of her daughters. This daughter, had studsed at the Univ of Moscow, and was also able to speak Russian. I am unsure if this was Ruth Ann (the INCA activist) or not. (Same name as her mother). But, she and Oswald seemed to really hit it off and had a lot to discuss. I have also noticed that it has been greatly minimized that this was Dr. Kloepfer's family..and that makes me wonder why!!

In addition, apparently Dr. Kloepfer's phone number was found in Oswalds notebook. But. Dr. Kloepfer,denied ever meeting him or that he even knew him. I did feel it was rather strange that Oswald would write Dr. Kloepfer's name in his notebook, rather then either his wife or especialy his daughter.....that is, unless he might have actually had some involvement with him.

I do realize this is quite a leap on my part, yet I have always had a strange suspicion that LHO might have been a twin. Of course, Dr, Kloefper was involved in the study of twins, but there are many instances where a twin might come into play and actually might even help to explain many mysteries in regard to LHO. Have you ever ran acros anything that might even hint at such a possibility?

Just some thoughts I have had, which you may or may not want to comment on.


Edited by Dixie Dea
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I am currently reading William H. Tucker's "The Funding of Scientific Racism". It has a lot of detailed information on Wickliffe Draper. However, it has nothing on the connection between Draper and the assassination of JFK.

That is quite accurate. I spoke with William Tucker while he was writing the book, after he visited Hopedale, MA, Draper's hometown and he is a typical very conservative, hard to convince, professor who is just another old fashioned hard line lone nutter. Tucker did discover various correspondence files from the author of White America, Ernest Sevier Cox, and even Gen. Pedro A. del Valle who was on the Military Affairs Committee of the Shickshinny Knights of Malta with Willoughby and worked for Clendenin J. Ryan's ITT. I told him to contact Doug Blackmon about the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission files but the information about the strong correlation of these funds flows from Draper with 3 acts of Civil Rights violence in the South in 1963-1964 had not been discovered by me yet (Medgar Evers, Jr., 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing, Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman). I also told him to contact Prof. Barry Mehler who is convinced that the Pioneer Fund was involved with Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman, but Mehler only scoffed at that as well. The idea that people as smart as Draper and Willoughby, or anyone for that matter, would leave an audit trail to tie them to the JFK conspiracy is about as far fetched a theory as anyone could possibly have.

If you are a lone nutter, the concept of being convinced by ANY information, that people like del Valle, Willoughby, Draper and GLK Smith (or anyone else for that matter) would be behind the murder of JFK is a very long and winding road to travel. Tucker was even totally oblivious to the Draper influence in the Sacco and Vanzetti case, the Immigration Act of 1924, Buck vs. Bell (involuntary sterilization), the Holocaust Laws, The Hollywood Ten, the Alger Hiss case, McCarthyism, and The Civil Rights violence in the 1950's and the 1960's, so he would hardly be aware of the Draper influence in the JFK conspiracy if he only thinks of Draper as some sort of "social scientist" which is how he described him to me. It took one of Mary Ferrell's "most valuable informants", Roy Hargraves to even confirm the participation of someone from The Pioneer Fund as being the one who put together the operatives in Dallas. And that was after 5 years of trying.

Mary told me that my manuscript: "Big Daddy Warbucks and Little Orphan Annie" was without a doubt the best manuscript she had ever read on the subject of the JFK assassination. Bar none. And that was just after Roy Hargraves had independently identified a half dozen of my major suspects including several who were connected to former leaders of The Council for National Policy described in The Coors Connection by Russ Bellant like N.B. Hunt, Alton Ochsner, Pat Robertson, etc.

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I am currently reading William H. Tucker's "The Funding of Scientific Racism". It has a lot of detailed information on Wickliffe Draper. However, it has nothing on the connection between Draper and the assassination of JFK.

I am currently re-reading the same book. As for a direct Kloepfer/Draper connection, it is plausible enough although apparently John has not completely nailed it down as yet. Did Kloepfer leave papers? It seems that during his liftetime most of Draper's contributions did not go through the Pioneer Fund and unfortunately most of the actual records are unavailable. The Twins study is one of the few Pioneer-related studies that everyone agrees had actual scientific value.

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Can you document a Draper/Kloepfer connection? Did he receive Draper or Pioneer Fund money?

