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WWF and the 1001 Nature Trust: Ties That Bind?

Guest Tom Scully

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Guest Tom Scully

This thread is developed from my post, yesterday, in the "Louis Mortimer Bloomfield" thread; http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...st&p=171209

In January 1982, NY Times reporter Raymond Bonner broke this story, simultaneous to it;s publication in the Washington Post:


Salvador Skeletons Confirm Reports of Massacre in 1981


Published: Thursday, October 22, 1992

In a small rectangular plot among the overgrown ruins of a village here, a team of forensic archeologists has opened a window on El Salvador's nightmarish past.

Two feet below the ground, a few tiny skeletons grin up almost intact from what was once the tile floor of the parish house. Other bones are crushed in places and caked with dirt, but they can be identified well enough to determine that they belong to at least 38 bodies.

It is also evident, the forensics experts say, that almost all of the remains are those of children. Nearby are other burial sites still to be unearthed. A Call for Justice

Nearly 11 years after American-trained soldiers were said to have torn through El Mozote and surrounding hamlets on a rampage in which at least 794 people were killed, the bones have emerged as stark evidence that the claims of peasant survivors and the reports of a couple of American journalists were true....


Abroad at Home; When Truth Is Buried


Published: Monday, November 23, 1992

The civil war in El Salvador is over now, a political settlement taking hold. Americans hardly remember when the Reagan Administration called the leftist rebels a critical threat to our national security.

But the American role in El Salvador did damage to our institutions and our honor that remains unrepaired. So we are reminded by a recent turn in an appalling piece of history.

On Jan. 27, 1982, correspondents of The New York Times and The Washington Post reported from the remote Salvadoran village of El Mozote that hundreds of civilians had been massacred there. Most were women, children and old men.

Raymond Bonner of The Times wrote that he had seen the skulls and bones of dozens of people buried under burned-out peasant houses. Alma Guillermopietro wrote a similar account for The Post.

A reporter just arrived on the scene could not know who killed them, Mr. Bonner said. But villagers nearby said an elite battalion of government forces had carried out the massacre the previous month. The villagers had a list of 733 victims. The Salvadoran Human Rights Commission put the number of dead at 926.

One woman in El Mozote, Rufina Amaya, said she had survived by hiding in some trees when the soldiers came. They killed her husband, who was blind, and her four children, aged 9, 5, 3 and 8 months.

Those newspaper reports evoked angry denials and denunciations. A Salvadoran military spokesman said the account of a massacre had been fabricated by "subversives."

The Reagan Administration, already embarrassed by Salvadoran death squads, was just as bristling. A week later Thomas Enders, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, told Congress:

"There is no evidence to confirm that [ Salvadoran ] Government forces systematically massacred civilians . . . or that the number of civilians killed even remotely approached the 733 or 926 victims cited in the press."

Mr. Enders supposedly based his statement on an investigation by two U.S. Embassy officials in El Salvador. But he did not make their report public, and he misrepresented what they said. They had never reached El Mozote, and they did not reject the report of a massacre.

The Reagan Administration did not rest with disingenuous denials. It did its best to smear the reporters.

Sad to say, this effort at smearing found a voice in the press itself. The editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, ideologically committed to the Reagan Administration and its view of what to do in El Salvador, ran an editorial 36 inches long headed "The Media's War."

The correspondents who reported the El Mozote massacre had been "overly credulous," the editorial suggested, and were taken in by a rebel "propaganda exercise."

"Much of the American media [ in El Salvador ] , it would seem," The Journal said, "was dominated by a style of reporting that grew out of Vietnam -- in which Communist sources were given greater credence than either the U.S. Government or the government it was supporting."

The Journal editorial had a significant effect. Other newspapers worried about looking soft on Communism and toned down their reporting from El Salvador.

The new turn in this story came last month, when a team of forensic archeologists digging in the ruins of El Mozote found dozens of skeletons. Most of them were of children. The archeologists said shell casings and other evidence supported the charge of a massacre by government troops.

The archeologists had to overcome strenuous resistance from the Salvadoran Government to do their investigation. It was only insistence by a three-member Truth Commission set up under the peace agreement that opened the way.

The Truth Commission has also had an extremely hard time getting cooperation from the United States Government. Many U.S. documents on the El Mozote massacre are still being withheld from the commission -- and from us.

Surely the time has come for Americans, like Salvadorans, to know the truth of what was done in our name. Perhaps even Tom Enders and the other officials who covered up horrors could face the truth. And the press could learn again how essential it is to be skeptical of convenient official denials.



Seeing the conflict as critical for a right-wing Central America, the Reagan administration was determined to give the Salvadoran government military assistance in defeating the FMLN. This was seriously complicated by the reports from El Mozote which appeared just as a new round of debate over the huge flow of money and arms being sent to El Salvador's armed forces was getting underway. Correspondingly, the reports drew immediate fire from Reagan administration officials and others on the US political right.

Salvadoran army and government leaders said no such massacre had taken place and officials of the Reagan's administration dismissed the reports as "gross exaggerations." The Associated Press reported that "the U.S. Embassy disputed the reports, saying its own investigation had found ... that no more than 300 people had lived in El Mozote."[5]

The conservative press-watch organization Accuracy in Media charged the newspapers and the reporters with conspiring to hold their stories until late January, just before President Reagan was required to certify that El Salvador's military forces were making progress in human rights in order to continue the subsidies. The reporters denied the charge.

Thomas Enders, then Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, attacked Bonner and Guillermoprieto before a congressional committee, saying that although there had been a firefight between the army and the guerrillas in the area, "no evidence could be found to confirm that government forces systematically massacred civilians."

On February 8, Elliott Abrams, Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, told a Senate committee that the reports of hundreds of deaths at El Mozote "were not credible", and that "it appears to be an incident that is at least being significantly misused, at the very best, by the guerrillas". Abrams implied that reports of a massacre were simply FMLN propaganda.

In February, in a lengthy editorial titled "The Media's War", the Wall Street Journal critiqued US press coverage of El Salvador, singling out Bonner as being "overly credulous", and accusing the Times of closing ranks "behind a reporter out on a limb". The Journal warned that the debate in Congress was being distorted from reality by Bonner's and Guillermoprieto's "overly credulous" reports of the massacre. It cited Enders' denial and charged that because the two reporters had visited El Mozote under the protection of guerrilla guides, "this was a propaganda exercise".

In Time Magazine, William A. Henry III wrote a month later: "An even more crucial if common oversight is the fact that women and children, generally presumed to be civilians, can be active participants in guerrilla war. New York Times correspondent Raymond Bonner underplayed that possibility, for example, in a much-protested January 27 report of a massacre by the army in and around the village of Mozote."'

Although attacked less vigorously than Bonner, Alma Guillermoprieto was also a target of criticism. A Reagan official wrote a letter to the Post claiming that she had once worked for a communist newspaper in Mexico. Guillermoprieto denied ever having working for any newspaper in Mexico and told that to editor Ben Bradlee when he questioned her in the newsroom.[citation needed]

In June 1982, after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee proposed cutting $100 million in military aid to El Salvador, US Ambassador Deane Hinton traveled to Washington to try to prevent the cutback. While he was there, he went out of his way to attack Bonner, particularly over the reporter's stories about the failure of El Salvador's land-reform program. Hinton denounced Bonner as an "advocate journalist".[6]

In late July, Accuracy in Media devoted an entire edition of its AIM Report to Bonner. Its editor Reed Irvine declared that "Mr. Bonner had been worth a division to the communists in Central America". Irvine made insinuations about Bonner's political sympathies, noting that he had once worked for Ralph Nader, omitting that he had been a Marine Corps officer in Vietnam, and all but calling him a communist agent.[7]

That August, Bonner was ordered to return to New York; he subsequently took a leave of office and left the newspaper shortly thereafter. The Post also recalled Guillermoprieto, promoting her to a staff position, and assigning her to cover suburban Washington. Guillermoprieto left the paper two years later.

In the course of the year, a number of Salvadoran human rights organizations denounced the massacre. The Salvadoran authorities continued to categorically deny that a massacre had taken place. No judicial investigation was launched and there was no word of any investigation by the government or the armed forces. Bonner later published a book on his experiences, Weakness and Deceit: U.S. Policy and El Salvador (1984), but in the intervening years the El Mozote story was slowly buried.

The Atlacatl Battalion went on to commit many more atrocities, including, nine years later, the murder of six Jesuits, their cook and her daughter in November 1989. Among the victims were the scholars Ignacio Ellacuría, Ignacio Martín-Baró and Segundo Montes. Although the perpetrators tried to disguise the murders as the work of left-wing rebels, it soon became obvious that Atlacatl had been behind it, to universal condemnation. [8] After the El Mozote massacre, the Salvadoran army as a whole moved towards less brutal "hearts and minds" strategies in its attempts to undermine support for the FMLN.

[edit] Vindication

On 26 October 1990, a criminal complaint against the Atlacatl Battalion was filed by Pedro Chicas Romero of La Joya who had hidden in a cave above the hamlet as the soldiers killed his family and neighbors, and judicial proceedings were instituted. One of the first witnesses called to give testimony was Rufina Amaya, and the judge ordered remains to be exhumed.

In 1992, as part of the peace settlement established by the Chapultepec Peace Accords signed in Mexico City on January 16 of that year, a United Nations-sanctioned Commission on the Truth for El Salvador investigating human rights abuses committed during the war supervised the exhumations of the El Mozote remains by an Argentinian team of forensic specialists between November 17 and 17, 1992.....

The question I ask now is whether news reporter, Raymond Bonner, set the stage for more than vindication against the sabotage of his career by the extreme right, in it's temporarily successful efforts to sabotage his career and to silence him?

I'm asking because I took notice of the names described in this 1955 wedding party, and of the names in this recent book:


Diplomats' Kin Usher at Barbara Pullman's Wedding Today

Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Oct 1, 1955

Others are Edwin Bohlln, whose uncle, Charles E. Bohlen, js- ambassador to ... broth- ers of the bride; Thomas Devine of Midland, Tex., Andre Rhe- ault and ...


Diplomats' Kin Usher at Barbara Pullman's Wedding Today

Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Oct 1, 1955

One of the young men is Alexander Aldrich, whose. father, Winthrop Aldrich, Is United States ambassador to Britain. Others are Edwin Bohlln, whose uncle, ...


Published: November 2, 1986

THE WISE MEN Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen, Harriman, Kennan, Lovett,

. By Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas....

.....THERE are two things America is not supposed to have: an empire and a ruling class. ''The Wise Men'' takes the former for granted as a simple fact of international life, and explains through the lives of six privileged and powerful men how the latter works. The way these lives intertwined - through private schools, corporate board rooms and social clubs - and the way the United States became the inheritor of the postwar world provide the material of a fascinating, informative and ultimately disquieting study....


.....''The one thing about this group that is important is that they were a group,'' observed Evan Thomas, interviewed by phone from Washington, where he is now Newsweek bureau chief. ''They were friends, they reacted against each other, they shared a common bond of service. The group was greater than the sum of its parts.''

''It's certainly not good to have an elite that is dictating what America's role in the world should be,'' Mr. Isaacson said. ,,,,,,

The groom in the 1955 wedding was Albert B. Carter Jr., employed by the CIA. We know that the ushers described above, Thomas Devine, and Andre Rheault were also CIA. Carter, Edwin Bohlen, and Rheault had all been Harvard classmates and fellow crew team members.

What I only suspected, but had no way of documenting, was this information about Edwin Upton Curtis "Buff" Bohlen, nephew of one of the "Six Wise Men," priovided by Raymond Bonner in his 1993 book, "The Hand of Man", introduced for us in this description :


Cloak of green‎ - Page 336

by Elaine Dewar - Political Science - 1995 - 497 pages

From 1981 until 1990, for example, WWF US had on its staff one EU Curtis Bohlen.

Bonner said that many years earlier Bohlen had been listed as an employee ...

....and excerpted from Raymond Bonner's - 1993 book, "The Hand of Man":




(starting from page 115....)

...... At WWF-US, the con

servationists and scientists were still prevailing in their fights with the

fund-raisers and Bohlen, and this pleased the International, where the

sentiment was strongly against a ban. The African Wildlife Foundation's

position was still that people should voluntarily refrain from buying ivory,

but the organization was not calling for a total ban.

The denouement, the shifts of positions, came fast, amidst heavy lob

bying and behind-the-scenes maneuvering. In the West, the outcome

might be viewed as the result of democracy at work, with governments

responding to public pressure. Many of the Mricans involved had never

seen anything quite like the way in which the pro-ban advocates got their

news into the press and lobbied, and they felt powerless to counter it.

They did not have the money or the political experience to engage in

public relations campaigns. To them it also looked like colonialism, the

will of the West being imposed.....

(page 124)

....It is almost certain that AWF

didn't realize what it was admitting-that in the history of conservation,

Mricans had been ignored-and even now it wasn't really prepared to

listen to Africans. At the time AWF called for a ban, no African govern

ment had done so, and never would there be a "will of the continent,"

which remained split over the issue; moreover, when Olindo expressed

views at odds with AWF, the organization would ignore him as well.

Across town, WWF also wanted to convey the image that it wasn't

acting like some latter-day colonial power, but it was not easy to make

the image conform to the reality. "A lot of behind-the-scenes work went

into making sure that Mricans got out front," Curtis Bohlen, the vice

president ofWWF-US, told me. He was unwilling to be more specific.

A massive behind-the-scenes effort was necessary not only to make it

look as if the Africans were out front, however.

It was also needed in order to get WWF-US and then the International to endorse a ban. And

E. U. Curtis Bohlen, whom just about everybody calls "Buff," was behind

it all, playing a role for which he was well suited.

