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Movies taken of Presidential Motorcade/Dallas Cinema Assoc.

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In Lee Harvey Oswald's 201 File there is a document which considerably details the films taken at Dealey Plaza and elsewhere in Dallas, on the day of the assassination. While a good deal of this material is in portions of Warren Commission Document 1066, in light of the fact that other than the Zapruder film and a few others, not much is known about the specifics of this aspect of the chronology of events in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

While the original document is 57 pages long, obviously it would have been difficult to reproduce the document in full.

I have, managed to transcribe a significant amount of this document, which is being posted here for the benefit of those who are interested.

Home/Archive/Documents/JFK Assassination Documents/JFK Documents - Central Intelligence Agency/Oswald 201 File (201-289248)/Oswald 201 File, Vol 39/

NARA Record Number: 1993.06.09.09:48:35:650000



May 28, 1964

On Dec. 11, 1963 the Dallas Division advised that John Martin, Superintendent of Safety, United States Post Office, Dallas Texas took a roll of 8 mm color movies of the Presidential motorcade on November 22, 1963. According to Martin, the movies were taken of the motorcade as it neared the spot where President Kennedy was assassinated and he thought possibly he had a shot of the window of the Texas School Book Depository from which the fatal shots were fired. According to information available to the Dallas Division, the film was in the possession of Life Magazine, New York City.

On December 17, 1963, the film taken by Martin was obtained by SA Robert J. Lawson from Dick Pollard, Time and Life, Inc., 50th Street and 6th Avenue, New York City.

On the same date the film was forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. for review

John Martin, Jr., Superintendent of Safety, Room 517, United States Post Office, Terminal Annex, 207 South Houston Street, Dallas, Texas, RI 9-3181, advised he resides at 9846 Shoreview Road, Dallas, Texas. Martin said he was born September 21, 1905 at Two Harbors, Minnesota.

Martin stated that following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy the twenty-five feet of film he took was included in this movie.

Martin advised that the following are members of the Dallas Cinema Associates Corporation and each will share equally in any profit made on the sale of the film.

Rudy Brenk, President,

4404 Ivy Street, Mesquite, Texas

telephone BR 9-7148

Bryant Boren, Vice-President,

605 West Vista Drive, Garland, Texas

telephone BR 8-2397. Martin said Boren

is employed as Manager of the Sanger-Harris Camera Shop;

Mrs. Frances Hays, Secretary,

913 Forest Ridge Drive, Garland, Texas

BR 6-0140, Martin said her husband took the movies

but is not active in the corporation;

Wyman Parr, 4448 South Marsalis, Dallas, Texas

home telephone, FR 6-5918, business telephone

FR 4-6465

George Shawver, 4926 Frio Drive, Dallas, Texas

telephone, FR 4-1119. He is employed by Greyhound

downtown, according to Martin.

Dick Allen, 4222 Summit Ridge, Dallas, Texas,

telephone FR 4-3053. Martin said Allen is employed

by Hine Pontiac, Dallas, Texas;

Mrs. Hazel Gooch, 208 W. Louisiana Street, Dallas, Texas,

telephone unknown;

Mr. Jules Speigel, 2723 Crestview Drive, Dallas,

Texas, telephone BR 9-2289,

salesman Southwest Fixture Company, 907 Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas

John Martin Jr, 9846 Shoreview Road,

Dallas, Texas, telephone DI 8-3546;

George Kinkaid, Kincaid Photo Service, telephone RI 1-3271.

Martin advised that Kinkaid is not a member of the corporation

as yet but did take some movies of the motorcade;

Alan Rhodes, 4640 Cole Avenue, employed Sanger-Harris Camera Shop,

at Lamar and Main Streets, Dallas, Texas. Martin stated he took 35 mm stills

and the stills were incorporated into the movie.

Albert Bunnell, 1314 English Street, Irving, Texas

office telephone FL 2-4761, Martin said he is

employed at Love Field;

Joe Brown, 7008 Hovenkamp Street, Fort Worth, Texas

Can be reached at telephone number AN 2-4544;

C.W. Gray, 11627 Fernald Street, Dallas, Texas

telephone DA7-2972;

Earl Mester, 232 Alta Drive, Garland, Texas

telephone BR 8-6918;

Doctor Howard Sigler, 6936 Lakeshore Drive, Dallas, Texas

telephone DA 7-3649;

Irving Gewertz, 6422 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, Texas

telephone EM 1-7785

Charles Mentesana, 5103 Vickery Street, Dallas, Texas, telephone TA 3-0006 or TA 4-0803;

Larry Thomas, Route 1 Box 1820, Grand Prairie, Texas.

On April 10, 1964, Mr. Eddie Barker News Manager KRLD TV and Radio Stations, advised he had obtained a 16 mm copy of the film from the Dallas Cinema Associates Corporation of Dallas, Texas. Barker related that this corporation had obtained numerous strips of 8 mm film taken by citizens of Dallas, Texas, depicting President John F. Kennedy’s visit to Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, and scenes taken outside of the Dallas City Building on November 24, 1963, when Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of that same building. Barker related that he had reviewed the film and the corporation had failed to obtain film taken at the scene of the assassination on November 22, 1963. Barker advised that he would have a 16 mm black and white copy made of this film and would furnish the same to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. On April 13, 1964 Barker made available the black and white copy of this film. A review of same fails to reveal any pertinent film taken at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy or film taken in the basement of the Dallas City Building at the time Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald.

Mr. Larry Eugene Thomas was interviewed at his residence, Oak Valley Trailer Court, Grand Prairie, Texas, mailing address, Route 1 Box 182D. Mr. Thomas advised he was born

November 30, 1939 at Hughes Spring, Texas and has been employed by Central Airlines as a passenger service agent at Love Field, Dallas, Texas since October 1, 1963.

Thomas stated on November 22, 1963, he was working at Love Field when the Presidential plane arrived at approximately 12:00 noon. He advised that, in contemplation of the arrival of President John F. Kennedy he had taken his Bell and Howell 8 mm, Zoom Lens Camera using Kodachrome II film, to work with him that morning. Mr. Thomas stated that, due to his employment, he was allowed to take up a position just off the right nose of the presidential plane. As President Kennedy departed the plane at about 12:05 PM, he obtained about 15 feet of film of the right side of the President and his party as they were leaving the plane and entering the Presidential car.........

Mr. Thomas stated that at the time of the arrival of the Presidential plane and during the time he filmed the arrival of President Kenedy and the departure of the motorcade, he did not observe anything of an unusual nature occurring in that area. He advised further that he does not recall having observed or having any contact with Lee Harvey Oswald at any time in the past.