Another major piece of corroborating information can be found in this article, where Dr. Warner Kloepfer becomes the SECOND Draper

pseudo-scientist of German origin and a close Draper crony, along with Dr. Hans J. Eysenck, to publish puff-piece footnotes in articles about the "lack of danger" involved with the smoking of cigarettes. Why am I not amazed? Because Draper got his first real opportunity at the Bowman Gray Medical School in North Carolina at Wake Forest, to run his involuntary sterilization justification programs courtesy of the Grays from the American Tobacco Company family. Draper also gave and received favors from Sen. Robert Reynolds of the Reynolds Tobacco Company and Draper was close to the owners of AMF Corp. who had the patent on the cigarette rolling machines for decades and decades. And of course, Draper funded Jesse Helms from "Tobacco Country" in North Carolina in his run for Senator. What goes around comes around. AMF also made a rifle capable of firing Manlicher Carcano shells from a semi-automatic 7-shot magazine tested for the Navy in both 1962 and 1963 which would go a long way toward explaining how a single marksman could dump 3 or 4 or more Carcano shells into a slow traveling limousine in what only 3-4 seconds?

Woops, gave away another little secret there. See my posting on Troubling Trends in Tobacco, Tomahawks and Textiles from about a few dozen months ago now. God I am good.


Not to rain on your parade but I believe this refers to a William Kloepfer, a completely different person for worked for the tobacco industry. Not known if there is any family relationship.

And neither Eysenck nor Kloepfer received any obvious Pioneer Fund money for their tobacco 'puff-piece' articles either, did they now?

(Get it? 'tobacco puff-piece?')

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to address some of your points:

1: Family denies any blood relationship to William.

2: Family says Warner was always applying to various foundations for funding - usually with little success. I did once find an indication of funding from a Brown Bros foundation, but that didn't ring any bells with them.

3. William K worked in the space industry for Areojet and Chrysler Corp; for the Navy as an engineer in testing undersea warfare ordnance and in cryogenics among an interesting career.

Edited by Greg Parker
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John B....

In your initial post above, you stated the followinng....."

"Why did Ruth Paine introduce Lee Harvey Oswald to Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD at Tulane University in New Orleans?"

Why do you believe that Ruth Paine introduced Dr Kloepfer to Oswald....or for that matter, that she even knew him? Or even that he didn't already know him?

I have had an interest along the lines,

of this thread, for quite some time. particularly in regard to .Dr. Koepfer as well as his genetic studies. I have also been aware that areas of Eugenics seemed to be going on all around Oswald....in addition to his seeming involvement with the Universalists and the Quaker groups

I also feel that the INCA group plays into this. Both Dr. Kloepfer and one of his daughters (Ruth Ann), were also members of the INCA group. Ii is quite posisble that Oswald was an infiltrator within these groups. or he could also have been involved in some sort of Eugenics study or experiment....just some thoughts I have had.

In George Michael Evica's book, "A Certain Arrogance," he stated that the Osborne's, from the Pioneer Foundation, vouched for both Michael and Ruth Paine. However, I am unable to lay my hands on my book at the moment and am trying to go by memory, so I am thinking it was the Osborne's that he mentioned...but I do not really recall who they vouched for them to, or even the reason. Yet, I do recall that I wondered why they might have felt a need to do so and how they might actually have known anything about the Paines. Just more to consider in regard to the Painss though!

However, back to Ruth introducing Oswald to Dr Kloepfer. I have read nothing that makes me feel that is true.

The story is that Ruth contacted a Quaker group in N.O. to request that they send someone over to befriend Marina, because she was lonely, with no one to talk to. Finally, on the evening before Ruith and Marina were to leave for Dallas, someone did show up to visit with Marina. This turned out to be Mrs Kloepfer (Ruth) and at least one of her daughters. This daughter, had studsed at the Univ of Moscow, and was also able to speak Russian. I am unsure if this was Ruth Ann (the INCA activist) or not. (Same name as her mother). But, she and Oswald seemed to really hit it off and had a lot to discuss. I have also noticed that it has been greatly minimized that this was Dr. Kloepfer's family..and that makes me wonder why!!

In addition, apparently Dr. Kloepfer's phone number was found in Oswalds notebook. But. Dr. Kloepfer,denied ever meeting him or that he even knew him. I did feel it was rather strange that Oswald would write Dr. Kloepfer's name in his notebook, rather then either his wife or especialy his daughter.....that is, unless he might have actually had some involvement with him.

I do realize this is quite a leap on my part, yet I have always had a strange suspicion that LHO might have been a twin. Of course, Dr, Kloefper was involved in the study of twins, but there are many instances where a twin might come into play and actually might even help to explain many mysteries in regard to LHO. Have you ever ran acros anything that might even hint at such a possibility?