Bohlen was born to a family in which commitment to public service

was ingrained. His own career has been overshadowed by that of his

uncle Charles E. "Chip" Bohlen, one of the "Wise Men" of the American

foreign policy establishment, who was probably best known for his stint

as ambassador to the Soviet Union. After graduating from Harvard and

fulfilling his military obligation in the army during the Korean War,

"Buff" Bohlen also went to work for the State Department. At least his

official biography says he worked for the State Department, from 1955

to 1969. But in fact he was working for the CIA, with the State Depart

ment as his cover; from 1955 to 1958 he was in Kabul, and after a time

back in Washington, he was sent to Cairo in 1960, where he remained

until 1963, according to the Biographic Register, the State Department's

annual publication listing its employees. (The department ceased making

the Register public in the mid-seventies, after journalists and others

discovered how easy it was to use it in order to determine who was

working for CIA.) What Bohlen did for the Agency between 1963 and

1969 is an even deeper, more highly classified secret, for his name

disappears from the Register after 1963; nor does it appear in the State

Department directories for those years, even though his public resume

says he remained at the department until 1969. Bohlen's conservation

career began in 1969, when Russell Train, the AWF founder who had

become Nixon's Under Secretary of the Interior, asked Bohlen to join

him. (Whether or not he had left the Agency is not known.) While at

Interior, Bohlen assisted in drafting the Convention on International

Trade in Endangered Species.

Bohlen joined WWF-US in 1981, as the director ofgovernment affairs,

a newly created position, which reflected the organization's transition

from one that did research and public education to one that thought it

was also necessary to lobby the government for environmental causes.

Some of the WWF staffobjected to Bohlen's being hired, because of his

CIA background. Many in the Third World have long been convinced

that WWF, both the International and the U.S. chapter, has links to the

CIA and Britain's MI-6.

It would be reasonable for the intelligence

agencies to try to use the conservation organization-after all, their

people get out into remote rural areas-and at least one WWF staff

officer was approached by the agency in the 1980s to provide regular

briefings. He declined. (In the major books about the Agency, nothing

has surfaced linking it to WWF, nor in my own research did I find any

connections other than the overture just noted.)

Bohlen was hired at WWF by Russell Train, who was its preSident.

The men were friends and "class" mates, good Republicans who had their

vacation homes on Maryland's Eastern Shore (along with other wealthy

and powerful folks from Washington, D.C.). At WWF, Bohlen operated

as the consummate inside politician; his door was closed most ofthe time,

and colleagues say he did everything by phone, careful to put almost

nothing in writing. He was a somewhat mysterious figure around WWF,

where colleagues would jokingly ask, "Has anyone seen Buff?" or

"Where's Buff?" He was a diplomat of sorts, steeped in intrigue, but he

knew virtually nothing about animals and less about Africa. "He's like

most of our members, I suppose," a WWF-US conservation officer ob

served ruefully.

If Bohlen had not decided that a ban was an appropriate response to

the poaching, WWF-US would almost certainly not have endorsed it.

And if the U.S. chapter had not, then the International would not have.

As critical as his role was, why Bohlen came to support a ban is not clear.

He is a cordial and gracious man, easy to like, but he is not an individual

who by personality or training is going to reveal the true reasons for his

thinking, particularly if they are likely to be controversial. He says he

supported a ban because of the weight of the scientific evidence-that

is, that without a ban, poaching would continue until the elephants

disappeared. But that is hard to accept, given that the overwhelming

majority of scientists and professional conservationists, including those

in his own organization, didn't reach that conclusion. Bohlen wasn't an

animal rights zealot; in fact, he believed in hunting and in sustainable

utilization, and while at the Interior Department he had opposed a

moratorium on commercial whaling and supported sport hunting ofMon

tana's grizzly bears, for which he was denounced by animal rights mili

tants. Nor did he always side with the fund-raisers at WWF, as, for

example, when he supported the right of Eskimos to continue hunting

fur seals. Even Bohlen's colleagues at WWF say they could not fathom

what was behind his position on the ivory ban. "Did he want to destabilize

Africa?" one asks, then quickly rejects the idea as "farfetched." "Was it

a favor to Janet?" the same colleague goes on. Bohlen's wife, Janet, is

the former public relations director at WWF-US who referred to the

elephant poaching as "genocide." .....


Politics, pollution, and pandas: an environmental memoir - Google Books Result

by Russell E. Train - 2003 - Biography & Autobiography - 376 pages

Buff Bohlen,* my administrative assistant, organized all this material, and we gradually worked our way through it. To cover all this ground, my immediate ...


In the Dust of Kilimanjaro - Google Books Result

by David Western - 2001 - Nature - 312 pages

Buff Bohlen, who had been busy since the London meeting alerting his political ... Bush, who had run as the "environmental president," still had nothing to show and was under pressure from conservationists to establish a contrast with the Reagan administration,....With World Environmental Day on June , the release of our findings were carefully timed to give President Bush a golden opportunity for a magnanimous, risk-free gesture. Not only would a unilateral ban on ivory imports show his green color with a dramatic flair, it would pip Margaret Thatcher at the post. Rumor had it that she was anxious to take the lead in putting an ivory ban proposal before the European Community on June 8.....

Bush Expected to Name Conservationalist to a Top Environmental ...

President Bush will soon name a professional conservationist to the State ... Other Environmental Issues. Other issues that Mr. Bohlen would face next year ... Trade in Endangered Species to bar international traffic in elephant ivory. ...



Nomination of E.U. Curtis Bohlen To Be an Assistant Secretary of State

February 20, 1990

George Bush

1990: Book I

The President today announced his intention to nominate E.U. Curtis Bohlen to be Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. He would succeed Frederick M. Bernthal.

Since 1981 Mr. Bohlen has served as senior vice president of World Wildlife Fund in Washington, DC. He served as a consultant to World Wildlife Fund and vice president of Eastern Environmental Controls, Inc., in Chestertown, MD, 1979 - 1981, and as a consultant on the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries at the House of Representatives in Washington, DC, 1977 - 1978. In addition, he served in several positions at the Department of the Interior from 1969 to 1977 in Washington, DC, including Assistant to Secretary Cecil D. Andrus, Chairman of the Alaska Planning Group, Acting Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Assistant to Secretary Rogers C.B. Morton, Assistant to Secretary Walter J. Hickel, and Assistant to Under Secretary Russell E. Train. From 1955 to 1969, Mr. Bohlen served in several positions at the Department of State in Washington, DC, including political analyst for east African affairs; second secretary and political officer for the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt; desk officer for Afghanistan affairs; and economic officer at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Mr. Bohlen graduated from Harvard University (B.A., 1951). He was born September 29, 1927, in Boston, MA....

To summarize, Russell Train is the son of John Train's uncle, Rear Admiral Charles J. Train's son, Rear Admiral Charles Russell Train. Thomas Devine was GH W. Bush's partner at Zapata and has worked for John Train's "Train, Cabot" Investments, since at least 1973. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield was active in WWF in the mid and late 1970's, and another usher at the 1955, in addtion to John D. Rockeefeller Jr's nephew, Alexander Aldrich, was W. Palmer Dixon, affiliated at the same small investment house that gave GHW Bush's son, Marvin, his first job in that field, circa 1981.....

Charles E, Bohlen's father, Charles, gtandfather of Edwin UC "Buff" Bohlen, is related to Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, according to a number of references, published online.

The people named above, the subjects in the activities and motives investigated by Raymond Bonner, and the "Six Wise Men", were and are not about to disclose their agenda and goals. We have to piece it all together....a work still in progress.

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Guest Tom Scully

Hey Terry !

I succeeeded in finding credible, non LaRouche/EIR sources in support for my opening post in this thread, and for my post in the Louis Mortimer Bloomfield thread.

That said, I am also willing to give credit where it is due, to the LaRouche organization's research on the WWF and the 1001 Nature Trust. In this article, I was struck by the talkativeness of Mr. Graham, former director of DIA. I have not found another example of such willingness of a former or current director of DIA to be quoted for an article in a major newspaper:


Some Officials Find

Intelligence Network 'Useful'

By John Mintz

Washington Post Staff Writer

January 15, 1985

Norman Bailey recalls that soon after he joined the National Security Council, he received a call from NSC officials asking him to talk to a group of followers of right-wing presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. who were offering intelligence information to the agency.

Bailey, then NSC's senior director of international economic affairs, said he found the visitors' intelligence on economics and foreign affairs surprisingly on target.

He said he met with LaRouche's followers numerous times in 1982 and 1983 in his Executive Office Building office, and three times with LaRouche himself -- including once for dinner at LaRouche's rented Loudoun County estate. Bailey said he circulated within NSC a well-researched position paper that two LaRouche followers wrote about fusion energy.

"Some of them are quite good," Bailey said of LaRouche's associates. He said that he found them to be "useful" because of their "excellent" international contacts.

"They can operate more freely and openly than official agencies" such as the CIA, Bailey said. "They do know a lot of people around the world. They do get to talk to prime ministers and presidents." Bailey also has described LaRouche's organization as "one of the best private intelligence services in the world."

It's a view shared by others in powerful places in Washington.

Through dogged work, the LaRouche organization has assembled a worldwide network of contacts in governments and in military agencies who meet regularly and swap information with them, officials and former members said.

In Washington, the LaRouche group has spent the last several years currying favor with officials of the NSC, CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, Drug Enforcement Administration, the military and numerous other agencies, as well as with defense scientists doing classified research, according to federal officials and ex-members of the LaRouche group.

"They've made a very concerted effort to influence the government," said Richard Morris, counselor to Interior Secretary William Clark and formerly Clark's assistant when he was NSC chief. "Their influence never went beyond the mid-level. There's no way they could influence the president."

"They obviously want to impress, with their knowledge, people who are in the know in Washington," said Ray S. Cline, a former top State Department and CIA intelligence official who said he was approached by LaRouche associates in 1980 and has spoken with them a number of times since. "They're terribly eager to find somebody" in government to talk to.

The LaRouche group stepped up its presence in Washington about 1981, when President Reagan took office, and it has publicly promoted many of his initiatives in its publications and on Capitol Hill.

Contacts With NSC, CIA

An NBC documentary in March disclosed the LaRouche group's contacts with NSC and CIA officials, and in November The New Republic magazine published an article by reporters Dennis King and Ronald Radosh that detailed LaRouche's Washington connections. King has reported on LaRouche's group for six years and has broken many stories about it.

In Reagan's first term, Executive Intelligence Review, a LaRouche-tied magazine, ran interviews with such officials as Agriculture Secretary John Block, Defense Undersecretary Richard DeLauer, Associate Attorney General Lowell Jensen, Commerce Undersecretary Lionel Olmer and then-Sen. John Tower (R-Texas), at the time chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, The New Republic reported.

High-level Reagan administration officials "have found LaRouche as useful in supplying information and promoting their policies as LaRouche has found them in legitimizing his cause," The New Republic said.

LaRouche associates also have been active for years in West Germany, France, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, India, Thailand and many other countries, according to LaRouche-tied publications, ex-LaRouche associates and former government officials. The group has had dealings with a number of foreign government and military officials, according to these sources.

LaRouche himself has had private meetings with Jose Lopez Portillo when he was Mexico's president, Argentine President Raul Alfonsin and the late Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. LaRouche also met with Iraqi officials during a visit to the Middle East in 1975.

Most of the 22 active and retired government and military officials interviewed said that they have been wary of speaking with the LaRouche associates.

It may seem far-fetched that a group that says that Walter F. Mondale is a Soviet secret police "agent of influence" and that the queen of England is involved in international dope-dealing could be "useful" to top federal government officials.

But a number of government officials say much of the group's intelligence is accurate. The LaRouche outfit has had more than 100 intelligence operatives working for it at times, and copies the government in its information-gathering operation, ex-members and other knowledgeable sources said.

Sometimes the group's intelligence reports reflect the organization's offbeat and speculative allegations, but much of the time they do not, according to ex-members and a reading of some of the reports. Its reports on such subjects as the international debt and the industrialization of Thailand often read like government memoranda.

John Bosma, editor of Military Space magazine, recalled that in 1981, while he worked for a congressman on the House Armed Services Committee, he was approached by a representative of a magazine tied to LaRouche. The visitor asked about the odometer range of the cruise missile and other classified information, Bosma said.

"The guy knew what he was talking about," Bosma said. "It's a very sensitive subject. I was very surprised the guy was asking me questions at that level of detail. I said it was none of his damn business."

Gathering intelligence for corporations and individuals is one of the ways the LaRouche organization supports itself financially, according to LaRouche and former members. In a hypothetical example, a West German company might hire the group to investigate the Mexican oil industry for, say, $5,000, said ex-members and persons familiar with the group's operation.

The organization's dealings with federal agencies have been made easier by LaRouche's move to Loudoun County last year. The group plans to move the bulk of its national headquarters there, according to sources and a Loudoun County official.

"LaRouche wants to wreak big changes on a world scale," a former LaRouche associate said. "They're trying to get access to the administration. They're trying to get inside the system through the old-boy network so they can manipulate it."

Some Officials Angered

The depth of LaRouche's entree in official Washington has caused anger in some quarters.

Former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, whom LaRouche associates have accused of being a murderer and homosexual, said in an interview that "there's no excuse" for top CIA and other intelligence officials to meet with what he considers an unsavory group. "It's a revolting episode . . . . What can they possibly know we can't find out ourselves?"

Bosma, the military specialist, said he, too, is angry about reports of dealings between LaRouche and the administration. "If this is true, it's almost unforgivable . . . . I'm a Reaganite, but I'm flabbergasted and appalled."

The conservative Heritage Foundation, a longtime LaRouche critic, expressed worry about possible security leaks in a report issued last July.

"A major concern regarding the LaRouche network arises from its apparent ability to penetrate high government circles -- especially within the intelligence and police communities," the foundation said. "While some [of the LaRouche group's] claims may be overstated, and some of the contacts may have been low-level or self-generated, the potential for security breaches and other problems arising from such relationships remains very real."

After the NBC broadcast, Democratic National Committee Chairman Charles Manatt called on President Reagan "to end the shocking White House involvement with the bizarre, extremist cult of Lyndon H. LaRouche . . . . It is absolutely incredible that a ranking NSC staff member . . . would have anything to do with the LaRouche people."

When asked about NSC contact with LaRouche, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said in March that "from time to time we talk to various people who may have information that might prove helpful to us."

Marlin Fitzwater, another White House spokesman, said last month that "there's no official or unofficial [Reagan administration] policy or line in regard to dealing with the LaRouche organization. Any contacts are made at the discretion of the individuals involved."

For his part, Bailey, now a private economics consultant, said he felt he should listen to LaRouche.

