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New poll indicates support for the “ ‘truth’ movement” has fallen sharply.

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In July 2006 Scripps Howard sponsored a poll conducted by Ohio University. Respondents were asked how likely though certain conspiracy theories were. It was probably the first poll to ask Americans directly what they thought about the LIHOP and MIHOP theories.

The most pertinent question was:

“People in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted to United States to go to war in the Middle East.*”

16% thought this was “very likely” and 20% thought it “somewhat likely”.


The poll also showed that 6% of Americans though it “very likely” and 10% though it “somewhat likely” that “the collapse if the twin towers in New York was aided by explosives secretly planted in the two buildings.” Assuming that half the respondents who said “somewhat likely” would have supported these theories if only given the options agree and disagree about 26% of Americans back MIHOP or LIHOP and 11% backed MIHOP .

That roughly corresponded with an August 2007 Zogby poll of “likely voters”. Participants were asked

There are three main schools of thought regarding the 9/11 attacks. The first theory is the official story, and maintains that 19 Arab fundamentalists executed a surprise attack which caught US intelligence and military forces off guard. The second theory known as Let It Happen argues that certain elements in the US government knew the attacks were coming but consciously let them proceed for various political, military and economic motives; and the third theory Made It Happen contends that certain US government elements actively planned or assisted some aspects of the attacks. Based upon your knowledge of 9/11 events and their aftermath, which theory are you more likely to agree with?


26.4% chose LIHOP and only 4.6% MIHOP. Though MIHOP was sharply down LIHOP picked up support, a total of 31% of “likely voters” backed the theories. The shifts from the earlier poll can be explained by the differences between the questions and respondents (likely voters vs. adults)

A poll released last week however shows that support for “truth” movement’s beliefs has sharply fallen, only 14% of American’s believed that “President Bush intentionally allowed the 9/11 attacks to take place because he wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?” which not only was a sharp drop from the 2006 and 2007 polls but not much less than the eight and ten percent respectively that believe Bush or Obama "is the Anti-Christ" and assuming an overlap of 50% or less lower than the number of people who believe either one "is the Anti-Christ"


Another sign of the decline of the "movement" was the dismal turn out at a 'truther' demonstration march last Sunday. In a 20 million person metro area only 80 - 100 showed up. That's about the number of people who at the same time a few blocks a way would have been waiting to get seats at Jing Fong (a popular Dim Sum place).

Earlier that morning "as many as 20,000 runners ran in the rain in the Annual Tunnel-to-Towers run to that is a fundraiser for good 9/11-related causes "

Edited by Len Colby
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Guest Stephen Turner
In July 2006 Scripps Howard sponsored a poll conducted by Ohio University. Respondents were asked how likely though certain conspiracy theories were. It was probably the first poll to ask Americans directly what they thought about the LIHOP and MIHOP theories.

The most pertinent question was:

“People in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted to United States to go to war in the Middle East.*”

16% thought this was “very likely” and 20% thought it “somewhat likely”.


The poll also showed that 6% of Americans though it “very likely” and 10% though it “somewhat likely” that “the collapse if the twin towers in New York was aided by explosives secretly planted in the two buildings.” Assuming that half the respondents who said “somewhat likely” would have supported these theories if only given the options agree and disagree about 26% of Americans back MIHOP or LIHOP and 11% backed MIHOP .

That roughly corresponded with an August 2007 Zogby poll of “likely voters”. Participants were asked

There are three main schools of thought regarding the 9/11 attacks. The first theory is the official story, and maintains that 19 Arab fundamentalists executed a surprise attack which caught US intelligence and military forces off guard. The second theory known as Let It Happen argues that certain elements in the US government knew the attacks were coming but consciously let them proceed for various political, military and economic motives; and the third theory Made It Happen contends that certain US government elements actively planned or assisted some aspects of the attacks. Based upon your knowledge of 9/11 events and their aftermath, which theory are you more likely to agree with?


26.4% chose LIHOP and only 4.6% MIHOP. Though MIHOP was sharply down LIHOP picked up support, a total of 31% of “likely voters” backed the theories. The shifts from the earlier poll can be explained by the differences between the questions and respondents (likely voters vs. adults)

A poll released last week however shows that support for “truth” movement’s beliefs has sharply fallen, only 14% of American’s believed that “President Bush intentionally allowed the 9/11 attacks to take place because he wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?” which not only was a sharp drop from the 2006 and 2007 polls but not much less than the eight and ten percent respectively that believe Bush or Obama "is the Anti-Christ" and assuming an overlap of 50% or less lower than the number of people who believe either one "is the Anti-Christ"


Another sign of the decline of the "movement" was the dismal turn out at a 'truther' demonstration march last Sunday. In a 20 million person metro area only 80 - 100 showed up. That's about the number of people who at the same time a few blocks a way would have been waiting to get seats at Jing Fong (a popular Dim Sum place).

Earlier that morning "as many as 20,000 runners ran in the rain in the Annual Tunnel-to-Towers run to that is a fundraiser for good 9/11-related causes "

God, you're behind the times Len, I just posted a thread that proves Mental health Professionals were responsible. Seriously, its not surprising that People are being turned off by the shenanigans of some truthers, its their inabilty to admit errors that sticks in the craw. I still believe that there is a debate to be had about events on that day, and the mistakes, or otherwise that allowed it to happen, but whilst we are still talking about ghost planes and bombs thai is never going to happen.

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Yeah one problem with that "al-Zawahiri" was an eye surgeon who became a general surgeon when he became a field doctor for Jihad.

Oh and I was mistaken about the number of participants in the Tunnel to Tower Run

"Braving downpours of rain, more than 25,000 drenched walkers and runners honored 9/11 heroes during the 8th annual Tunnel to Towers Run on Sunday morning"


Yet a few hours later after the weather turned sunny about 1/300 that number participated in the truthers 9/11 event

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