Just some thoughts I have had, which you may or may not want to comment on.


Hi Dixie,

I will do my best to address your questions about the Kloepfers, the Oswalds and the Paines but this intertwined relationship is a relatively

new topic for me and I was actually not the first person to treat this topic in great detail. The name Kloepfer just jumped out at me from the blue when I was perusing Oswald's notebook and getting it re-translated by a friend from Russia to see if anything new could be discovered there.

These are the URLs below that I am reviewing right now for further elaboration on an "as discovered" basis. I think I have established beyond a reasonable doubt that Kloepfer must have known Draper because of Draper's sponsorship of many conferences attended by Kleopfer and because of Draper's sponsorship of multiple "twins studies" which Kloepfer naturally would have been invited to participate in because of his international reputation in this arena. The idea that either Draper or Kloepfer would have left an accidental audit trail to their relationships, due to its ostensibly nefarious nature, is also quite impossible to even consider. I have to withhold judgment on the "Oswald twins" controversy for now since that is also something that is quite new to me and frankly something that will take much adjustment to get used to right now.

I feel badly that this Kloepfer relationship evaded my detection for so long because it would have gone a long way towards justifying my confidential

informant's contributions toward implicating Wickliffe Draper and others in the Pioneer Fund hierarchy in the conundrum sourrounding the JFK plot.

Actually it was Mary Ferrell's confidential informant that she passed on to me. And his name was Roy Hargraves, one of the Interpen group from

Nellie's Boys. He was Mary's "most trusted and accurate" confidential informant over the years.

With that in mind, I have to take a timeout to review more on Kloepfer. I also am quite busy comparing a polaroid photograph found in a local university archive taken at the home of Anastase Vonsiatsky from the Fall of 1963 with that of various photos of Mr. and Mrs. Jaroslav Stetzko over the years as they become available. To be able to place the Stetzkos at the home of the Vonsiatskys in the Summer or Fall of 1963 would be an achievement beyond my wildest dreams at this point in time. As you may have seen, I just got confirmation from the Winnipeg Public Library about the identities of those most likely present at the Winnipeg Airport Incident (Pat Walsh, Ron Gostick, Eric Butler and GLK Smith) so there are many competing lines of research ongoing simultaneously.

My current thesis about Kloepfer and Oswald is that Kloepfer might have been trying to see if there were any genetic determinants or markers

present in Oswald which would account for any predisposition towards being a perfect candidate for "mind control" manipulation or something equivalent to that. Very rough for now, but remember at this point, Oswald had already been identified by the Stetzko and Raikin nexus of characters as a "programmed assassin" and he had been passed on to Vonsiatsky's subordinate, de Mohrenschildt in Dallas to be guarded closely, while his "legend" was being solidified as either the "perfect patsy" or "the perfect alternative shooter" in the JFK hit. Once the CIA and the US Gov heard the name Oswald mentioned as being arrested for the JFK murder, they had no other choic but to go along with the cover-up for fear of exposure of their Murder, Inc. world-wide enterprise, which both Oswald and Robert Emmett Johnson were apparently a large part of for years.

Draper and Dr. Hans J. Eysenck had worked on MK/ULTRA projects for years and they were the ones who both hijacked Oswald and the secret

recipe for the creation of "mind controlled" assassins. Even H.L. Hunt was fascinated by "the Stashynsky Gun" used to snuff 2 of Stetzko's compatriots: Lev Rebet and Stepan Bandera (head of OUN/B(andera)) who were close friends of "Ahhhnd-Row-Men-Yek" (the head of OUN/M(elnyk)) who was discussed at The Winnipeg Airport Incident by GLK Smith, Vonsiatsky, Ron Gostick and Pat Walsh. Make sense so far?

It should. Because it all fits so logically together.


Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American ...

10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 6 days ago

Why do you believe that Ruth Paine introduced Dr Kloepfer to Oswald....or for that matter, that she even knew him? ...

educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=14441&view=getlastpost - Cached - Similar -


Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American ...

2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 6 days ago

Why did Ruth Paine introduce Lee Harvey Oswald to Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD at Tulane University in New Orleans? ...

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The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

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Primary Sources: Key Issues. Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 · Assassination of JFK · Murder of J. D. Tippit · Jack Ruby and the Mafia ...

www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKindex.htm - Cached - Similar -


Biography: H. Warner Kloepfer

- Jun 7

Paine asked the Russian-speaking Kloepfer to visit Marina Oswald. Henry Warner Kloepfer died in New Orleans on 27th March 1982. ...

www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKkloepfer.htm - Cached - Similar -

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Philadelphia Quakers With Oswald in Mexico City By Bill Kelly Of ...