"It was part of my job [at NSC], gathering information from any source I could," Bailey said. "You use whatever is at hand," he said, even if the source is "smelly."

Bailey said that he is "not a supporter" of LaRouche, and disagrees with him on some things, although he found his group to be "very supportive of the administration."

LaRouche, in a deposition, said that in the dinner conversation at the Woodburn Estate in March, Bailey asked his opinion on certain matters. LaRouche declined to discuss the conversation at length because he said it was a matter of "confidential national security."

While Bailey recently may have found LaRouche helpful, his dealings with the LaRouche group have not always been pleasant. In 1975, while he was a professor at Queens College, Bailey filed a libel suit against a group tied to LaRouche after it described him as a CIA agent and a "fascist," Bailey said.

The suit dragged on for years, until after the LaRouche supporters approached him at NSC, he said. In 1983, the two sides settled the suit after a newspaper affiliated with LaRouche agreed to publish a correction, and the group paid him a "monetary settlement," Bailey said. He declined to specify the amount.

Bailey said he continues to receive periodic telephone calls from a LaRouche aide asking his opinion on economic matters.

The LaRouche organization has dealt with other NSC personnel as well, council officials said.

One was Morris, William Clark's top aide. In an interview, Morris said he met four times with LaRouche while at NSC in 1982 and 1983, and had other meetings with his associates.

"We discussed matters of national security concern," Morris said in October testimony in a U.S. District Court trial in Alexandria. (A federal court jury found that NBC had not defamed LaRouche, but ordered him to pay NBC $3 million, after finding that his group had sabotaged a network interview with a U.S. senator.)

Among the topics he discussed with LaRouche were international economics and "strategic defenses," Morris testified. "He had an intelligence operation that gathered information that he thought was important to the national security."

"When they spoke in terms of technology or economics, they made good sense," Morris said in an interview. "They seemed to be qualified in their areas."

LaRouche said that he has had "continuing off-and-on contacts" with Morris even now that he's at Interior, and said the two are "old friends."

Morris said that the relationship is much more distant, and that he does not support LaRouche's positions.

Morris testified that he distributed among NSC officials some of the information provided by LaRouche and his associates.

In a letter to New Republic editors last month, LaRouche said that after the NBC broadcast critical of government officials for dealing with LaRouche, the Reagan administration "distanced itself sharply from me." After the broadcast, some administration officials made statements "suddenly totally out of agreement" with earlier friendly statements, LaRouche wrote.

LaRouche associates also have tried to gain the confidence of top CIA officials.

LaRouche supporters telephone CIA officials "a lot" to offer information and try to get more, one knowledgeable official said. "They could consider that a two-way exchange. To my knowledge it is not a two-way exchange."

LaRouche said in an interview that he has visited the CIA's Langley headquarters a few times, and that his associates have visited many times.

A CIA spokesman said LaRouche, his wife and an aide visited the agency in January, 1983, and met with aides to Deputy Director John McMahon to talk about a recent LaRouche trip overseas. The CIA spokesman said LaRouche also visited earlier with Adm. Bobby Ray Inman, who was the agency's deputy director in 1981 and 1982.

Inman Recalls Visit

In an interview, Inman recalled the visit at his CIA office by LaRouche and his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who had just returned from Europe. He said that she gave enticing information about the West German Green Party, an antinuclear group. "At the time, nobody in intelligence was covering them at all," Inman said of the Greens.

Inman, now head of a Texas-based computer research organization, said the meeting was not extraordinary, because, as a CIA official, he sometimes met with people returning from overseas trips. He said he did not give information, but listened.

Inman and other intelligence officials said they doubt the stories, widely circulated inside the LaRouche group, that the organization has informants inside the CIA who provide it with intelligence.

Former associates said the organization dealt with several "cutouts," or intermediaries, who claimed they received confidential reports from the CIA. The code name for one supposed CIA contact was "Mr. Ed," said ex-associates, who added they know of no confirmation that the contact existed.

The group has worked closely with a former CIA operative who has helped provide security and given information about the international narcotics trade, ex-members said.

The organization also had close ties for years with a former Office of Strategic Services guerrilla operative, Mitchell WerBell III, who introduced members to many intelligence and military figures, sources said.

The LaRouche-affiliated Schiller Institute -- an international group named for 18th century poet Friedrich Schiller that says it is committed to the ideals of the American Revolution -- lists on its advisory board several high-ranking retired and active-duty military officers.

The LaRouche group also tried for years to gain favor in the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Pentagon's intelligence arm. When DIA officials first met with LaRouche associates in the early 1970s, they were impressed with the group's intelligence material, said former DIA director Daniel Graham.

Graham recalled that LaRouche associates came up with what he called good intelligence about the situation in Angola, Mozambique and elsewhere. Graham said that in the mid-1970s, he and DIA colleagues concluded that some of the information was so sensitive that they suspected the LaRouche group was getting some of it from the Soviets or another government. Graham added that he couldn't prove the contention.

Ordered Contacts Stopped

Graham, a strong anticommunist, said that in the mid-1970s he ordered the DIA to stop dealing with the LaRouche group.

LaRouche associates strongly deny the assertion that the group is a stalking horse of any foreign government. "It's a weak disinformation slander put out by the KGB itself," said LaRouche aide Paul Goldstein.

The Heritage Foundation said in its July report that LaRouche takes positions "which in the end advance Soviet foreign policy goals . . . . In the worst case, his group may well be the strangest asset for the KGB's disinformation effort." The charge that the LaRouche-affiliated National Caucus of Labor Committees has ties to Soviet officials was first raised in 1979 by the National Review magazine in an article by a former associate of LaRouche. (It also has been raised in subsequent publications, such as The New Republic article, and in the NBC libel suit.) Some former intelligence officials say they back the ex-member's contention that in the 1970s the LaRouche group maintained contact with the Soviets through Gennady Serebreyakov, an official at the Soviets' United Nations mission.

LaRouche, in his letter to The New Republic, confirmed that Serebreyakov approached him sometime in the mid-1970s, and that the two met twice to try to end the feuding between the LaRouche organization and East Bloc nations. LaRouche said the effort was unsuccessful.

Jeffrey Steinberg, a top aide to LaRouche, said group members never passed any information to Serebreyakov. Steinberg also said the National Review article was largely incorrect.

Steinberg said LaRouche associates frequently invite Soviet officials to their seminars. "We want them there" to know the group's thinking, he said. He said that LaRouche associates have visited the Soviet Union repeatedly. "They run into Soviet officials all the time," Steinberg said.

For his part, one retired senior military official, retired Army major general John K. Singlaub, has expressed concern about the group's contacts with him.

Singlaub recalled in an interview that in the late 1970s, when he was stationed at Fort McPherson, Ga., after a publicized clash with President Carter over U.S. policy in Korea, he was approached by LaRouche associates, who said they liked his hard-line style.

After Singlaub's 1978 retirement, they attended Singlaub's lectures all over the country, he said. They showed him their intelligence reports about Iran, Western Europe and other topics, and Singlaub said some of it was surprisingly good.

"Initially I was convinced they were trying to build up credibility that they had a good intelligence network that I could rely on," Singlaub said.

In 1979, he continued, the LaRouche supporters began telling him that the U.S. military deserved a "major break" and that Carter had done a disservice to the military.

"They said, 'You military people are going to be the savior of the country . . . . We want to work closely with you. We have intelligence that can help you,'" Singlaub recalled.

Grew Suspicious of Goals

He said he grew suspicious of the LaRouche supporters' goals and cut off relations with them.

Just as Singlaub said the LaRouche supporters used pro-military rhetoric with him, a former Drug Enforcement Administration official said they expressed strong opposition to narcotics traffickers when talking with him.

"They took a basic law enforcement narcotics control position," said John Cusack, the DEA's former international operations chief, who added that around 1976 he started receiving telephone calls from LaRouche associates researching the narcotics trade, and had numerous discussions with them.

LaRouche associates asked "intelligent" questions, said Cusack, now a staff member at the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control. "They always seemed to know what the law enforcement agencies were doing. They were well-informed . . . . Sometimes they told me things I didn't know, but it turned out it was true." Cusack added that they had "very good contacts" with local police departments.

The group has cultivated these contacts for about 10 years, and many law enforcement officials subscribe to its publications.

In spring of 1977, LaRouche associates gave New Hampshire law enforcement officials detailed but speculative reports that the Clamshell Alliance, an antinuclear group then planning a protest at a nuclear plant, was a terrorist group financed by the Rockefellers. The May 1977 protest was not violent, although 1,400 people were arrested.

The group also has sold intelligence reports to a number of foreign governments, according to LaRouche and current and former associates. Steinberg said in a deposition that several years ago, LaRouche associates investigated terrorism for Italian officials. LaRouche said in an interview that his associates were hired to provide intelligence to the South African government. Ex-members said the intelligence reports dealt with the antiapartheid movement.

Some current and former U.S. officials who do not want to be identified, as well as ex-members, expressed concern that LaRouche's overseas activities may lead foreign leaders to think that he somehow represents the U.S. government, and take his statements as a "trial balloon" of U.S. policy.

At times LaRouche associates, identifying themselves as representatives of the LaRouche-affiliated National Democratic Policy Committee, arranged meetings with foreign leaders, who sometimes mistakenly thought they represented a faction of the Democratic Party, former associates of LaRouche and other sources said.

LaRouche said in an interview that he represents a "back channel," or confidential intermediary, for foreign officials who tire of dealing with the "idiots" in the State Department. "I'll telephone somebody in the White House and say, 'Look, a dear friend of ours in Mexico wants to have the president know something.'

'Incredible Intelligence Files'

But foreign leaders sometimes express confusion about LaRouche's messages because of their often rambling nature, former associates said.

The LaRouche group has developed "incredible intelligence files" on foreign government, business and labor union officials, as well as their counterparts in this country, said one ex-member.

Some of the LaRouche associates who work on intelligence have university training in their areas. They keep up by reading dozens of newspapers from around the world and interviewing experts, former members said.

"Many, many times I'd find I knew more about what was going on than the academics," said one former member who worked on intelligence. "People on the outside would be saying I was insane for being with LaRouche , but here I was talking to a European head of state's security man."

Graham, the former DIA director, said LaRouche's intelligence operation is no joke, and has developed contacts in the intelligence community.

"In my time in the intelligence community, I found too many gullible folk," Graham said. "I kept warning my people.

Terry, the Reagan/Bush team did not impress me as a regime that ever let the facts get in the way of their ideology or agenda. If the above article is a reasonably accurate account of the relationship with the Reagan administration, any idea why they enjoyed such a strong rapport, before the 1984 NBC smear broadcast of LaRouche and his organization? I suspect the LaRouche description of Reagan's political opponent, Mondale, as a KGB planted agent, in and of itself would NOT have been enough to illicit the praise for the LaRouche organization, quoted in the above 1984 WaPo article?


Lieutenant General Daniel O. Graham (deceased 1995), according to Group Watch, was "founder and head of High Frontier, a lobby group for former President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)."[1] See entry below on High Frontier.

"Lieutenant General Daniel Graham (ret.) worked for the CIA from 1963-1966 in the Office of National Estimates. During the Vietnam war from 1967-1968 he was chief of the Army's military intelligence estimates and from 1968-1971 he returned to the Office of National Estimates. In 1971 Graham served as director of collections for the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon's version of the CIA. In 1973 Graham served as a deputy to CIA Director William H. Colby and from 1974-1976 he was the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. General Graham was appointed to the DIA by James Rodney Schlesinger. It was while serving as Director for the DIA that Graham first heard and enbraced the concept of the Peace Sheild, a network of small satellites armed with missiles designed as a defensive strategy to end the nuclear threat of MAD (Mutally Assured Destruction). The Peace Shield was later named "Star Wars" by the media. After his retirement in 1976 Graham worked as a military advisor to Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan quickly embraced the concept of Star Wars and incorporated it into his campaign strategy. "[2]

Lieutenant General Graham also chaired the Coalition for the Strategic Defense Initiative, a group he formed to counter attacks on the Reagan administrations's SDI program. He [was] also a member of the American Freedom Coalition, a conservative grassroots lobby linked to the Unification Church. Graham was vice chairman of the U.S. Council for World Freedom, and has been heavily involved with the Unification Church's political arm, CAUSA, USA. Graham was a member of Team B, a group organized by then-CIA chief George Herbert Walker Bush to develop an independent judgement of Soviet military capabilities and intentions. He also headed the ad hoc, cold war group, the Emergency Coalition Against Unilateral Disarmament, a promilitary lobby group."[3]

According to Group Watch, Graham served as a member of the board of the Religious Roundtable/Council of 56.[4]

Edited by Tom Scully
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Hey Terry !

I succeeeded in finding credible, non LaRouche/EIR sources in support for my opening post in this thread, and for my post in the Louis Mortimer Bloomfield thread.

That said, I am also willing to give credit where it is due, to the LaRouche organization's research on the WWF and the 1001 Nature Trust. In this article, I was struck by the talkativeness of Mr. Graham, former director of DIA. I have not found another example of such willingness of a former or current director of DIA to be quoted for an article in a major newspaper:


Some Officials Find

Intelligence Network 'Useful'

By John Mintz

Washington Post Staff Writer

January 15, 1985

Norman Bailey recalls that soon after he joined the National Security Council, he received a call from NSC officials asking him to talk to a group of followers of right-wing presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. who were offering intelligence information to the agency.

Bailey, then NSC's senior director of international economic affairs, said he found the visitors' intelligence on economics and foreign affairs surprisingly on target.

He said he met with LaRouche's followers numerous times in 1982 and 1983 in his Executive Office Building office, and three times with LaRouche himself -- including once for dinner at LaRouche's rented Loudoun County estate. Bailey said he circulated within NSC a well-researched position paper that two LaRouche followers wrote about fusion energy.

"Some of them are quite good," Bailey said of LaRouche's associates. He said that he found them to be "useful" because of their "excellent" international contacts.

"They can operate more freely and openly than official agencies" such as the CIA, Bailey said. "They do know a lot of people around the world. They do get to talk to prime ministers and presidents." Bailey also has described LaRouche's organization as "one of the best private intelligence services in the world."

It's a view shared by others in powerful places in Washington.

