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NASA - The REAL Conspiracy

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Correct Peter - it was the Mars orbiter.


I don't know if there are specific reasons for NASA to use imperial, but if everyone else has changed.... why not NASA?

Evan, I dont don't know. but in when doing engineering and science type stuff (post metric conversion) that involves a measurement precicion standard in fine tool setting work and machining, vernier calipers, rulers etc, in many cases the imperial system provides a finer gradation, and if that is the original standard as it was/is inthe US ( I mean we still say 4'b2's over here dont we? etc) then it seems a good idea to keep at it.

The translation is obviously an important thing. :hotorwot

(We do some pretty silly things here too. Remember the Microwave Stations east-west?

INLINE to start with??? so each had to deal with a continuous blurry noise/echo, before someone figured out to stagger them?)

edit:poor lighting

Edited by John Dolva
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Correct Peter - it was the Mars orbiter.


I don't know if there are specific reasons for NASA to use imperial, but if everyone else has changed.... why not NASA?

Yet in the early 70's they measured the distance of Apollo lunar rover EVAs in kilometres - cast iron proof of whistle-blowing. Ergo, Apollo was faked.


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Correct Peter - it was the Mars orbiter.


I don't know if there are specific reasons for NASA to use imperial, but if everyone else has changed.... why not NASA?

Yet in the early 70's they measured the distance of Apollo lunar rover EVAs in kilometres - cast iron proof of whistle-blowing. Ergo, Apollo was faked.


Apollo 15 was faked? You have got to be kidding, right? Please tell me you are joking!

How do you explain the green feta cheese tracked back to earth by the astronauts then? And how

about the image of Badge Man in the Man on the Moon, huh? Any explanation for that? And as for

the longest drive contest (Eugene Cernan was it?). The golf ball is still there for all to see. Sheesh!

And the compostion of the moon rocks which is not like anything else on earth. How did that happen?

Have a bowl of tapioca, dude.

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NASA, benefits to the economy.

JFK knew what he was doing when he launched his space program in 1961.

Here is a report from 1975 discussing the benefits to the US economy from investmenting in NASA.

Hope the link works


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Evan, I dont don't know. but in when doing engineering and science type stuff (post metric conversion) that involves a measurement precicion standard in fine tool setting work and machining, vernier calipers, rulers etc, in many cases the imperial system provides a finer gradation, and if that is the original standard as it was/is inthe US ( I mean we still say 4'b2's over here dont we? etc) then it seems a good idea to keep at it.

The translation is obviously an important thing. :)

(We do some pretty silly things here too. Remember the Microwave Stations east-west?

INLINE to start with??? so each had to deal with a continuous blurry noise/echo, before someone figured out to stagger them?)


Can't conversions be made? I'm not an engineer but why oh why are they still imperial when the rest of the world has moved on?

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Of course conversions can be made - and very precise ones too. In fact, most scientists in the USA use and train in the metric system for virtually all their work, but since the society at large is using the 'silly system' it is always possible somewhere someone can enter in a silly system number and the others will assume it is metric and cause confusion to catastrophe! There was a Bill to change America to the metirc system and Reagan stopped it just before it was to take effect - for [he said] reaons of the economy. No one in the USA has seriously brought it up again...sadly.

Institutional - or societal - inertia. I saw in Arizona that they were introducing speed limit signs / distance signs in metric; I appreciated this.

Do you think that it would be possible to introduce some type of economic imperative? Could a refusal by extra-national suppliers to provide "imperial" goods force the US to make the change, or would it spur "isolationism production"?

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Evan, yes of course conversions can be made. You gotta consider a huge repository of schematics from a large number of onsite and outsourced storage places. I think this could be a phenomenal task. Similarly imagine the huge retooling that would be necessary across industies? Of course economics has to do with it, that's given. The industry and its backbone was created during the imperial system period. However, the ontime conversions shoiuldn't be a problem with various software aiding the user during a period of conversion. I certainly agree that the imperial system US or British is in many ways inferior to the metric but imperial has its uses too. Once you grasp it, in construction it can be simpler to use. I don't really see what the issue is? I mean the problem is there, and it's fixable in many ways.


Edited by John Dolva
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I think the main problem is the cultural, economic and geographic insularity of the US. It and its economy are big enough not to have to adapt. It doesn't help that its only two neighbors are relatively unimportant economically and that the more important of the two is accustomed to the 'imperial' system and that much of the trade between them is through US owned companies.

The same phenomena are also reflected in the nation’s low rate of foreign language learning, relative isolation in sports and disdain many Americans have for the rest of the world and apathy regarding what it thinks about their country.

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Overall Mickey Mouse introduced stupidity to the presidential persona. In a way a turn of the president from a person to the presidency being an individual indivisible from the whole system. (Hugo Black again)

Whats more interesting is his Economic Rationalism, the ending of free milk to schools, and all the other life standard reduction measures, his aid to Somozas butchers in Nicaragua, etc..etc..etc..

Perhaps, in a way, setting the stage for two towers of 3000 people falling down in the heart of the Financial world, and that's an issue???

Meanwhile two towers full of 13000 odd unnamed, unnoticed, children fall down 24/7/365 from so easily preventable illnesses, starvation, lack of good water.

That's Financial Mismanagement of the highest order.

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