It is also possible Oswald learned of this Quaker "camp" before he went to Mexico City from either Ruth H. Paine or Ruth Kloepfer, although both would later ...

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Jim Garrison JFK investigation: Perry Raymond Russo: assassination ...

Mrs. Paine's station wagon was already packed with the Oswalds' belongings, and Lee Oswald explained to Mrs. Kloepfer that Marina and June were going to ...

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7. [PDF]

Warren Commission, Volume XXIII: CE 1929 - FBI report dated ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML

PAINE wanted Mrs . KLOEPFER to find someone who could spak. I. Russian in case Mrs . OSWALD, who was about to have & baby, needed ...

www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh23/pdf/WH23_CE_1929.pdf - Similar -



These two documents elaborate on Ruth Paine's request to Ruth Kloepfer for assistance to Marina Oswald. SSCIA 157-10003-10376 · SSCIA 157-10003-10005 ...

www.geocities.com/denismorissette/Documents.html - Similar -


The Warren Commission Report. - Google Books Result


His task was the lubrication of the company's machinery.1050 Oswald did not enjoy this work,1031 and told his wife and Mrs. Paine that he was working in ...

books.google.com/books?isbn=0760749973... -



Nov 10, 2007 ... After Oswald left for Russia in 1959, his mother Marguerite sent him a series of letters ... like Ruth and Michael Paine, and Ruth Kloepfer. ...

www.ctka.net/evica.html - Cached - Similar -

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to address some of your points:

1: Family denies any blood relationship to William.

2: Family says Warner was always applying to various foundations for funding - usually with little success. I did once find an indication of funding from a Brown Bros foundation, but that didn't ring any bells with them.

3. William K worked in the space industry for Areojet and Chrysler Corp; for the Navy as an engineer in testing undersea warfare ordnance and in cryogenics among an interesting career.

Ah yes, the Brown Bros. Foundation as in Brown Brothers, Harriman as I recall. I think Mrs. Averill Harriman organized the First Intl Eugenics Conference, and the Harriman family was one of the 3 biggest original funders of the American Eugenics Society (Warner Kloepfer was a member) along with the Drapers and the Rockefellers, too. One way or the other, I honestly believe that this Kloepfer link may be one of the few mistakes made by the nexus of characters surrounding Oswald regarding his links to the Osborn, Paine and Draper Eugenics entities. The others being the "textile company" reference overheard at the Giesbrecht Incident related to The American Mercury and Gerald B. Winrod from Wichita, Kansas and the Anastase Vonsiatsky references (Draper's neighbor and his employee for decades) and the links from Wickliffe Preston Draper through his first cousin Andrew Preston, from The Boston Fruit Company, one of the founders of United Fruit owned by the Forbes', the Prestons', the Lodges' and the Dulles Brothers as well as Robert E. Wood head of The America First Committee and the America First Party run by Gerald L K Smith.

Remeber all I am doing is "confirming" via a paper trail what has been disclosed to me, one way or the other, by Roy Hargraves, Richard Giesbrecht, Richard Condon and Dick Russell's unknown informant. I am not just creating, hypothecating or otherwise fabricating links and leads from paper trails and vague theories. I start with eyewitness or earwitness testimony and then correlate and integrate information into a usually logical whole.

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This may be of interest:


Shows a 'William Kloepfer" co-owning a property with Clay Shaw and allegedly related to Ruth Kloepfer. Don't know if this is the tobacco guy.

Nice find, Gary. My accidental Rush to Judgment on this other W. Kloepfer may turn into something significant after all. I am just chasing

too many leads right now to keep them 100% accurate at first pass. Sounds like this William Kloepfer might have been one of the persons in the

"Fag Ball" photographs at the Shaw residence or elsewhere. Certainly the fact that Warner Kloepfer applied for Brown Brothers, Harriman

funding for other Eugenics grants makes all the sense in the world now to everyone. The Harrimans, the Drapers, the Buckleys and the Rockefellers