Through dogged work, the LaRouche organization has assembled a worldwide network of contacts in governments and in military agencies who meet regularly and swap information with them, officials and former members said.

In Washington, the LaRouche group has spent the last several years currying favor with officials of the NSC, CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, Drug Enforcement Administration, the military and numerous other agencies, as well as with defense scientists doing classified research, according to federal officials and ex-members of the LaRouche group.

"They've made a very concerted effort to influence the government," said Richard Morris, counselor to Interior Secretary William Clark and formerly Clark's assistant when he was NSC chief. "Their influence never went beyond the mid-level. There's no way they could influence the president."

"They obviously want to impress, with their knowledge, people who are in the know in Washington," said Ray S. Cline, a former top State Department and CIA intelligence official who said he was approached by LaRouche associates in 1980 and has spoken with them a number of times since. "They're terribly eager to find somebody" in government to talk to.

The LaRouche group stepped up its presence in Washington about 1981, when President Reagan took office, and it has publicly promoted many of his initiatives in its publications and on Capitol Hill.

Contacts With NSC, CIA

An NBC documentary in March disclosed the LaRouche group's contacts with NSC and CIA officials, and in November The New Republic magazine published an article by reporters Dennis King and Ronald Radosh that detailed LaRouche's Washington connections. King has reported on LaRouche's group for six years and has broken many stories about it.

In Reagan's first term, Executive Intelligence Review, a LaRouche-tied magazine, ran interviews with such officials as Agriculture Secretary John Block, Defense Undersecretary Richard DeLauer, Associate Attorney General Lowell Jensen, Commerce Undersecretary Lionel Olmer and then-Sen. John Tower (R-Texas), at the time chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, The New Republic reported.

High-level Reagan administration officials "have found LaRouche as useful in supplying information and promoting their policies as LaRouche has found them in legitimizing his cause," The New Republic said.

LaRouche associates also have been active for years in West Germany, France, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, India, Thailand and many other countries, according to LaRouche-tied publications, ex-LaRouche associates and former government officials. The group has had dealings with a number of foreign government and military officials, according to these sources.

LaRouche himself has had private meetings with Jose Lopez Portillo when he was Mexico's president, Argentine President Raul Alfonsin and the late Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. LaRouche also met with Iraqi officials during a visit to the Middle East in 1975.

Most of the 22 active and retired government and military officials interviewed said that they have been wary of speaking with the LaRouche associates.

It may seem far-fetched that a group that says that Walter F. Mondale is a Soviet secret police "agent of influence" and that the queen of England is involved in international dope-dealing could be "useful" to top federal government officials.

But a number of government officials say much of the group's intelligence is accurate. The LaRouche outfit has had more than 100 intelligence operatives working for it at times, and copies the government in its information-gathering operation, ex-members and other knowledgeable sources said.

Sometimes the group's intelligence reports reflect the organization's offbeat and speculative allegations, but much of the time they do not, according to ex-members and a reading of some of the reports. Its reports on such subjects as the international debt and the industrialization of Thailand often read like government memoranda.

John Bosma, editor of Military Space magazine, recalled that in 1981, while he worked for a congressman on the House Armed Services Committee, he was approached by a representative of a magazine tied to LaRouche. The visitor asked about the odometer range of the cruise missile and other classified information, Bosma said.

"The guy knew what he was talking about," Bosma said. "It's a very sensitive subject. I was very surprised the guy was asking me questions at that level of detail. I said it was none of his damn business."

Gathering intelligence for corporations and individuals is one of the ways the LaRouche organization supports itself financially, according to LaRouche and former members. In a hypothetical example, a West German company might hire the group to investigate the Mexican oil industry for, say, $5,000, said ex-members and persons familiar with the group's operation.

The organization's dealings with federal agencies have been made easier by LaRouche's move to Loudoun County last year. The group plans to move the bulk of its national headquarters there, according to sources and a Loudoun County official.

"LaRouche wants to wreak big changes on a world scale," a former LaRouche associate said. "They're trying to get access to the administration. They're trying to get inside the system through the old-boy network so they can manipulate it."

Some Officials Angered

The depth of LaRouche's entree in official Washington has caused anger in some quarters.

Former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, whom LaRouche associates have accused of being a murderer and homosexual, said in an interview that "there's no excuse" for top CIA and other intelligence officials to meet with what he considers an unsavory group. "It's a revolting episode . . . . What can they possibly know we can't find out ourselves?"

Bosma, the military specialist, said he, too, is angry about reports of dealings between LaRouche and the administration. "If this is true, it's almost unforgivable . . . . I'm a Reaganite, but I'm flabbergasted and appalled."

The conservative Heritage Foundation, a longtime LaRouche critic, expressed worry about possible security leaks in a report issued last July.

"A major concern regarding the LaRouche network arises from its apparent ability to penetrate high government circles -- especially within the intelligence and police communities," the foundation said. "While some [of the LaRouche group's] claims may be overstated, and some of the contacts may have been low-level or self-generated, the potential for security breaches and other problems arising from such relationships remains very real."

After the NBC broadcast, Democratic National Committee Chairman Charles Manatt called on President Reagan "to end the shocking White House involvement with the bizarre, extremist cult of Lyndon H. LaRouche . . . . It is absolutely incredible that a ranking NSC staff member . . . would have anything to do with the LaRouche people."

When asked about NSC contact with LaRouche, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said in March that "from time to time we talk to various people who may have information that might prove helpful to us."

Marlin Fitzwater, another White House spokesman, said last month that "there's no official or unofficial [Reagan administration] policy or line in regard to dealing with the LaRouche organization. Any contacts are made at the discretion of the individuals involved."

For his part, Bailey, now a private economics consultant, said he felt he should listen to LaRouche.

"It was part of my job [at NSC], gathering information from any source I could," Bailey said. "You use whatever is at hand," he said, even if the source is "smelly."

Bailey said that he is "not a supporter" of LaRouche, and disagrees with him on some things, although he found his group to be "very supportive of the administration."

LaRouche, in a deposition, said that in the dinner conversation at the Woodburn Estate in March, Bailey asked his opinion on certain matters. LaRouche declined to discuss the conversation at length because he said it was a matter of "confidential national security."

While Bailey recently may have found LaRouche helpful, his dealings with the LaRouche group have not always been pleasant. In 1975, while he was a professor at Queens College, Bailey filed a libel suit against a group tied to LaRouche after it described him as a CIA agent and a "fascist," Bailey said.

The suit dragged on for years, until after the LaRouche supporters approached him at NSC, he said. In 1983, the two sides settled the suit after a newspaper affiliated with LaRouche agreed to publish a correction, and the group paid him a "monetary settlement," Bailey said. He declined to specify the amount.

Bailey said he continues to receive periodic telephone calls from a LaRouche aide asking his opinion on economic matters.

The LaRouche organization has dealt with other NSC personnel as well, council officials said.

One was Morris, William Clark's top aide. In an interview, Morris said he met four times with LaRouche while at NSC in 1982 and 1983, and had other meetings with his associates.

"We discussed matters of national security concern," Morris said in October testimony in a U.S. District Court trial in Alexandria. (A federal court jury found that NBC had not defamed LaRouche, but ordered him to pay NBC $3 million, after finding that his group had sabotaged a network interview with a U.S. senator.)

Among the topics he discussed with LaRouche were international economics and "strategic defenses," Morris testified. "He had an intelligence operation that gathered information that he thought was important to the national security."

"When they spoke in terms of technology or economics, they made good sense," Morris said in an interview. "They seemed to be qualified in their areas."

LaRouche said that he has had "continuing off-and-on contacts" with Morris even now that he's at Interior, and said the two are "old friends."

Morris said that the relationship is much more distant, and that he does not support LaRouche's positions.

Morris testified that he distributed among NSC officials some of the information provided by LaRouche and his associates.

In a letter to New Republic editors last month, LaRouche said that after the NBC broadcast critical of government officials for dealing with LaRouche, the Reagan administration "distanced itself sharply from me." After the broadcast, some administration officials made statements "suddenly totally out of agreement" with earlier friendly statements, LaRouche wrote. LaRouche associates also have tried to gain the confidence of top CIA officials.

LaRouche supporters telephone CIA officials "a lot" to offer information and try to get more, one knowledgeable official said. "They could consider that a two-way exchange. To my knowledge it is not a two-way exchange."

LaRouche said in an interview that he has visited the CIA's Langley headquarters a few times, and that his associates have visited many times. A CIA spokesman said LaRouche, his wife and an aide visited the agency in January, 1983, and met with aides to Deputy Director John McMahon to talk about a recent LaRouche trip overseas. The CIA spokesman said LaRouche also visited earlier with Adm. Bobby Ray Inman, who was the agency's deputy director in 1981 and 1982.

Inman Recalls Visit

In an interview, Inman recalled the visit at his CIA office by LaRouche and his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who had just returned from Europe. He said that she gave enticing information about the West German Green Party, an antinuclear group. "At the time, nobody in intelligence was covering them at all," Inman said of the Greens.

Inman, now head of a Texas-based computer research organization, said the meeting was not extraordinary, because, as a CIA official, he sometimes met with people returning from overseas trips. He said he did not give information, but listened.

Inman and other intelligence officials said they doubt the stories, widely circulated inside the LaRouche group, that the organization has informants inside the CIA who provide it with intelligence.

Former associates said the organization dealt with several "cutouts," or intermediaries, who claimed they received confidential reports from the CIA. The code name for one supposed CIA contact was "Mr. Ed," said ex-associates, who added they know of no confirmation that the contact existed.

The group has worked closely with a former CIA operative who has helped provide security and given information about the international narcotics trade, ex-members said.

The organization also had close ties for years with a former Office of Strategic Services guerrilla operative, Mitchell WerBell III, who introduced members to many intelligence and military figures, sources said.

The LaRouche-affiliated Schiller Institute -- an international group named for 18th century poet Friedrich Schiller that says it is committed to the ideals of the American Revolution -- lists on its advisory board several high-ranking retired and active-duty military officers.

The LaRouche group also tried for years to gain favor in the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Pentagon's intelligence arm. When DIA officials first met with LaRouche associates in the early 1970s, they were impressed with the group's intelligence material, said former DIA director Daniel Graham.

Graham recalled that LaRouche associates came up with what he called good intelligence about the situation in Angola, Mozambique and elsewhere. Graham said that in the mid-1970s, he and DIA colleagues concluded that some of the information was so sensitive that they suspected the LaRouche group was getting some of it from the Soviets or another government. Graham added that he couldn't prove the contention.

Ordered Contacts Stopped

Graham, a strong anticommunist, said that in the mid-1970s he ordered the DIA to stop dealing with the LaRouche group.

LaRouche associates strongly deny the assertion that the group is a stalking horse of any foreign government. "It's a weak disinformation slander put out by the KGB itself," said LaRouche aide Paul Goldstein.

The Heritage Foundation said in its July report that LaRouche takes positions "which in the end advance Soviet foreign policy goals . . . . In the worst case, his group may well be the strangest asset for the KGB's disinformation effort." The charge that the LaRouche-affiliated National Caucus of Labor Committees has ties to Soviet officials was first raised in 1979 by the National Review magazine in an article by a former associate of LaRouche. (It also has been raised in subsequent publications, such as The New Republic article, and in the NBC libel suit.) Some former intelligence officials say they back the ex-member's contention that in the 1970s the LaRouche group maintained contact with the Soviets through Gennady Serebreyakov, an official at the Soviets' United Nations mission.

LaRouche, in his letter to The New Republic, confirmed that Serebreyakov approached him sometime in the mid-1970s, and that the two met twice to try to end the feuding between the LaRouche organization and East Bloc nations. LaRouche said the effort was unsuccessful.

Jeffrey Steinberg, a top aide to LaRouche, said group members never passed any information to Serebreyakov. Steinberg also said the National Review article was largely incorrect.

Steinberg said LaRouche associates frequently invite Soviet officials to their seminars. "We want them there" to know the group's thinking, he said. He said that LaRouche associates have visited the Soviet Union repeatedly. "They run into Soviet officials all the time," Steinberg said.

For his part, one retired senior military official, retired Army major general John K. Singlaub, has expressed concern about the group's contacts with him. Singlaub recalled in an interview that in the late 1970s, when he was stationed at Fort McPherson, Ga., after a publicized clash with President Carter over U.S. policy in Korea, he was approached by LaRouche associates, who said they liked his hard-line style.

After Singlaub's 1978 retirement, they attended Singlaub's lectures all over the country, he said. They showed him their intelligence reports about Iran, Western Europe and other topics, and Singlaub said some of it was surprisingly good.

"Initially I was convinced they were trying to build up credibility that they had a good intelligence network that I could rely on," Singlaub said.

In 1979, he continued, the LaRouche supporters began telling him that the U.S. military deserved a "major break" and that Carter had done a disservice to the military.

"They said, 'You military people are going to be the savior of the country . . . . We want to work closely with you. We have intelligence that can help you,'" Singlaub recalled.

Grew Suspicious of Goals

He said he grew suspicious of the LaRouche supporters' goals and cut off relations with them. Just as Singlaub said the LaRouche supporters used pro-military rhetoric with him, a former Drug Enforcement Administration official said they expressed strong opposition to narcotics traffickers when talking with him.

"They took a basic law enforcement narcotics control position," said John Cusack, the DEA's former international operations chief, who added that around 1976 he started receiving telephone calls from LaRouche associates researching the narcotics trade, and had numerous discussions with them.

LaRouche associates asked "intelligent" questions, said Cusack, now a staff member at the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control. "They always seemed to know what the law enforcement agencies were doing. They were well-informed . . . . Sometimes they told me things I didn't know, but it turned out it was true." Cusack added that they had "very good contacts" with local police departments.

The group has cultivated these contacts for about 10 years, and many law enforcement officials subscribe to its publications.

In spring of 1977, LaRouche associates gave New Hampshire law enforcement officials detailed but speculative reports that the Clamshell Alliance, an antinuclear group then planning a protest at a nuclear plant, was a terrorist group financed by the Rockefellers. The May 1977 protest was not violent, although 1,400 people were arrested.