William Earl Mester, Jr., Head of Stock, Sanger-Harris Camera Department and Records Shop, Akard and Main Streets, advised he resides at 232 Alto Drive, Garland, Texas

Mester said he was born August 20, 1935 in Chicago, Illinois. Mester advised that on November 22, 1963 when the Presidential Motorcade was proceeding through the downtown area of Dallas, he was at home painting. He said he did not view any part of the motorcade. Mester said on Monday, November 25, 1963, Nick Vafiadis a regular customer of Sanger-Harris Camera Department and Records Shop, who was home telephone number CH 7-7650 and business telephone number RI 8-0361, came to the store and said he had taken some movies of the Presidential Motorcade. He said he left his 8 mm Kodachrome film with Mester and requested that Mester send it in for processing. When the film returned, Mester said he and Viafidis viewed the film. At the time Viafidis took this film he was standing on Harwood Street at Ross, facing north. Several days following this, Mester said he was contacted by Bryant Boren, an employee of Sanger-Harris Camera Shop, located at Main and Lamar, who inquired if Mester knew of any film that had been taken of the motorcade. Mester said that

he informed Boren that Viafidis had taken some film of the motorcade. Mester said he then contacted Viafidis and obtained his film of the motorcade. Mester said it was his intention at that time to exchange copies of film with others who had also taken footage of the Presidential motorcade. However, he stated as it developed, a Mrs. Irving Gewertz organized a group of people who had taken films of the motorcade and later incorporated this group as the Dallas Cinema Associates.

Mester said there are eighteen members in this group and he holds one share of stock. He said he has a side agreement with Viafidis to share equally in any profits made.

Mester advised that he does not know Lee Harvey Oswald or Jack Ruby and that he had no information that would assist in the investigation of the assassination of president Kennedy.

Wyman Hulan Parr, owner Glendale Camera Shop, 4448 South Marsalis, advised he presently resides at 3535 Tribune Drive, Apartment 107, Dallas, Texas. He said he was born October 6, 1920 at Dallas, Texas. Parr stated on November 22, 1963 he was at the above store on duty and did not view the Presidential motorcade.

Parr stated that David Holloway, an employee of Trans Texas Airlines at Love Field took 8 mm movies of the arrival of President Kennedy at Love Field.

Parr said that David Holloway lives with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Holloway, 604 Calyx Circle, telephone number FR 1-1458. Parr stated that Holloway brought the film that he had taken of President Kennedy’s arrival at Love Field on November 22, 1963, to his store for processing. When the film was returned to the store, and Holloway then picked it up, Parr said he was informed by Holloway that the film contained pictures of President Kennedy’s arrival at Love Field. He said they both viewed this film at the store.

Parr stated that at about the same time that Holloway brought his film to the store, Dick Allen, an employee of Hine Pontiac, Dallas, Texas also brought a roll of film containing scenes of the Presidential motorcade. About a month following this, Parr stated that George Shawver came to his camera shop and requested Parr to make some stills of President Kennedy from his 8 mm roll. Parr advised that while Shawver was in the store, he, Parr received a call from Mrs. Frances Hays, Garland, Texas who informed him that she was calling all camera stores in the Dallas, Texas area to locate film taken of President Kennedy’s motorcade. At this time Parr said he and Mrs. Hays discussed forming a group and putting together a film which would cover as much of the motorcade as possible.

Parr stated he recontacted Holloway and informed him of the formation of the group and advised him to join. Parr said Holloway informed him that he was not interested and sold his roll of film to Parr for $50.00.

Parr advised he put Mrs. Frances Hays in contact with Rudy Brenk, who is employed by Exline-Lowdon Company, 1818 South Ervay Street, Dallas, Texas, business telephone HAmilton 1-2177, home phone BR 9-7148 who he knew had considerable experience as a amateur photographer. Parr stated in March 1964, the Dallas Cinema Associates was incorporated and Brenk was elected President. He said they have completed the film of the Presidential Motorcade and it is now at Technicolor, Inc., Burbank, California for reproduction.

Parr said he was not acquainted with Lee Harvey Oswald. He said he knew Jack Ruby only as a speaking acquaintance from infrequent visits to Ruby’s club. He said he had no other association with Jack Ruby.

Parr also stated that he had no information that would assist in the investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy.

Parr advised he put Mrs. Frances Hays in contact with Rudy Brenk who is employed by Exline-Lowdon Company, 1818 South Ervay Street, Dallas, Texas, business phone

HAmilton 1-2177, home phone BR 9-7148, who he knew had considerable experience as an amateur photgrapher.

David Percy Holloway advised that on November 22, 1963 he left his parents residence Mr. and Mrs. P.D. Holloway 604 Calyx Circle, Dallas, Texas, in his mother’s car to Love Field, arriving there at about 10:45 A.M. At about 11 o’clock, Holloway stated he proceeded to Gate 28 at Love Field......Within a few seconds after the motorcade left Love Field Holloway stated he got into his mothers car to return it to her. He said on the road leading from the airport two young men were hitchiking and he stopped and gave them a ride. He saw eight to ten pickets while at the corner of Industrial Blvd. and Stemmons Freeway with tape over their mouths. He dropped off the two young hitchikers on Jefferson Street in Oak Cliff. Upon arriving home Holloway after returning home was met by his mother who informed him that President Kennedy had been shot. He returned to his employment at Trans-Texas Airways at Love Field. Holloway sold his roll of film to Parr for $50.00. Parr said he knew Jack Ruby only as a speaking acquaintance from infrequent visits to Ruby’s club.

Charles Allen Rhodes, Head of Stock, Sanger-Harris Camera Department, Main and Lamar Streets, advised he resides at 4640 Cole Avenue, Apartment 27, Dallas, Texas. Rhodes stated he has lived in the United States for one and one-half years and has been employed at Sanger-Harris for this entire period. Rhodes said he was born July 19, 1945 in Shepley England was reared in Australia and is a British subject.

Rhodes said on November 22, 1963, at about 11:30 A.M., he took up a position on the Southwest corner of Austin and Main Streets for the purpose of taking pictures of President Kennedy as the motorcade passed his position. Rhodes said he had a .35 mm Argus camera with him and took three pictures of President Kennedy and Governor Connally as the motorcade passed his position at about 12:30 P.M. Rhodes advised that Rick Stewart, another employee in the Camera Department of Sanger-Harris, also took pictures of the Presidential motorcade as it passed. He said Stewart was using an 8 mm movie camera. Rhodes advised that Stewart is now employed by Sanger-Harris in the Camera Department at their Plymouth-Park Store in Irving, Texas. Rhodes advised that Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gewertz, 6422 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, Texas, were customers in the Camera Department at the Sanger-Harris

Store. He said while they were in the store they had discussed the Presidential motorcade, with him and with his supervisor Bryant Boren. He said all wanted to get as many pictures as possible of the Presidential motorcade just as a collectors item. He said they finally “hit on the idea” of forming a group, putting a film of the motorcade together and selling it. He said in March 1964, this group incorporated and is composed of eighteen members, known as the Dallas Cinema Associates. He said that the film Dallas Cinema Associates put together is now at Technicolor Inc., Burbank, California and when it returns and is properly reproduced Sanger-Harris will have exclusive rights to market the film for a period of three months. He said this film should be on the market in two or three weeks. Rhodes advised that he did not know Lee Harvey Oswald. He said he knew Jack Ruby as a customer in the store and had repaired Ruby’s Polaroid camera twice. He said he had no association with Jack Ruby outside of the store and knows nothing of his activities. Rhodes stated he has no information that would assist in the investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy.

Jules Ernest Speigel, Salesman, Southwest Fixtures Company, 907 Commerce Street was interviewed at his place of employment regarding film sequences of the Presidential motorcade taken by him on November 22, 1963. Spiegel advised he was born April 19, 1916, Frankfurt, Germany and presently resides at 2723 Crest Ridge Drive, Dallas 28, Texas.