plus the Ryans, the Forbes, the Paines and the Osborns all had interests, one way of the other, in The South American, Carribbean and Central American "Banana Wars", "Sugar Wars", "Copper Wars", "Oil Wars" and other issues described by Gen. Smedley A. Butler. Just a bunch of Yankee multi-millionaire blue-bloods trying to maintain the "status quo" regarding their use of "slave labor" to produce bananas, sugar, copper, textiles, cotton and oil. They just made their money the old-fashioned way: "They earrrrnnnn-ed it!" And they all used the paradigm invented by the Drapers for the "company-owned town" in Hopedale, MA which was the closest they could get to the original pre-Civil War based: "cotton plantation ownership model". Hey, the Guatamala, Brazil, El Salvador and Honduras banana plantations were pretty close to Civil War "Mississippi cotton plantations", were they not? After all it was John Rarick, James Eastland and that other World War II Senator from Mississippi, Theodore G. Bilbo who were all financed by none other than Wickliffe P. Draper himself. And then Draper financed their Civil Rights violence and The Miss Sov Comm, too. One good turn deserves another.

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John B....

In your initial post above, you stated the followinng....."

"Why did Ruth Paine introduce Lee Harvey Oswald to Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD at Tulane University in New Orleans?"

Why do you believe that Ruth Paine introduced Dr Kloepfer to Oswald....or for that matter, that she even knew him? Or even that he didn't already know him?

I have had an interest along the lines,

of this thread, for quite some time. particularly in regard to .Dr. Koepfer as well as his genetic studies. I have also been aware that areas of Eugenics seemed to be going on all around Oswald....in addition to his seeming involvement with the Universalists and the Quaker groups

I also feel that the INCA group plays into this. Both Dr. Kloepfer and one of his daughters (Ruth Ann), were also members of the INCA group. Ii is quite posisble that Oswald was an infiltrator within these groups. or he could also have been involved in some sort of Eugenics study or experiment....just some thoughts I have had.

In George Michael Evica's book, "A Certain Arrogance," he stated that the Osborne's, from the Pioneer Foundation, vouched for both Michael and Ruth Paine. However, I am unable to lay my hands on my book at the moment and am trying to go by memory, so I am thinking it was the Osborne's that he mentioned...but I do not really recall who they vouched for them to, or even the reason. Yet, I do recall that I wondered why they might have felt a need to do so and how they might actually have known anything about the Paines. Just more to consider in regard to the Painss though!

However, back to Ruth introducing Oswald to Dr Kloepfer. I have read nothing that makes me feel that is true.

The story is that Ruth contacted a Quaker group in N.O. to request that they send someone over to befriend Marina, because she was lonely, with no one to talk to. Finally, on the evening before Ruith and Marina were to leave for Dallas, someone did show up to visit with Marina. This turned out to be Mrs Kloepfer (Ruth) and at least one of her daughters. This daughter, had studsed at the Univ of Moscow, and was also able to speak Russian. I am unsure if this was Ruth Ann (the INCA activist) or not. (Same name as her mother). But, she and Oswald seemed to really hit it off and had a lot to discuss. I have also noticed that it has been greatly minimized that this was Dr. Kloepfer's family..and that makes me wonder why!!

In addition, apparently Dr. Kloepfer's phone number was found in Oswalds notebook. But. Dr. Kloepfer,denied ever meeting him or that he even knew him. I did feel it was rather strange that Oswald would write Dr. Kloepfer's name in his notebook, rather then either his wife or especialy his daughter.....that is, unless he might have actually had some involvement with him.

I do realize this is quite a leap on my part, yet I have always had a strange suspicion that LHO might have been a twin. Of course, Dr, Kloefper was involved in the study of twins, but there are many instances where a twin might come into play and actually might even help to explain many mysteries in regard to LHO. Have you ever ran acros anything that might even hint at such a possibility?

Just some thoughts I have had, which you may or may not want to comment on.



I just discovered a repository of 37 INCA documents at a local university archive and plan to peruse them in the next 2-3 weeks. I also found about 60 documents from the Canadian Intelligence Service of Ron Gostick and hundreds of documents from Life Line, Facts Forum and others just classified as H. L. Hunt, individual right-wing pamphleteer. And Edwin Walker has some items there from the Eagle Forum. Check out the Hall-Hoag collection document finding aid at Brown University and see if there are any other groups or individuals listed there of interest to anyone.

As you probably know Wickliffe P. Draper was also a bigtime Unitarian - Universalist in Hopedale, MA and even built the local church there a long

time ago. He even spent summers in Narragansett, RI where his younger sister died as a child. When his other sister died, he inherited her half of the $10,000,000 left to them by their father.

Who was in the wedding party of Draper's sister? A very young Charles Douglas Jackson (C. D. Jackson) in 1924.

More later, on INCA, Kloepfer and Jaroslaw Stetzko as time permits. I may have to save the latest discoveries for my book though.


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