The group also has sold intelligence reports to a number of foreign governments, according to LaRouche and current and former associates. Steinberg said in a deposition that several years ago, LaRouche associates investigated terrorism for Italian officials. LaRouche said in an interview that his associates were hired to provide intelligence to the South African government. Ex-members said the intelligence reports dealt with the anti-apartheid movement.

Some current and former U.S. officials who do not want to be identified, as well as ex-members, expressed concern that LaRouche's overseas activities may lead foreign leaders to think that he somehow represents the U.S. government, and take his statements as a "trial balloon" of U.S. policy.

At times LaRouche associates, identifying themselves as representatives of the LaRouche-affiliated National Democratic Policy Committee, arranged meetings with foreign leaders, who sometimes mistakenly thought they represented a faction of the Democratic Party, former associates of LaRouche and other sources said.

LaRouche said in an interview that he represents a "back channel," or confidential intermediary, for foreign officials who tire of dealing with the "idiots" in the State Department. "I'll telephone somebody in the White House and say, 'Look, a dear friend of ours in Mexico wants to have the president know something.'

'Incredible Intelligence Files'

But foreign leaders sometimes express confusion about LaRouche's messages because of their often rambling nature, former associates said.

The LaRouche group has developed "incredible intelligence files" on foreign government, business and labor union officials, as well as their counterparts in this country, said one ex-member.

Some of the LaRouche associates who work on intelligence have university training in their areas. They keep up by reading dozens of newspapers from around the world and interviewing experts, former members said.

"Many, many times I'd find I knew more about what was going on than the academics," said one former member who worked on intelligence. "People on the outside would be saying I was insane for being with LaRouche , but here I was talking to a European head of state's security man."

Graham, the former DIA director, said LaRouche's intelligence operation is no joke, and has developed contacts in the intelligence community.

"In my time in the intelligence community, I found too many gullible folk," Graham said. "I kept warning my people.

Terry, the Reagan/Bush team did not impress me as a regime that ever let the facts get in the way of their ideology or agenda. If the above article is a reasonably accurate account of the relationship with the Reagan administration, any idea why they enjoyed such a strong rapport, before the 1984 NBC smear broadcast of LaRouche and his organization? I suspect the LaRouche description of Reagan's political opponent, Mondale, as a KGB planted agent, in and of itself would NOT have been enough to illicit the praise for the LaRouche organization, quoted in the above 1984 WaPo article?


Lieutenant General Daniel O. Graham (deceased 1995), according to Group Watch, was "founder and head of High Frontier, a lobby group for former President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)."[1] See entry below on High Frontier.

"Lieutenant General Daniel Graham (ret.) worked for the CIA from 1963-1966 in the Office of National Estimates. During the Vietnam war from 1967-1968 he was chief of the Army's military intelligence estimates and from 1968-1971 he returned to the Office of National Estimates. In 1971 Graham served as director of collections for the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon's version of the CIA. In 1973 Graham served as a deputy to CIA Director William H. Colby and from 1974-1976 he was the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. General Graham was appointed to the DIA by James Rodney Schlesinger. It was while serving as Director for the DIA that Graham first heard and embraced the concept of the Peace Shield, a network of small satellites armed with missiles designed as a defensive strategy to end the nuclear threat of MAD (Mutally Assured Destruction). The Peace Shield was later named "Star Wars" by the media. After his retirement in 1976 Graham worked as a military advisor to Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan quickly embraced the concept of Star Wars and incorporated it into his campaign strategy. "[2]

Lieutenant General Graham also chaired the Coalition for the Strategic Defense Initiative, a group he formed to counter attacks on the Reagan administrations's SDI program. He [was] also a member of the American Freedom Coalition, a conservative grassroots lobby linked to the Unification Church. Graham was vice chairman of the U.S. Council for World Freedom, and has been heavily involved with the Unification Church's political arm, CAUSA, USA. Graham was a member of Team B, a group organized by then-CIA chief George Herbert Walker Bush to develop an independent judgement of Soviet military capabilities and intentions. He also headed the ad hoc, cold war group, the Emergency Coalition Against Unilateral Disarmament, a promilitary lobby group."[3]

According to Group Watch, Graham served as a member of the board of the Religious Roundtable/Council of 56.[4]

This looks to me like a piece of disinformation. It was published shortly before Bush I's inaugural and primary sources were members of World Anti-Communist League: Clines, Singlaub et al.

LaRouche has always taken credit for working with Reagan on the Star Wars plan, but I have never quite understood how a mathematician who says he's an economist would understand all that.

I think his main attack has always been against oligarchy, and why and how his opponents reverse his characterization from communist to right-wing I haven't a clue.

LaRouche claims that the international oligarchy is based in Venice and has traced the ultimate banking mentality back to the original Bank of Venice. He favors the international design of the Florentines and Medicis, who were also sacked by the Venetians, who moved to Amsterdam and were part of the influx of bankers who designed the Bank of England after the Act of Settlement in Britain. They also helped design the government's takeover of the defunct British and Dutch East India Companies' colonial empires in the Far East, moving the drug trade into the treasury of the government at about the same time the American colonies were conducting their revolution.

Following that revolution which began in 1776, the British government surreptitiously attempted to take back the colonies it had lost, using spycraft and intelligence operations learned from former generations of Venetian bankers, who had become first Dutch, then British advisers to aristocratic monarchists.

I suspect [no documentary evidence of this, however] that LaRouche gets a lot of his funding from descendants of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt because he lauds FDR to the skies, never explaining why FDR did not turn on his financial background and Harvard connections to wealth derived initially from the China trade in opium from India through Warren Delano, a partner in Russell & Company, founder of Skull and Bones at Yale.

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Lyndon LaRouche was working with the Reagan Administration on the issue of "beam weapons" that would eliminate the Bertrand Russell policy of Mutually Assured Destruction. This technology would have made nuclear weapons obsolete.

They called it the SDI or "Strategic Defense Initiative". President Reagan adopted LaRouche's policy during a nationally televised speech to the American people on March 23, 1983. This sent shock waves though out leading Soviet, US and British circles.

Daniel Graham was a leading political "opponent" of the SDI.


This dovetails with John Train and why he was trying to rail road Lyndon LaRouche into prison. LaRouche had shown a certain capability during this SDI period that the enemy feared.

Regarding LaRouche's characterization of Fritz Mondale as a Soviet KGB agent of influence.


May 24-28, 1983. A high-powered KGB delegation of 25, including some Russian Orthodox Church prelates since acknowledged to be KGB agents, came to Minneapolis, Minnesota to hold a "peace conference" with leading Democratic associates of Walter Mondale. The purpose of this "U.S.-U.S.S.R. Bilateral Exchange Conference" was to declare war on the SDI. The Soviet delegation was sponsored by Georgi Arbatov, head of the U.S.A. and Canada Institute of the U.S.S.R. (this was the official who had refused to meet with LaRouche as Shershnev proposed); it was headed by KGB publisher and journalist Fyodor Burlatsky, a confidant of future President Mikhail Gorbachov.

Furthermore your credible "non LaRouche" source is also mentioned.

Jan. 13-15, 1985: The Washington Post published a three-day, 10,000-word "exposé" of all the contacts between LaRouche and his associates, and anyone connected with the Reagan Administration, name by name, in order to try to force those contacts to be broken

Edited by Terry Mauro
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Guest Tom Scully
.....Furthermore your credible "non LaRouche" source is also mentioned.

Jan. 13-15, 1985: The Washington Post published a three-day, 10,000-word "exposé" of all the contacts between LaRouche and his associates, and anyone connected with the Reagan Administration, name by name, in order to try to force those contacts to be broken


I posted the 1985 Washington Post article because my reaction to it was that it seemed to be written by political enemies of Reagan and Larouche and favorable to certain elements in the intelligence community.

I had fashioned my first post in this thread and my post in the Louis Mortimer Bloomfield thread without directly quoting any Larouche sourced intel about the WWF or the 1001 Nature Fund, Primary sources I used were a Washington Montlhly review, in the other thread, of Raymond Bonner's book, and articles about Anton Rupert. In the first post in this thread, I used passages from Raymond Bonner's book and tied in the 1955 wedding of Albert B. Carter Jr., with EC Bohlen, Tom Devine, Andre Rheault, Alexander Aldrich, Henry Cabot, and W. Palmer Dixon, all members of Carter Jr.'s wedding party.

My point in not initially using LaRouche sourced material, was that the details in the material I did post, matches the research and conclusions about the purposes and goals of the WWF and 1001 Nature Trust that I have read in the LaRouche publications on those subjects. I began this thread by posting documentation of the orchestrated smear of Raymond Bonner by the extreme right, and about his vindication as a reliable reporter of their crimes and attempted cover up.

I did not take Raymond Bonner's work at face value, or anyone elses. I hope you agree that the sources I have posted have corroborated Larouche research. After reading the 1985 WaPo article, I looked into who owned NBC in 1984, because I want to find the details of how the broadcast smearing LaRouche came about. I like to post details supporting associations. With the 1955 Carter Jr. wedding, I've associated the groom, Carter Jr., with three other CIA agents, one of whom, Bohlen, and to a degree, Devine, have stayed in the shadows, all of these years. John Train has never even been pinned down, not even to the degree Bohlen has in Raymond Bonner's book. At that same wedding, W. Palmer Dixon is best man; later, he is an officer in the small brokerage offering Marvin Bush his first job.


Paid Notice: Deaths DIXON, PALMER

Published: Wednesday, September 8, 1999

DIXON-Palmer. Died suddenly of a heart attack on the morning of September 3rd at his home in Wilton, CT. He was born July 1, 1928 in New York City, the son of W. Palmer Dixon and Theodora Thorpe Dixon. He attended St. Mark's School, and graduated from Harvard College, Class of 1950. He served as a 1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict, participating in the fighting as a forward observer for the artillery. After the Armistice, he returned to the United States in 1953, working at NBC before becoming a Partner at the Wall Street firm of Loeb, Rhoades & Co. He later worked as a Vice President at Moseley, Hallgarten & Estabrook, and then for a number of years at Standard & Poor's as Head of Programming. After retiring, he continued to work as a computer specialist and private consultant. He was a keen Court Tennis player, and was for many years an active member of the New York Racquet and Tennis club. He is survived by his wife, Heather-Mary Sharp Dixon, his two daughters, Alexandra M. Dixon of London, Olivia H. Dixon of Wilton, CT, his son Adam P. Dixon and daughter-in-law Gabriella Dixon Prinzessin zu Schwarzenberg of Vienna, and two granddaughters,...


Marvin P. Bush, Co-Founder and Managing Partner

Mr. Bush is the Managing Partner of Winston Partners. Prior to co-founding Winston in December 1993, Mr. Bush spent twelve years in the investment business with Moseley, Hallgarten, Estabrook and Weeden, Inc., Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., and John Stewart Darrell & Company....



by Blake, Rich

Content provided by Institutional Investor Magazine

Published on May 1, 2000

....In May 1981, degree in hand, Marvin Bush went to work as an entry-level trainee at a regional, Boston-based brokerage firm, Moseley, Hallgarten, Estabrook & Weeden. "It was a great way for me to get my feet wet and learn about the industry," he says. .....

Excluding Tom Devine, all of these names graduated from Harvard circa 1950, the same time as John Train. Ushers Alexander Aldrich, son of Winthrop Aldridge, the man who handed his job at Chase Bank to John McCloy, and Henry Cabot of Boston, are in the same Carter Jr. wedding party.

GHW Bush is tied in with Devine, Bohlen, and Dixon, and there is more work to be done to explore his ties with the others in that wedding party. John Train is tied in with Devine, and he certainly must know all of the others as they were his classmates at Harvard.

Terry, if you have these kind of details supporting the LaRouche descriptions of the John Train salon meetings, I am eager to read them. Can anybody show me another wedding party with four of the "soldier level" CIA, or even three?



Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Oct 2, 1955

... Frederick and William Pullman, Thomas De- vine of Midland, Tex., Andre Rheault and Henry ... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bradley Carter Jr. (Beverly Pullman). ...

All 2 related - Related web pages

Diplomats' Kin Usher at Barbara Pullman's Wedding Today

Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Oct 1, 1955

Others are Edwin Bohlln, whose uncle, Charles E. Bohlen, js- ambassador to ... broth- ers of the bride; Thomas Devine of Midland, Tex., Andre Rhe- ault and ...

The Edwin Bohlen aka EC aka EUC aka Curtis, aka "Buff" Bohlen, as the above wedding announcement and Raymond Bonner's book states, was the nephew of Charles E. "Chip" Bohlen, one of the "Six Wise Men", a group including John McCloy. Consider how close CIA's Edwin Bohlen, executive VP of the WWF, and administrative assistant to Russell Train, was to FranK Wisner. George Keenan, Dean Acheson, and Bob Lovett were other members of "the Six Wise Men":


The very best men: four who dared : the early years of the CIA

By Evan Thomas

Showing 15 results in this book for bohlen wisner

Page 24

....In 1947, in the opening days of the Cold War, the State Department was the place to be for an ambitious Cold Warrior like Wisner; the best men with the best minds were there-- Undersecretary Dean Acheson, Soviet experts George Kennan and Chip Bohlen. That summer Wisner took a job, at Acheson's urging, as the number-two man in the State-Department's Office off Occupied Territories. His boss, Charles Saltzman, was a former head of the New York Stock Exchange and a Carter Ledyard client.25.

Wisner was also State's reperesntative on the State-Army-Navy-Air-Force Coordinating Committee, an interagency group that was supposed to study "psychological warfate" to counter Soviet ambitions. The threat had been vividly described in Kennan's famous "long Telegram," the Russion expert's warning of Soviet global ambitions....

Page 26

...When Wisner moved to Washington, he bought a farm on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and rented a house in Georgetown. He immediatley fell in with a crowd unusually lively and self-confident. At the center were two rising Soviet experts from the State Department, Charles "Chip" Bohlen and George Kennan....

Page 33

...But the CIA felt outnumbered and outgunned by their Soviet counterparts. When Harry Rositzke, an old CIA hand, wrote a book about the KGB in 1981, the subtitle was "the secret operations of the world's best intelligence service."