Spiegel advised that, per the instructions of the owner of the Southwest Fixtures Company, the company was closed at 11:55 AM on the morning of November 22, 1963, for the purpose of allowing all employees to view the Presidential motorcade, which was scheduled at that time to pass a block from the store at approximately 12:15 PM.

Spiegel advised he, accompanied by Gaylord Anguish took up a position on the Southeast corner of Main and Lamar Streets to await the motorcade. Spiegel advised that, as the motorcade approached he climbed on top of a metal coin-operated newspaper dispenser to obtain a better view of the motorcade in order to secure some 8 mm movie shots with his camera. He advised he took about two to three feet of film, using a Bell and Howell Zoomatic, Director Series, utilizing Kodachrome II 8 mm Movie Film. Spiegel advised that following the passage of the motorcade, he took the remainder of the roll of crowds in the area and returned to the store about 12:30 to 12:35 PM.

He advised he was unaware of the shooting of the President until about 12:45 PM, when a fellow employee turned on a store radio. He stated that at about the last of November 1963, he mailed his roll of film to the Kodak Company for processing.

Spiegel advised that about the middle of December 1963, he went to a camera store in the Casa Linda Section of Dallas to purchase some camera equipment, and during the course of the conversation with the proprietor, he advised the proprietor he had some film sequences of the Presidential motorcade. Spiegel stated the proprietor told him he had received an inquiry from a Mrs. Gewertz inquiring of persons with film sequences of the Presidential motorcade, and the proprietor asked Spiegel for his name and address, in the event this party called again.

Spiegel advised that around the end of December 1963, he received a call from a Mr. Parr who asked him if he cared to exchange duplicate copies of film for personal use, to which Spiegel advised he agreed to attend a meeting to view other film sequences to see if he might be interested.

Spiegel stated that around the middle of January 1964 he received a phone call from a Mrs. Hays who said she would like to view his film and accordingly, made an appontment to come to Spiegel’s house to view the film. He advised Mrs. Hays and a Rudy Brenk visited his home that evening and, after viewing his film, advised him they liked the sequences he had, and asked him to join a group of several film holders in making up a long film for which each participating member would receive a duplicate of the composite film.

Spiegel advised that, following several meetings of other film holders, a group, totaling eighteen in number, incorporated under the name “Dallas Cinema Associates, Inc.,” for the purpose of distribution and sale of the completed film on the home-movie market.

Spiegel stated he has never at any time, to his knowledge or recollection had any dealings either personal or business with Lee Harvey Oswald or Jack Ruby.

Ernest Charles Mentesana was interviewed at his place of business Mentesana Grocery, 1814 Allen Street, Dallas Texas, concerning film sequences taken by him of the Presidential motorcade. Mentesana advised that he was born April 7, 1918 in Dallas, and presently resides at 5103 Vickery Street, Dallas, Texas. Mentesana advised that on the morning of November 22, 1963, he left his grocery store at approximately 11:30 AM, in company with Arden Wilson, a store employee, and rode to the intersection of Turtle Creek Boulevard and Cedar Springs for the purpose of taking 8 mm movie film of the Presidential motorcade as it passed that point. He advised that he and Wilson arrived at that intersection at 11:40 AM and took up a position on the median strip of Turtle Creek Road, approximately one hundred feet north of Cedar Springs intersection to await the arrival of the motorcade.

He stated that, as the motorcade passed his position, he was able to obtain about ten feet of 8 mm movie film of the motorcade position using a Wollensak Movie Camera, with a 1.9 lens

and utilizing Kodachrome II Film. Mentesana estimated the time of the passing of the motorcade to be approximately 12:10 to 12:12 PM.

Charles Mentesana advised that immediately following the passing of the motorcade he and Wilson returned to the grocery store where he let Wilson out of the car and continued to the Katy Railroad Freight Depot near the Texas School Book Depository Building to pick up some salvaged food stuffs which he had previously purchased, and it was then that he learned of the shooting of President Kennedy. He said he then took several feet more of film of the turmoil in and around the Depository Building. He advised he sent this film to the Fox Film Company of Dallas for processing. Mentesana advised that he is a member of the “Dallas 8 mm Movie Club,” and, during the early part of January, 1964, a fellow movie club member, one Albert Bunnell, called him at the store and told him that he, Bunnell had been contacted by a Mrs. Irving Gewertz concerning the film sequences which he had taken of the motorcade. He stated Bunell told him that Mrs. Gewertz likewise had a series of film sequences and was interested in exchanging duplicates of film with others who had film of the motorcade and Mrs. Gewertz desired to view Mentesana’s film. Mentesana advised that, accordingly, he and Bunnell attended a meeting of several other film holders and, upon seeing his film on the screen, Mrs. Gewertz was interested in obtaining copies of his film in exchange for her copies, to which he agreed.

Mentesana advised that, subsequent to this original arrangement, Mrs. Gewertz organized a group, totaling eighteen in number, of various film holders, including himself and Albert Bunell, and that this organization incorporated itself, in March, 1964, under the name “Dallas Cinema Associates, Inc.” Mentesana advised he had attended all subsequent meetings of the corporation, and is under the impression the film is presently being prepared for marketing on the home-movie market.

Mentesana stated he has never had any contact either personal or business at any time with Lee Harvey Oswald or Jack Ruby, to the best of his knowledge or recollection.

Richard Lee Allen, residence 4222 Summit Ridge Drive, Dallas, Texas Hine Pontiac, 2100 Cedar Springs Road, Dallas, where he is employed as Assistant Service Manager.

Allen advised he was born September 16, 1922 in Dayton, Ohio and has been so employed at Hine Pontiac for the last fourteen years.

Allen advised that on the morning of November 22, 1963, Hine Pontiac officials released their employees at about 11:45 A.M. to allow them to view the Presidential motorcade as it was anticipated that it would pass in front of the Hine Pontiac showroom facing Cedar Springs Road. He advised that as he intended to view the motorcade, he brought his movie camera to work with him that morning, which he described as a Bell and Howell Director’s model having two lens a wide angle and zoom. Allen stated that at about 11:50 a.m. he took up a position on the east side of Cedar Springs road directly in front of the Pontiac showroom to await the arrival of the motorcade and that as the motorcade passed his position at approximately 12:15 p.m., he shot one complete half-roll of film type Kodachrome II, which he stated consists of 25 full feet.

Allen stated that upon completion of the entire roll, he took the roll to the Glendale Camera Shop, 4448 S. Marsalis, operated by Wyman Parr for processing.

Allen stated that sometime during January 1964, a Mrs. Gewertz called him at his residence and inquired if he desired to trade copies of film with her. He stated she told him that she was attempting to contact numerous individuals who had obtained movie shots of the Presidential motorcade throughout its route and that her film clip was taken not far from his position and showed him in her pictures, and therefore she was contacting him to determine if he would care to trade a duplicate of his film sequences for a duplicate of hers. Allen stated he told Mrs. Gewertz he had already turned over this film to Mr Parr of the Glendale Camera Shop and that Mr. Parr was likewise attempting to obtain other film clips from various individuals and that if Mrs. Gewertz would care to talk to Mr. Parr about his clips she would be free to do so.