To fight back, Wisner hired some colorful operators. One was Michael Burke, a Penn football star and former OSS agent who had been the model for Gary Cooper in Cloak and Dagger and served as "technical adviser" to the movie. Burke, who in later life would run a circus and then the New York Yankees, was put to work parachuting agents into the East bloc and Soviet Union. Another exotic recruit, far more effective than the lampooners in Bryan's shop, was Carmel Offie; who was distinguished by his physical ugliness. He had bulging eyes, fleshy lips, and a swollen face; an open homosexual at a time when most stayed in the closet,...He had been discovered before the war by a group of talented Russian experts-- Chip Bohlen, Charles Thayer, and George Kennan-- at the American embassy in Moscow, where he worked as an all-purpose troubleshooter for the ambassador, William Bullitt. After the war Offie had been tossed out of the foreign service for using the diplomatic pouch for illegal currency transfer (he also dealt in diamonds, rubles...). Although corrupt, Offie was useful and, according to his friends, quite considerate....

...Bohlen persuaded Wisner to take on Offie at OPC. He immediately proved his worth on several fronts. For Mrs. Wisner, he hired a very good cook, and for the Wisner children there were movie showings on rainy Saturday mornings. For Wisner he located former German officers and diplomats who could be used against the Soviet Union. One of them was Gustav Hilger, a career German diplomat who had specialized in recruiting collaborators to fight against the Red Army. Offie knew that Hilger would be very valuable in carrying out Wisner's plan for a secret emigre force, first described in the State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee documents as Operation Bookstore.3

Wisner put Offie in charge of refugee matters--in essence, recruiting an emigre army from displaced persons (DP) camps scattered throughout Western Europe, with the mission to spy on and "destabalize" the Soviet Union and its satellites. Wisner's friends at the State Department-- Sovietologists Bohlen, Thayer, and Kennan-- regarded Hilger and other former German diplomats, like Hans "Johnny" Herwath von Bittenfield, as "good Germans". ....

Page 40

....(Charles) Whitehurst figured that Wisner was making policy, "at night" with social friends like Bohlen and Nitze from State and Clark Clifford from the White House....

Page 100

...In the spring of 1953, McCarthy had targeted Chip Bohlen and Charles Thayer, two of the top Kremlin watchers who were also brothers-in-law, McCarthy did not quite say what he had on Bohlen and Thayer, though he intimated that the damaging information was of a sexual nature...

Page 160

...In the spring of 1958, as the Indonesia operation was failing, Wisner was collapsing emotionally. On his tour of the Far East. he visited Manila and stayed with Chip Bohlen, then ambassador to the Phillipines. "Wisner was so depressed about how the world was going," said Chips daughter, Avis....

Page 162

...Tracey and Janet Barnes and Chip and Avis Bohlen were waiting at the Wisners' to welcome Frank when he came home from the hospital.

At the age of forty-eight, Wisner was a robust man,.....

Page 358

16.....Outside work, Wisner had a "rare charm and magnetism." Ibid. OPC was pleased to have Wisner's social contacts. An in-house history notes that he has a "particularly close rapport with individuals in positions of responsibility" and listed thirty-three names, including Chip Bohlen, Bob Joyce, Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and Bob Lovett.

CIA OPC History II p. 525.

Edited by Tom Scully
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  • 1 year later...
Guest Tom Scully

So how many CIA, OSS, and foreign intelligence assets can we link to George DeMohrenschildt?

In 1967, Jim Garrison asked the DOJ, in question 12 in the memo at the following link; "Is there any CIA association with George de Mohrenschildt?"




Looks like a slight spelling difference in the last name of Nicholas M. Anikeeff caused this interesting "meeting", described in this book, to be overlooked:


The road to Dallas: the assassination of John F. Kennedy By David E. Kaiser

page 188

...While in Washington, de Mohrenschildt also took Charles to meet an old friend of his, Nicholas Anikeefe, who now worked for the State Department,

and Anikeefe took them to meet Senator Claiborne Pell, who spoke French.62 Two weeks later, on May 21, de Mohrenschildt was back in New York speaking

to a CIA contact codenamed Wubriny/1-- apparently a cryptonym for a business, possibly the Chase Manhattan Bank....

Is it only a coincidence that CIA's Anikeeff arranged for de Mohrenschildt and Clemard Joseph Charles to meet with Clairborne Pell, a cousin of CIA "asset" Tom Devine's (aka Wubriny-1) financial firm partner, John Train? Claiborne Pell and Train were also cousins of the wife of one of the seven WC commissioners, Hale Boggs....

(Read opening post in this thread for background on the Carter, Jr. wedding.)

Thomas J. Devine, Bush and later John Train business partner, was invited to be an usher in the 1950's wedding of Albert Bradely Carter, Jr., Harvard '50. Mr. Carter graduated in John Train's Harvard class. How did Mr. Devine, a 1949 MIT graduate, become a close friend of Mr. Carter, unless they served together in the Munich CIA station supervised in 1950 by White Russian, former ONI WWII officer, George N. Benic? Is this the connection to DeMohrenschildt, through his friend, Nicholas Anikeeff, or through George Benic, Albert B. Carter's Munich supervisor, which ties Thomas Devine and John Train to DeMohrenschildt, and thus helps explain how Devine came to be WuBriny-1 at his 1963 meeting with DeMohrenscildt and Clemard Joseph Charles? Also in Carter's 1955 wedding party were CIA's Andre Rheault and E. U. Curtis "Buff" Bohlen. Devine's oil exploration partner, George Bush, was the roommate of Edward Gordon Hooker, the stepson of DeMohrenschildt's brother, Dimitri.

DeMohrenschildt testified to the WC that Edward Hooker was also his business partner in 1950 and had introduced him to his third wife, Dr. Wynn Sharples.

A short bio of Thomas J. Devine states that he was a State Dept. "admin asst. while his friend Carter, Jr. was serving in Munich under Geroge Belic. We know from subsequently realeased CIA documents that Devine actually was working for the CIA, then, but we do not know where. He apparently had diplomatic cover, if he claimed to work for the State Dept. Edwin U. "Buff" Bohlen, another usher in Carter's wedding party, also claimed to work for State Dept.


DEVINE, THOMAS J. 375 Park Ave, NY NY l0022. Dec-9-26 Rochester NY. Mass Inst Tech BS 49. State Dept, Wash DC, admin asst 50-53| Midiand Tex, indep oil operator 53-64. Train Cabot & Associates, NY, ltd partner 59-. Finance.


Albert B. Carter Jr., 63 Retired SBA administrator

Article from:The Boston Globe (Boston, MA) Article date:January 26, 1992

Albert Bradley Carter Jr., retired director of the federal Small Business Administration's office of minority program development and a former resident of Cambridge, died of cancer Thursday at George Washington University Hospital in Washington. He was 63 and had been a Washington resident for nearly 40 years.

Mr. Carter was a former Soviet specialist for the Central Intelligence Agency, working for the CIA in Munich, Germany, from 1950 to 1952 and in Washington from 1952 to 1962. In 1969 he joined the Small Business Administration and spent the next 20 years encouraging the award of both federal and private contracts to minority-owned firms. He …


Oswald and the CIA: the documented truth about the unknown ... - Page 278

John Newman - 2008 - 669 pages - Preview

In a recent interview, Mr. Anikeeff acknowledged not only his close and continuous friendship with George deMohrenschildt... Who was Nicholas Anikeeff? During the early 1950s, when the CIA dispatched two groups of Lithuanian infiltrators into Poland, ...

Page 279

That deMohrenschildt had a close contact in the Soviet Russia Division of 1962-1963 is newsworthy. ...It does not, however, prove deMohrenschildt was reporting to Anikeeff about Oswald's activities. For the time being, we will add this to the already large and growing pile of


James Jesus Angleton, the CIA, and the craft of counterintelligence - Page 158

Michael Holzman, Michael Howard Holzman - 2008 - 399 pages - Preview

Under the direction of Mike Ray and Charlie Katek, Eastern Europeans from Hungary, Poland, Rumania, and Czechoslovakia were trained to become the CIA's entry in anti-Soviet struggles." It is said that clandestine services chief Frank ...


Page 33

Rositzke was placed in charge of Operation Bloodstone with veteran OSS agent Charlie

Katek in charge of a training camp in Kaufbeuren, Germany, about 150 miles east of Pfullingen,

where VLIK had settled. Katek’s head of Soviet operations was George Belic, who was mainly

concerned with traveling the countryside to find émigrés willing to fight for their countries’


department, Belic was put in touch with Krupavičius (the political head of VLIK) and Col.

Antanas Šova (the military head of VLIK) in Pfullingen.

With the help of Vaivada, who had by that time ended up in Rositzke’s...

Page 36

According to Klemensas Širvys (Sakalas, Frank), at Katek’s training camp in

Kaufbeuren, émigrés learned how to use Morse code, send radio messages, and how to blow

things up.124 On 1 October 1950, Lukša (as Skrajūnas), Benediktas Trumpys (Rytis), and Širvys,

who would be their radio operator, prepared for a secret flight into Lithuania. They were each

provided with a Schmeisser MP-32 sub-machine-gun, a few grenades, radios, transmitters,

generators, cyanide tablets, ten watches, 3,000 rubles, 2,000USD, and food.125

The three men, along with Julijonas But nas, who came along to watch, flew from

Munich to Wiesbaden, where they had to wait a couple of days for better weather.126 Receiving

last-minute directions from “George [belic],” the two Czech pilots immediately began plotting

the northeasterly course for their unmarked C47 plane.127

The three parachuters, along with But nas, the two pilots, and two supply containers,

flew over Hamburg and then along the Swedish coast. As they approached Lithuania, they flew

at an altitude of 200 feet in order to evade radar detection. Širvys had not even noticed that the

plane had crossed the Nemunas River, as they approached the Klaip da region....

See Tom Bower, The Red Web, MI6 and KGB Mastercoup pp. 92-93 for this background on George Belic.:


Battleground Berlin: CIA Vs. KGB in the Cold War - Page 458

David E. Murphy, Sergei A. Kondrashev, George Bailey - 1999 - 584 pages - Preview

Belic was the son of a colonel in the White Russian Army who was killed while fighting in southern Russia with ... 92-93, for this background on George Belic. 50. In December 1946, the German Mission helped transfer Granovsky from ...


Twilight warriors: covert air operations against the USSR

Curtis Peebles - 2005 - 330 pages - Snippet view

By the summer of 1950, however, the CIA was also beginning to have doubts about the SIS agents. In June, George Belic, the CIA's chief of Soviet affairs in Munich, informed the SIS that the CIA suspected that Jonas ...

books.google.com - More editions

MI6: fifty years of special operations

Stephen Dorril - 2000 - 907 pages - Snippet view

It was not productive, but George Belic, chief of Soviet affairs in Munich, was allowed to meet McKibben in London to 'exchange views at desk level'. This was achieved, but McKibben continued to look down on the American new boys. .......


Federal Official Thomas Morris Dies at Age 81

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Dec 7, 1994

George N Belic 83 who retired in 1971 as a senior intelligence officer with the Central Intelligence Agency died of pneumonia Nov 20 at a hospital in Naples, Fl ... ....

Edited by Tom Scully
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Guest Tom Scully

This post builds on prior posts in this thread and in these posts.:

I recently posted about George Plimpton's father Francis Plimpton's lawfirm; about Francis's law partner Eli Whitney Debevoise being the counsel to the High Commissioner of Germany and the Assistant HICOG during the same period McCloy was HICOG. I also posted that McCloy, in his capacity as Chariman of the Board of Trustees at Amherst College, had appointed Francis's brother as Amherst president.

I posted that the brother of John and David Lindsey, twins who were two of the ushers at the 1946 wedding of Nancy Bush, (William B. Macomber, Jr., was the best man, and later the best man of Thomas Devine.) George N Lindsey was a career partner at the Plimpton, Debevoise lawfirm and became the managing partner.

This is why the above information might be relevant.:...

Yesterday, I read these references to Zapata Oil, Thomas Devine, Jack Crichton and George H.W. Bush....

...and it got me thinking about what the tie ins might be, the connections between them, beyond what I've already

found and posted about on other threads.

Zapata Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Various writers have suggested that Zapata Off-Shore, and Bush in .... Jack Crichton and George H.W. Bush raised funds for the CIA's Operation 40. ...


The common denominators, except for George Bush and Thomas Devine, ironically, are that everyone who is CIA, with names emboldened below, came out of the Eliot residence hall, one of twelve on the Harvard University Campus.

Devine's WUSALINE partner, John PC Train, live in a different residence hall at Harvard, but he was in the graduating class common to almost all of the Eliot group, and his partner in the Paris Review, George Plimpton, was CIA and out of Eliot. Trubee Davison, best friend of Robert Lovett, well publicized attendee of John McCloy's wedding, seems to have headed the CIA office responsible for hiring all of them. Davison, at the urging of Cord Meyer, Jr's father, in 1916, convinced Davison's father, a JP Morgan partner quite busy financing both sides in WWI, to help finance the Yale Aero club, which later became the first volunteer US Air squadron in France. Cord Meyer already had his pilot's license, since 1912.

It seems to come down to a wedding 80 years ago, and two more weddings in the 1950s....

The point of my immediately preceding post on this thread, and the material here seems to lead to the question, is there a relevant link to the intelligence "work" and relationships of John McCloy, his HICOG counsel and assistant high governor of Germany, Eli Whitney Debevoise and his law partner, Francis Plimpton, and Plimpton's son, George Plimpton and his Paris Review partner, John Train, and his investment firm partner, Thomas Devine, and his best man,

William B. Macomber, Jr., who was closely connected to the Bush family? This group of men are overwhelmingly Harvard, Yale, Yale bonesmem, OSS and CIA, along with the Amherst backgrounds of McCloy and Francis Plimpton and his brother. The office of HICOG, the Munich CIA station, and Radio Free Europe, circa 1950, link many of the people I've mentioned in these last two posts, along with Turkey circa early 1970's. Through Albert B. Carter, Jr., and Nicholas Anikeeff, the Munich CIA station is connected to Thomas Devine and George DeMohrenschildt. Paul B. Henze, classmate of George Plimpton, seems to have been a CIA agent at the US embassy in Turkey while Macomber was ambassador. It seems obvious to wonder, since Paul B. Henze always portrayed himself as a civilian, did Devine and Macomber leave the CIA in the early 1950's as they both claimed? In my last post, a bio of Devine portrays him as an admin. asst. at the State Dept., 1950-1953. How did Nicholas Anikeeff and DeMohrenschildt come to know each other? Were the Lindsey twins, John and David, and their brother George, law partner of Francis Plimpton, involved in intelligence activities?