Allen stated that subsequently the Parr group of which he was a part later joined with the group headed by Mrs. Gewertz and the total group was subsequently incorporated in March, 1964, into Dallas Cinema Associates, Incorporated, numbering eighteen stockholders in all. Allen stated he had viewed the completed film, incorporating film sequences from all stockholders and he estimated approximately ten to fifteen feet of his film was used in the final pictorial. Allen stated he has never at any time met, conversed with, or had any dealings with Lee Harvey Oswald or Jack Ruby to his knowledge.

Joe Cern Brown, partner Airline Ground Transportation Company, Love Field advised his company provides limousine service between Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas.

Brown advised he knew of the scheduled arrival of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy at Love Field on November 22, 1963, and on this date kept his son James Douglas Brown, out of school, and brought him to work with him so he could witness the arrival of President Kennedy and his entourage and take movies of this event. He said that around 11:20 A.M. or so

he was at his place of employment at the Baggage Reclaim area at Love Field and it was at this time that his son left him and went out to gate No. 28 to await the arrival of the President. He said when the President arrived his son took several sequences of this arrival from different positions at the airport. He said one film sequence was taken from the roof of the south concourse of the terminal building and another film sequence was taken from inside the fenced enclosure at the point of the President’s arrival. He said his son had taken his Wollensak Model 43 8 mm camera with him for this purpose. He said the camera was loaded with Ansco color film.

Brown stated that President Kennedy in his opinion was one of the greatest Presidents, very special to him, and in support of this opinion related the following story:

Brown said he was a sergeant in the First Marine Division in World War II was assigned Serial No. 46 19 42 and served from September 1942 to March15, 1945 receiving an honorable discharge.

He said during this period of service he participated in a number of assaults on enemy islands. He said on one occasion his division was assigned to assault one of the islands, name unrecalled, in the Russell Island Group in the Coral Sea. He said his division was brought to this location by the Destroyer Mandley, and during the night they were transferred from the destroyer to 50 foot lighters. He said in the particular lighter he was in there were eleven marines, two navy personnel, a lieutenant junior grade and a coxswain.

Brown stated that on the way to the shore this lighter was hit by shore fire, and knocked out of commission. He stated that for three days this lighter was at the mercy of the sea, and all aboard had given up hope of being rescued. He advised on the third night a navy torpedo boat PT-109, answered their signals. Within 30 minutes of this, Brown stated the destroyer Helena pulled alongside and rescued him and the other men aboard the lighter. Later Brown stated he learned the PT-109 was commanded by John Fitzgerald Kennedy and it is to Kennedy that he and the other members aboard the lighter owe their lives. Brown said it was because of this that he kept his boy out of school and brought him to Love Field with him so he would have the opportunity to see President John F Kennedy...........

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Robert :

Here is some further Dallas Cinema information, from a post I made a couple of years back....

Thanks for the additional link.....and information....

Ernest Mentesana & the Dallas Cinema Associates Film.

He was interviewed by Agents E .F. Petrakis and A Raymond Switzer on

April 23rd/64. Who stated that he had been in the freight yards near

the TSBD, and had taken film of "the turmoil in and around the Depository

Building . “

He was with the Dallas Cinema Associates. He informed the FBI all about

the Company, the leading figure, Mrs. Irving Gewertz, how many

photographers had contributed their film footage to such, (18) and other

information. He was under the impression that the film was presently being

prepared for marketing on the home-movie market.

It then took the FBI a month to get around to seeing a Rudolf Viktor Brenk, an

amateur photographer, who edited the films. The story was that the

Dallas Cinema Associates had a plan, which was to make a film of the "last

hour of the President", he was not interested in the assassination scene.

He was looking for a photographic record of the entire Dallas Trip, beginning at the

airport, with the happy President and his smiling wife in as many different poses

and locations as possible. As late as May 20/64 the FBI knew where to get

every scrap of all the original DCA footage, everything not schmaltzy that

Brenk had edited out.

There is no record that they ever did or wanted to.

The unpublished footage, that was all important, or could have been to the

investigation, and all that original footage was of no interest to them.

They finally got around to interviewing Mrs. Gewertz, who was the person

most responsible for the org. of DCA and the production of its film.

It was exactly

6 months after the assassination of President Kennedy.

She had conceived the idea of assembling the movie and she had located

others whose footage was used. She telephoned residences along the route

and the first person with film had agreed to help her locate others.

She also approached the camera shops, learning that others had the same

idea, so they had combined to form the Dallas Cinema.

She told them, as if they, the FBI didn't know that Phil Willis was one of them.

They approached him 30 days later, June 19/64.

The FBI finally got to him just at the time of the publication of a dozen of his photos.

Just as it got to the DCA people as their film was to be made commercially


There is no evidence that the FBI obtained a copy of the DCA film, neither for the

WC nor for itself. It was not the Commission, strange as it may seem that

decided whether any film contained evidence, but the FBI.

Mentesana had taken his first film of the motorcade on the median strip

on Turtle Creek Rd. and was able to obtain approximately ten feet of 8mm

movie film of the motorcade, using a Wollensak Movie Camera, with a 1.9

lens and Kodachrome 11 Film. He estimated the time of the passing motorcade

to have been approximately 12.10 to 12.12pm.

He then took his employee, Arden Wilson, immediately back to his

"Mentesana Grocery Store", dropped him off, and continued to the Katy

Railroad Freight Depot near the TSBD, to pick up some food stuffs.

He learned of the shooting of the President and started filming and took

several feet of film of the occurrences in and around the TSBD Building.

The Fox film company of Dallas processed it.

Being a member of the” Dallas 8mm Movie Club", as well as Albert Bunnell, who also had film,

had called him and told him about Mrs. Irving Gewertz .They had all attended a meeting and

the plan was to exchange copies of each others films. They then formed the group

totaling 18 in number and incorporated it in March 64, and that a film

would be prepared for marketing.


Rudolf Brenk, took his film of the motorcade from the northwest corner

of Harwood and Ross Sts. at approximately 12.20pm. Using a Cames

Eight- Millimeter movie camera loaded with Dynachrome color film,

the Dynachrome Co. of Halifax St. in Dallas had developed the film.

He was the VP of the Cinema Guild of Texas. Albert Bunnell had put

Mrs. Gewertz in contact with him. They met at the Community Room

of the Republic Savings and Loan Association along with others, and ran

their films for the group.

Some other names were, Mr. Wynn Parr, and Mr. George Shawver.

The group eventually turned over their original films to Brenk, for editing

he ultimately combined them, what he felt were the valuable portions

of the films, into one single film. He subtitled and completed the film.

He estimated it to be one hundred seventy-five feet, excluding leaders

and having a running time of approximately twelve minutes at sixteen

frames a second.

Brenk then sent the film to the Technicolor Inc. of Burbank California,

for further processing in an effort to achieve more uniformity in shading

and coloring. He advised that the cost of the master film from the Company

amounted to a charge of $13.50 from each of the 18 members. A total of $121.50.

He received the first answer print from Technicolor approx. May1/64.

A few changes were made at his request, and the two other answer prints

were received May 18/64.

The group had signed a contract with Sanger-Harris Department Stores

of Dallas, allowing them exclusive rights of sale in the Dallas area only,

for a one month trial period to allow his group to test the public acceptance.

They were to be ready for sale about the middle of June 64, the completed

retail price being set at $24.95.

The FBI could have learned the names of all the filmers but did not bother to.

They were not sought out, though they may have been able to tell them of

other photographers, they were not questioned.

Eventually Brenk took a list of all to the United States Attorney for Dallas as well

as a copy of the film.

Mrs. Irving (Anita) Gewertz, she and her son, Martin had driven to Cedar

Springs Rd, to see the motorcade, at approximately 11.30pm, they had listened to the

progress of the motorcade at her husbands place of employment, Roscoe

Dewitt Architect 2025 Cedar Springs, in the parking lot. She, as well as her husband

and son, had walked to the road about 12.05pm and waited, on the North side.

Her son had an 8mm Bell and Howell camera, The camera was not working

properly and he son was very frustrated, as the motorcade passed at

about 12.20pm.

So they then went to the Trade Mart When they arrived at Irving Blvd and the

service Rd of the Stemmons Freeway, they noticed a group of picketers who

were awaiting the Presidents arrival. She said about 8 or 10 were carrying various

signs which were anti Kennedy and his policies, and that they had tape over

their mouths. Shortly after arriving they heard sirens and saw the lights of

the motorcade proceeding North on Stemmons, at an unusually high rate of

speed, which surprised them. As they passed she noticed a SS man lying on

the back of the President's car pounding his fist on the hull of the car. then

shortly after they heard the announcement on the car radio of the shooting.

Hearing this they then drove to Parkland Hospital, where they observed a hearse

leaving at about 2pm, of which her son took a film, they learned

later it contained the President's body.

The next day they visited the TSBD area and took films. They then drove to

LHO's rooming house on Beckley and took stills. The film was developed at

Sanger-Harris Dept Store. They complained that the camera had not

worked properly at the time the motorcade had passed, and the manager


that several people had brought in film, and perhaps they would share theirs

with her by obtaining copies. That is when she got the idea of telephoning

people along the route. That is when she was in contact with a Mrs. Frances

Hays who also had film and offered to help her locate others. It was her

intention to secure and gather a film sequence for her own use and to keep

as a memorial to President Kennedy.

However after she had made calls, many were very interested and she

decided that the films sequences might be put together

and made available to the general public. Another she learned of was an O.B.

Ashmore who had taken still photographs, in the vicinity of the Trade Mart.

On July 16/64 ... the DOJ, Hoover to Rankin…… A film has been examined that was

furnished by the Wolper Prods Inc. it was found to show very little of the

President's motorcade during the firing of the assassinations shots. Should

members wish to view this film, please advice us....... the roll of film you

furnished is returned herewith....

July 23/64.... Hoover to Rankin, Reference is made in your letter dated Jul.16/64

enclosing letter from Martha Joe Stroud, Asst USA, Dallas. and a film referred

to......This has been reviewed in the FBI Laboratory and found to contain very

little of the President's motorcade during the firing of the assassination shots.

"It is noted the portion of the film depicting the motorcade on Elm St.

at the assassination site is a copy of the same film that was furnished to the Commission

by the Wolper Prod. The Wolper film was furnished to us with your letter dated

June 3/64. Was examined and returned to you with a letter dated June 16/64."

"The film that you submitted with your letter dated July 16/64, is attached."

July10/64. USDOJ Dallas, Stroud to Howard Willens President's Commission.

Mr. Rudy Brenk brought the enclosed film into this office today..

He states there are no other persons that took film at the scene of the assassination

so far as he knows.

I am attaching a list of photographers who furnished film for

"President Kennedy's Final Hour".

Mr. Brenk wants the film back unless the Commission wants to buy it. It

costs $24.95.

List of names associated with the Dallas Cinema..

Mr. Dick Allen: George Shawver : Wynn Parr: Rudy Brenk: Bryant ..ren?

Earl Nester ?: Dr. Howard Seigler: Irving Gewertz: Charles Mentesana:

Larry Thomas:…..next crossed out..again next crossed out……..Allen Rhodes, Albert Benell:

George Kincaid: Joe Brown: C. W. Gray:

Mrs. Hazel Randell: but Randell

has an x through it ? and something unlegible written over it.?

Mr. Speigle: Mr.John Martin.

And there it lies, unless there is more info that I have not come across

perhaps somewhere there is an old copy, of the film in a box or

in someone’s attic, a researcher's shelf ?somewhere. in Dallas.?

Information from Harold Weisberg “Photographic Whitewash".1967.



Here is some further info, about the Dallas Cinema Film.....Mentesana and the others.

Two other film clips, but very little..

from Bart Cop. On their page below as well, if these following links do not work..

Scroll down.....


Film clips.



Old posts of 1992 & 96 that might be of interest...

1996 The Dallas Cinema film


The Assassination scene in Dallas 1992


Inventory of the Records of the Warren Commission

Entry 18: Films

1963, 6 inches

Arranged as follows:

one 16-mm, reel consisting of a silent WDSU-TV (New Orleans) film taken on August 16, 1963, of Lee Harvey Oswald distributing leaflets on behalf of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and on August 12, 1963, outside the Municipal Court at New Orleans on the day of Oswald's court appearance, and a sound film interview on August 21, 1963, at the WDSU studios shortly after a radio program in which Oswald participated;

an 8-mm. film entitled "President Kennedy's Final Hour," produced by Dallas Cinema Associates, Inc., from films taken by photographers along the route of the President's motorcade;

a 16-mm. film of the President's motorcade taken by an unidentified amateur photographer, furnished to the Commission by Wolper Productions, Inc.;

a 16-mm. film which includes scenes of District Attorney Wade of Dallas speaking in the Dallas Police Department building and some silent film;

a 16-mm. film of Lee Harvey Oswald speaking in the assembly room of the Dallas Police Department;

a 16-m. film of unidentified origin, accompanied by an explanatory Secret Service memorandum, showing an aerial view of the site of the assassination and an interview with a gunsmith concerning Oswald's rifle and the mounting of telescopic sights;

reels 65 and 66 of 16-mm. National Broadcasting Co. film relating to the shooting of Oswald; and

an 8-mm. United Press International film showing only a title relating to the assassination.

For the Zapruder film (CE 904), Nix (CE 905), and Muchmore (CE 906) films, see Entry 42. For the Zapruder slides (CD 858), see Entry 8. Entry 19: Radio Tape Recordings

1963, 12 feet


Dallas Cinema Associates Documents


DCA JFK assassination aftermath

Some frames from the DCA

B... B)

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Robert :

Here is some further Dallas Cinema information, from a post I made a couple of years back....

Thanks for the additional link.....and information....

Ernest Mentesana & the Dallas Cinema Associates Film.

He was interviewed by Agents E .F. Petrakis and A Raymond Switzer on

April 23rd/64. Who stated that he had been in the freight yards near

the TSBD, and had taken film of "the turmoil in and around the Depository

Building . “

He was with the Dallas Cinema Associates. He informed the FBI all about

the Company, the leading figure, Mrs. Irving Gewertz, how many

photographers had contributed their film footage to such, (18) and other

information. He was under the impression that the film was presently being

prepared for marketing on the home-movie market.

It then took the FBI a month to get around to seeing a Rudolf Viktor Brenk, an

amateur photographer, who edited the films. The story was that the

Dallas Cinema Associates had a plan, which was to make a film of the "last

hour of the President", he was not interested in the assassination scene.