In June 1958 Paul B. Henze, SB St. Olaf Coll. '48, resigned as deputy political advisor to Radio Free Europe in Munich, following six years in that post, to become radio advisor to (he Government of Turkey in Ankara.


Turkey's new geopolitics: from the Balkans to Western China - Google Books Result

Graham E. Fuller, Ian O. Lesser, Paul B. Henze - 1993 - History - 197 pages

Paul B. Henze is a long-time Resident Consultant at RAND. ... Henze speaks Turkish, has worked closely with the Institute of Turkish Studies in Washington ...


Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and the Washington post

Deborah Davis - 1979 - 280 pages - Snippet view

correspondent; and Paul Henze,* the CIA chief of station in Ethiopia who had established secret communications capabilities there and who now works on African problems for Brzezinski in the Carter White House....



His 25,000-word cover story, published in Rolling Stone on October 20, 1977, is reprinted below.


How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up


■ The Columbia Broadcasting System. CBS was unquestionably the CIAs most valuable broadcasting asset. CBS President William Paley and Allen Dulles enjoyed an easy working and social relationship. Over the years, the network provided cover for CIA employees, including at least one well‑known foreign correspondent and several stringers; it supplied outtakes of newsfilm to the CIA3; established a formal channel of communication between the Washington bureau chief and the Agency; gave the Agency access to the CBS newsfilm library; and allowed reports by CBS correspondents to the Washington and New York newsrooms to be routinely monitored by the CIA. Once a year during the 1950s and early 1960s, CBS correspondents joined the CIA hierarchy for private dinners and briefings.

The details of the CBS‑CIA arrangements were worked out by subordinates of both Dulles and Paley. “The head of the company doesn’t want to know the fine points, nor does the director,” said a CIA official. “Both designate aides to work that out. It keeps them above the battle.” Dr. Frank Stanton, for 25 years president of the network, was aware of the general arrangements Paley made with Dulles—including those for cover, according to CIA officials. Stanton, in an interview last year, said he could not recall any cover arrangements.) But Paley’s designated contact for the Agency was Sig Mickelson, president of CBS News between 1954 and 1961. On one occasion, Mickelson has said, he complained to Stanton about having to use a pay telephone to call the CIA, and Stanton suggested he install a private line, bypassing the CBS switchboard, for the purpose. According to Mickelson, he did so. Mickelson is now president of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, both of which were associated with the CIA for many years.

In 1976, CBS News president Richard Salant ordered an in‑house investigation of the network's dealings with the CIA. Some of its findings were first disclosed by Robert Scheer in the Los Angeles Times.) But Salant's report makes no mention of some of his own dealings with the Agency, which continued into the 1970s.

Many details about the CBS‑CIA relationship were found in Mickelson's files by two investigators for Salant. Among the documents they found was a September 13th, 1957, memo to Mickelson fromTed Koop, CBS News bureau chief in Washington from 1948 to 1961. It describes a phone call to Koop from Colonel Stanley Grogan of the CIA: "Grogan phoned to say that Reeves [J. B. Love Reeves, another CIA official] is going to New York to be in charge of the CIA contact office there and will call to see you and some of your confreres. Grogan says normal activities will continue to channel through the Washington office of CBS News." The report to Salant also states: "Further investigation of Mickelson's files reveals some details of the relationship between the CIA and CBS News.... Two key administrators of this relationship were Mickelson and Koop.... The main activity appeared to be the delivery of CBS newsfilm to the CIA.... In addition there is evidence that, during 1964 to 1971, film material, including some outtakes, were supplied by the CBS Newsfilm Library to the CIA through and at the direction of Mr. Koop4.... Notes in Mr. Mickelson's files indicate that the CIA used CBS films for training... All of the above Mickelson activities were handled on a confidential basis without mentioning the words Central Intelligence Agency. The films were sent to individuals at post‑office box numbers and were paid for by individual, nor government, checks. ..." Mickelson also regularly sent the CIA an internal CBS newsletter, according to the report.

Salant's investigation led him to conclude that Frank Kearns, a CBS‑TV reporter from 1958 to 1971, "was a CIA guy who got on the payroll somehow through a CIA contact with somebody at CBS." Kearns and Austin Goodrich, a CBS stringer, were undercover CIA employees, hired under arrangements approved by Paley.

Last year a spokesman for Paley denied a report by former CBS correspondent Daniel Schorr that Mickelson and he had discussed Goodrich's CIA status during a meeting with two Agency representatives in 1954. The spokesman claimed Paley had no knowledge that Goodrich had worked for the CIA. "When I moved into the job I was told by Paley that there was an ongoing relationship with the CIA," Mickelson said in a recent interview. "He introduced me to two agents who he said would keep in touch. We all discussed the Goodrich situation and film arrangements. I assumed this was a normal relationship at the time. This was at the height of the Cold War and I assumed the communications media were cooperating—though the Goodrich matter was compromising.

At the headquarters of CBS News in New York, Paley's cooperation with the CIA is taken for granted by many news executives and reporters, despite tile denials. Paley, 76, was not interviewed by Salant's investigators. "It wouldn't do any good," said one CBS executive. "It is the single subject about which his memory has failed."

Salant discussed his own contacts with the CIA, and the fact he continued many of his predecessor's practices, in an interview with this reporter last year. The contacts, he said, began in February 1961, "when I got a phone call from a CIA man who said he had a working relationship with Sig Mickelson. The man said, 'Your bosses know all about it.'" According to Salant, the CIA representative asked that CBS continue to supply the Agency with unedited newstapes and make its correspondents available for debriefingby Agency officials. Said Salant: "I said no on talking to the reporters, and let them see broadcast tapes, but no outtakes. This went on for a number of years—into the early Seventies."

In 1964 and 1965, Salant served on a super-secret CIA task force which explored methods of beaming American propaganda broadcasts to the People's Republic of China. The other members of the four‑man study team were Zbigniew Brzezinski, then a professor at Columbia University; William Griffith, then professor of political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology., and John Haves, then vice‑president of the Washington Post Company for radio‑TV5. The principal government officials associated with the project were Cord Meyer of the CIA; McGeorge Bundy, then special assistant to the president for national security; Leonard Marks, then director of the USIA; and Bill Moyers, then special assistant to President Lyndon Johnson and now a CBS correspondent.

Salant's involvement in the project began with a call from Leonard Marks, "who told me the White House wanted to form a committee of four people to make a study of U.S. overseas broadcasts behind the Iron Curtain." When Salant arrived in Washington for the first meeting he was told that the project was CIA sponsored. "Its purpose," he said, "was to determine how best to set up shortwave broadcasts into Red China." Accompanied by a CIA officer named Paul Henzie, the committee of four subsequently traveled around the world inspecting facilities run by Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty both CIA‑run operations at the time), the Voice of America and Armed Forces Radio. After more than a year of study, they submitted a report to Moyers recommending that the government establish a broadcast service, run by the Voice of America, to be beamed at the People's Republic of China. Salant has served two tours as head of CBS News, from 1961‑64 and 1966‑present. At the time of the China project he was a CBS corporate executive.)


February 9, 2008

Deep State Coup Averted in Turkey

by Christopher Deliso

...Because the case involves high-ranking officials from the military – that self-appointed guarantor of Turkey's secular, constitutional order – "it remains to be seen whether the cases will be brought to trial," states the Guardian.

But it is not so simple as just a matter of upholding army pride. The activities of the gang, which apparently ranged from false-flag terrorist attacks and assassinations to drug smuggling and espionage, are closely intertwined with the fortunes and affairs of the ruling class in Turkey. As editors and local commentators have been saying, to really act against the deep state is almost unimaginable; no one knows where the trail might ultimately lead.

Deep Background: The Cold War, NATO and the Rise of the Deep State

We do, however, know where it started – and why. Indeed, it is more than a bit ironic that the major recurring threat to society and political stability in Turkey over the past 60 years, the "Deep State," was actually enabled by the country's Western allies, and first of all, America. After WWII and with the creation of NATO, the military alliance created "secret armies" throughout Europe, consisting of so-called "stay behind" forces, charged with waging sabotage campaigns and resistance in the case of a Soviet invasion. However, they became prone to corruption, interference with domestic politics and society, and were in some cases involved with brutality against Leftists and the citizenry in general. While the most famous of NATO's secret armies was the Gladio operation in Italy, it was arguable in Turkey that this dangerous policy had the most serious long-term consequences, with the creation of a stay-behind force known as the Counter-Guerrillas.

The core of this covert paramilitary force was made up of right-wing radicals and fascists who espoused a narrative of inherent Turkish greatness and racial superiority, in the context of not only Turkey itself but of the ethnically Turkic republics of Central Asia (then under Soviet control); there were also the fond dreams of the bygone Ottoman Empire which, in its heyday, spread across the Middle East, North Africa and the Balkans.

The Counter-Guerrillas were officially a part of the Turkish Army's Special Warfare Department, and housed in the US Military Aid Mission building in Ankara, according to a Los Angeles Times report from 1998. This department received funding and training from U.S. advisors to establish, as in other NATO states,"stay behind" squads of civilian irregulars who would theoretically vex the invading Soviets. Stocking the staff was accomplished partially through a nationwide "youth group," the Grey Wolves, established in 1969 under the aegis of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and its leader, Alparslan Türkes. This Counter-Guerrilla member and ultranationalist politician dreamed of creating the mythical "Turan" – a pan-Turkic empire which would stretch through the Central Asian republics, and include the Uighur Turks of western China's Xinjiang province.

Naturally, the Counter-Guerrillas and Grey Wolves also operated closely with Turkey's intelligence service, the MIT, and were used by right-wing governments to suppress civil liberties. Military coups in 1971 and 1980, and chronic massacres of civilian demonstrators throughout the 1970s, were all led by Counter-Guerrilla/Grey Wolves elements. The American intelligence services at times appear to have been supportive, regardless of the ominous implications for democracy. Immediately after the 1980 military coup that brought General Kenan Evren to power, American CIA Ankara station chief Paul Henze reportedly cabled Washington exulting, "our boys have done it." At that time, the Grey Wolves had 200,000 registered members and one million sympathizers nationwide, though the Turkish Deep State was still in embryonic form compared to the decade that was to come.

When domestic political fortunes changed, important figures such as Colonel Türkes, and other Grey Wolves were arrested. However, those who volunteered to fight against Kurdish and Armenian groups were often released....

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Guest Tom Scully

...and this all seems to mesh well with my immediately preceding post on this page.


Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and the Washington post

Deborah Davis - 1979 - 280 pages - Snippet view

correspondent; and Paul Henze,* the CIA chief of station in Ethiopia who had established secret communications capabilities there and who now works on African problems for Brzezinski in the Carter White House....



‎ - Daily Press - May 2, 1991

The Bush-Chafee relationship goes still deeper. The president's sister Nancy married Alexander Ellis, who was Chafee's roommate at Yale. ...

… ' baseball For George Bush, memories of the Babe and the...‎

- Providence Journal - Mar 3, 1985

George Bushs tenure at Yale overlapped with that of Sen John Chafee who ... about him A Chafee roommate Alexander Ellis married Bush's sister Nancy


Chafee: Folksy ways but fierce competitor Astutely balances GOP...

- Providence Journal - ProQuest Archiver - Oct 26, 1988

...But the story of how he became Navy secretary goes back to one of the friendships he he made at Yale, Class of '47, on the wrestling team and as a member of a member of a campus society known as Skull & Bones. "That's one of those great quirks of fate," said Chafee.

Bill Macomber, a "great friend of mine from college," had been working his way through the ranks at the State Department while Chafee was working his way up up Rhode Island's political ladder. In late 1968, when Chafee was on his way out of the State House, Nixon's designee as defense secretary, Melvin Laird, was looking for a Navy secretary....Charles Whitehouse, one of Chafee's roomates at Yale who is now an assistant secretary of defense, has another memory of Chafee's collegiate career,...


FRANCES H. EELLS CLEVELAND BRIDE; Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Is the Scene of Her Marriage to Edward O'M. Welles

- New York Times - Sep 7, 1947

Paul B. Welles of Waverly, Pa., was best man for his brother. The ushers were Wayne Fleming, John Jermyn, John LH Chafee, John D. Murchison,


Gun-Control Advocate Edward Welles, 85

By Matt Schudel

Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, October 20, 2006

Edward O. Welles, 85, a former CIA officer who later become the first executive director of the antihandgun organization now known as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, died Oct. 11 of brain cancer at his home in Washington.

After serving in World War II with the Office of Strategic Services, a forerunner of the CIA, Mr. Welles joined the spy agency in 1950. He served in Greece before becoming the agency's chief of station in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Morocco.

Mr. Welles survived an attempted overthrow of Morocco's King Hassan II in 1971, his family said. While attending a golf tournament at one of the monarch's seaside palaces, Mr. Welles escaped on foot and made his way to the U.S. Embassy, where he notified authorities of the coup attempt. He was awarded the CIA's Medal of Merit for his actions.

After retiring from the CIA in 1972, Mr. Welles had a varied career as a volunteer, lobbyist, entrepreneur and gun-control advocate. In 1974, he became the first executive director of the National Council to Control Handguns, which consisted of four people at the time....

....Edward O'Malley Welles was born in Scranton, Pa., and interrupted his studies at Yale University to be an ambulance driver in North Africa during World War II. In 1943, he volunteered for a British intelligence service and gathered intelligence behind enemy lines in Greece.

The next year, he joined the OSS and was attached to the U.S. Army, receiving two battlefield promotions. He did intelligence work in Nazi-controlled parts of Yugoslavia and won the Bronze Star Medal for his exploits.

After the war, Mr. Welles graduated from Yale, then briefly operated a paint company in Texas before he was recruited to the CIA.