He was looking for a photographic record of the entire Dallas Trip, beginning at the

airport, with the happy President and his smiling wife in as many different poses

and locations as possible. As late as May 20/64 the FBI knew where to get

every scrap of all the original DCA footage, everything not schmaltzy that

Brenk had edited out.

There is no record that they ever did or wanted to.

The unpublished footage, that was all important, or could have been to the

investigation, and all that original footage was of no interest to them.

They finally got around to interviewing Mrs. Gewertz, who was the person

most responsible for the org. of DCA and the production of its film.

It was exactly

6 months after the assassination of President Kennedy.

She had conceived the idea of assembling the movie and she had located

others whose footage was used. She telephoned residences along the route

and the first person with film had agreed to help her locate others.

She also approached the camera shops, learning that others had the same

idea, so they had combined to form the Dallas Cinema.

She told them, as if they, the FBI didn't know that Phil Willis was one of them.

They approached him 30 days later, June 19/64.

The FBI finally got to him just at the time of the publication of a dozen of his photos.

Just as it got to the DCA people as their film was to be made commercially


There is no evidence that the FBI obtained a copy of the DCA film, neither for the

WC nor for itself. It was not the Commission, strange as it may seem that

decided whether any film contained evidence, but the FBI.

Mentesana had taken his first film of the motorcade on the median strip

on Turtle Creek Rd. and was able to obtain approximately ten feet of 8mm

movie film of the motorcade, using a Wollensak Movie Camera, with a 1.9

lens and Kodachrome 11 Film. He estimated the time of the passing motorcade

to have been approximately 12.10 to 12.12pm.

He then took his employee, Arden Wilson, immediately back to his

"Mentesana Grocery Store", dropped him off, and continued to the Katy

Railroad Freight Depot near the TSBD, to pick up some food stuffs.

He learned of the shooting of the President and started filming and took

several feet of film of the occurrences in and around the TSBD Building.

The Fox film company of Dallas processed it.

Being a member of the” Dallas 8mm Movie Club", as well as Albert Bunnell, who also had film,

had called him and told him about Mrs. Irving Gewertz .They had all attended a meeting and

the plan was to exchange copies of each others films. They then formed the group

totaling 18 in number and incorporated it in March 64, and that a film

would be prepared for marketing.


Rudolf Brenk, took his film of the motorcade from the northwest corner

of Harwood and Ross Sts. at approximately 12.20pm. Using a Cames

Eight- Millimeter movie camera loaded with Dynachrome color film,

the Dynachrome Co. of Halifax St. in Dallas had developed the film.

He was the VP of the Cinema Guild of Texas. Albert Bunnell had put

Mrs. Gewertz in contact with him. They met at the Community Room

of the Republic Savings and Loan Association along with others, and ran

their films for the group.

Some other names were, Mr. Wynn Parr, and Mr. George Shawver.

The group eventually turned over their original films to Brenk, for editing

he ultimately combined them, what he felt were the valuable portions

of the films, into one single film. He subtitled and completed the film.

He estimated it to be one hundred seventy-five feet, excluding leaders

and having a running time of approximately twelve minutes at sixteen

frames a second.

Brenk then sent the film to the Technicolor Inc. of Burbank California,

for further processing in an effort to achieve more uniformity in shading

and coloring. He advised that the cost of the master film from the Company

amounted to a charge of $13.50 from each of the 18 members. A total of $121.50.

He received the first answer print from Technicolor approx. May1/64.

A few changes were made at his request, and the two other answer prints

were received May 18/64.

The group had signed a contract with Sanger-Harris Department Stores

of Dallas, allowing them exclusive rights of sale in the Dallas area only,

for a one month trial period to allow his group to test the public acceptance.

They were to be ready for sale about the middle of June 64, the completed

retail price being set at $24.95.

The FBI could have learned the names of all the filmers but did not bother to.

They were not sought out, though they may have been able to tell them of

other photographers, they were not questioned.

Eventually Brenk took a list of all to the United States Attorney for Dallas as well

as a copy of the film.

Mrs. Irving (Anita) Gewertz, she and her son, Martin had driven to Cedar

Springs Rd, to see the motorcade, at approximately 11.30pm, they had listened to the

progress of the motorcade at her husbands place of employment, Roscoe

Dewitt Architect 2025 Cedar Springs, in the parking lot. She, as well as her husband

and son, had walked to the road about 12.05pm and waited, on the North side.

Her son had an 8mm Bell and Howell camera, The camera was not working

properly and he son was very frustrated, as the motorcade passed at

about 12.20pm.

So they then went to the Trade Mart When they arrived at Irving Blvd and the

service Rd of the Stemmons Freeway, they noticed a group of picketers who

were awaiting the Presidents arrival. She said about 8 or 10 were carrying various

signs which were anti Kennedy and his policies, and that they had tape over

their mouths. Shortly after arriving they heard sirens and saw the lights of

the motorcade proceeding North on Stemmons, at an unusually high rate of

speed, which surprised them. As they passed she noticed a SS man lying on

the back of the President's car pounding his fist on the hull of the car. then

shortly after they heard the announcement on the car radio of the shooting.

Hearing this they then drove to Parkland Hospital, where they observed a hearse

leaving at about 2pm, of which her son took a film, they learned

later it contained the President's body.

The next day they visited the TSBD area and took films. They then drove to

LHO's rooming house on Beckley and took stills. The film was developed at

Sanger-Harris Dept Store. They complained that the camera had not

worked properly at the time the motorcade had passed, and the manager


that several people had brought in film, and perhaps they would share theirs

with her by obtaining copies. That is when she got the idea of telephoning

people along the route. That is when she was in contact with a Mrs. Frances

Hays who also had film and offered to help her locate others. It was her

intention to secure and gather a film sequence for her own use and to keep

as a memorial to President Kennedy.

However after she had made calls, many were very interested and she

decided that the films sequences might be put together

and made available to the general public. Another she learned of was an O.B.

Ashmore who had taken still photographs, in the vicinity of the Trade Mart.

On July 16/64 ... the DOJ, Hoover to Rankin…… A film has been examined that was

furnished by the Wolper Prods Inc. it was found to show very little of the

President's motorcade during the firing of the assassinations shots. Should

members wish to view this film, please advice us....... the roll of film you

furnished is returned herewith....

July 23/64.... Hoover to Rankin, Reference is made in your letter dated Jul.16/64

enclosing letter from Martha Joe Stroud, Asst USA, Dallas. and a film referred

to......This has been reviewed in the FBI Laboratory and found to contain very

little of the President's motorcade during the firing of the assassination shots.

"It is noted the portion of the film depicting the motorcade on Elm St.

at the assassination site is a copy of the same film that was furnished to the Commission

by the Wolper Prod. The Wolper film was furnished to us with your letter dated

June 3/64. Was examined and returned to you with a letter dated June 16/64."

"The film that you submitted with your letter dated July 16/64, is attached."

July10/64. USDOJ Dallas, Stroud to Howard Willens President's Commission.

Mr. Rudy Brenk brought the enclosed film into this office today..

He states there are no other persons that took film at the scene of the assassination

so far as he knows.

I am attaching a list of photographers who furnished film for

"President Kennedy's Final Hour".

Mr. Brenk wants the film back unless the Commission wants to buy it. It

costs $24.95.

List of names associated with the Dallas Cinema..

Mr. Dick Allen: George Shawver : Wynn Parr: Rudy Brenk: Bryant ..ren?

Earl Nester ?: Dr. Howard Seigler: Irving Gewertz: Charles Mentesana:

Larry Thomas:…..next crossed out..again next crossed out……..Allen Rhodes, Albert Benell:

George Kincaid: Joe Brown: C. W. Gray:

Mrs. Hazel Randell: but Randell

has an x through it ? and something unlegible written over it.?

Mr. Speigle: Mr.John Martin.

And there it lies, unless there is more info that I have not come across

perhaps somewhere there is an old copy, of the film in a box or

in someone’s attic, a researcher's shelf ?somewhere. in Dallas.?

Information from Harold Weisberg “Photographic Whitewash".1967.



Here is some further info, about the Dallas Cinema Film.....Mentesana and the others.

Two other film clips, but very little..

from Bart Cop. On their page below as well, if these following links do not work..

Scroll down.....


Film clips.



Old posts of 1992 & 96 that might be of interest...

1996 The Dallas Cinema film


The Assassination scene in Dallas 1992


Inventory of the Records of the Warren Commission

Entry 18: Films

1963, 6 inches

Arranged as follows:

one 16-mm, reel consisting of a silent WDSU-TV (New Orleans) film taken on August 16, 1963, of Lee Harvey Oswald distributing leaflets on behalf of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and on August 12, 1963, outside the Municipal Court at New Orleans on the day of Oswald's court appearance, and a sound film interview on August 21, 1963, at the WDSU studios shortly after a radio program in which Oswald participated;

an 8-mm. film entitled "President Kennedy's Final Hour," produced by Dallas Cinema Associates, Inc., from films taken by photographers along the route of the President's motorcade;

a 16-mm. film of the President's motorcade taken by an unidentified amateur photographer, furnished to the Commission by Wolper Productions, Inc.;

a 16-mm. film which includes scenes of District Attorney Wade of Dallas speaking in the Dallas Police Department building and some silent film;

a 16-mm. film of Lee Harvey Oswald speaking in the assembly room of the Dallas Police Department;

a 16-m. film of unidentified origin, accompanied by an explanatory Secret Service memorandum, showing an aerial view of the site of the assassination and an interview with a gunsmith concerning Oswald's rifle and the mounting of telescopic sights;

reels 65 and 66 of 16-mm. National Broadcasting Co. film relating to the shooting of Oswald; and

an 8-mm. United Press International film showing only a title relating to the assassination.

For the Zapruder film (CE 904), Nix (CE 905), and Muchmore (CE 906) films, see Entry 42. For the Zapruder slides (CD 858), see Entry 8. Entry 19: Radio Tape Recordings

1963, 12 feet


Dallas Cinema Associates Documents


DCA JFK assassination aftermath

Some frames from the DCA

B... B)

Thanks to everyone who responded, I had several thoughts as I spent the last few days transcribing the sections of this document I reproduced. As Bill asked about John Martin Jr., this employee of the US Postal Service was in the same building as Harry Holmes, I am not certain if he is the same person who shot footage in New Orleans, but If I had to guess, I would say definitely worth looking into, at the very least. While we are on the subject of the name John [Jack] Martin, researcher Martin Shackleford attests that the John Martin who shot film in New Orleans formerly served under General Edwin Walker!

If that turned out to be correct, and the John Martin in New Orleans and the John Martin who worked at the Terminal Annex were one and the same, that would be very significant in my mind........

What is even more interesting about the Terminal Annex Building is ostensibly there was a person who worked there who allegedly resembled Oswald.....He is not listed in the Oswald Look-Alikes articles by Mark Bridger, his name is Dudley Lee Farrell, I cannot determine if he was related to Mary Ferrell or not. Mary Ferrell's website is the source of this information

so there is that fact to consider, as far as the late Mary Ferrell having any secrets about this one way or the other.

see below


Sources: CE 2999; CD 6, pp. 321-323; CD 7, pp. 543-545

Mary's Comments: White male. DOB: 5/25/25. POB: Shreveport, LA. Ferrell bears a marked resemblance to LHO. Supervisor of Mails at Main Post Office, Dallas. His mother, Mary Elizabeth Ferrell, 12210 Brookmeadow, Dallas, died Sat, June 24, 1978.

Also See LHM To Rankin From Hoover dated 3/24/64 Re Robert Ahler, Dudley Lee Ferrell

FBI 62-109090 Warren Commission HQ File, Section 7


Below is a list I compiled of individual names which are contained in the above document.

Also See WCD 1066, pp. 8, 16, 23-24, 44, 47, 53, 58;

1 Dick Allen

2 Gaylord Anguish

3 O.B. Ashmore

3 Eddie Barker

4 Bryant Carroll Boren

5 Rudy Allen Brenk

6 Joe Brown

7 Albert Bunnell

8 Irving David Gewertz

9 Mrs. Hazel Gooch... Ivy Randall Hazel Gooch

10 C.W. Gray

11 Mrs. Frances Marie Hays

12 David Holloway

13 George Kinkaid

14 George Shawver

15 John Martin Jr

16 Charles Mentesana

17 Earl Mester

18 Wyman Parr

19 Alan Rhodes

20 George Alderson Shawver

21 Doctor Howard Young Sigler, M.D.

22 Mr. Jules Ernest Speigel

23 Larry Eugene Thomas

24 Phil Willis

25 Arden Wilson

And last but not least, I also found it interesting that two individuals cited in this document were from Germany and England/Australia not that in itself means anything, but with Spiegel I wonder of the possibility he may have been in the same sphere of individuals in Germany before, ie General Walker, Ashland Burchwell et cetera, although probably a reach.

I won't even get into the "cutting room floor," although I am sure most of these individuals were on the level, but that is just my outlook.

As usual Bernice, your an angel, for your input........

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Thanks, Robert and Bernice. Great stuff.

I am reminded of Harold Weisberg's classic "Photograhic Whitewash." All the photographers he mentioned, all that film that was perhaps lost to history due to official neglect. We should never forget that Weisberg proved conclusively that media outlets were practically begging the Warren Commission to take their film footage, before it was routintely destroyed. The Commission seemed strangely disinterested and apparently at least some footage was taped over by those media outlets. Inexcusable behavior, and impossible to explain innocently.

Thanks again!

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Guest Tom Scully
...If that turned out to be correct, and the John Martin in New Orleans and the John Martin who worked at the Terminal Annex were one and the same, that would be very significant in my mind........

What is even more interesting about the Terminal Annex Building is ostensibly there was a person who worked there who allegedly resembled Oswald.....He is not listed in the Oswald Look-Alikes articles by Mark Bridger, his name is Dudley Lee Farrell, I cannot determine if he was related to Mary Ferrell or not. Mary Ferrell's website is the source of this information

so there is that fact to consider, as far as the late Mary Ferrell having any secrets about this one way or the other.

see below


Sources: CE 2999; CD 6, pp. 321-323; CD 7, pp. 543-545

Mary's Comments: White male. DOB: 5/25/25. POB: Shreveport, LA. Ferrell bears a marked resemblance to LHO. Supervisor of Mails at Main Post Office, Dallas. His mother, Mary Elizabeth Ferrell, 12210 Brookmeadow, Dallas, died Sat, June 24, 1978.