Linda Minor

06-28-2010, 03:29 AM

I was reading the coverage of the John Philip Nichols connection to the murders when I came across this page:



By Virginia McCullough © March 2000


Is this the telex (5 pages) for the October Surprise $MULTIBILLION GOLD Payoff?

The telexes are linked to the page numbers 1-5.

Here's page 5: http://www.newsmakingnews.com/telexe.htm

The last line, penciled in by hand, reads "or to Mr. John Macomber...." This matches up with the William B. Macomber, Jr. mentioned in the book written by Russ Banker, Family of Secrets, who was also born in Rochester, NY.

Oswald was principle JFK shooting suspect. His closest friend in Dallas had been George DeMohrenschildt. In 1960, Oswald was known to William B. Macomber Jr., former CIA man at the State Dept., best man in the wedding of Nancy Bush and of CIA's Thomas J. Devine, a Bush business partner....There is at least one author who wrote that William Macomber did not leave the CIA after two years,

and you may be aware that the State Dept. ceased public release of it's staff directory in the 70's, because it was an easy reference to spot the CIA members working under official cover.

Isn't it reasonable to say that this indicates that Macomber continued as Devine's and possibly Bush's CIA controller, or is it another in a long line of coincidences, in your opinion? Five years after the date of this document, Macomber, US Ambassador to Turkey, fresh from his emergency assignment in Haiti to work with Baby Doc to free the kidnapped US Ambassador there, Macomber was Devine's best man...


Three years later, Bush again followed in his father's footsteps by investing in the oil industry. His father had made millions of dollars, while the son lost millions. For investors, he tapped relatives and his father's friends.

Bush spent $17,000 from his education trust fund to start Arbusto Energy Incorporated, a small oil company in Midland. He named it "Arbusto," a Spanish word for "bush," although Cassell's Spanish dictionary gives "shrub" as the only translation. Although he lost more than $2 million in investors' money, he left Midland with $840,000 in his pocket.

The young Bush worked to expand his industry by soliciting speculators who contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many of these people were recruited by Bush's uncle, Jonathan Bush, a New York City stockbroker and the brother of former President Bush. Bush went to family friends to invest in the new company. More than 50 investors eventually raised nearly $5 million for Arbusto's oil and gas drilling endeavors. Prudential-Bache Securities CEO George Ball invested $100,000. Celanese Corporation CEO John Macomber, CEO of Celanese Corporation. Macomber, a friend of Uncle Jonathan Bush, tossed in $79,500. William Draper III invested $172,550. Subsequently, both were given political appointments to the Export-Import Bank during the Reagan and Bush administrations. Lewis Lehrman, a multimillionaire from New York and founder of Rite-Aide Parmacies, gave $47,500. Lehrman narrowly lost the 1982 governor's race to New York's Russell Reynolds Jr., a leading corporate headhunter from Greenwich, Connecticut, invested $23,250. FitzGerald Bemiss, a childhood friend of President George H. Bush and godfather to George W.'s brother Marvin, invested $80,000. Other Bush family members kicked in $180,000. Bush's grandmother gave him $25,000.


Macomber, William Butts, Jr. (b. 1921) — of Rochester, Monroe County, N.Y. Born in Rochester, Monroe County, N.Y., March 28, 1921. Son of William Butts Macomber and Elizabeth Currie (Ranlet) Macomber; married, December 28, 1963, to Phyllis D. Bernau. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II; administrative assistant to U.S. Sen. John Sherman Cooper, 1954; U.S. Ambassador to Jordan, 1961-64; Turkey, 1973-77. Episcopalian. Still living as of 1997.


Diplomat William Macomber Jr., 82, Dies

By Patricia Sullivan

Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, November 21, 2003; Page B07

William B. Macomber Jr., 82, former ambassador to Jordan and Turkey and president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, died of complications from Parkinson's disease Nov. 19 at his Nantucket, Mass., home.

Mr. Macomber worked in the State Department in the Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and Ford administrations. He served as undersecretary for management at the State Department from 1969 to 1973.

He was a founding member of the Washington-based American Academy of Diplomacy, a nonprofit agency. He was known in the Foreign Service community as a reformer: He was part of a small group of top officials who refused President Richard M. Nixon's demand to punish Foreign Service officers who participated in demonstrations against the Vietnam War.

As undersecretary for management, he involved hundreds of State Department employees in a wide-ranging examination of how the department conducted its business. According to a June article in Foreign Service Journal, that project resulted in proposals to require open bidding for jobs; halted the practice of rating the hostessing abilities of wives of Foreign Service officers and freed those wives from unpaid work; mandated gender equity; and allowed officers to see their "secret" performance appraisals.

In a 1984 newspaper column, Mr. Macomber decried the exchange of campaign contributions for ambassadorships. "When it comes to an important portion of American ambassadorial appointments, we are still in the era of the Charge of the Light Brigade," he wrote.

Mr. Macomber was born in Rochester, N.Y., and graduated from Yale University. He received a master's degree in government from Yale in 1947, a law degree from Harvard University in 1949 and a master's degree in social science from the University of Chicago in 1951.

He was a Marine lieutenant assigned to the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, parachuting into France to work with the French underground twice. He later worked in Burma. His Marine Corps tour ended in 1946. Mr. Macomber taught government for two years at Boston University while in graduate school. He worked for the CIA from 1951 to 1953 in Washington before starting his career with the State Department.

He was appointed ambassador to Jordan by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 and served until 1964, when he became assistant administer at the U.S. Agency for International Development. He was assistant secretary for congressional relations and then became the deputy undersecretary of state for administration and management from 1969 to 1973. He was appointed ambassador to Turkey in 1973. He also wrote the book "The Angels' Game: A Handbook of Modern Diplomacy" (1975).

He retired from government service in 1977 and became president of the Met, focusing on financial management and administration. He retired in 1986 to Nantucket, where he taught social science and coached football at the local high school. He was also a trustee emeritus at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and on the board of overseers at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.

Survivors include his wife of 39 years, Phyllis Macomber of Nantucket; and a brother, John Macomber of Washington.


Linda, if you read this, I don't recall Russ Baker linking Wm B. Macomber, Jr. to Nancy Bush's wedding, Thomas Devine's wedding and John Foster Dulles's personal secretary, but it is possible he wrote about one of those three links.

Re:...my last post....no takers?

Just a coincidental, quirk of fate that it can be established, to a much greater degree than much of the "stuff" posted in other threads on this forum, that Thomas J. Devine's "best man", was interested in/aware of L H Oswald, by name, as far back as in 1960?


Miss Alexandra Mills Is Bride of TJ Devine

- New York Times - Apr 15, 1973

Miss Alexandra Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wynne Mills of Locust ... William B. Macomber Jr., United States. Ambassador to Turkey, was best man. ...


Alexandra Mills to Marry in April

- New York Times - Jan 21, 1973

... Miss Alexandra Mills, to Thomas James Devine of New York, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ... Mr. Devine is with Train, Cabot Associates, a company here. ...


Page 2


It is a big country, but so often, I am struck by how small and concentrated the circle is/was....the WC appointees, then, Bush father and son, elected Prez or VP, five times, between them, in elections of 1980 through 2004....



Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Nov 4, 1956

A dip- assistant, William B. Macomber and two other aids, and Allan Dulles, brother and head of the central intelli. genre agency, also were pres- ent.

Section 1. Marines Who Participated in the Office of the OSS

In order to place Marine Corps Counterintelligence in its historical prospective ..... William B. Macomber. Alan K. Magary. Hugh A. McDevitt. John J. Meilly ...



Diplomat William Macomber Jr., 82, Dies

By Patricia Sullivan

Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, November 21, 2003; Page B07

...... He was a Marine lieutenant assigned to the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, parachuting into France to work with the French underground twice. He later worked in Burma. His Marine Corps tour ended in 1946. Mr. Macomber taught government for two years at Boston University while in graduate school. He worked for the CIA from 1951 to 1953 in Washington before starting his career with the State Department.

He was appointed ambassador to Jordan by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 and served until 1964, when he became assistant administer at the U.S. Agency for International Development. He was assistant secretary for congressional relations and then became the deputy undersecretary of state for administration and management from 1969 to 1973. He was appointed ambassador to Turkey in 1973. He also wrote the book "The Angels' Game: A Handbook of Modern Diplomacy" (1975).

He retired from government service in 1977 and became president of the Met, focusing on financial management and administration. ......


...In 1971, as a State Department official, Mr. Macomber was called to testify on behalf of the government's effort to forestall publication of the Pentagon Papers. He warned of the irrevocable harm diplomatic disclosures might do....

How much confidential Dulles info was "Miss Bernau" passing on to "CIA careerist", Macomber and for how long?


WB Macomber Jr. Weds Miss Bernau

- New York Times - Dec 29, 1963


Dr. Kissinger's Role in Wiretapping: Hearings Before the Committee on ...‎ - Page 392

by United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, United States, Senate, Congress, Committee on Foreign Relations - Wiretapping - 1974 - 409 pages

Some press accounts appeared to indicate that CIA careerist Macomber, ostensibly

representing the Department of State, J. Fred Buzhardt, representing the....




55. Confidential Secretaries: A case study of Ann Whitman (Eisenhower's personal secretary);

Phyllis Bernau, Secretary to John Foster Dulles; or Marie McCrum, Secretary to C.D.



The Uses and Limits of Intelligence - Google Books Result

by Walter Laqueur - 1993 - Political Science - 404 pages

13. Released by the Eisenhower Library, the Memoranda of Telephone Conversations of John Foster Dulles are written summaries of most of the phone conversations of the secretary of state, including the president. They were usually prepared by Dulles's secretary, Phyllis Bernau (Macomber). A few remain classified.


The Intelligence Community 1950–1955

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML

Source: Eisenhower Library, Papers of John Foster Dulles, Telephone Conversa- tions, General. No classification marking. Drafted by Phyllis D. Bernau. ...


Now, let's run down the Yale Skull & Bonesmen in this little group. (Whitehouse sole Bonesman openly CIA.):

Prescott Bush (Father of Nancy and George HW, invited Wm B. Macomber as his guest at JFK Senate oath ceremony)

George HW Bush (Son of Prescott, brother of Nancy, brother-in-law of Ellis, Jr., was DCI-CIA, partner of Thomas Devine, knew George DeMohrenschildt, Bush's roommate Edward Gordon Hooker's step-uncle and business partner.)

George W Bush (later, US president, lunched weekly with aunt Nancy Bush Ellis while at Harvard Biz. School)

John LF Chafee (Yale roommate of Ellis Jr. and Whitehouse, friend of Macomber and usher in Edward O. Welles wedding, Apptd. Sect'y of Navy by Nixon with support of Wm. B. Macomber, Jr.)

Duncan Hunter Doolittle (John Chafee's best man (4 Nov., 1950 m. Virginia Coates) and cousin)

Alexander Ellis, Jr. (Spouse of Nancy Bush, son-in-law of Prescott Bush, brother-in-law of George HW)

David A. Lindsay (Usher in Bush-Ellis wedding, 1946, Twin brother of John V., brother of George & Debevoise Plimpton partner. Twin brother John also Ellis Bush usher, as NYC mayor, hired Edward Hooker's son-in-law, Ainslie, as intern.)

Samuel Wynne Mills (Thomas Devine's father-in-law)

Charles Sheldon Whitehouse (Roommate of Chafee, served in CIA and as Ambassador Laos and Vietnam)

CIA and or OSS, School, relationship to Bonesman:

William F. Buckley, Jr. (CIA, Yale, brother of Bush-Ellis wedding usher, James.)

Thomas J. Devine (M.I.T., CIA, Geo.HW Bush partner, wed to dau. of Samuel Wynne Mills, best man was Wm. B. Macomber, hired as Celanese VP by MACOMBER'S BROTHER, John D, 40+ year partner of John Train, pub. of Paris Review with George Plimpton and Peter Matthiessen. Met with George DeMohrenschildt and Clemard Charles in 1963 as CIA WuBriny-1, was usher in 1955 wedding of Albert Bradley Carter, Jr., a CIA Soviet analyst Munich, 1950-52, other ushers were CIA's EU Curtis "Buff" Bohlen nephew of Amb. Charles Bohlen, CIA's Andre Rheault, other ushers were Alexander Aldrich, son of Winthrop Aldrich, and Charles Hubbard, stepson of Empire Trust's Henry C. Brunie who was boss of Jack Crichton)

Paul B. Henze (Harvard, CIA NOC 1948-54 political advisor RFE Munich. Turkish speaker, overlapping CIA assignments at Istanbul with Ambassador Wm B Macomber, Jr. and was Staion Chief in Ethiopia, see Edward O. Welles. Henze named as CIA agent in Op led by Cord Meyer, Leonard Markes, in Carl Bernstein's 1977 Rolling Stone (Op Mockingbird) article. Henze fronted CIA op to blame Pope's attempted assassin on USSR and Bulgaria, later @ RAND Corp)

William B. Macomber, Jr. (Yale, OSS, CIA, Alex. Ellis, Jr. and T. Devine best man @ weddings, asst. to J. Foster Dulles and married Dulles personal Sect'y. WWII USMC Capt., France and Burma, CIA 2 years, Ambassador to Jordan for JFK, and Turkey for Nixon, requested 1960 FBI investigation of defector Oswald, brother of John D. Macomber who hired T. Devine and Edward Gordon Hooker's son-in-law, Michael Ainslie. Apptd. prez. Met Mus of Art by C. Douglas Dillon)

Peter Matthiessen (Yale, CIA, Paris Review partner of Plimpton and John Train.)

George Plimpton (Harvard, CIA, Paris partner of Matthiessen and John Train, Plimpton admitted awareness of CIA funding of Paris Review, son of Debevoise Plimpton law partner, Francis Plimpton. Francis led NY Bar Assoc. meeting with Latin American delegation diverted to presentation by James R. Greene, Manny Hanny banker who met in 1963 with DeMohrenschildt and Clemard J. Charles. Uncle appointed Amherst Prez by McCloy.)

Edward O'Malley Welles (Yale, CIA, John Chafee was usher in Welles's 1947 wedding, Welles's CIA assignments overlap Paul B Henze's)

Charles Sheldon Whitehouse (Yale, Skull & Bones, CIA, Ambassador to Laos and Vietnam, roommate of John LH Chafee, father of US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.)

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