Also See LHM To Rankin From Hoover dated 3/24/64 Re Robert Ahler, Dudley Lee Ferrell

FBI 62-109090 Warren Commission HQ File, Section 7


Below is a list I compiled of individual names which are contained in the above document.....

Dudley Lee Ferrell passed away in August, 2008.


Dudley Lee Ferrell was born in Shreveport, LA in 1925. Here is a link to the 1930 census image of his household.

The census date is april 26, 1930, and his is the seventh household entry down from the top of the page. The entry

displays Dudley's age as 4-11/12, denoting the correct age for someone born in May, 1925. It shows Dudley's

father was born in Texas, and his father's father in Texas. It shows that Dudley was born in LA, as was his father's mother:


According to this treemaker genealogy page, Mary McHughes Ferrell's husband Hubert was born in Tenn. of parents originally from Arkansas (mother) and Tenn. (father):

http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users...ENE12-0007.html (No. 44)




$2.95 - Dallas Morning News - NewsBank - Feb 23, 2004

Mary was preceded in death by her husband of fifty-eight years, Hubert Afton Ferrell, her son, Lawrence Afton Ferrell, her grandson, David Lawrence Haggard, ...


Life and career

Born in Memphis, Tennessee, she married Hubert Afton "Buck" Ferrell in 1940 and had four children. In 1957 the family moved to Dallas, Texas, where Ferrell found work as a legal secretary....

Edited by Tom Scully
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  • 1 year later...
Guest Tom Scully

...May 28, 1964

On Dec. 11, 1963 the Dallas Division advised that John Martin, Superintendent of Safety, United States Post Office, Dallas Texas took a roll of 8 mm color movies of the Presidential motorcade on November 22, 1963. According to Martin, the movies were taken of the motorcade as it neared the spot where President Kennedy was assassinated and he thought possibly he had a shot of the window of the Texas School Book Depository from which the fatal shots were fired. According to information available to the Dallas Division, the film was in the possession of Life Magazine, New York City.

On December 17, 1963, the film taken by Martin was obtained by SA Robert J. Lawson from Dick Pollard, Time and Life, Inc., 50th Street and 6th Avenue, New York City.

On the same date the film was forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. for review

John Martin, Jr., Superintendent of Safety, Room 517, United States Post Office, Terminal Annex, 207 South Houston Street, Dallas, Texas, RI 9-3181, advised he resides at 9846 Shoreview Road, Dallas, Texas. Martin said he was born September 21, 1905 at Two Harbors, Minnesota.

Martin stated that following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy the twenty-five feet of film he took was included in this movie.

Martin advised that the following are members of the Dallas Cinema Associates Corporation and each will share equally in any profit made on the sale of the film.

Rudy Brenk, President,

4404 Ivy Street, Mesquite, Texas

telephone BR 9-7148

Bryant Boren, Vice-President,

605 West Vista Drive, Garland, Texas

telephone BR 8-2397. Martin said Boren

is employed as Manager of the Sanger-Harris Camera Shop;

Mrs. Frances Hays, Secretary,

913 Forest Ridge Drive, Garland, Texas

BR 6-0140, Martin said her husband took the movies

but is not active in the corporation;

Wyman Parr, 4448 South Marsalis, Dallas, Texas

home telephone, FR 6-5918, business telephone

FR 4-6465

George Shawver, 4926 Frio Drive, Dallas, Texas

telephone, FR 4-1119. He is employed by Greyhound

downtown, according to Martin.

Dick Allen, 4222 Summit Ridge, Dallas, Texas,

telephone FR 4-3053. Martin said Allen is employed

by Hine Pontiac, Dallas, Texas;

Mrs. Hazel Gooch, 208 W. Louisiana Street, Dallas, Texas,

telephone unknown;

Mr. Jules Speigel, 2723 Crestview Drive, Dallas,

Texas, telephone BR 9-2289,

salesman Southwest Fixture Company, 907 Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas

John Martin Jr, 9846 Shoreview Road,

Dallas, Texas, telephone DI 8-3546;

George Kinkaid, Kincaid Photo Service, telephone RI 1-3271.

Martin advised that Kinkaid is not a member of the corporation

as yet but did take some movies of the motorcade;

Alan Rhodes, 4640 Cole Avenue, employed Sanger-Harris Camera Shop,

at Lamar and Main Streets, Dallas, Texas. Martin stated he took 35 mm stills

and the stills were incorporated into the movie.

Albert Bunnell, 1314 English Street, Irving, Texas

office telephone FL 2-4761, Martin said he is

employed at Love Field;

Joe Brown, 7008 Hovenkamp Street, Fort Worth, Texas

Can be reached at telephone number AN 2-4544;

C.W. Gray, 11627 Fernald Street, Dallas, Texas

telephone DA7-2972;

Earl Mester, 232 Alta Drive, Garland, Texas

telephone BR 8-6918;

Doctor Howard Sigler, 6936 Lakeshore Drive, Dallas, Texas

telephone DA 7-3649;

Irving Gewertz, 6422 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, Texas

telephone EM 1-7785

Charles Mentesana, 5103 Vickery Street, Dallas, Texas, telephone TA 3-0006 or TA 4-0803;

Larry Thomas, Route 1 Box 1820, Grand Prairie, Texas....


The John Martin described above seems to have been a bit old to have served under Gen. Edwin Walker, if not serving under Walker is even a disqualifier.

I found the bio of the John Martin described below kind of intriguing, and I had to do some digging. Odd that a distinguished, senior journalist, a Polk Award winner, had not wikipedia.org article, but, does have this?

Gerald Posner

John Martin of ABC News says "Gerald Posner is one of the most resourceful investigators I have encountered in thirty years of journalism. ...


Has John Martin been "hiding" in plain sight?


John Martin teaches national affairs reporting at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. In a 45-year career in journalism, he worked as a national correspondent for ABC News, reporting for World News Tonight, Nightline, 20/20, Day One, and

This Week with David Brinkley, and edited for The New York Times International Edition in Paris. He also worked at the Augusta (GA) Chronicle and KRCA-TV News, an NBC affiliate in Sacramento.

At SDSU, Martin served as managing editor of the Aztec and campus correspondent for the San Diego Evening Tribune. During his undergraduate days, he worked for The San Diego Union as a copy boy, copy editor, weekend photo editor, and reporter. Drafted into the U.S. Army (1962-64), he edited the VII Corps newspaper, Jayhawk, in Stuttgart, Germany.

Among his network television assignments, Martin searched for Nazi war criminals in South America; uncovered an atrocity hoax perpetrated by the Kuwaiti Government during the Gulf War; reported on the tobacco industry manipulation of nicotine, for which he shared a duPont-Columbia Gold Baton and the George Polk Award;

examined public subsidies for Ross Perot's private projects, for which he shared an Emmy Award; and described the role of 18,000 black sailors serving in the Civil War Union Navy, for which he received the National Association of Black Journalists Award for Excellence....

A complication is that there does not seem to be a St. Paul, MN, link in his background.:


John Martin's ready when the news `blinks'

Pay-Per-View - San Diego Union - Tribune - Jun 24, 1992

I never dreamed Id ever leave San Diego said John Martin who gets around the ... at his alma mater St Augustine High School in San Diego his old hometown ... St Brigid's St Augustine High and San Diego State University where he was ..

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